Junior high school students have one more activity than elementary school, about sex education.

Biology class has it, but the teachers in Jiangshui Township often talk about the physical structure of men and women, they are a bit secretive, and talk about sex.

Therefore, after Lin Luning communicated with Bai Mumu and Pang Guimei, they felt that it was necessary to popularize it to the students.

In fact, Bai Mumu didn't think of this at the beginning. She heard Cao Jun say that a woman was pregnant and jumped into the reservoir because she couldn't accept the pointers from the people around her.

When the body was salvaged, it had already been soaked beyond recognition, and it was only through the clothes that it was recognized.

This incident left a strong color in Bai Mumu's heart.

What she encourages and advocates is not sex, but reasonable and safe gender knowledge, including men and women's physical health and women's safety awareness, and they should be properly guided in this regard.

When she told Lin Luning, she was very calm in her heart, and Lin Luning was also very calm throughout the whole process.

Lin Luning is a doctor, and his profession has already abandoned sexual prejudice. In addition, he feels that even desire is human nature. Humans themselves are subject to desire and are above desire.

Bai Mumu looked at it entirely from the perspective of teaching lessons.


【Good morning】

This is the greeting emoji package that Lin Luning sent her two days after No.20.

Since the students of the junior high school held the event, Lin Luning sent her greetings every day like a check-in card, regardless of whether Bai Mumu returned or not, he continued to send her every day.

He wasn't the kind who kept pestering Bai Mumu for a reply, as if he really just completed a task, or used Bai Mumu's wechat as a check-in point.

In three more days, the students in Jiangshui Township will have their winter vacation, and there are only 20 days before the New Year.

Originally, Huang Si planned to come to see Bai Mumu during the winter vacation, but the plan couldn't keep up with the changes. She found out that she was pregnant a month ago, so her trip to Jiangshui Township to see Bai Mumu had to be interrupted.

When Bai Mumu was in Jiangshui Township, she received many things from Huang Si.

So she decided to go to City S before the new year, but after booking the itinerary, Bai Yiming came.

Bai Mumu took him back to the dormitory and looked at him carefully.

Bai Yiming's condition is quite good, after Xie Wan stopped torturing him, the stagnation in his body also disappeared.

"Sister, are you okay?" Bai Yiming squeezed the disposable cup in his hand, the water rippling slightly.

Bai Mumu understood that he was worried about himself, and patted the back of his hand to reassure him: "It's pretty good, but you, how is your studies? Are you keeping up with the progress?"

Because of taking care of Xie Wan, Bai Yiming took half a year off from school.

"It's all good." After Bai Yiming finished speaking, he took out a bank card from his pocket: "Sister, these are for you. Mom and I don't spend much money now, so we don't need them."

Bai Yiming was afraid that Bai Mumu would not accept it, so he continued: "We have always owed you, sister, you accept it, otherwise I will feel ashamed."

It's clear, maybe there is still the possibility of being a sibling. He is afraid that if the previous status quo is maintained, one day, he and Bai Mumu will go farther and farther.

There may be a telepathy between the siblings. At a certain moment, Bai Mumu seemed to hear Bai Yiming's inner voice.

"You will always be my brother."

Bai Yiming stayed in Jiangshui Village for a day, and felt relieved after seeing Bai Mumu's daily life. Although the conditions here are not rich, life is simple.

The trip back to S City was not delayed, but on the first day of the holiday, Zhu Li rushed to the school, holding Bai Mumu in her arms and crying all the time: "I don't understand, when we agreed to send it to us, why did he just leave alone?" People left quietly, he promised, he promised!"

Zhu Li couldn't cry, she was anxious and angry, she hugged Bai Mumu and didn't let go, she couldn't even pull her away.

Bai Mumu has been silently waiting for her to cry enough, and then calmly comforted her: "What's going on? Who left?"

Zhu Li squatted down, buried her head in the seam between her legs, and muttered: "It's the biology teacher in junior high school. I had already planned to send him off, tell him that I like him, even...even if he refuses." Yes, I have no complaints, but why! Why did he leave without saying goodbye!"

Tears flowed down again as she spoke: "Teacher Bai, I really like him very much. I have never liked someone so much in my life. I really don't understand. He obviously promised..."

Hearing Zhu Li's cry, Bai Mumu felt extremely sad.

She could understand Zhu Li's mood. She thought that when she left Lin Luning, she was very sad, but no matter how painful her heart was, she cried again, and she never dared to shed tears.

Feeling so sad, Bai Mumu cried along with Zhu Li: "Cry, just cry out all the pain and grievances in your heart. It's not that you are bad, but that he is not suitable for you."

At the end of crying, Zhu Li fell asleep lying on Bai Mumu's bed. Bai Mumu covered her with the quilt, and glanced at the tears at the end of her eyes and the occasional twitching. Even in her sleep, Zhu Li still slept restlessly.

Bai Mumu took a book and sat beside her until dusk fell, Zhu Li turned over and woke up in a trance.

"Teacher Bai..." Zhu Li's voice, which just woke up, was soft and waxy, as if it contained honey.

Bai Mumu closed the book, glanced casually, and landed on the ticket she bought the day before yesterday, and suddenly thought: "Do you want to go to City S with me?"

Zhu Liren, who had just woken up, was still not sober. She stared blankly at the front, and after a long pause, she suddenly turned around: "Mr. Bai, what did you just say? Did you say about City S?"

Zhu Li's emotions came and went quickly. Although she was still a little sad in her heart, after crying for a while, her heart was not as blocked as before.

Bai Mumu's arm was about to be broken by Zhu Li's shaking. With a smile in her eyes, she nodded slightly: "I will go to S City the day after tomorrow and ask if you want to stay with me for a week."

The desire called "want to go" clearly surged in Zhu Li's eyes, but she didn't reply immediately because she cared about her family.

She sat up from the bed, took Bai Mumu's arm and leaned against her again, coquettishly: "Mr. Bai, can you wait for me to go home and ask, tomorrow, I will give you news tomorrow!"

Bai Mumu pulled out her arm and tapped Zhu Li's nose: "You can take your time to think about the ticket for the day after tomorrow."

Although Zhu Li's family was a little worried, the child was too old to be trapped.

They sent Zhu Li and Bai Mumu to the station, and kept telling them, "Discuss with Teacher Bai everything you encounter along the way, don't play your childish temper, people outside are not as spoiled by you as we are!"

After speaking, Zhu Li took Bai Mumu's hand again, her loving mother and father were eager: "Zhu Li is too temperamental, and she rarely travels far. Teacher Bai has worked hard along the way to take care of her."

Bai Mumu was not impatient yet, Zhu Li's ears were almost callused: "Mom, Dad, you go back, I am an adult, I can take care of myself!"

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