Chapter 316 The Reason for the Upgrade

"System, welcome back." Xie Ning said to the system, expressing his joy for his friend's return.

[Host, I'm sorry to have worried you during this period. The upgrade was too sudden and I didn't expect it...] The system itself didn't expect that when Xie Ning gave birth to the child, the system would suddenly gain energy and be able to upgrade. Moreover, it was temporarily closed during the upgrade, making it impossible to talk to Xie Ning.

Yes, the metallic mechanical sound at that time was indeed not it.

In getting along with Xie Ning, the system tends to be more and more humanized, just like a real person. For example, now, it will use "I" as the subject and say sorry to Xie Ning. Just one person.

This is one of the reasons why Xie Ning regards the system as a friend and partner.

"System, can you tell me the reason for the upgrade?"

【Can. 】

In fact, the system also found it strange.

Because the system never knew that it could be upgraded, it thought it would always be this version.

Therefore, the sudden upgrade also caught the system by surprise.

At that time, Xie Ning was going to have a baby. Although it didn't come out, it knew it.

Seeing how painful it was for Xie Ning to give birth, it hoped that it could help Xie Ning alleviate the pain. It tried to separate the energy from its core, hoping to use it on Xie Ning.

Just when it released its energy and was about to use it on Xie Ning, a message suddenly came from its inner core, saying that it had met the conditions for upgrading.

Moreover, during the upgrade, the system will be temporarily shut down and the upgrade time is uncertain.

Then, the inner core automatically closes.

The system didn't even have time to say anything to Xie Ning. It only had time to use the energy to help Xie Ning on her, and then fell into a "sleep", that is, shut down.

Subsequently, the system felt that it was wrapped in a beam of golden light. The golden light seemed to be the energy it needed to upgrade, so it "sleeping" absorbed the energy and began to upgrade.

It wasn't until tonight that the upgrade was completed, the panel was opened again, and it could come out to talk to Xie Ning.

When the system said this, Xie Ning was also thinking about the reasons for the system upgrade.

Originally, she thought that after the system upgrade was completed, she would be able to get the reason from the system. Unexpectedly, the system itself was also a little confused.

She was thinking that the opportunity for system upgrade was because the system wanted to give her part of its energy to use, so was there any opportunity for upgrade?
Xie Ning was just guessing, not sure.

But she did know that the golden light the system was talking about was probably the golden light that broke through the dark clouds and fell from the sky when she gave birth to Huanquan and Mengmeng.

Xie Ning hadn't seen it with his own eyes, but he had seen it in a video shot by others on the Internet.

Netizens described the golden light as miraculous, and Xie Ning later learned from the hospital that the golden light indeed had miraculous effects.

Therefore, Xie Ning thinks it is possible that this golden light can bring energy to system upgrades.

However, no matter what the opportunity for the system upgrade is, it is finally back now, which is something to be happy about. As for other things, there is no point in guessing. When it is time to know, you will naturally know.

Xie Ning's personality is relatively calm and open-minded. He never gets to the bottom of things or forces a definite result.

Everything is up to fate.

When fate arrives, everything will become clear.

However, when it came to this golden light, Xie Ning also told the system the guesswork of the netizens.Xie Ning said it casually, as if he was chatting with a friend, and he also casually talked about his previous life in the circle and being able to understand what the king and Jessica said.

How could the next sentence spoken by the system make Xie Ning dumbfounded?

[The identities and abilities of the host, Quanquan and Mengmeng may not be simple. 】

"Why is it not simple? Are they really like gods descending to earth as the netizens said?" Xie Ning just said it casually. Who would have thought that the next second the system would just stop talking.

It's a little different if you don't speak at this time.

Xie Ning was stunned, and then tentatively said: "System, it should be, it shouldn't be possible for me to guess it, right?"

[Yes and no. ] In the end, the system gave a mysterious and ambiguous answer.

Xie Ning wanted to ask, is that yes or no?But she also knew that this might be the most accurate and best answer that the system could give. If she asked again, the system would probably know this.

Quietly, I was a little surprised, and also a little confused after being stunned.

But Xie Ning recovered quickly.

No matter what the status of the two children was in the previous life or before, they are now her children, her babies. She is their mother, who will care for them, give them love and warmth, and accompany them to grow up.

Xie Ning felt that after experiencing the possibility of leaving the system this time, her mentality became more stable and peaceful.

Don’t investigate everything, don’t force anything, work hard, and then let nature take its course and let it happen. The future and destiny will give you the best answer.

After compiling his mood, Xie Ning also turned his attention to the newly changed system panel.

He sighed: "System, with this upgrade, you seem to have a new skin."

From the original sky blue to the current soft and gorgeous golden color.

[Yes, host, there are two other changes in this upgrade. 】

The system informed Xie Ning of its changes after this upgrade.

The first one is that the mechanism for unlocking cards has changed.

In the past, to unlock cards, you had to accumulate a certain amount of fan attention, but now it is no longer calculated according to this.

"You mean, in the future, you don't need to rely on accumulating the number of fans to unlock cards, but the number of merits?" Xie Ning was a little surprised and confused, "What is the number of merits? By the way, the ones I accumulated before are not You shouldn’t have swallowed the unlocked cards, right?”

If it was really swallowed, then Xie Ning would not agree.

【of course not!There are 8 cards that have not been unlocked before, and they are all reserved for the host, but they have become 8 merit points. The host can exchange the merit points for cards. 】

"Huh? Tell me specifically what the exchange method is?" Xie Ning asked.

"What exactly is this merit number? And how is it calculated?"

[Merits, as the name suggests, are the good deeds and beneficial deeds done by the host using the cards unlocked by the system for the country, the people, and even the whole world. One by one, one by one, they all belong to the host's merits. 】

[As for how to calculate, the system has an automatic set of calculation rules, but this rule is hidden and I am not very clear about it. However, on the last day of each month, the host’s merits for the month will be automatically calculated. 1 number of merits = 1 unlocked card. New cards, that's a constant. 】

(End of this chapter)

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