Taixi County, where it has just rained, is getting more and more sweltering.

The back hall of the county government.

"How is it? How much did you get?" the county magistrate asked anxiously.

The middle-aged man had just counted the money in the treasury, and said in a deep voice: "My lord, there is still a shortfall of 1 taels."

The county magistrate was silent for a while, and asked, "Is this year's grain tax included?"

The middle-aged man knows that the food tax mentioned by the county magistrate is naturally not what they have to pay to the court, but the extra part that they have collected privately, "I have already counted all the money received this year. 10 taels can only be taken out of the adult's private treasury."

Five days ago, the person in charge of assessing the performance of officials from the Ministry of Officials had arrived in Taizhou, and the county magistrate visited him in person. He paid a lot of money and made side-steps and finally got a letter of approval. If he wants to be transferred to the south as an official, he needs to collect 10 yuan. Two silver dots.

Conscience of heaven and earth, he has only saved 13 taels of silver after being a county magistrate here for four years. He just wants to be transferred, not promoted, and he has to pay 10 taels!

He has already taken out 7 taels from his private treasury, plus the income he received this year, and he has only collected 9 taels. Not willing.

If it can be transferred away smoothly, won't you have to spend money to manage it?Although he still has 6 taels in his private treasury, he doesn't want to spend any more!
Originally, the county didn't think about being transferred to the south. As long as he can get an excellent performance test and be promoted, he can be transferred to any place, except for those places that are too remote and have no lucrative water, he can accept it.

Who made the imperial army too useless, or those bandits who started the uprising were too vicious.

All in all, following the news from the county towns that were taken down by the rebels, I don’t know how many county magistrates have been shown to the public by the bandits. The county magistrates don’t want to stay here for a moment. It belongs to him.

He low-key dealt with his property here, collected a lot of money, and even privately withheld a lot of the city entry fee allocated with the nearby military camp.

"Let's go to collect one side of the business tax first, and send people to the surrounding area to collect it again, and use the reason of the imperial court's war to increase the grain tax, so that we should be able to get it all together."

The middle-aged man was a little hesitant, "But my lord, the merchants in the city are fine with the yamen servants here, so they can't make trouble, but the farmers outside are afraid that some people will be disobedient." Is that how they all came here?
The county magistrate sternly said: "Catch me if you are disobedient. Do you need me to teach you?" Earlier, he thought not to go too far, lest those mud legs rebel, and he had to spend money to hire those big soldiers Counter-insurgency, now is the time, how can he manage so much?As long as the money is collected, what will these people care about him? He has already gone to the south to continue to be an official.

The money spent can also find a way to earn back.

The middle-aged man is a counselor invited by the county magistrate, and he can only sigh when he hears this. He can only suggest, but cannot make decisions for the other party.

There were complaints after the news of the tax payment again spread.

When the bad guest came, a cloth shopkeeper apologized and said with a smile: "My lord, I remember that I just paid the tax a few days ago?"

The official did not know how many houses he had collected along the way, and he had long been impatient with these people's inquiries, and said in a vicious voice: "Then why do you still want to eat today after eating yesterday? Stop talking nonsense and pay the tax bank quickly. Instructions from the imperial court, don’t waste my time on me, if I missed something, the magistrate will blame you, will you bear it for me?” After speaking, he kept hitting the table with the handle of the knife.

It was Policeman Zhao who came to Wang Xiujuan's cold drink shop to collect the business tax. The acquaintances were easy to talk to. After paying the money, the old lady asked tentatively: "I remember that I just paid the tax not long ago? Why do you have to pay it again?"

If someone asked Catcher Zhao, he would definitely be too lazy to say it, but he and Ning Changrong are brothers anyway, so he explained patiently: "This is an order just issued by the higher-ups. I heard that the imperial court wants to collect money to fight the war. The county magistrate, the surrounding villages have already collected them."

After Wang Xiujuan sent the man away, Grandma Lai came out from behind. It was no problem for her to deal with other people in the county, but when she saw this official, she trembled all over and couldn't speak clearly.

"I heard it just now. Why do we have to pay money again? How much does our village have to pay? God, let people live."

Xiayuan Village.

"Five hundred coins per household, hurry up and inform the people in your village, get the money ready, don't wait until we go, and send someone to me if you can't afford it! Go to the corvee!"

Village head Ning was still a little confused after being told by the officer. Seeing the angry faces of these people, he didn't dare to ask further questions. He asked people to pass the news on and went door-to-door with them to collect money.

Ning Changrong and his family were separated in private, but they were still one family on the surface. When the official sent him, he had already prepared the money, and the three families pooled [-] yuan.

Perhaps it was because he paid taxes too neatly, and the officials were also busy with business, so there wasn't too much embarrassment.

Five hundred coins is nothing to their family at present, but the problem is that it is only 30 years since Yuanjing, and this tax bank has been received by Yuanjing for 41 years!It's outrageous!

He just noticed something was wrong when paying the grain tax a few days ago, and he realized today that the tax money was paid in advance in this way, and it was temporarily increased.

Whether Nanchen can last until Yuanjing 41 is another matter. There is a 90.00% possibility that the tax was paid for nothing.

Everyone in the village made some money with his family, and every household chose to pay. No one was willing to serve in corvee. It's not like they didn't see how miserable those people were when they came back last year.

The officials who collected the tax did not expect that this village was actually quite rich, and they could all pay for it, unlike the crying villages before them who could only send out people to deduct taxes in the end.

Seeing that it didn't take an hour to collect it.

They put the collected copper coins on a donkey cart and sent someone to transport them back first, while others went to the next village.

What the middle-aged counselor ordered was 450 Wen per household, but it became [-] Wen in the mouths of some people, and it was finally implemented by the common people to receive [-] Wen.

Working together, the entire county government got rich together.

Someone from the official team that had already left said: "I didn't expect Xiayuan Village to be quite rich. It seems that we can add more next time."

"I heard that their village was the first to sell Chinese cabbage, and they made a lot of money."

"I just said, how can every household get money? It turns out that's the case. Next time, we can let them sell more in the village."

Ning Changrong had been standing at the entrance of the village watching the officials leave, and could vaguely hear their wanton laughter.

"Evergreen, don't look at it, go back."

Village head Ning sighed and walked home with his hands behind his back. He had already paid [-]% of the grain tax, and now he came to press for the tax again. This time, they could finally pay the money. What about next time?

Originally, he wanted to build another house for his family, but now that he thinks about it, he should take it easy, the stomach is more important.

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