Chapter 207
Wen Chengyun's face was more solemn than ever.It has been more than ten years since the father came to power, and the shadow of the previous dynasty has long since been obliterated.

The appearance of Liao Yu now means that not only did the people of the Yuandu Dynasty not stop, but they took advantage of my emperor's benevolent government and began to cautiously enter the court and the military.

"Is the news true? This matter is not a joke. It is related to the foundation of the dynasty. If the information you provide is reliable, this king can save your life during the trial."

As soon as Wen Chengyun's words came out, Lieutenant General Li was stunned. After he slowed down for two or three seconds, his whole body exploded with unprecedented vitality. Is there any chance of a comeback?

"My guess is not groundless. It's just that when I found out, I was already on a pirate ship and there was no way out. If the prince believes in me, I will do my best and die!"

Wen Chengyun pursed his lips, but temporarily accepted Lieutenant General Li as a scapegoat. At present, Liao Yu, a general in charge, is missing in the army. If there is a big change of blood blindly, it will only make people panic.

Cheng Xiang, who was sent to the border guard team before, is a useful talent, so a loyal person can be raised to the position of general to fill the vacancy.

While Wen Chengyun was talking to Lieutenant General Li, Wu Qi heard the familiar cry of an eagle. He raised his head and glanced at the eagle circling in the sky, found a wide area, and stretched out his arms.

The eagle began to dive down, its speed was as fast as lightning, and it did not slow down until it was less than ten steps in front of Wu Qi, and finally stopped on the wrist.

"Master, a letter from the capital."

Wu Qi quickly approached the big tent with the eagle, because the matter of Liao Yu had been sent back to the capital, so the eagle also appeared in the barracks openly.

Wen Chengyun's face was a little tired. He just got an important clue from Lieutenant General Li. The possibility of the existence of the former dynasty gave him a headache. At this time, none of the letters from the capital was a piece of comfort.

The fluttering letter was filled with longing for the imperial concubine and Wen Chengming...Wen Chengyun only felt that one head was two big.This is a confidential letter, not a family letter. It is not useless to write so many parties that cannot see it.

"The truth about the embezzlement of food and military pay in the North Korean army has surfaced. My son has completed the task and will return to the court with his family and teachers in a few days."

Wen Chengyun frowned involuntarily when he saw this sentence.From the tone of the letter, it is not difficult to guess that the father has already identified Liao Yuan as the mastermind of this case.

There are still remnants of the previous dynasty, and the news of infiltrating the court is only known to him today, and it is too late to report it, so this inference is reasonable.

However, the matter of returning to the capital can indeed be put on the agenda. The matter on the border has come to an end, and the moth has come to light. On the contrary, it is the capital, where the emperor's feet are full of fog and need to be detected.

"My lord, do you want to inform the holy majesty about the remnants of the previous dynasty? The eagle comes and goes, but the journey is only two days away."

Wu Qi sensed Wen Chengyun's preoccupation and asked questions empathetically.Although he withdrew from the account at that time, it was only a formalism for Lieutenant General Li to confide in peace of mind. In order to protect Wen Chengyun's safety, he listened to what he should and didn't listen to.

"Suppress it for the time being, it's rare to have good news. We'll talk about it later when we go back."

Wen Chengyun rubbed his temples, got up, lifted the tent and walked out of the tent. The sky outside was full of stars, which seemed to indicate a bright future.

But at this time, he was far away in the mansion in the capital.

"No, I thought about it, but I still don't feel at ease. At the early court today, the attitude of the Holy Majesty was really elusive..."

Sun Youcai, Minister of the Household Department, tossed and turned on the bed, the more he thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong.

Liao Yu has already had an accident. According to the court's work process, all related mansions are bound to be searched.Although the letter has always adhered to the principle of burning as soon as possible, but people's hearts are unpredictable, and it is hard to guarantee that Liao Yu will not be careful, leaving one or two letters for emergencies.

"Are you finished? If you can't sleep, get out and don't disturb my sleep here."

Hubu Shangshu's wife was disturbed by the disturbance, she just kicked her leg and was kicked out of bed.Since coming back from the morning court today, she has been babbling all the time, even a woman like her can't understand these things, so what's the use of chanting with herself.

"Okay, madam, rest first. I'll go sit in the yard..."

Sun Youcai felt aggrieved, so he simply pulled up his trousers, put on his coat and walked into the courtyard.

If the Holy Majesty had noticed something was wrong, he would have dealt with himself a long time ago according to the vigorous and resolute means.I have been working for many years, except for this matter, other aspects can be said to be dedicated and conscientious.

The correspondence with Liao Yu is all encrypted in Niaoyu, and ordinary people should not be able to decipher it...

Sun Youcai paced around the yard several times, but decided to take the risk and ask his daughter for help. After all, sometimes the effect of the wind beside the pillow should not be underestimated.

However, what Sun Youcai didn't expect was that the most important thing about Sheng Shang was that he couldn't bear it.

In his view, Sun Youcai is just a bait for calling out other people. Such a huge amount of corruption must be intertwined, and it is impossible for one person to cover the sky with one hand.

Not only the big fish have to be caught, but all the small fish have to be scooped up.

Even though Wen Chenyun's letter was clearly written, the Secretary of the Household Department was a high-ranking member of the court after all, and if it weren't for the solid evidence, it would be difficult for the censor to subdue him.

That night, a gray pigeon flew from the house of Shangshu Hubu to the deep palace.

Sun Youcai's daughter is Sun Jieyu, usually Sun Jieyu is just an inconspicuous existence in the palace, and the Holy Majesty rarely visits her. As for Jieyu's position, the queen is bit by bit. up.

Knowing that what her father was doing was very dangerous, Sun Jieyu actually lived in fear every day in the palace, and did not dare to sleep too deeply at night, for fear of missing important news.

Therefore, when the pigeon flapped its wings and flew from the window to the table, the movement immediately woke up Sun Jieyu who was in a light sleep.

She stood up from the bed, looked at the small black eyes of the pigeon, and felt a little beating in her heart.

Ever since she entered the palace, she has been most afraid of receiving letters from her family. Fortunately, all these years have been peaceful, and now she has a bad premonition in her heart when she writes rashly.

After opening the letter, he breathed a sigh of relief.Judging from the wording of the letter, what my father did may not be exposed, and the letter is full of worrying words.

As for the attitude of the Holy Majesty, she personally prefers the conventional expression of the emperor's mind, in order to blow up those who have a guilty conscience.

But after all, being with the king is like being with a tiger, and I can't see the holy a few times throughout the year, let alone speculate on the king's heart?
After a little hesitation, Sun Jieyu, who knew her lack of ability, decided to ask for help...

(End of this chapter)

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