Chapter 86

Su Jian stretched out her hand, waiting for Su Qin to give the list, but Su Qin didn't move for a long time.She couldn't help but speak again: "Where's the children's list?"

Su Qin hesitated, but finally handed the list to Su Jian, "There are thirteen children in the village who are about the same age as Xiaolei, and they must go to school in the school."

While Su Jian looked at the list of children and listened to Su Qin's words, her eyes gradually became condensed.When counting the children going to school, although she asked the village to inform, she made sure that she emphasized the sentence that both men and women can go to school.But looking at the name, age, and gender of each child in Su Qin's record list...

The list in her hand was all boys.

"Little Jane is thinking how many children are too old?" Su Qin explained: "In terms of age, they are a few years older than Xiaolei, but they have never gone to school, and it is okay to be enlightened with Xiaolei. And if As you said, the purpose of our school is not to make everyone take the No. [-] Scholar Examination, to be a scholar, but to make everyone literate and sensible."

"Why are there no female students?" Su Jian looked up at Su Qin.

Su Qin was taken aback, met Su Jian's gaze, and felt guilty for some reason: "There has never been such a thing as co-education. If we set up a women's class...Xiao Jian, although your idea is very good, we need to ask Female wife. Moreover, this is the countryside, and it is difficult for rural men to study and find a way out, let alone women."

In fact, what Su Qin did not say is that in some poor families, it is good for girls to grow up safely, and grown-up girls will learn to do things early, and then wait to get married. Reading is a luxury and useless for them.

Su Jian's heart was heavy, as if someone had punched her.It was not a whim to open the school at the beginning. Xiaolei really wanted to ask a master to teach. She thought that a master teaching a child is teaching, and teaching a group of children is also teaching.The integration and utilization of resources is conducive to the learning of those children who cannot go to school, and Xiaolei also has company.

But there are only male students, no female students...

That being said, she is still too idealistic.

I thought that the children in the village would be happy to let Xiaolei go to school.If there is any difficulty, the only difficulty is Shu Xiu.She pretended to be exempt from Shu Xiu, and she thought that everyone would catch up with those who didn't need money and were beneficial.

The result...isn't it?

Seeing that Su Jian has been silent, Su Qin seemed to be disappointed: "Xiao Jian?"

Su Jian lowered her eyes, feeling depressed in her heart: "Okay, I don't want to talk about this anymore, you go and call Xiong Da for me."

Su Qin opened his mouth, he could feel Su Jian's unhappiness, but he didn't understand why Su Jian was unhappy, but Su Jian had already asked him to do something, so it was not good for him to stay.

the village.

After Xiong Da explained his intentions, the village couldn't sit still for a moment, and excitedly and eagerly dragged Xiong Da to the field.

Su Jian actually prepared a prescription for powdery mildew!

He also thought that Su Jian would have nothing to do in the end, because wheat powdery mildew occurs every year, but it has not been solved.

According to Su Jian's instructions, after mixing the prescription, Xiong Da was about to start applying the medicine to the field, but he didn't want the ground to start shaking. Surrounded.Obviously everyone is different, but their eyes are surprisingly all on his hands.

"Brother Xiong, don't you know what to do? If you dictate, I'll do it!" Tie Niu jumped off the field ridge and landed firmly in the field.

Xiong Da looked at Tieniu warily, avoiding his outstretched hand. He knew that Tieniu and the village were about to become their wives, and he knew in his heart that he should be more respectful to them: "You really don't need so many people to come. Well, this prescription was made by my wife, and it still needs to be tested if it is effective or not.

But our wife said that if the experiment is wrong and the wheat is damaged, she will compensate. "

After hearing Xiong Da's words, the owner of the field's eyes lit up for a moment, and then quickly lowered his head.

The villager hurriedly said: "Madam is helping us, although we are all poor people and have little money, we do have a conscience!

We don’t know if the wheat will be able to harvest if it is sick. Madam is helping us by dispensing the prescription. If it succeeds, everyone will be happy. We are grateful; but if it fails...we will always keep Madam’s help in mind How dare you ask your wife for compensation? "

"This... If there is no prescription, even if the wheat is sick, there will still be some harvest." A peasant woman said.

The villager looked at the speaking peasant woman with warning eyes: "I heard that you are questioning my words, and it is also in the heart of General Han's wife!"

"Uncle Lizheng, I'm just telling the truth."

"Tell me the truth!" The villager snorted coldly: "If we help and fail, we will ask others to pay for it. Who will help us in the future?"

"Uncle Li Zheng, now you are going to be the wife of the General's Mansion, and Madam will give you monthly money every month. You are already a Madam, so you will naturally speak for Madam." The peasant woman thought that she had already spoken. Alright, now that I've said it all, let's say it thoroughly.

The village was angry. He waited for someone to stand up and speak for him, but he was disappointed. Although no one spoke for the peasant woman, no one stood up for him to reprimand the peasant woman. He turned to look at the owner of the field where Xiong Da was. : "Ergou, the land is yours, you say it yourself! Madam is kind enough to help you cure powdery mildew. If it fails in the end, do you want Madam to compensate you for the wheat?"

Hearing the words, Ergou raised his head to look at the villager, and found that everyone's eyes were on him, and he was speechless for a while.

Xiong Da opened his mouth, he was just describing Su Jian's meaning, but he didn't expect that it would trigger a debate in the village, but he also wanted to know Ergou's answer.

Although the people in the village have a lot of maintenance for the general's mansion, the general's mansion has always been protecting them.Whatever it is, it's mutual.He also didn't want his wife to be kind enough to help, and end up with a chilling result.

At that time, Xiong Da hadn't realized that he had completely regarded Su Jian as his master, and he maintained it with all his heart.

Er Gou struggled in his heart. As time went by, his entanglement became more and more serious. Under the repeated urging of the villagers, he looked towards the field where Xiong Da was.

He wants a harvest, he wants an income, he doesn't want his wheat to be lost.

"Of course I am grateful for Madam's help, and I will not ask Madam for compensation."

After the two dogs finished talking, everyone's expressions were different. Some people were relieved and felt relieved, while others were sneering.Er Gou is so poor, he just counts on the harvest of wheat to have a full meal, if there is a mistake in the wheat, he still doesn't want to compensate, he doesn't want to live anymore?

 Thanks to the little cuties with tail numbers 7975, 5775, and 7766 from Qidian who voted for me monthly, and thanks to John.dc, Hanqing, Huaxiang and other cuties who voted for me. (I am looking forward to receiving comments from all of you cuties. I want to know your opinions on this book. I love you.) I hope everyone will be in a good mood every day, sprinkle flowers, and salute!
(End of this chapter)

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