Chapter 145 Sending Bilian and Green Tea
Wen Mo listened in a slight silence.

Bilian, why doesn't this feel like a good word?
But looking at Wen Rong's big clear and innocent eyes, Wen Mo felt that he must be thinking wrong.

He thought that in ancient times there were poets who were called Layman Qinglian.

Bilian and Qinglian should be similar.

Wen Mo nodded thoughtfully: "Qinglian, elegant and pure, unstained from the mud, really fits with Yaning's temperament."

Wen Rong's smile became even brighter, and he stuffed the imperial green scrap into Wen Mo's palm, and said solemnly: "Brother, go and make this piece of jade into a green lotus pendant, and give it to you on your birthday. Sister Yaning will definitely like it."

Wen Mo nodded.

Although it felt weird, my sister would never trick him into harming him.

Wen Mo asked: "You gave me the jade, and put the rest up for auction. What are you going to give your sister Ya Ning?"

Wen Rong rested her chin in one hand, thought for a while, and said, "Naturally, I want to do what I like. Sister Ya Ning has always liked drinking tea.

I heard from Ye Wangchao that green tea is good for your health, anti-aging, weight loss, and cancer prevention.I want to buy a good Yuqian Longjing tea for her. "

Wen Mo felt that this was a strange thing to say, and if someone else said it, he would definitely suspect that Bai Yaning was green tea.

However, his sister must have said this out of sincere feelings.Moreover, Bai Yaning really likes to drink tea, he often drinks various scented teas for beauty and beauty, so he must also like to drink green tea.

Ye Wangchao's family is a pharmaceutical company, and his mother's family runs a hospital. According to him, it seems that green tea is quite good for health.

Wen Rong looked at Wen Mo with a smile, his eyes were clear and innocent: "Brother, what do you think?"

Wen Mo nodded: "If you are interested, Yaning will definitely like it."

Wen Rong's heart: Hahahahaha!At that time, Bai Yaning might want to throw the two brothers and sisters out.

After going home.

Wen Songze saw Wen Mo carrying two large cloth bags, thinking that the brother and sister had come back from shopping, and came to help, but suddenly sank, and almost fell to the ground.

Wen Mo was terrified, "Dad, be careful."

"What is so heavy?"

Wen Songze was a little surprised. When he opened the bag, he was blinded by a piece of emerald green. He asked in a daze, "So many emeralds?"

Wen Mo glanced at Wen Rong, "My sister made it out of betting on stones."

"Ah, Fluffy opened? Fluffy is amazing, she is indeed my precious daughter!"

Wen Songze took out the jade and stroked it gently, still feeling unreal.

Wen Songze and Wen Mo quickly took the jadeite to the auction market for consignment in order to avoid long nights and dreams. In the end, they got a total of 6000 million emperor yuan.

Wen Rong wanted to give all the proceeds from the auction of jade to Wen Songze and Wen Mo and his son to rebuild the company, but Wen Mo only wanted [-] million, and she could keep the rest of the money.

Wen Rong was helpless, but she wanted to research something else, and she really needed money, so she didn't shirk it anymore.

At the same time, at the Industrial and Commercial Bureau, Wen Jiaxin's company's registration application was also approved.

Wen Songze and Wen Mo were both surprised by this.

After all, Fu Xiuhan probably greeted the Industrial and Commercial Bureau, and kept pressing their registration application.Unexpectedly, their registration application would suddenly be approved now.

During dinner, Wen Songze asked Wen Rong: "Rongrong, did that kid from the Ye family help?"

Before Wen Rong could answer, Wen Mo denied it in surprise: "Ye Wangchao is not capable of this."

If Ye Wangchao could really get in touch with the Industrial and Commercial Bureau, their family's registration application would not be stuck for so long.

"It's not him." Wen Rong also said, and at the same time Jiang Si's rich and beautiful face appeared in his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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