Wen Rong rubbed Hua Nuo's head helplessly, "Okay. I'll just take you with me, okay?"

Although she was not familiar with these two naive royal princesses, she preferred Hua Nuo.

Hua Nuo was stunned when her head was touched for the first time. She slowly raised her head and glanced at Wen Rong, with a hint of joy on her usually cold and tight face.

It turns out that she can also have this feeling of being favored...

Hua Nuo hugged her arm, nodded, and glanced at Hua Yao coldly.

Huayao Danfeng's eyes widened. Was Hua Nuo provoking her?
Definitely provocative!


"No, Wen Rong, I am all yours, you can't abandon me!" She shouted to Wen Rong confidently, as if she was scolding a scumbag.

Wen Rong just glanced at her lightly and said, "Princess Yao, let me correct you. You are my migrant worker. If you insist on going by your words, I still have a few people in the company to support."

Huayao: "But I am the princess!"

Wen Rong: "If you don't want to work, the princess can leave at any time."

If it had been anyone else, Hua Yao would have walked away.However, she had just seen Hua Nuo's attitude towards Wen Rong, and Hua Nuo definitely wanted her to leave right away!

"I won't leave! I won't be afraid of getting fat even if I eat any dessert." She said sourly, threw away her bag and left.

Passing by a dessert shop, Hua Yao walked by with a cold face and clicked on high heels. She didn't know what she thought of, but she slowly stepped back and said to the clerk: "Everything has been packed for me."

Wen Rong took Hua Nuo to a dessert shop in a nearby shopping mall. She didn't know what Hua Nuo liked, so she simply weighed a little of everything.

Hua Nuo was very happy, but said sensibly: "Sister, there are so many things I can't finish."

Wen Rong: "It's okay. If you can't finish it, you can take it back and share it with your bodyguards."

Hua Nuo nodded obediently, but what he was thinking was, I don’t want it!What her sister gave her, she would not share with others.

Finally coming out of the dessert shop, Hua Nuo felt sweet in his heart.She had never been so happy.Even happier than being reused by the Queen.

When she went back, Hua Nuo had a lot of things, so she called someone to come over.

When they parted, she looked at Wen Rong with concern, "Sister, can I still play with you in the future?"

Wen Rong took a bite of the small cake and said with a smile, "Okay. Just don't delay your business."

She had heard from Jiang Si that Hua Nuo was still in college like Jiang Wu, but due to some reasons, Hua Nuo graduated from Imperial University two years ahead of schedule by completing his credits. Now he has joined the cabinet to participate in discussions, and is already able to Represents the eldest princess faction.

What she wants to fight for is the position of queen, so it will naturally be more difficult than ordinary people.

Wen Rong walked this road once when he was in the interstellar, and he knew better than anyone else what kind of bloodshed lay behind the infinite glory.

When Wen Rong saw Hua Nuo, it was as if he saw himself struggling to move forward in the interstellar era, and it was inevitable that he felt a little soft-hearted.

After watching Hua Nuo leave, Wen Rong met Jiang Si.

He came to see her. He had obviously heard about what happened today from Yi Su. His peach blossom eyes drooped slightly, "The eldest lady is so kind to the little princess."

Wen Rong holds his forehead, is this over yet?

She had worked hard to become the empress and had never enjoyed the joy of having three thousand beauties in the harem, but now she had to coax these naive humans like beauties.

"The eldest lady has never bought me desserts." Jiang Si's eyes were like those of a resentful woman.

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