Chapter 136 Reward 【Update】

In my spare time, I go to the mountains to dig wild vegetables, collect firewood, and go to work on the ground.

And Chunhua is one of the few girls in the brigade who graduated from junior high school.

The family also knew how to be grateful. When Lin Jinxing and Chunhua went up the mountain together, they always brought some snacks and gave some to Chunhua every time.

Grandma Lin and Grandpa Lin would also bring some food when they went to the mountains or the fields. They saw that the stones and spring flowers were cute and sensible, and they would stuff some food and drink when they met.

When Chunhua's parents know about it, they will return some sauerkraut, wild fruit, wild vegetables, etc.

Chunhua's parents would occasionally go to Grandpa Lin's and Grandma Lin's. If there was a job that Grandpa Lin and Grandma Lin couldn't do, they would help out, so that Lin Jinan would be able to go home at night with ease.

Lin Jinxing's family never thought of asking Chunhua's family to return anything, but they always try their best to return one or two things.

In this way, Grandpa Lin and Grandma Lin lived more comfortably in the brigade.

Lin Jinxing's family also reciprocated, and they treated Chunhua and Shitou better, and the two families also communicated more and more, and the relationship became closer visible to the naked eye.

And Lin Jinxing likes to go up the mountain with Chunhua, not only because they helped his grandparents, but also because Chunhua never talks about girls like other people.

Once she was digging wild vegetables up the mountain with an aunt. The aunt was so mean, saying that as a girl, Lin Jinxing would hand over the money she made to her family. Your third brother is not married yet, so your parents will prepare three transfers for him. ring.

She also said that she wanted to introduce someone to Lin Jinxing, and how much dowry she could give, which would also reduce the burden on the family.

Ugh~, Lin Jinxing threw his face away at that time, if it wasn't for fear that the rumors in the brigade would be too ugly, Lin Jinxing would have wanted to kill her at that time.

However, there are very few people who are as cheap as that aunt. Under normal circumstances, everyone still chats about homework, farming, and gossip about the parents and the west.


After returning home, Lin Jinxing curiously went to grandma's side and asked, "What did Auntie Xiuying say to you? Did you say kiss to third brother?"

Grandma Lin had a disgusted expression on her face, "Yes, a niece from her natal family, named Cheng Juhua, is nineteen years old, and her parents are gone, so she lives with her two younger sisters and one younger brother.

There are five rooms in the family, but her uncle's family is eyeing her and wants to marry her off casually. Then her uncle's family will support her younger brother, and the house will belong to her uncle's family.

She felt sorry for her niece, and wanted to find a good man for her niece, and then suppress her niece's uncle's family and keep the house. "

"Hmm..." Lin Jinxing fell silent, not knowing what to say.

After a long time, Lin Jinxing opened his mouth, "How long has her parents been dead?"

"Seven years, her younger brother is the youngest, he is nine years old this year, and his parents died when her younger brother was two years old."

Lin Jinxing scratched her head, "If you just say that she is very capable, like Aunt Xiuying said, she is really good at being able to raise younger siblings by herself, but this is not to agree with her and the three. The reason for the blind date."

"Yes, according to what she said, her niece is very nice and capable, but marrying her niece means endless troubles.

The main purpose of Cheng Juhua's marriage is to save their house for her younger brother. If she wants to save the house for her, she has to deal with her uncle's family. The house that her uncle regarded as his palm is gone. people?

Then there are her younger brothers and sisters. Raising children is not just about feeding them.

(End of this chapter)

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