The big girl's seven orifices were full of smoke, and she wanted to rush forward when she was pulled by everyone. If it wasn't for someone pulling her, she would have rushed in front of Cheng Juhua.

Cheng Juhua was not willing to let her go like this, but at this moment she was so tired and out of breath that she obviously didn't have the strength to fight anymore.

Da Ya yelled at Cheng Juhua: "It's none of my business if you lose your marriage!? You still want to marry a regular worker in the town with those oil bottles? You really think about good things."

Lin Jinxing stopped picking pears and frowned. Although the matter is such a thing, it is not very good to say it.

Regardless of whether it is this era or the 21st century, Cheng Juhua is really powerful. When she was 12 years old, her parents died. She supported the family without help and raised three younger siblings. This is not something that ordinary people can do. Can do it.

In the 21st century, Cheng Juhua would definitely become a strong woman.

She was born in the wrong year and in the wrong place. In the rural areas of the 60s, women had no other choice but to marry.

Although it is shouted that women can hold up half the sky, in the brigade, women have no chance to hold up half the sky.

Lin Jinxing thought, although he can't let the third brother marry her, he can help her in other ways, maybe find a job for her?

Then he shook his head, forget it, the Holy Mother doesn't want it, everyone has their own fate, so as not to be stuck.

Next, Cheng Juhua exploded, "Why is it none of your business? If you hadn't talked too much, my marriage would have ended? Why are my younger brothers and sisters so foolish? My younger brothers and sisters are obedient and capable, so they are not fools."

Cheng Juhua's three younger brothers and sisters stared at Da Ya with eyes wide open and clenched their fists tightly, but they couldn't say anything. They also felt that they were the big sister's helper.

Cheng Juhua is not a vegetarian either, how could she let others bully her if she can pull her older siblings by herself?

Wang Yuzhen's ability to bully her was due to her seniority. Cheng Juhua was nineteen years old. From the perspective of the people in the brigade, she would marry sooner or later. Her younger siblings were still young. If they couldn't support themselves, they could only rely on their uncle.

Uncle Cheng Juhua's family can't be counted on. His attitude is very clear. I don't like your things, and don't expect me to support you. If you are about to starve to death, I can give you a bowl of rice in an emergency, but The long-term supply is not good, and the emergency does not save the poor, even if you are my nephew and niece.

The big girl's face hurts badly, and her brain is buzzing when it is involved, and she is so upset and irritable that she forgot to pretend to be an ostrich.

"Hey, ask the people in the brigade, who doesn't say that your younger brother and sister are oil bottles? You just pretend to be stupid and don't admit it.

Your uncle's family wants your property, and your aunt, just like her, do you really think she will find you such a good marriage?
You'll be fine if she doesn't sell you, so how can she find you someone in the town?It's still a regular job, and you deserve it! ? "

Cheng Ju rushed up angrily, and slapped the big girl on the head and face, "Why am I not worthy? I can get eight work points when I go to work, and I can take care of my younger siblings when I go home. Why am I not worthy?

Just you?You don't even look at what you look like, you only take five or six centimeters when you go to work, and your head is almost lowered to the ground every day. Besides being Lin Xiaoyan's dog leg, what else can you do?
No wonder your parents beat you every day, just like you do what you can't eat No.1, if you didn't beat you to death, it was a light blow. "

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