Chapter 171 Lost 200 Yuan
The people outside hadn't gone far, and they were chatting together, everyone felt that Aunt Six had gone too far today, and they all said that they would never ask Aunt Six to be a matchmaker again.

Although everyone usually gossips about Liu Ruanxin, not everyone bullies her, that kind of people are still in the minority, that is, some matchmakers and gangsters who have no limit, go to Liu Ruanxin several times a day.

Now everyone sees Liu Ruanxin going out without washing or combing her face, and everyone is curious about what she is going to do.

A kind person stopped her and said, "What is Ruanxin doing? Do you need help?"

Liu Ruanxin shook her head and said, "Not yet, maybe I need everyone's help later or in a couple of days."

Liu Ruanxin wanted to go to the police. After the police, witnesses were needed, and they would be required to testify at that time.

"Okay, just say what you need help with, don't be polite to us."

"Okay, thank you all, I have something to do and I'll leave first."

An aunt looked at Liu Ruanxin's tear-stained and dirty face and suggested, "Why don't you come to my house to tidy up before you go to work?"

"No need, I'll clean up when I come back." Liu Ruanxin left after saying that, which would arouse the police's sympathy even more. It would not have this effect after washing up.

Standing at the gate of the police station, Liu Ruanxin took a deep breath and walked in.

Seeing Liu Ruanxin's distressed appearance, the staff on duty immediately helped her into the room and sat down, and then asked, "Hello, comrade, do you need any help?"

Seeing the reassuring people's policemen, Liu Ruanxin was completely overwhelmed, and burst into tears.

The staff poured her a glass of water, patted her on the back to help her calm down, and when she was almost crying, he comforted her: "You can tell me any grievances you have suffered, so don't cry for now."

Liu Ruanxin blew her nose with a handkerchief, took another sip of water, and then narrated: "Today I was cooking at home, and suddenly heard a noise in the yard, so I went out to check and found a man came in over the wall.

He said that his name was Liu Jianjun, and that Aunt Six had brought him on a blind date with me, and then he opened the door to let Aunt Six come in.

Aunt Six came up and scolded me for being uneducated, saying that I killed my parents, and asked me when I would get married. I didn't like that man and didn't agree to get married. suitable.

The man took a bench and hit me. I dodged for a while and the bench hit my arm. Later, Aunt Six and Liu Jianjun beat me together.

After others pulled us away, Aunt Six took advantage of the crowd and pinched me several times. "

After recording, the recorder continued to ask, "Is there anything else?"

Liu Ruanxin thought for a while and said, "The two of them don't know who took my 200 yuan. I want to go to the countryside to be an educated youth, but the educated youth office disagrees, so I want to spend money to buy a quota."

(In 56, it was first proposed that educated youth go to the mountains and go to the countryside. In 68, a large number of educated youths went to the mountains and went to the countryside. Before 68 years, the educated youth went to the mountains and went to the countryside. It was a farm model. Except for the frontier, other places had strict quota restrictions. In 68 The last is the queue jumping mode, there is no quota limit.)
"That's not the right way of thinking," interjected the recorder.

Liu Ruanxin nodded and said: "Well, I don't think so anymore, I haven't gone yet, I'm ready to put money in my pocket, and I want to go after dinner.

I lost money several times when I was washing vegetables, so I took it out and put it on the window sill. I was the only one in my house, and the door was locked. No one came, so I was not afraid of losing it. It was found that the money was gone. "

(End of this chapter)

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