We were afraid that Zhou Niushan would confess us, so we left as soon as the leader arrived. "

"How many silk scarves were destroyed in total?"

Zhao Jianhong answered, "Six things, I paid special attention to it when Lin Jinxing checked."

Zhao Youqian did some calculations, one silk scarf was five yuan plus two industrial coupons, and six scarves was 30 yuan plus twelve industrial coupons.

Hey, let's not talk about industrial vouchers, the money alone is 30 yuan, 30 yuan, more than a month's salary, this is not a small amount of money.

Zhao Youqian let them leave with an ugly face, and turned to look for Wang Daqiang.

After hearing Zhao Youqian's report, Wang Daqiang's face was so dark that he could drip water. They only thought about success or failure, and never thought about what would happen if they were caught straight.

30 yuan, a worker's salary for one month, and twelve industrial coupons, a worker can't get twelve in a month.

He has the money, but he is a little unwilling to hand it over like this.

Zhao Youqian said with a sad face: "I don't know if Zhou Niushan will confess to me. Should we help him pay this money, or bite him to death and refuse to admit it?"

Wang Daqiang twisted his fingers anxiously and said, "Whether we want it or not, we must pay this money. Zhou Niushan can't afford 30 yuan at a time, and even if he can, he doesn't have twelve industrial coupons.

If he can't pay, the supply and marketing agency will definitely call the police, and Zhou Niushan will definitely confess us when we arrive at the police station. "

Zhao Youqian scratched his head distressedly, "Anyway, he has no evidence, so we can kill him and refuse to admit it?"

"The police station has a lot of ways to investigate us, so we don't have to die, just admit it."

Often walking by the river, there is no one who does not get his shoes wet. If Wang Daqiang refuses to admit it this time, the police will definitely continue to investigate them. What they do is shameful.

Losing all the business for 30 yuan is not worthwhile.

After Wang Daqiang figured it out, he told Zhao Youqian, "Take the money and go to the supply and marketing agency. Before the supply and marketing agency calls the police, keep this matter private. If you can, don't alarm the police. Go!"

Zhao Youqian listened to Wang Daqiang's words very much. After all, Wang Daqiang made a lot of money with him, so he took the money and tickets from his elder brother and rushed out.

As soon as Zhao Youqian pushed the bicycle and opened the door, he walked face to face with the police outside the door. Zhao Youqian was stunned, wondering if he needed to continue going to the supply and marketing cooperative.

Wang Daqiang heard the movement at the gate and came out to check, and saw the policeman and Zhao Youqian staring at each other without speaking.

Just as the policeman was about to knock on the door, the door opened from the inside, and after examining Zhao Youqian, the appearance matched Zhou Niushan's description.

"You are Zhao Youqian?"

"Well, yes, what can you do with me?"

"Today, Zhou Niushan deliberately damaged the goods at the supply and marketing agency. He said he was instructed by you. Now you go to the police station with us."

When Wang Daqiang heard what the police said, he immediately stepped forward and said, "Comrade police, can we settle it with the supply and marketing cooperative in private?"

The policeman glanced at Wang Daqiang and replied, "The supply and marketing agency has already called the police. Who are you, Zhao Youqian?"

Wang Daqiang bowed his head and said, "I am Zhao Youqian's elder brother. If the supply and marketing cooperative agrees to reconcile, can Zhao Youqian and Zhou Niushan not be held accountable?"

Police: "As long as the supply and marketing cooperative doesn't pursue it, we won't either."

"Okay, I'm sorry, Comrade Police."

Wang Daqiang took the money and ticket from Zhao Youqian's hand, and patted him on the shoulder comfortingly.

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