Kiss!The paranoid clings to me every day and is addicted

Chapter 216 Nan Qiao Clearly Didn't Know Cheng Qingyi

Chapter 216 Nan Qiao Clearly Didn't Know Cheng Qingyi

The program team also knew that the guests were exhausted from the morning's work.

Although it is a rural area, the guests are basically pampered at home.

Not to mention there are several female artists.

If it is really tiring, fans alone can tear up their program group.

So the task in the afternoon is not so heavy.

The director asked all the guests to herd sheep together.

Herding sheep is not tiring even if you say you are tired, and you are not tired even if you say you are not tired.

Just take good care of the sheep, and sit on the ground and do whatever you like.

It's just that the number of broadcasts of love dramas will definitely decline.

Netizens like to watch the scenes with conflicting lines the most, and don't like the guests who are too salty.

The guests are comfortable, but the audience is not interested in watching.

Nan Qiao took a shower at noon, feeling comfortable all over, and her mood improved unconsciously.

"Sister Shuying, is there a place to herd sheep here?"

"Yes, but it's a bit far from this side, and that side and this side are two extremes."

Shuying briefly described it to Nan Qiao.

It wasn't until Nan Qiao arrived that he understood what the extremes described by Shuying meant.

There is a large expanse of lawn here. Looking from the lawn in the distance, there are rows of brick and tile houses. Just the arrangement is very beautiful.

There are endless mountains behind the brick houses.

Shuying looked at Nan Qiao and asked, "Is the scenery here beautiful?"

Nan Qiao nodded without hesitation, "Pretty."

It's simply mind-blowing.

Nan Qiao and Shuying were sitting together and chatting, but Ye Xinge interrupted at some point.

"Nan Qiao, I haven't told you that you saved me yet."

What a chance to chat right now.

She must grasp it.

Nan Qiao was also quite curious about the life-saving incident that Ye Xinge said, "Okay, then you can talk about it now."

Ye Xinge began to talk to Nan Qiao excitedly.

She had just entered the entertainment industry at the time, and she was still a newcomer who knew nothing.

At that time, there was a place where she was dragged to dinner by her agent.

On the surface it was said to be eating, but secretly it was just accompanying some bigwigs in the entertainment industry.

She dared not refuse the manager's request.

After holding back a few drinks in the box, my head started to feel dizzy.

At this time, a boss sitting next to her wanted to take her back to the hotel, but she wanted to refuse, but her body was really limp and unable to speak.

The agent seemed unable to see her situation.

Let the boss take her away.

When she was taken to the hotel elevator, when she thought there was no hope in this life, it was Nan Qiao who appeared and rescued her.

But Nan Qiao was wearing a peaked cap and a mask at that time, although she only saw a pair of eyes.

But I dare not forget in this life.

She was limply held by Nan Qiao, but she also watched Nan Qiao remove the boss's arm with her own eyes.

Nan Qiao sent her to the hotel room and left.

Later, she accidentally saw Nan Qiao's photo on Weibo, with familiar eyebrows, she recognized her at a glance.

She couldn't participate in the last episode of romance drama, and she begged the company to come this episode.

Ye Xinge looked at the person expectantly until he finished speaking, "Nan Qiao, do you still have any memory of this incident?"

"Well, I remembered."

Nan Qiao had an impression while Ye Xinge was talking.

It was true that she had done it unintentionally.

Did not take it to heart.

I didn't expect to be approached by the person concerned to thank him personally.


Ye Xinge didn't expect Nan Qiao to really remember, and almost jumped up happily.

She didn't say that the boy standing in the corner of the elevator was very similar to Cheng Qingyi.

Thinking about it these two days, it should have been an accidental encounter.

Nan Qiao clearly didn't know Cheng Qingyi.

Jump didn't jump up, but hugged Nan Qiao excitedly, "Nan Qiao, thank you for saving me at that time."

"You're welcome."

Ye Xinge began to talk about changing companies later.

The three girls chatted with obvious happiness.

(End of this chapter)

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