Xiong Qingmei looked at the vast forest and didn't know how to get out.Of course, she couldn't stay here forever.First, the security issue is that no one knows if those beasts will storm the palace.Xiong Qingmei cannot rely on what he doesn't know to ensure his safety.Moreover, she didn't sleep last night, so it was impossible for her to stay up late in the future.

Moreover, if she wants to understand the people in the demon territory, she always needs to contact and explore to get what she wants.

Just looking at it with her eyes, the forest is not small.Coupled with the wild beasts that besieged the city yesterday, Xiong Qingmei felt that she could not defeat so many wild beasts.Her witchcraft was still pretty good, but she couldn't stand up to such a horde of beasts.After thinking about it, she still needed to find something that could restrain the beast so that she could leave the palace.

The only thing he could find in the hall was the broken statue.Xiong Qingmei tried it and found that the statue could be put away.Xiong Qingmei took the statue away and placed it at the entrance of the palace.At night, he would see if the beasts' range had changed, whether they were afraid of the statues or the palace itself.Xiong Qingmei also went to the nearby collapsed side hall to look for things hidden under the soil.

Fortunately, Xiong Qingmei has witchcraft and can get rid of this soil relatively easily.If he had to remove it gently with his hands, Xiong Qingmei would cry.

Next to him are two side rooms.Xiong Qingmeizhi found a carved severed hand, but he had nothing else.Unfortunately, the severed hand was only a small part of the palm.It's unclear if this is the same one found on the statue in the main temple, but it's still something.Xiong Qingmei put it away temporarily.

During the day, Xiong Qingmei also spends some time sleeping. After all, she hasn't slept all night and has a lot to do at night to ensure her mental state.

Soon evening came. Xiong Qingmei looked at the blood-red moon in the sky and expressed that she was still not used to it.This blood-red thing gives people an evil feeling.Xiong Qingmei felt that the thing in his heart that gave off the bright moonlight was gone.

Xiong Qingmei stood in front of the main hall, watching the beast gradually approaching.However, yesterday he almost reached the entrance of the hall, but this time he stopped ten meters away.Seeing Xiong Qingmei, it was almost certain that it was this statue that prevented the beast from entering the hall.

To confirm again, Xiong Qingmei moved the statue again and pushed it forward.As expected, he saw the beasts slowly retreating.

Xiong Qingmei couldn't help but laugh and patted the statue next to her.Good, this stuff is good.The beasts are afraid of this statue, so she can walk out of the forest with this.Xiong Qingmei firmly believes that as long as she keeps walking in one direction, she will be able to get out of the forest.

What Xiong Qingmei didn't notice was that the statue she pushed away slowly shrank in the moonlight, because it didn't shrink all at once, but slowly shrunk bit by bit.Since Xiong Qingmei's attention was focused on the beast, he didn't even notice that the statue had changed.

When the beasts saw the changes in the statue, they couldn't help but retreat quickly.At this time, Xiong Qingmei turned around and found that the originally 1.5-meter-high statue had shrunk to about one meter, and was still shrinking.

When Xiong Qingmei saw it, her eyes shrank, and like those wild beasts, she chased after him without hesitation.

The beasts evidently sensed danger before leaving.With so many beasts afraid of such things, she was no match.Thinking of sleeping in the same hall as this statue yesterday, Xiong Qingmei couldn't help but want to say that she was really brave, but what on earth was this?This change is a bit scary.

Xiong Qingmei felt that this nightmare world was strange and abnormal.She once thought that even if there were so-called gods in her world, they were just ordinary conspiracies.However, Xiong Qingmei felt that she didn't have enough thoughts at this time and turned into a mysterious wind.Xiong Qingmei said she couldn't resist some moves.

Xiong Qingmei also knows that it is dangerous to enter the forest, but the danger of wild beasts is visible, and the weird statue in the hall looks even more terrifying. After all, unknown things are scary.

Fortunately, the beasts seemed to be frightened and did not notice Xiong Qingmei.Instead, they ran wildly, so Xiong Qingmei was safe.

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