Traveling through the world of beasts: Farming and taking cubs are busy

Chapter 783 Who would want to die if they could survive?

Chapter 783 Who would want to die if they could survive?

He didn't want to count on others, especially feelings, and he didn't have much time to spend with Xiong Qingmei.However, Bai Yanguiqian felt that Xiong Qingmei didn't want to find a partner just as she said, so she called her sister directly.As for what Aunt Huang Yan asked him to do, including her tears tonight, he felt a little uncomfortable.Although he also knew that his aunt was acting, he really cared about him. My aunt really didn't want him to die.

In fact, who would want to die if they could live?To be honest, they even lost themselves in order to survive.Bai Yangui was unwilling to give in again.Life is so short, why should we live so uncomfortable and wronged?But he still agreed to his aunt's request, and Bai Yangui felt extremely conflicted.

He didn't sleep, he just sat there blankly, looking at Xiong Qingmei's cave entrance, as if he was guarding it.

Xiong Qingmei can no longer sleep in the cave.It feels strange to be able to sleep well alone in a strange place.

The cave was pitch black.Xiong Qingmei walked out of the cave and wanted to wander around the tribe.As soon as he walked out, he saw Bai Yangui sitting next to the entrance of the cave. "Why can't you sleep?" Xiong Qingmei greeted him.

It's still early.Bai Yangui smiled slightly, very gently.

Are you unable to sleep, or are you just not used to it?Bai Yangui asked with concern.

Can you accompany me for a walk in this tribe?Xiong Qingmei asked.

Of course, I had nothing to do anyway. Bai Yangui said with a smile.

Are you so polite to people?The two walked slowly in the evening breeze, Xiong Qingmei asked curiously.

Well, I can't be angry.I can't control my temper when I'm angry, so I try to control my temper as much as possible during workdays, and that's how it turned out now. " Bai Yangui explained with a smile.

It's hard, isn't it?Xiong Qingmei felt a little pity for the child, because his natural physical defects required him to learn to control his temper from an early age, and then he came back with the now calm Bai Yan.

It's not difficult, just get used to it.However, this subtle habit only makes people feel more distressed.

They both walked slowly.Most of the people in the tribe have rested, and there is no entertainment in the life of the orcs.Normally, if half-orcs have a partner after dinner, they will find a partner to exercise and adjust their quality of life.If they don't have a partner, they go back to sleep and get some rest.Few people come out for a walk.

Not long after walking, Xiong Qingmei saw the grass swaying on the roadside, and the uncontrollable sound of drilling penetrated people's ears.Those people are really hungry.Xiong Qingmei looked at Bai Yangui standing next to her and felt a little embarrassed.She shouldn't come out with Bai Yangui.

Okay, let's go in another direction. Xiong Qingmei said, feeling a little overwhelmed and ran away quickly.

Bai Yangui naturally saw Xiaocao.He said nothing, his expression did not change, and he followed Xiong Qingmei as if nothing had happened.He didn't expect Xiong Qingmei to be so shy.Isn't it normal for orcs to be like this?Moreover, Xiong Qingmei also mentioned that she had several partners, which unexpectedly made her blush again.

However, it has to be said that Xiong Qingmei could not choose this path, because not long after walking, he encountered this piece of grass that was constantly swaying.Xiong Qingmei's face was full of tears, and she said that it was really not a good time to go out today, otherwise how could something like this happen.

Xiong Qingmei turned around again, but Bai Yangui said nothing.He just watched quietly as Xiong Qingmei ran away again.In fact, this kind of thing was so common in the orc world that he really thought it was ordinary.This is Xiong Qingmei, a rare and strange person.However, it is rare to see Xiong Qingmei looking embarrassed.

(End of this chapter)

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