Chapter 152

One of the relatively powerful groups often sends people to collect protection fees from other regions. The so-called protection fees refer to various materials, even jewelry, diamonds, and gold can be used as protection fees.

They also had to pay protection fees, and they couldn't do without it. The other party had powerful supernatural beings, tamed monsters, and even a lot of firearms.

If you don't pay the protection fee, you will be shot dead by those people directly.

Or leave here early before those people come over.

Nowadays, the world outside is similar to here, and it is very likely that they will have no way to survive when they go out.

Even under oppression, they have to stay here.

They have nowhere else to go but here.

Su Wanwan and Fu Xinci came out of the space. Today they were picking up supplies and seeing what they liked.

Don't pick up other things.

To collect all the supplies in Haicheng, they don't know when they will pick them up, and they still have to go to that luxury hotel to have a look.

The two rode their bicycles towards Haicheng.

Not long after the car drove out, the road ahead blocked their way.

"Fuck, who set up a roadblock here."

Fu Xinci stopped the motorcycle, and said helplessly, what the hell are these people doing?
Su Wanwan stopped the little eDonkey and looked at the concrete roadblock, which weighed at least three hundred catties, or even heavier.

"Let me remove these barricades."

"Can you?"

Fu Xinci asked with some concern.

"Did you look down on me and forget that I am a Hercules?"

Su Wanwan raised her eyebrows slightly, she was seen as weak and vulnerable, but she was actually a strong man.

Three to five hundred catties is nothing to worry about.

"It still looks heavy, so be careful."

Fu Xinci exhorted.

"rest assured."

Su Wanwan rolled up her sleeves, bent down, and hugged the cylindrical roadblock.

With an effort, he easily picked up the roadblock, and then threw the roadblock in his hand aside.


Fu Xinci couldn't help applauding.

After putting down the roadblock, only a burst of sirens sounded, and both Su Wanwan and Fu Xinci showed panicked expressions.

"Why, are we triggering the alarm?"

Fu Xinci took out a pistol and acted in self-defense.

"Brothers, it's the two of them. I met them yesterday, and they dare to come."

I saw a woman running out from the corner, pointing at Su Wanwan and Fu Xinci, her eyes were full of success.

This can prove that I was not mistaken at the beginning.

Five or six men ran over here and saw Su Wanwan and Fu Xinci at a glance.

They immediately raised the guns in their hands, and aimed their cold muzzles at Su Wanwan and Fu Xinci instantly.

Su Wanwan and Fu Xinci hadn't figured out the situation yet, so they could only raise their hands first.

"Hands up, or don't blame our guns for not having eyes."

The woman scolded, and also took out a pistol.

"Miss, the two of us have already raised our hands. Who are you and what do you want to do?"

Fu Xinci spoke helplessly, and glanced at the few people in front of him.

"What do you think we want to do? We should ask what you want to do."

The woman jumped over the roadblock and came outside, and the man behind followed closely behind the woman.

"We just came here for sightseeing, by the way, to see if anyone is still alive."

Fu Xinci didn't mention anything about supplies.

The woman looked up and down at the man and woman in front of her, and said with a sneer, "I believe your nonsense, yesterday I saw you two picking up supplies in our area, where are the supplies?"

Except for an eDonkey and a motorcycle beside the two, there was no vehicle collecting supplies.

Didn't these two people pick up supplies?
The woman frowned tightly, staring at the man and woman in front of her eyes, feeling very puzzled.

"Supplies? We didn't take them."

Fu Xinci beat him to death and refused to admit that he took the supplies. Anyway, he took them and put them away, and these guys would not know that the supplies were packed into the space.

"Brothers, this kid is talking nonsense. I clearly saw the two of them picking up supplies yesterday. Now that they didn't take them, they are obviously lying."

The woman looked at Fu Xinci coldly.

Then, he turned to Su Wanwan and asked, "Tell me, did you take the supplies?"

"Didn't you see if I took it? If we took it, the supplies should be by our side. Do you see the supplies standing by our side now?"

Su Wanwan didn't admit it either, and it was hard to admit it.

That's it, she and Fu Xinci didn't take much supplies, they just evacuated the shops in one street, and the ten streets outside, not including the inside.

Listening to Su Wanwan's words, the woman rolled her eyes slightly, not knowing what to say.

"Jiumei, maybe these two guys really didn't take the supplies, so they need something to pack with so many supplies, right?"

A man expressed his doubts, and there were only two cars around the two of them.

There was nothing on the car either.

Jiumei shook her head and said to the man beside her: "Brothers, they definitely won't take the supplies with them, they must have put them somewhere, and they will take the supplies with them when they leave."

"Otherwise, we can go and look at the streets yesterday. They said they didn't take supplies, so the shops over there should still have supplies. If there are no supplies, it means they lied."

"Brother, I think Jiumei is right."

Another man stroked his chin.

Hearing this, Fu Xinci's face was a bit uneasy. If he really wanted to go and see it, wouldn't that be exposing himself?

Immediately, Fu Xinci immediately said: "Come on, didn't you just pick up some supplies? Wouldn't it be nice to return them to you when we found them? What's more, those supplies have your names written on them? They don't belong to you before the end of the world, right?" , What does it have to do with you that we take those materials, now those who can get it, don't need your consent, right?"

"Listen to your tone, are you very powerful? Those who can still get it, what do you think you can do?"

The man looked Fu Xinci up and down, his eyes full of contempt.

It's nothing, but you still utter such wild words, do you really take yourself seriously?
Fu Xinci nodded slightly, glanced at several men and a woman in front of him, "I am a supernatural being, so I think I am very capable."

These people in front of them are not supernatural beings.

It's just ordinary people with weapons in their hands, a little stronger than ordinary ordinary people.

"If I really want to deal with you, you won't be able to get close to me at all."

Fu Xinci did not exaggerate at all, what he said was the truth.

As soon as these words came out, the people around showed solemn expressions, and the man in front of him was actually a supernatural being.

I really didn't see it.

(End of this chapter)

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