Chapter 155 Save My Sister Xia Xiabao

Su Wanwan suddenly stopped the little eDonkey, as if she heard a voice calling for help.

Fu Xinci behind him almost ran after him.

"Wanwan, what are you doing? I almost ran into you."

Fortunately, the brakes in time.

"I seem to hear the voice of help, did you hear that?"

Su Wanwan said something, although her voice was very weak, she did hear it.

"Is there? I didn't hear it."

Fu Xinci shook his head, he didn't hear anything, he just wanted to reach the Ross Dynasty earlier.

As soon as the words fell, a faint voice of help came into Fu Xinci's ears, and he immediately became alert.

"Well, I seem to have heard it too, where is it?"

Fu Xinci raised his finger and drove his motorcycle closer to the source of the sound.

I saw an injured woman in a sewer. The woman leaned helplessly against the edge of the stone wall. The sewer was dry and there was no water, so there was no other dirt on the woman except for a little dust.

When she sensed someone approaching, the woman weakly opened her eyes.

She saw Fu Xinci and Su Wanwan at a glance. Facing the two strangers in front of her, the woman opened her mouth, "Can you save me? Please, help me, I don't want to die."

"I haven't found my sister yet, and my sister is still waiting for me."

A layer of dead skin had formed on the woman's mouth, and she was dying.

Su Wanwan and Fu Xinci looked at each other, "Can we help?"

Fu Xinci asked Su Wanwan.

"You can rescue her up, and the rest depends on her."

Su Wanwan responded.

"I think so too."

Fu Xinci and Su Wanwan had exactly the same idea.

Afterwards, Fu Xinci put down his backpack and went down towards the sewer, "You wait for me up there, I'll be fine in a while."

Su Wanwan watched from above, when Fu Xinci lifted the woman up, Su Wanwan pulled the woman up from above.

"Thank you for saving me, I'm very thirsty and hungry, can you give me something to eat?"

The woman was lying on the ground, really exhausted.

She had been trapped in the sewer for two days and two nights. She hadn't eaten a single bite, and she was completely exhausted.

After Fu Xinci came up, he gave the bread and water in the backpack to the woman in front of him.

The woman in front of her has big wavy hair, wearing jeans and a white short sleeve. She has no makeup on her face, so she is fair and clean.

After getting the bread and water, the woman began to gobble it up.

Su Wanwan and Fu Xinci looked at each other, and looked at the woman's appearance, feeling a little exaggerated.

When the woman had almost eaten, Fu Xinci asked curiously, "Beauty, how did you fall into the sewer? Aren't you from Haicheng?"

How dare an ordinary person come to Haicheng from other cities?

"I'm from Haicheng."

The woman responded, quickly swallowed the bread, took a sip of water, and could no longer control her ladylike image.

"I was too anxious and accidentally fell into the sewer. My thighs have no strength and I can't stand up."

The woman responded helplessly.

"You have no strength in your thighs?"

Fu Xinci raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Yeah, I have no strength in my thighs. It's a disease. It usually doesn't attack very much and doesn't need treatment. It'll be fine every two or three days. But I'm very lucky to have met you."

The woman explained that this kind of disease is not common. Once the thigh has no strength, it is like being disabled. She can only rely on the strength of the upper body to crawl, but she can't crawl anywhere else in the sewer.

"This is the first time I've heard of this strange disease, so are your legs better now?"

Fu Xinci felt very strange. It was the first time I heard of such a strange disease, and I couldn't understand it.

The woman nodded, "I already feel a little bit of strength coming back."

"Thank you so much, aren't you from Haicheng?"

She looked up and down the two people in front of her, and they seemed to come from other places.

He was fully armed.

"We are not from Haicheng. We are from Golden Port City. I heard that there is a very powerful EV group in Haicheng. The two of us have never seen the world, so we want to see the world."

Fu Xinci responded with a smile.

When the woman heard about the EV Group, her complexion changed instantly, and a look of panic flashed in her eyes.

Su Wanwan caught the woman's expression and couldn't help asking, "You seem to be very afraid of the EV Group."

"There is no ordinary person in Haicheng who is not afraid of the EV Group. The people there are not human at all, they have no humanity. They took my sister away!"

As the woman spoke, tears fell.

Fu Xinci frowned, and blurted out, "Is your sister a supernatural being?"

"Well, my sister's ability is to make plants grow quickly, but people from their EV group found out and took my sister away forcibly. I wanted to chase after it, but fell into the sewer and fell ill. .”

When the woman mentioned this, a sad look appeared on her face.

Su Wanwan asked curiously, "How did they discover your sister's ability?"

The woman's eyes drooped, and her eyes fell on the mineral water in her hand.

"The grandma next door planted some vegetables. Grandma begged my sister for help, so I asked my sister to help grandma grow vegetables. The patrol chief of the EV Group saw the vegetables on grandma's balcony, and found out that my sister did all of this."

"So, they took my sister away. It's all my fault. I shouldn't be soft-hearted."

"If I don't soften my heart, my sister will be discovered by the EV Group."

At this time, the woman regretted it.

His eyes were flooded with tears, and he sat on the ground crying non-stop.

Fu Xinci frowned even deeper, because he really didn't like hearing girls cry.

It's okay for some people to cry silently, but this woman cried too loudly, as if she was afraid that other people would not know.

The sound is really harsh.

I had no choice but to say: "Don't cry, it's useless for you to cry, what's your sister's name?"

The woman gradually stopped crying, looked at the man in front of her, and asked blankly, "What's wrong?"

"We happen to be going to the EV Group, maybe we can help you find your sister, but I don't know your sister's name."

Fu Xinci explained something.

The woman suddenly realized, and said slowly: "My sister is called Xia Bao, and I am called Xia Xin."

"Okay, I see. Does your sister have any characteristics?"

Fu Xinci asked one more question.

"My sister and I are twins who look the same as me."

Xia Tian took a deep breath, it would be even better if someone helped.

As if thinking of something, Xia Xin continued: "Why don't you take me with you."

(End of this chapter)

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