Chapter 155 Chapter 155
——I just saw something about the night of succession at Sister Yali's place, so this is no ordinary birthday party
——Ono made such a bunch of things, only the hidden ones are left for others to be unlocked

——It’s not just that he brought such a bunch, there’s also An’an

——I feel that there must be a relationship between these few people. Can it be made into a TV series?

——The lion represents Asmodeus, this clue is useless

The shape of the bear necklace that Yang Ye mentioned is really a big bear, not a cute little bear.

He grabbed the bear by its spine and picked it up. This huge and ugly necklace opened its mouth as if it was going to bite someone.

"I really have to complain about D's room, Mumu and we have been good brothers for so many years, your room is like a garbage dump."

Su Mu spread his hands and said, "I didn't do that, it was forced by the program team to arrange for me. I should be clean and hygienic, okay?"

He had also been to that room, but it was horrible anyway, only because he was unlucky to get this role.

"Then there is e's room—this is the only clue I found that has something to do with Xiaomei. She is jealous of Xiaomei and A, and said in her diary that she would chop off Xiaomei's head for a taste. So e has Could it be the murderer?"

He said he was going to look at He Miao'an, He Miao'an's heart skipped a beat, she never thought of tearing up this page and taking it away.

This page is indeed very important, if Yang Ye bites her as the murderer, this is the basis.

He Miaoan immediately defended: "I want to say something first, this can be a joke, whoever kills someone has to write the plan in the diary, isn't it obvious that the brain stem is missing? If I am e, no, I will be e , I'm not that stupid."

Yang Ye piled the diary on his work notes and said, "Then I don't know, maybe it's a perverted murderer."

After all, he didn't know the screenwriter's mental state when writing these plots. Anyway, the orphanage last time really shocked him. How could it be so outrageous?

Thinking of this, he began to admire Jiang Xiangli again. He was so strong. Anyone who could follow the abnormal thinking of a screenwriter with abnormal thinking must have a different thinking from ordinary people.

He took out f's diary again, but there was nothing about Xiaomei in f's diary, only her contempt for other people.

In f's diary, a is her key object of contempt, and then there is c, but not as harsh as a.Generally speaking, f looks down on everyone, especially a, and belittles her to nothing.

There are other scattered clues that seem to be many but can't be connected. They are basically useless, but Yang Ye has seriously stated his views on these clues.

In the end, he summed it up and said, "So, I still think that the murderer may be e. E even said that he wanted to kill her, but no one else."

He publicly stated that he would vote for He Miaoan and called on everyone to vote for her.

He Miao'an definitely couldn't agree, and said: "Stop, let me express my thoughts first, the murderer is absolutely impossible to be me. I said that taking it is purely a complaint, this thing can't be taken seriously. I also went to D's room , found two pieces of paper, he said that A doesn't like white roses, but the garden is full of white roses. Also, he said it's scary here and wanted to escape, but he couldn't move, I couldn't understand, But there must be something hidden."

She took away the note that D said that E stole A's necklace, and she would not release any evidence against herself.

When Jiang Xiangli heard this clue, his mind crossed the red rose in the vase in room a. He Miaoan had never been there so he didn't know there was a red rose in room a, otherwise she would definitely hold on to it.

"I also found an invitation letter, but it was in F's room. I compared it with the one given to D. The handwriting on it is different, but they both have the family seal."

She spread out the invitation letter and put it together with d's one, it was really different.

The handwriting on the invitation letter to f is very delicate, like it was written by a girl.But the word "d" is very scribbled, even crooked and ugly.

Jiang Xiangli recognized at a glance who the two letters came from.

The one written by the girl is from a and the other from b.Except for her, everyone present had never seen the word b, so they couldn't recognize it.

Although the handwriting is different, the content is exactly the same, even word for word, they are all invited to the Inheritance Night.

In addition to these notebook letters and the like, He Miaoan also found a prop seal, which belongs to this family and is also the one stamped on the two letters.

"Here comes the important point. I also found a blood-stained rope in f's room. Since Xiaomei has been cooked, we can't detect the traces, so we can't be sure whether this rope strangled her, but it's very possible. Just say that I wrote in my diary that I wanted to kill Xiaomei, but the murder weapon is not in my room. Then I will say it, I think the murderer is f, and the murder weapon is there."

Her other clues were as useless as Yang Ye's, but she didn't think too much about it, she just took what she had.

He Miaoan kicked the murderer's ball to Lu Xiyan, so Lu Xiyan could only make an excuse as the third speech.

"You are right, so even if there is this rope, it does not mean that I am the murderer. It may be that the murderer deliberately put it in to frame me. Everyone should have seen the piece of cloth I am holding in my hand. This is the chef. The long bloody coat is actually not what I found, but Lili. This is the photo of the head chef. He is no longer there. Besides Xiaomei, the head chef has also passed away. If this rope is my murder weapon, How much strength does a weak woman have to use to strangle a woman and a man weighing more than 200 pounds? After being strangled, there are many dismembered cooking, can I, a partner, have the opportunity to do all this in the kitchen?"

Jiang Xiangli added: "That's true, that's right. The head chef has made several dishes and put them on the back kitchen's table. If the murderer is a woman, it would be too difficult to do all of this." , or you have an accomplice."

Both Yang Ye and He Miao'an agreed, so that e and f seem to be related, or they have accomplices.

Lu Xiyan didn't find many clues, and she didn't want to say yes all at once, so after explaining why she wasn't the murderer, she chose to turn off the microphone and let the next person speak.

Seeing that Jiang Xiangli was talking about the back kitchen, he took the initiative to stand up and said: "Speaking of food, I found a cookbook in b's room, and it really has something to do with these."

(End of this chapter)

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