Chapter 169 Chapter 169 She is a Liar
Seeing Yang Ye's lonely expression, Jiang Xiangli told Shen Jiangye, "Xiaoye, he lost the flop game with me and wanted to go in. I didn't let him in. It was the first time he wanted to go in when I wasn't there. Thinking that I arrived in time to stop him. Then this is the second time, although he was not there, the NPC stopped him. I don’t know what they said, but Ono even bowed."

But Shen Jiangye obviously didn't pay attention to Yang Ye, but asked her, "Will Lili let me in?"

Jiang Xiangli blurted out: "Of course I will, because..."

Because she had already searched for all the clues, it was fine to go in.

But she looked at Shen Jiangye with calm but expectant eyes, she really didn't want to tell him the truth.

"Because of what?"

"Because I think you are handsome, and I can't bear to reject a handsome guy. In fact, Xiao Ye is also quite handsome, but I think my brother can't get something for nothing, right? He should realize the dangers of society."

Shen Jiangye was coaxed to be happy by her, and the corner of his mouth curled up into a faint smile, staring at Yang Ye's back with a little complacency in his heart.

——Something is wrong, my love brain is about to grow out, who will hold it down for me!
——Let me help you press it down, no, my cp brain is about to grow out
——If these two people are okay, I will eat Yang Ye
——Founding yyds!Shen Yingdi's expression has never been vivid except for filming

——Based on my understanding of Sister Yali, what she wants to say should be that she has found all the clues, so of course it’s no problem to go in
——Shut up for me in front!

——Fortunately Ono didn’t hear it haha, otherwise he would suffer a [-]-point crit, his sister said he was not handsome hahaha

——Actor Shen’s smile killed me ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah, let me become sister Yali and stand beside him

Because of the "heavy guards", even though Jiang Xiangli allowed these guests to enter, all the guests except those who didn't want to go were all persuaded to leave after seeing the NPC.

If someone really went in and searched carefully, he would definitely be able to find the poor base, although the props could no longer be used after being combined.

The director looked at it scratching his heart, scratching his lungs, drooping his feet and stomping his chest. Without the prop Miss Alice, how would Jiang Xiangli find the third petal?Is it by idea?
But he didn't expect that Jiang Xiangli finally found the third petal by relying on her outrageous ideas.

Jiang Xiangli has another thing to hide from Shen Jiangye. There are a few special characters on the bottom of the boots. According to the translation table, it probably means "a token of love".

Now she can translate these characters without looking at the little plastic card, thanks to the program group for letting her learn a useless language.

This token of love should not be a token of love from A to D, because although A is stingy, the things he gives to others are all real money. What is it like to give a broken boot as a token of love?

Since it is not a, then it is a gift from d's mother or his lover.

If it was a gift from d's mother, then he inherited the boots.

It may be true to think so, because the symbols below are exclusive to the family, and it is impossible for his lover to know these symbols if he is not a member of this family.

That is to say, it was given to c by d's mother and then returned by c with a few characters engraved?
What's the matter, a broken boot has to be returned, it seems that c still takes tokens very seriously.

But apart from this incident, she didn't see any other examples, and even c didn't present a token to his favorite daughter.

emmm... Maybe d's mother wanted it from c, so it would be more reasonable.

She and Shen Jiangye worked together to turn D's room upside down and found no more clues. She couldn't help but sigh that the clues released by the program group this time were few enough compared to last time.

Well, last time it was a private order made by Chu Yuheng for her. Many other guests couldn't understand what only she could understand. This time it was a genuine draw.

The next link will open the basement, the fifth floor and the roof, and there must be more comprehensive clues in it.

It was almost time after they came out of D's room, and they returned to sit at the familiar dining table.

All the original items on the dining table had been removed, and the director asked someone to send a few fruit plates, which were all peeled and ready to eat.

Jiang Xiangli was in full bloom, and it seemed that he was almost here, picked up a strawberry and put it in his mouth.

very sour!

She suppressed the desire to frown, and said to Yang Ye: "Taste it, Xiao Ye, this strawberry is really delicious! I have never eaten such a sweet strawberry. Before I leave, I should ask the program crew to bring you some strawberries." Take ten catties home and eat."

Yang Ye was skeptical, since Jiang Xiangli told her to let him in but refused to let him in, he didn't believe her a little.

But the strawberries in front of me are big and red, and they look really delicious.

It shouldn't be a lie. Looking at her, she didn't frown or show her teeth...

He also picked up a fork in front of him and randomly picked a strawberry and put it in his mouth. He almost spat it out after taking a bite.

He shouldn't trust Jiang Xiangli, a bad woman!How could it be so sour!
He was immediately soured out of the pain mask, but he couldn't spit it out, so he could only chew and swallow it quickly.

——The big pear liar hahahaha
——I knew something was wrong when she asked Ono if she wanted to eat

——My silly son, you eat as soon as others tell you to eat, it’s too defenseless

——It is necessary to be defensive, and it is Miss Yali, so it is even more important to be on guard, she has lied to you once, and she doesn't have a long memory

——This looks really sour, sister Yali can really bear it
——Why doesn’t Ono vomit?

Yang Ye swears that since he came to this show, his personality has completely collapsed, more than his collapse in the talent show.

When he was in high school, he was spotted by scouts, and after practicing badly for a few years, he made his debut in a little boy group with little name.

Later, the company arranged for him to go to Brilliant, and gave him the persona of a high-cold male god, but unexpectedly he became popular unexpectedly.

He was questioned within a few days of his glory, but it's not the same as it is now.

It seems that the company made a mistake from the very beginning. With his personality, he actually wants to take the route of a cold and male god?He tried it with Shen Jiangye. Shen Jiangye is a male god, and he is a male psychopath.

Yang Ye threw the fork on the table angrily, and said, "Sister, I swear that I will never trust you again, and if I trust you again, I will be a puppy. You have made me miserable!"

Jiang Xiangli took another piece of apple and tasted it. It's quite sweet now, so I don't recommend it.

She pretended to be surprised and said, "Is it really sour? How have I heard that love is naturally light when it is deep, and sweet when it is sour?"

 It’s been a long time since I’ve written about such a poor heroine, let her have more money in the later stage, and let her be a little rich woman in variety shows first (the four-character chapter name from ps is really purely because of my obsessive-compulsive disorder)
(End of this chapter)

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