Chapter 216
On the street full of people coming and going, Liu Zihao suddenly rushed out from one place, and stopped Gu Yunjie's carriage with open arms.

The coachman who was driving the horse in front almost didn't stop the rein and stepped on it.

Liu Zihao shouted: "Gu Yunjie, come out, I have something to tell you."

Liu Zihao would rather swear in the street, but he is a scholar, swearing is not in his nature.Even if she cursed, Gu Yunjie had to get out of control first.

Qi Jie, who was walking behind, saw this situation, came up from behind on a horse, and frowned at Qi Zihao: "Who are you, why did you stop our Qi Manor's carriage?"

"Mr. Qi, the villain is Liu Zihao, and he is from the same village as Gu Yunjie who is in the carriage. Gu Yunjie was a lazy child, and her character is not very good. She didn't want to see Mr. Qi being deceived by her, so she stopped the carriage and told Mr. Qi."

Liu Zihao didn't know how Gu Yunjie got in touch with the Qi Mansion. In his opinion, Gu Yunjie must have used some shady means to deceive Mr. Qi.

Therefore, he wants to be a righteous man and tell Mr. Qi the truth.I also hope that after Master Qi recognizes Gu Yunjie's true face, he can drive her out of Fucheng in front of everyone.

Qi Jie raised his eyebrows: "Oh, is it possible that Mr. Liu has been watching me all the way, so he knows exactly who is sitting in my carriage?"

Liu Zihao frowned, Master Qi is the son of General Qi, if he admitted to spying on Young Master Qi, he would be suspected of spying on General Qi, and immediately denied: "Mr. Seeing Gu Yunjie coming out of your mansion, and seeing her getting into the carriage, I chased after her all the way, not wanting Mr. Qi to be deceived by her."

There were more and more pedestrians watching, and they were also curious about what kind of woman would be escorted by Mr. Qi.

Could it be that she is a woman of low character, as Mr. Liu said.

If it is such a woman, I don't know how Mr. Qi will deal with it.

"Then tell me about her past deeds. If the story is correct, I will naturally not hold you accountable for pulling off my car and driving. If you are not right, I will hold you accountable, my lord. At least We also need to hit thirty boards."

"Whether the villain is wrong, young master can ask Gu Yunjie to come out and confront him. The villain can sit upright, so you can confront her."

Gu Yunjie sneered in her heart when she heard Liu Zihao's words.

She really didn't understand if this Liu Zihao was out of his mind.

She didn't bother him, let him pass the exam, and even came to provoke her.What's the matter, she looks like a bully.

Open the curtain and slowly come out from inside.

During the past few days in Fucheng, she wore all the dresses prepared by Mrs. Qi, and even her hair was made by Mrs. Liu's servants.

Today, she is wearing a turquoise dress, with a blue hairpin on her head, her skin is like white jade, and her eyebrows are curved like crescent moons. This temperament is not like a girl from the country, but more like a daughter of some family. Miss.

Gu Yunjie asked Lingbao and Mu Shaochen to stay in the car, and she went down alone.Standing with Mr. Qi, in the eyes of passers-by, they feel that they are very suitable.

Liu Zihao was also a little stunned the moment she got out of the car.

Is this Gu Yunjie?

In his memory, Gu Yunjie was a fat man with a big face and a disheveled face all day long. He also liked to follow behind him and called him brother Zihao over and over again.

At that time, he was extremely disgusted in his heart, but he couldn't show his dislike.So, after thinking for a long time, he came up with the trick of letting the bastard ruin Gu Yunjie's innocence, let her take the initiative to withdraw the marriage, and from then on, get rid of Gu Yunjie's fat.

Seeing you today, is this still the fat, silly girl from back then?
No, it is not.

The girl standing in front of him now is intelligent, elegant, noble and generous, completely different from the person in his memory.

He looked at Gu Yunjie stupidly, and felt for the first time that Gu Yunjie could be so beautiful, so beautiful that it took his breath away, and he even wanted to treasure him and continue to be his fiancee.

"Liu Zihao, what are you doing to stop my carriage? Could it be that my kick yesterday was too light, and you want to experience it again." Gu Yunjie raised her eyebrows and looked at Liu Zihao just like that.

Liu Zihao woke up instantly.

No matter what she becomes, it can't change the fact that she was a fat and silly girl before.

So what if she is more beautiful now, can she change the past?
"Gu Yunjie." Liu Zihao sneered: "I said how you were so arrogant yesterday, you dared to hit me. It turned out that you climbed the high branch of the Qi Mansion. Tell me, if Mr. Qi knew your true face, he would still serve you Is it the guest of honour?"

"Oh, then tell me, I'm also very curious about my real face." Gu Yunjie smiled lightly, her face was calm, and there was no panic or surprise because of Liu Zihao's appearance.

"You are a restless woman. When you were engaged to me, you cheated on men from other villages and were caught by my family. You had no way to quibble, so you took the initiative to withdraw from me. After you divorced, you Shamelessly took a helpless sick man back to your home, and was forced to be your family's son-in-law."

Hearing Liu Zihao's words, there was an uproar in the crowd.

The information is too explosive.

Having an affair with a man, and withdrawing from the marriage after being discovered.

As a result, another man was taken home by force.

This is the female version of a bully.

For a while, there was a lot of discussion among the pedestrians, and there was a lot of disdain in the eyes looking at Gu Yunjie.

Not far away, Shuang Shuang whispered to Yang Min: "Miss, isn't that the woman who had a feud with us last time?"

Yang Min also recognized Gu Yunjie, and sneered: "It's her."

"She is really shameless, and she hooked up with Master Qi. I hope Master Qi will recognize her true colors and not be deceived by her."

"I also really want to know, how will Qi Jie react when he knows her true face?"

"Young Master Qi hates others to lie to him the most. If you let Young Master Qi know the truth, he will definitely be angry. Miss Gu's fate is worrisome." There was excitement in his eyes, and he stood on tiptoe, wanting to stand higher.

"If you dare to lie, you will naturally bear the consequences of lying." Yang Min sneered, as if he had foreseen Gu Yunjie's end.

Undoubtedly, it made Mr. Qi furious, and he beat her severely before driving her out of Fucheng.

After Liu Zihao finished speaking, everyone thought that Gu Yunjie would be scared or feel ashamed.

He couldn't help looking at Gu Yunjie.

I saw that her Mingzhu was dizzy, and she couldn't see any fear or nervousness.On the contrary, there was still a slight smile on his face: "Liu Zihao, as a scholar, you are slandering me here out of nothing. You said that if I sue Lord Fucheng, what will happen to you?"

(End of this chapter)

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