Chapter 276

Gu Yunjie had no idea that someone went to her home to investigate her.

Now she only wants Xianggong's body to recover as soon as possible.

Helping Xianggong to walk around the yard.

"Be tired, take a rest."

"Tired but not tired." Gu Yunjie thought of the men in black who rescued her last time: "I was thinking, last time when I was in danger, who was that man in black who suddenly appeared again and again? She rescued her." Me, why don't you want to see me, know me or don't know me?"

This is a doubt.

"It's also possible that the other party happened to meet, and the chivalrous hero saved you." Chu Chu thought about it, and under the circumstances at the time, if she happened to meet a strange girl who was being bullied, she would also help her.

There is a high probability that he will not show his face and leave directly.

Gu Yunjie didn't think so: "I have a bold guess."


Gu Yunjie smiled mysteriously: "You will know when the time comes."

Chu Chu's body is better, and Lao Luo's body is fine.Seeing that Chu Chu was going back to the small courtyard, Lao Luo also followed.

Chu Chu looked at him with complicated eyes: "Uncle Luo, although our yard is spacious, why are you living with us?"

"You see that you are not feeling well right now and need someone to help you exercise. Am I not the best candidate? Besides, it is not convenient to lock up Yuan Qing in your yard. It will be much more convenient if you add me."

The corner of Gu Yunjie's mouth twitched: "Uncle Luo, don't you need to do other things?"

"I'm just an idler now. Miss Gu, don't worry, I promise I won't cause you any trouble. If you're worried about me being idle, send me out to work. I can do any job without wages."

"Okay, if you want to live, you can stay first, and when you want to leave, you can leave." Gu Yunjie couldn't guess the other party's mind for a while, so she stayed first if she wanted to.

Uncle Luo grinned when he heard that: "Alright."

"Xiaojie, you don't have any servants in your yard, so why not stay here with your godmother. Firstly, there are servants who can take care of you. Secondly, this is the Qi Mansion, and ordinary people don't dare to have any ideas about you."

"Damn, I've bothered you for so long, we should go back. We live not far from your place, and we often come to see you." It's a little bit cautious whether someone else's home is someone else's home.

"You child, that's how you see outsiders. You call me godmother, why not live at home."

"Godmother, she was worried that the medicinal materials grown at home would die if no one took care of them, so she went back in a hurry." Chu Chu said softly.

Hu Xueyan and shopkeeper Hu are busy with the things in the store and don't touch the ground, so how can they have time to manage her flowers and plants.

"Okay, you can go back if you want. Remember to come back for dinner often."

A group of people returned to the small courtyard in a mighty manner.

Once back in the yard, Lingbao was very happy, and ran back and forth in the yard, looking at the unknown plants that had just sprouted from time to time.

Yuan Qing looked at the yard. It was not big, but it gave people a sense of tranquility.

Lao Luo saw that there were yards in front and back, and the yards were full of medicinal materials, so he couldn't help but smiled and said, "Girl, how about leaving these medicinal materials to me in the future?"

"It's not right." Yuan Qing became impatient when he heard that, "You haven't been in contact with them before, and you don't know how to take care of them. It's better for me to do it."

"You would say the same."

Gu Yunjie ignored them and brought a bowl of medicine into the house.

"Oh, this poison comes in waves, dragging you down." Chu Chu was also speechless.

It was almost better, but suddenly it was back to where it started.

What kind of poison is this? It's too powerful.

"Have you found out who that little beggar was in contact with you?"

"Yes, but he's dead."



Gu Yunjie gasped, a little in disbelief: "Your identity is exposed, someone wants you to die?"

"Probably so." Chu Chu drank the medicine: "There are not many people in this world who know that I am alive. If someone wants me dead, there will only be a few targets."

"Then what are your thoughts next?" The other party was able to find Chu Chu in Fucheng and attack Chu Chu. Presumably he knew Chu Chu's identity and knew that although Chu Chu was still poisoned, his life was not in danger.

Knowing that Chu Chu is not dead, the other party will definitely come over.

"I'm not afraid of anything else. I'm just afraid that they will turn on you, my wife. When you go out during this period, you take Lao Luo with you. Lao Luo is very skilled and can protect you a bit by his side."

"Okay." Gu Yunjie nodded.

There are too many forces in Fucheng recently, so it is always right to be careful.

Hearing that Ms. Gu wanted to put herself by her side, Lao Luo was very happy: "Ms. Gu, what you said is true, you won't go back on your word."

"How is your health now? What if someone wants to kill me? Can you protect me?" Gu Yunjie looked at Lao Luo's body.

"You are my doctor, you know my health best. I dare not say anything else, it is definitely no problem to protect you closely."

"It's best like this. During this time, if you go out to do errands or something, you follow me."

Gu Yunjie asked Yuan Qing to take care of Chu Chu and Lingbao at home, and took Lao Luo out.

Seeing her mother going out, Lingbao also wanted to go with her, but her mother asked her to take care of her father at home, so she should stay.

Gu Yunjie did not go directly to the store, but went to the medicinal material store.

There are not enough medicinal materials at home, so she has to buy some back.

When he arrived at the store, shopkeeper Hu handed him a letter: "Your father sent someone to send it to see if there is anything urgent."

Gu Yunjie thought that something happened at home, received the letter and went to the third floor to tear it down.

Father said that the county magistrate and a young man surnamed Yang were inquiring about her life experience, mainly about her medical skills and the box, so she was prepared.

The Young Master Yang in his father's letter, if he guessed correctly, should be Young Master Yang from the Yang Mansion.

Mr. Yang has passed, what does this mean?
It means that the people in the Yang family have doubts about her life experience.

"Just like you, people in the Yang Mansion had doubts about my life experience, so Mr. Yang went there in person. It's really strange, why are you so curious about my life experience? Maybe there is a bigger secret behind my life experience. "

Even if she is really the young lady of the Jin family.The Jin family is dead.Except for those who had good or some friendship with the Jin family before, they might think of her.

Others probably couldn't remember the members of the Jin family.

"Miss Gu, you may not know. The one who disappeared with the young lady and the young lady was the cavalry order of the Jin family. Over the years, many people have been looking for it openly and secretly, but no one can find it."

Gu Yunjie thought of the inconspicuous wooden sign that the Liu family returned last time, and wondered if it could be that wooden sign.

Let her take a good look when she goes back in the evening.

If she really has a cavalry order in her hand, the people of the Liu family have seen it, and I believe the people of the Yang family will know about it soon.

Thinking of this, she wanted to know more about the identity of the man in black.

Did he secretly protect her, or was he just a passerby?

"It's so complicated." Gu Yunjie sighed: "I also really want to know what my identity is?"

"Miss Gu, you don't need to be anxious about this matter, treat it calmly. If they want to know, they will naturally investigate. Why are we anxious?"

"Didn't you still want to know my life experience before, why don't you want to know all of a sudden?"

"Miss Gu. If you are really my lady, I hope you will be safe and sound. Before the truth comes out, I don't want you to bear such a heavy burden. If you are not, you are also my savior. I want to repay you Not wrong either."

Gu Yunjie couldn't help laughing after listening to his words: "Why, you are afraid that I am really your young lady, those people think that the cavalry order is on me, and they will kill me and take me away."

"I dare not say anything else, but I have seen some of the girl's ability these days. The girl's ability is far from being as simple as it seems on the surface."

"No, I don't have that much ability, I'm just an ordinary village girl. As for my life experience, I'm actually a little curious. It's just that I'm lazy and don't like to move very much, so let it be."

She is not the original owner, and she really doesn't have much interest in her life experience.

If one day, her life experience is really revealed, let's talk about it.

Back home at night, Gu Yunjie took out the ugly wooden sign from the safe in the laboratory and looked left and right.

This is an iron cavalry order, which can command tens of thousands of soldiers. It doesn't look like it, it's not as tall as imagined.

Just like an ordinary wooden signboard.

The palm of her hand didn't know where she touched it. The wooden sign that was originally in her hand suddenly cracked open, and there was a small arrow feather lying inside.

There are a few words engraved on the arrow feather: "Iron Cavalry Order."

She quickly closed it.

Mom, I only found out about the existence of this thing during the day, and it appeared next to her at night.

Does she have this thing on her body, does it mean that she is the young lady of the Jin family and a survivor among the many people of the Jin family.

After confirming that it was an iron cavalry order, he quickly put the thing back in the laboratory.

If those people knew about this, they would go crazy.

Chu Chu noticed that she was always rolling around without feeling sleepy, so she couldn't help but look sideways at her: "What's the matter? I've never seen you so preoccupied."

"Maybe I'm really the young lady of the Jin family." Gu Yunjie looked at Chu Chu seriously: "I'm thinking, if I'm really the young lady of the Jin family, the burden on me is indeed a bit heavy, should I take it up?"

From Lao Luo's mouth, she knew that more than 100 members of the Jin family were killed overnight, and the real culprit was unknown.As for whether her mother was the murderer, it is still unknown.

"Are you sure?"

"It's probably possible. Is it true? I won't know until I find my mother." It's not enough to rely on tokens. When I find my mother, I have to do a paternity test to find out.

In ancient times, many mistakes were made when people were identified by tokens.Because tokens can change their owners at any time.

"So, what are you going to do next? Are you looking for the missing young lady?"

"I must be looking for it." Gu Yunjie sighed: "I hope my mother is not dead, otherwise the Jin family will never find out the real culprit."

According to a woman's intuition, this matter could not have been done by her own mother.It's very possible that someone has plotted against him.

And her own mother is either being hidden now, or she is dead.

"I have some people on hand. If you want to use them, I can give them to you first."

"Tell me about you." Gu Yunjie looked at the top of her head, her voice muffled: "I have become my man, and I am destined to be one with me. Of course, there is still time for you to draw a clear line with me. If you don't want to get involved, I'll write you a Heli letter tomorrow."

Chu Chu was not happy when she heard that.

"In your heart, I am that kind of person? If you are in trouble, I will run away, regardless of your life or death?"

"I didn't mean that. I just think this matter is complicated. I'm afraid it will involve a lot of things and affect your great cause." Gu Yunjieguang had a headache just thinking about the future.

She doesn't have any big goals, she just wants to use her medical skills to occasionally save people and earn some money.

In this era, there is no need to abide by the rules and live your own life in peace and ease.

Now it seems that although this goal is small, it may not be easy to achieve.

Perhaps God sent her here because he didn't want the Jin family to die unjustly, and wanted her to find the truth for them and restore her mother's innocence.

Chu Chu held her hand: "Lady, I know my current body is a drag on you, but you can't let me go."

Gu Yunjie: "...."

Why does this sound like tea?

"You gave you a chance. You didn't want it yourself. Don't ask me to reconcile Li Shu in the future. I won't agree. Then tell me about your affairs. If you decide to do some things, you can no longer be a tortoise. Shrink your head."

Chu Chu told her a story.

Chu Chu said that he was a member of the royal family of Chu State.

His mother was the original consort of the Emperor Chu.After the queen gave birth to him, the emperor found out that the queen's natal family was the residence of Master Shoupu.The queen interceded for her mother, and was left in limbo by the emperor.

Not long after he was born, he was naturally sent to the cold palace to be raised, and he was not welcomed.

Four years later, a fire broke out in the Cold Palace, and the queen and her third prince died.

Since then, there has been no third prince in the world.

Although the story was short, Gu Yunjie could hear the royal ruthlessness in it.

She also understood that the third prince in the story was Chu Chu.

"Since you are no longer alive in the eyes of the world, who would want your life?" Unless Chu Chu's fake death, many people know about it.

"They may not know my true identity. They only know that I am very skilled and have broken many things for them, so they came after me." In this world, there are people who know his true identity, but not many.

"When did the poison on your body first happen. Does the person who poisoned you know your identity?" Gu Yunjie thought of a key question.

Chu Chu frowned, thinking of a key person, but could it be her?
"This kind of poison that makes me unable to walk only started to show up three years ago. The previous poison also broke out, but it will not be unable to walk or lack strength."

"Three years ago, from this point of view, your life experience is no longer a secret, and someone wants to get rid of you." Although Gu Yunjie has not experienced open and secret battles between the royal family, she has watched some palace fighting dramas.

(End of this chapter)

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