Liu Zihao lay on the bed in pain, and turned his head to look at the light rain outside the window.His health is getting worse day by day, and the doctor said that the family must prepare for his funeral.

Because he was suffering from a heart disease, the family no longer cared about him, locked the door of his room, and handed some in through the window when it was time for meals.

For fear of being infected with his diseases, his wife, his mother, and his grandmother did not dare to touch him and regarded him as a scourge.

And his final destination will only be this bed in front of him, and everything in this room will be burned to ashes with his death.

He closed his eyes and heard a voice in his ears.

The voice was tender and sweet: "Brother Zihao, I also want to read, can you teach me?"

Then came his impatient voice: "Gu Yunjie, please don't bother me, I'm studying."

"Okay, then I won't quarrel with you. My father killed a hare from the mountain yesterday, and I'll bring it to you later."

Hearing that there was something to eat, he lifted his spirits, and then his face was full of disgust: "Why does your father go to the mountains to kill animals every day, this is not good."

After Gu Yunjie brought the hare home, he ate a lot.

It was what she insisted on giving it to him, not what he wanted.

"Brother Zihao, they all said that I will be your bride in the future. Is this true?"

"Brother Zihao, why are you ignoring me? I didn't want to beat them, they bullied me first."

"It doesn't matter. I don't feel any pain. I really don't feel any pain. I'll be fine after just resting for a while."

"I didn't mean it. It's okay for them to say bad things about you, and they say I'm not good enough for you, so I'm going to beat them."

Then came his voice: "Gu Yunjie, can you stay away from me? Do you want to fight with me? If you want to be brainless, you only have brute force. Why did grandpa betroth you to me?"

He said these hurtful words, but he knew that Gu Yunjie would not refute, let alone get angry, and would not tell his parents these words.

Sounding like a child who made a mistake, he turned around silently: "I will try not to hit them in the future, but if they dare to say bad things about me or you, I will still beat them."

At that time, he was almost going crazy.

He doesn't want such a wife, nor does he want such a marriage.

Not so with his wife.

Therefore, after countless attempts to get Gu Yunjie to voluntarily withdraw from the marriage, he thought of a vicious method.

Get someone to persuade the bum to come to the door, and promise that after the matter is completed, Gu Yunjie will definitely marry him.

Erlaizi is too lazy to work, so it is natural to be tempted to have a capable Yue family like Gu Chenggang.

It's just that I didn't expect that after this incident, everything seemed to be different.

He was lying on the bed, thinking back on every detail of these years, and found that what came to his mind the most was brother Sheng Zihao.

If he hadn't divorced Gu Yunjie, everything would have been different. He hadn't contracted a heart disease, and he was still that high-spirited young man.

Maybe, Xiaojie is really his noble person.

In the few years with her, whether it was at home or his study, everything went smoothly.After breaking off the engagement with her, everything went wrong.

"What, Ziyu's miscarriage." Hearing the words of the servants of the Chen family, Mrs. Zhu dropped the bowl in her hand to the ground with a bang: "It was fine a while ago, how could it be?"

"A while ago, there was a fire in her yard. At that time, the doctor said that the fetus was frightened and smoke was inhaled, so it might not be safe. I didn't expect so many anti-fetal medicines to go down, but it still didn't save it."

Mrs. Zhu slumped on the ground, why Ziyu's life was so hard.There are still a few months to give birth, but such a thing happened.

The servants of the Chen family told Mrs. Zhu about the matter and they went back.

Zhu Shi lay on the ground and wept loudly.

He's heart is also uncomfortable.

Now in this family, only Ziyu's status is decent.As long as the child Ziyu is born and has a firm foothold in the Chen family, their family will be completely tied to the Chen family.

Unexpectedly, such a thing happened.

When Gu Xiangxiang heard that Liu Ziyu's fetus was not saved, she was so frightened that she hurriedly protected her stomach.

Why did Ziyu's yard catch fire?
Thinking of Ziyu's upright lady, he understood.

Which woman can tolerate the concubine's child being born first.Once Ziyu's child is born, the status of the head lady will not be guaranteed.

The lady in charge must have done something secretly because Liu Ziyu didn't have the leverage to threaten her position.

A few days later, someone from the Chen family came and said that Ziyu was not mentally normal.She kept saying that she was pregnant with a son, and she wanted to be a good lady in the future.

The people from the Chen family asked them if they should bring him back or let the Chen family arrange it.

Zhu didn't trust Ziyu and didn't trust the Chen family, so she went with Zhou.

After coming back, I burst into tears.

Ziyu was indeed crazy, holding a doll all day long, saying that it was her doll, and that she was the head of the Chen family, no one dared to do anything to her, no one could do anything to her.

It's hard enough for the family now, if we take another lunatic back, I'm afraid we won't be able to pass this day.

They reached an agreement with the Chen family, and the Chen family gave them a sum of money, and they left Ziyu in the Chen family.As for how the Chen family wants to deal with Ziyu, they will not ask again in the future.

When Mrs. Zhu returned home, she cried with snot and tears: "Ziyu is so pitiful, holding a doll in her hand, saying that it is her doll. If she hadn't married into the Chen family, she wouldn't have fallen into the Chen family. This is how it looks now."

Mrs. Zhou also sighed: "If you want to blame, you can blame our father-in-law. It's okay to fish for dead things. Now it's okay. Nothing went well in our family this year. Ziyu had a good future here, but something happened halfway Such a thing."

"It's all the fault of the young lady of the Chen family. She must have done something behind the scenes. The lost grandson of the Chen family didn't even check, and just sent my Ziyu away. I'm not worth it for Ziyu."

Listen to the cries outside.

Liu Zihao just wanted to laugh.

Haha, it turns out that he is not the worst one in their family.

Liu Ziyu is crazy, and it is estimated that he will come to keep company with him soon.

Growing up, Liu Ziyu's favorite person to bully was Gu Yunjie because he didn't like Gu Yunjie.

He understood now that those who bullied Xiaojie before did not end well.

He is, Liu Ziyu is, and so is his father.

If he is given another chance, no matter whether Xiaojie is an idiot, stupid, fat or ugly, he will not hold her back. He will definitely take her home and take good care of her.

There are no ifs in life.

Now he misses his childhood more and more. At that time, he didn't need to think too much and just wanted to get fame.

Gu Yunjie brought him delicious food from time to time, and looked at him adoringly, with a flowery smile on his silly face: "Brother Zihao, you are so amazing."

Thinking about it, he fell into a coma.

In the dream, he married Gu Yunjie.

In the first year of his marriage, he was selected as a scholar.And Gu Yunjie's life experience was also revealed. It turned out that she was no ordinary girl, and her life experience was terrifying.

Gu Yunjie was stupid, those people felt guilty for her, so they added the honor to themselves.

He also strives for self-improvement, works hard to improve himself, and climbed to the position of second-rank officer in just a few years.

In that year, Gu Yunjie's mind suddenly recovered.

After recovering, she disliked her own fat body and unattractive face and began to lose weight, but her love for him did not diminish, and she became more affectionate with him.

That year, their first child was born.

As a young official, he is proud of his career and has a bright future.

Liu Zihao was dreaming sweet dreams with a smile on his lips.When he woke up, the room was dark, and everything before was just a dream he had.

For some reason, he felt that it was not a dream.

If he and Gu Yunjie get married, it will definitely be similar to the situation in the dream.

He wants to go out, he wants to meet Gu Yunjie, tell her that she is not a girl from an ordinary family, and ask her to find her family.

Thinking of this, he rolled out of bed with a plop, climbed to the door of the room with difficulty, and knocked hard: "Open the door, open the door quickly, I want to go out."

Gu Xiangxiang heard the voice first, but she didn't want to wake up, let alone talk to Liu Zihao.

The current Liu Zihao was emitting a bad smell, and she dared not approach the door of his room, let alone talk to him.

Even through the door, she was afraid that the disease would be transmitted to her.

"Open the door, open the door, I want to go out."

The silent night watched him in the dark like a devil, watching him in distress, watching him in distress.

His life wasn't supposed to be like this.

His life should be soaring to the top of the sky, and thousands of people bow down to him, which is indescribably precious.

Haha, he was the one who threw away the wealth that was at his fingertips.

He blames no one but himself.

No, he can't blame himself entirely.

Blame it on his family, if they didn't often whisper in his ears, saying that such a woman is not good enough for him, he is good enough for the son, Miss Gaomen, and he wouldn't have thought of breaking off the engagement with Xiaojie.

It was his family who ruined his dreams and future.

It’s them….

He knocked on the door for a while, but when he saw no one came, he couldn't help but sneered.

His family ruined his future and took away his wealth. He hated them.It's them, it's all their fault.

He can't live, and no one should live alone.

He groped in the dark.

He took out a handful of fire pockets in a dark compartment.

He lit the fire folder, looked at the dancing candles in front of him, and smiled.

He is like this, and there will be no room for return in his lifetime.The candlelight reflected his face, and it was seen that his face was rotten, and there was pus in many places.

Not only were there wounds oozing pus on his face, body, hands, and feet, but many of the wounds were infested with maggots.

He held the fire folder, and through the light of the fire, he saw Xiaojie walking towards her slowly.

As gentle and beautiful as in his dream.

She walked towards him gently, shouted sweetly, her voice was full of anger, and threw herself into his arms: "Mr. sir, why are you back? I've been waiting for you for a long time."

"My lady, it's my husband's fault. The emperor called me to the imperial study today, so I came back a little late."

When the scene changed, those people were kneeling in front of him, calling him Mr. Liu.

The torch was thrown away and onto the bedding.

It was just a small fire at first, and it turned into a big fire after a while.

The place where he lives is connected to the firewood room, where a lot of dry firewood is piled up.Huoxingzi quickly rushed to the firewood room, and after a while, a big fire broke out in the woodshed.

He stood there, watching the fire rush toward him like a giant dragon. He was not afraid, only smiling.

Walking towards the fire step by step, he muttered: "I am Master Liu, a second-rank official. I am Master Liu, a second-rank official. You all have to kneel when you see me."

The fire is getting bigger and bigger.

Soon their house was surrounded.

When the villagers found out, the fire spread very quickly, and people outside couldn't get in, and people inside couldn't get out.

Gu Xiangxiang was pinned down by a beam, and blood flowed from her feet.

She couldn't die, she had to rush out.

It took all the strength of the whole body to push out the beam that was pressing on the body.She stood up, endured the pain in her body and walked out tremblingly.

As she approached the door, a wooden board fell directly into her face.

She took out the wooden board, and a piece of skin was glued off her face.

"Xiangxiang." Xu Lifen saw the woman rushing to the door and quickly asked the man to rush over and take her out.

Gu Xiangxiang was rescued, covered in blood.

He Shi was not so lucky, and was burned to death in his sleep.

Zhou's couple and Zhu's couple were still inside shouting for help, but the fire was so big that the villagers dared not go forward.

The villagers looked at the fire and sighed, wondering why there was such a big fire.

When it was almost dawn, it rained heavily, and the fire was finally extinguished.

Liu Zihao is gone, and the He family is gone.

Only the Zhu family, who lived in a remote area, survived the fire.

Although their family survived, they were injured to varying degrees.

Knowing that it was Liu Zihao who started the fire, Mrs. Zhu cursed at the air, saying that he is a beast and that he will drag the whole family to hell with him.

The villagers were also puzzled by Liu Zihao's actions.

Not to mention anything else, how could he do such a thing and kill his parents, grandmother, and younger brother based on the love he had received since he was a child?

Alas, things are unpredictable and people's hearts are unpredictable.

He wanted to die himself, and even took his family away.

Gu Xiangxiang lay on the bed, her eyes glazed over.

Only she knew that Liu Zihao was going to die and wanted to bring them with him.

When he was clamoring to open the door, if she had stood up and responded to him, would everything have been different?

If the time could be restarted, she would not fall in love with Liu Zihao, let alone marry him.

She will definitely choose another man to marry.

If Gu Yunjie knew what happened at home, she would definitely laugh out loud with pride.

Laughing at her overreaching herself, laughing at her for calculating for a long time, but ended up in the current situation.

Her body is ruined, her appearance is ruined, and she will no longer be able to have children.

Does she have a future like this?
"Xiaojie, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have bullied you when I was young, and I shouldn't have robbed you of your fiancé when I grew up. Have you seen it? My retribution has come. If you know, you will laugh happily."

In her sleep, she dreamed that she and Xiaojie were sisters.

After Xiaojie married Liu Zihao, relying on Xiaojie's noble background, Liu Zihao rose to the top and soon became a second-rank official.

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