Chapter 293 No.1

Gu Yunjie had thought before that if there were new food seeds, he would naturally plant them with everyone.Only when people have food at home will they not go hungry.

As for who should get the credit, she didn't care.

After entering the capital, she realized that she still had to take some credit.You have the confidence to dare to face the royal family directly.

Otherwise, the little kindness given by the royal family will be used up sooner or later.

So when Chu Chu mentioned going home for the holidays, she thought about it and came up with this reason.

The credit for discovering new food seeds must be attributed to her and cannot be given to anyone else.If the harvest of late rice is still good, it means that the overall yield of new grain seeds is better than the previous seed harvest.

For the people, this is a good thing.

For those in power, this is a great event that benefits the country and the people.

An increase of one hundred kilograms in one acre of land means how much more harvest a country can gain in a year.

Gu Yunjie received the order, thanked him for the favor, and was about to leave the palace.

I met Yan Qing at the palace gate.

"The Lord of Anning County." Yansi stopped her and said, "I don't know whether I should call you the Lord of Anning County, or should I call you Miss Gu or Miss Jin?"

Gu Yunjie was granted the title of county head because of the Jin family, so there is nothing wrong with calling her Miss Jin.

"Your Majesty, it's just a title."

"But my father has something to do with you?"

"It's the Mid-Autumn Festival. I want to go home and see the harvest of new grain seeds. I told the emperor about it. The emperor is also very concerned about it. That's all."

"The county chief didn't mention it, and I almost forgot about it. It's a pity that I have to stay in the capital during the Mid-Autumn Festival, otherwise I would accompany the county chief."

"Your Majesty is busy with official duties and I dare not bother you. If there is nothing else, I will go back first."

Watching Gu Yunjie leave, Yanqing's eyes narrowed slightly.

This Gu Yunjie is quite smart.As soon as she entered the palace, she knew that she would tell her father about her discovery of new food seeds.

If the new grain seed harvest can really increase by a few percent compared to before, it will be a good thing for the country and the people.

And she, as the discoverer, is naturally a great contributor.

Thinking of this, he went to the palace.

"I have met my father." Yan Qing walked into the imperial study and saluted the figure above.

"No gift." The emperor put down the book in his hand: "The last time you mentioned the new grain seeds to me, the head of Anning County came just now and said that she discovered it. I also asked her some questions, and she answered them fluently. Concerned about the grain seeds in my hometown, I asked her to go back and supervise the new grain harvest. Do you have any opinions on this matter?"

"My father arranged it." Yan Qing lowered his head: "My son is aware of this. She did buy the seeds accidentally. At that time, the villagers were not optimistic about it, so her family planted it, and the harvest was quite good. . When there was a harvest, they did not hide it and immediately reported it to the county magistrate, who then reported it to the father. The Lord of Anning County has indeed discovered the No. 1 new grain."

"As long as the seeds can really increase the harvest, it will be a great thing for the treasury and the people." The emperor was also very happy when he heard this: "Once it is confirmed that grain can also increase the harvest in autumn, I will reward her immediately."

"Father is wise. It's just that she is an orphan of the Jin family, so few people have seen her now."

"This matter is not urgent." The emperor does not want Gu Yunjie to be exposed in front of others now: "I have already made her the head of Anning County. When she comes back, her mansion will probably be tidied up. Then I will tell her The world."


Gu Yunjie came out of the palace and let out a long breath.

When she met the emperor, it was the most unnatural time for her.

This feeling was no less than when she met the provincial leaders.

In her previous life, she was just a simple researcher and doctor. She didn't want to have too complicated interpersonal relationships. She just wanted to do scientific research and treat diseases and save people.

It was too difficult for her to think about making a living in front of the emperor in her new life.

Back home, she said to Chu Chu: "The palace looks prosperous, but in fact there is no freedom. Once I went in, I felt like my breath was taken away for a few minutes."

If she was asked to go to the palace every day, she might as well stay in the laboratory every day.

There is no external interference, and you can study what you want to study wholeheartedly.

Chu Chu couldn't help but smile after listening to her words: "The emperor is scary? Did he scare you?"

"He is not scary. He has two eyes, a nose and a mouth just like us. But the superior system in the palace is scary. I am really afraid that the etiquette is not right. I will leave my head in there at any time. It is scary just thinking about it."

She has watched many TV dramas about deep palaces, and there are many people who were beheaded because of poor etiquette or wrong words.

After hearing what she said, Chu Chu couldn't help but give her a slap on the head: "The emperor of Da'an is still very wise. He is not bloodthirsty and cruel, and he will not kill people easily. You should rest assured about this."

"You mean, if I meet someone who likes to kill, my little life can be at risk at any time."

"No, you are now a descendant of the Jin family. No one dares to attack you casually."

"You believe this too. If the Jin family was really that powerful, it would be more than just killing everyone." Gu Yunjie sighed: "I always feel that there is something fishy in this, but I can't tell it now."

"This matter will eventually come to light."

"That's right. As a descendant of the Jin family, since I didn't have the consciousness to find out the real murderer as soon as possible, I am guilty."

Yuan Qing and Dai Sanqi's family stayed in the capital to supervise the affairs of the medical clinic.

What's more, Yuan Qing no longer has any relatives in Fucheng, and it doesn't matter whether he goes back or not.

As for the master, he no longer recognizes himself.

Knowing that Gu Yunjie's family was going back to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival, Zheng Niannian was reluctant to leave: "Sister Gu, you will come back."


"Take good care of your illness and don't let what happened last time happen again. If you feel uncomfortable, you can go to Yuan Qing or the acting doctor. I have told them."

Zheng Niannian gave Gu Yunjie a box, saying it was a Mid-Autumn Festival gift for her.

Thinking of his relatives and friends at home, Gu Yunjie also spent a day buying many gifts and putting them on the carriage to take back.

Lingbao's friends were reluctant to leave her when she was about to go home.

"Lingbao, you will come back. When you come back, we will go to school together."

"That's great."

Among his peers, Lingbao is the smallest.

However, although she is small, she is not the least courageous. Even if she is an older child, she can still play with them. She is a little girl.But before leaving Beijing, he agreed to give the Lan family a big gift.


"Young Master." The boy next to Lan Luping trotted in: "I have heard that Miss Gu and the others seem to be leaving the capital in the past few days."

"Real or false, who did you listen to?" Lan Luping was thinking about how to attack Gu Yunjie when he heard the news unexpectedly.

"I found out from the Zheng family. Miss Gu went to the Zheng Mansion to check on the fifth lady's body in the morning, and said that she was going home to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival and asked the fifth lady to rest more."

Lan Luping's eyes lit up when he heard this: "If you continue to inquire, the information cannot be wrong."

If this news is true, it is an excellent time to take action.

As long as they go outside the gates of the capital and take action, even if they have any relationship with the prince, they won't be able to find out who the Lan family is.

Yes, just do it.

This Gu Yunjie has ruined many things for their Lan family since she appeared.

First he saved the Dai family's father and daughter by meddling in other people's business, and then rescued the fifth young lady of the Zheng family.If the fifth lady's illness is cured, the capital city will not say that their medical skills at Changsheng Medical Center are not good. They clearly claimed that a disease that was incurable was cured by a country girl.

The servants came back to confirm that Gu Yunjie and the others were going back to the countryside. After receiving the news, Lan Luping did not inform his father, and he planned to arrange the matter himself.

If he himself asked for the prescriptions and medical skills from Gu Yunjie, his father would be very happy.

By then, their Changsheng Medical Center will also be able to treat patients with various heart diseases.


An inconspicuous carriage drove slowly out of the capital.

Lao Luo and Chu Chu were sitting in front, while Xiaojie and Lingbao were still in Duo'er, sitting in the carriage.

"It's a long way back this time. We asked you to stay here to spend the holidays with your brother. You must go back with us." Gu Yunjie said to Duo'er with a smile.

"What did the girl say? I am the girl's maid now, so naturally I am where the girl is. There is no need to leave the girl behind and spend the holidays with my brother." Duo'er also had a smile on her face.

"I like to follow girls, and I also like to carry spiritual treasures. Besides, my brother is fine now, so I don't need to worry." It's no different now than when he was in Fucheng.

When she was in Fucheng, she didn't dare to go out casually because she was worried that she would be harassed. Even when she went out, she always wore men's clothes.

He was afraid of being watched, and even more afraid of causing trouble to his brother.

"Uncle Luo, the Lan family has got the news that we are leaving the city." Gu Yunjie shouted outside.

"We have already revealed it to them. I think they will make some noise after we leave the city." The Lan family's current ambitions are not ordinary.

As long as they are targeting the person or recipe, they will not stop until they get it.

Last time, the incident involving the fifth daughter of the Zheng family ended with just punishing a bunch of servants, but she knew that there must be some handiwork of the Lan family.

As long as it is found out that the Lan family has planted spies in each family's house in the name of treating their illnesses, it will be enough to bring down the Lan family's building.

"Then let's walk slowly and wait for them." Gu Yunjie nodded.

After leaving the capital, they walked slowly and walked for half a day to a place where they could eat.

This place is only half a day away from the capital. Many guests going to the capital pass by, and the business is pretty good.

They got off the carriage, walked directly to the restaurant, and ordered several dishes.

The price is a bit more expensive than ordinary small shops, but the portion size is okay and the taste is not bad, so it is relatively authentic.

After dinner, the group of them asked the hotel to help feed the horses, and were ready to hit the road again. However, when they were about to leave, a group of servants came and surrounded them.

At first glance, these people look like well-trained practitioners, not ordinary servants.

"Gu Yunjie." Lan Luping got out of the carriage slowly: "Why, after helping out at my medical clinic for a few days, you want to take the opportunity to steal some of my home remedies?"

The moment Gu Yunjie saw Lan Luping appear, she just smiled in her heart.

She was also afraid that the other party would be too smart to take the bait, but she didn't expect that the other party was stupider than she thought.

"Mr. Lan, what are you talking about? Why can't I understand? When have I ever been to your medical clinic to help?" Gu Yunjie raised her eyebrows.

"You stole the prescriptions from our Changsheng Medical Center and just ran away. Nothing in the world is that easy. Come on, take them back. They covet our Lan family's medical skills, steal the folk prescriptions, and take them away." Report to the government if caught." Lan Luping had already thought of an excuse when he came.

Aren't they leaving the capital?Arrest them on charges of stealing prescriptions.As for where he is caught and what he will face, it is the Lan family's business and outsiders have no control over it.

Speaking more broadly, this is also a household matter of the Lan family, and outsiders cannot control it.

There are many customers coming and going. I heard that someone who was at the Changsheng Medical Center before stole the prescription from the Changsheng Medical Center and was chased here.

The common people were all simple. When they looked at Yun Jie and his party, they showed signs of being in a hurry and thought they were really going to escape.

"You stole people's prescriptions because you wanted to open your own medical clinic. Tsk tsk, some people are just so ambitious. They help someone else on their property for a few days and then want to move someone else's breadwinner away. How shameless."

"Some people really have such ambitions. In our hometown, too, they taught their apprentices to starve to death. After the apprentices learned the skills, they took away all the recipes and skills from the masters, and even opened a similar shop opposite the masters. shop, and robbed all the customers in the master's shop. The master was furious, and he even scolded him, saying that the master was old and his skills were not as good as others, so he had to admit it. As a result, guess what, the master made this unfilial apprentice angry to death. . If you receive a disciple with bad character, or hire someone with bad character to help you, you will really be angry to death."

"This is so pitiful. That apprentice is so inhuman."

"Gu Yunjie, who doesn't know the reputation of our Changsheng Medical Center? Do you think people will recognize you if you steal our prescription? Come back with us and admit your mistake, and our medical center will not pursue this matter. . If you don’t admit your mistake and insist on going your own way, don’t blame me for being rude."

Gu Yunjie listened to Lan Luping's words and knew that the other party's strategy this time was indeed a little clever.

At least the reason used is legitimate, and one can't fault it.

And be able to stand on the moral high ground.

She spoke softly: "Mr. Lan, you said that I stole your prescription. What kind of prescription is it? Do you have any evidence?"

"If there is no evidence, would I dare to bring so many people here? Our Changsheng Medical Center has many prescriptions, and you can steal any prescription." Lan Luping only found it funny when he heard Gu Yunjie's words.


The Lan family never talks about evidence when doing things.

If he said he stole it, he stole it.

"Mr. Lan can't tell you what prescription is missing, but there is no evidence. If there is no evidence, how can Mr. Lan prove that I stole your prescription, not that you wanted to steal mine." Gu Yunjieyun Danfengqing stood there and talked to Lan Luping.

But Chu Chu smelled a dangerous smell from his wife's mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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