pamper her

Chapter 64 Extra Story 11: I Love You To Death

Chapter 64 Extra Story 11: I Love You To Death
Ever since they got married, their parents have been talking about children intentionally or unintentionally, but Li Mianmian is playful and told them that they don't want children before the age of 30.

Later, the parents stopped mentioning it, and when Li Mianmian thought about it, she was surprised that Gu Yanci seemed to have never discussed the child with her.

So one day when both of them got off work early, Li Mianmian decided to have a good talk with him.

"Have you thought about when you're going to have kids?" she asked.

Gu Yanci did not answer her question directly, but asked her first: "Do you want a child?"

"I don't have any ideas yet." Li Mianmian said, "I feel like I'm still a child, and I'm getting better and better. I'm almost 30 years old, and my self-care ability is not as good as it was then. You are used to it."

"En." Gu Yanci nodded, "Then don't."

Li Mianmian was stunned: "You don't want it?"


Li Mianmian never thought that Gu Yanci would have DINK's thoughts. After all, it can be seen from his attitude towards Gu Xuanlang and Li Yan. child's.

"Why don't you want it?" Li Mianmian had no objection at first, but when she heard Gu Yanci's decision, she was inexplicably reluctant, "Don't you want a child belonging to the two of us?"


Gu Yanci paused and said, "My genes are not good."

Li Mianmian thought she heard it wrong: "What?"

"My genes are not good." Gu Yanci repeated, "I'm not suitable for having children."

"...What are you kidding?" Li Mianmian was suddenly a little angry, "What's wrong with your genes? You're so handsome! So smart! Why are your genes bad?!"

Gu Yanci looked at her, sighed and said, "It's not these questions."

"What's the problem?"

Gu Yanci remained silent for a while before saying, "Gu Yun."

"What's wrong with Gu Yun?" Li Mianmian stepped on her foot, "How many times have I said this! You are you! He is him! You two are different!"

"...That's what you said..." Gu Yanci was a little helpless, "But you can't deny that he and I are indeed related by blood. This is a fact."

"...OK!" Li Mianmian said, "Even so, what's the matter?"

"Gu Yun has violent tendencies..." Gu Yanci frowned, "I'm worried..."

"What are you worried about?" Li Mianmian felt that this person really got into a dead end, "You don't have violent tendencies, so what are you worried about?"

Gu Yanci did not speak.

The two were silent for a moment as if they were confronting each other, and Li Mianmian said, "This won't work."


"Whether you have children or not is another matter. I don't like that you always doubt yourself like this." Li Mianmian slapped the table, "I've decided, we'll go to the hospital for checkups in two days, and I'll make an appointment now!"

"If there's nothing wrong with it," Li Mianmian glanced at him, "then you have to have a baby with me!"

"..." Gu Yanci didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "How could this matter be decided impulsively?"

"What kind of impulsiveness is this?" Li Mianmian said, "Before I made an agreement with my parents that I was going to have a baby at the age of 30."

Gu Yanci's expression was complicated: "...Have you really thought about it?"

"En!" Li Mianmian nodded heavily.

"It will hurt a lot." Gu Yanci reminded, "It hurts very much."

Hearing the pain, Li Mianmian hesitated for a moment: "Then... can I take an anesthetic?"

"It depends on the doctor's opinion." Gu Yanci said, "I don't know either."

Li Mianmian was a little conflicted: "My mother said that she didn't hurt when she gave birth to me, so I should be like her?"

"... Mumu." Gu Yanci took her hand, "Don't think about these issues, I'll ask you, do you like children?"

"I like it." Li Mianmian nodded immediately, "I like children very much. And I have always thought that whether children are good or not depends mainly on education. You see Li Yan was very naughty when he was young, but as long as he is well educated, he will still He will be very well-behaved. I think this kind of feeling of raising a child from childhood to adulthood and watching him grow up slowly should give him a sense of accomplishment and happiness."

Gu Yanci took a deep breath and asked again solemnly: "Do you really want it? Leaving aside the messy things like proving that my genes are fine, do you really want a child?"


Before Li Mianmian could say anything, Gu Yanci interrupted her: "You don't need to answer me in a hurry, I'll give you half a year, you think it over before telling me."

"Oh." Li Mianmian nodded, "All right."

She promised to think about it carefully, and she really thought about it seriously. Not only did she often go to play with relatives’ children, she also watched a lot of cartoons and fairy tales, and she looked forward to living with her children more and more.

In less than half a year, Li Mianmian made a decision and said to Gu Yanci: "Aside from all external factors, I just want a child, a child of me and you. I want our family to become more lively A little bit, a little more warmly."

Gu Yanci was silent for a while, and only said: "Let's go for an examination first."

Previously, because Li Mianmian had said that he had to seriously consider it, the matter of the examination had been put on hold. Now that the decision has been made, the two of them will go to the hospital for an examination the next day, and the final result naturally has no problem.

This situation reached Lan Qingwan's ears, and she was both happy and worried: "We are very happy to have a baby, but if Xiaoyan doesn't want it, will he treat the baby badly in the future?"

"How come, he's just cautious." Li Mianmian said, "It's not that he is irresponsible, he is too responsible."

"Then can he take good care of you?" Lan Qingwan asked again, "If you're pregnant before the time, mom will go over to accompany you?"

"No, he can take care of me."

Li Mianmian recalled what Gu Yanci said when making the decision.

He said, "I will never let you hurt."

It doesn't mean that a child can be conceived immediately. After making all the material preparations, it took another half a year before Li Mianmian finally found out that she was pregnant.

It may be because the preliminary preparations are really sufficient, or it may be that the child itself is more obedient, Li Mianmian has not suffered much during the pregnancy.

Gu Yanci changed his office to his home on the day she found out she was pregnant, and took care of her meticulously every day.

Because Li Mianmian works in design, and now that the Internet is well developed, there is no difference between being at home and at the company, so she discussed with the leader and went home to work.

Although the family hired a part-time worker to clean it every day, Gu Yanci was still worried. He had to watch over the house every time it was cleaned, and he always cooked by himself, for fear that what others cooked would not suit Li Mianmian's taste.

Even Lan Qingwan couldn't help but sigh with emotion, this pregnancy, no matter where it is tossing, it is clearly tossing Gu Yanci.

Conceived in October, Li Mianmian finally gave birth to a white and chubby little girl, named after her surname Li Yu, nicknamed Lele.

Lele looks more like Gu Yanci, but has a personality like Li Mianmian. She was obedient when she was in the womb, and rarely cried after she was born.

Li Mianmian took a break after confinement and then returned to work, leaving Gu Yanci to take care of the children at home.

After all, she is working for others, unlike Gu Yanci who does whatever she wants.

Gu Yanci's company made a series of arrangements when he decided to have a baby. He is not really self-made, so it is much easier than ordinary entrepreneurs, and he is still able to work with ease while raising children.

Probably because of this reason, one of the words Lele learned was "Dad".

For this reason, Li Mianmian was jealous for a long time, and Gu Yanci taught Lele to say "Mom" every day at home.But for some reason, Lele learned a lot of words later, but she still refused to call her mother.

Li Mianmian was so angry that she quarreled with the little friend who was learning to speak: "Why don't you call me mom? Mom gave birth to you in October, are you so heartless?"

Lele: "pa..."

"Climbing?!" Li Mianmian was about to die of anger, and turned to complain to Gu Yanci, "Listen to what your daughter said! Did she tell me to climb?!"

"She just made a random sound." Although he knew she was joking, Gu Yanci was still afraid that she really cared, so he quickly put down what he was doing and came over to comfort her, "Lele is only so young, how could I know that was What does that mean?"

"Ah..." Lele seemed to want to say something, she clenched her fists tightly, her toes turned up, her face flushed and she wanted to make a sound, "Ahhh!"

Li Mianmian listened suspiciously for a while, then looked at Gu Yanci, and asked, "What exactly is she trying to say?"

"How do I know." Gu Yanci laughed, "I'm not a baby point reading machine."

Li Mianmian had no choice but to rely on herself and continue to work hard to distinguish Lele's words.

Gu Yanci patted Li Mianmian's head, and was about to go back to wash Lele's little clothes, when she suddenly heard her utter one word clearly: "Love!"

"Oh~ one." Li Mianmian understood, "Her pronunciation just now is a bit like pinyin."

Gu Yanci nodded, and before he could say a word of agreement, he heard Lele shout loudly: "Mom!"

Both husband and wife looked at each other in shock, but neither spoke.

After a long time, Li Mianmian murmured, "Does she know what that means, or doesn't she know?"

"I don't know if she knows." Gu Yanci felt that Li Mianmian's dazed look was cute, so he couldn't help but kissed her face, "When Lele grows up, let her answer you by herself."

In this way, Li Mianmian unilaterally thought that the first phrase Lele learned was "love mother".

When Lele was a little older and could speak fluently, Li Mianmian explained the matter.

As Gu Yanci said, she really asked Lele directly: "The first phrase you learned before was 'Love Mom', do you remember? "

Lele was very clever. When she heard the question, she quietly exchanged glances with her father, then hugged her mother's neck, bit her face, and said loudly, "Of course I remember! Because I love my mother the most!"

Satisfied, Li Mianmian asked again, "What about Dad?"

Lele immediately said: "Second favorite father!" She thought her mother would be very happy, but unexpectedly

Mom's face sank.

"I can't do that." Li Mianmian said seriously, "I must love my father the most."

Lele was stunned: "Oh..."

"Mom and dad should love each other equally." Li Mianmian said, "You can't be partial."


Lele pondered for a moment ignorantly, then raised her face
Said, "But that's not what Dad said."

"Huh?" Li Mianmian asked, "What did Dad say?"

"Papa said we should all love our mother the most."

"What he said is wrong." Li Mianmian waved his hand, "We want to be a fair kid."

"Okay." Lele nodded, "I know!"

Gu Yanci heard the whole process from the side, and for some reason, his heart was very warm.

Li Mianmian's character looks obedient and clever on the surface, but in fact he is very stubborn in his heart.

Lele is exactly the same as her.

This kind of personality was not obvious when she was young, but it gradually showed up when she was a little older and became more sensible.

Li Mianmian originally thought that her daughter was very worry-free, and she learned everything about eating quickly. When she was three years old, she stood on a stool to wash her face and brush her teeth by herself.

As a result, as soon as she learned to read, she insisted on learning to dance.

Li Mianmian thought, learning to dance is really hard, if it's okay if it's just a hobby, how much hardship will it take if you want to make it a career?
She hesitated for a long time on this matter, and in the end it was Gu Yanci who persuaded her to respect her daughter's choice, so she reluctantly agreed.

With this learning, Lele has come to the end of this road.

When it comes to disciplining children, Li Mianmian and Gu Yanci's identities seem to be reversed. She is more like a strict father, while Gu Yanci is like a loving mother.

Every time Li Yan sees this pattern, she finds it very strange, because she clearly remembers that Gu Yanci is very strict, and she gradually became less afraid of him after graduating from university.

But Li Mianmian knew that this situation was completely expected.

Gu Yanci looks cold on the surface, but in fact he is very soft in his heart. Every time there is a dispute, he is always the one who compromises.

So since Li Mianmian was with him, his personality became more and more arrogant, which was all because of his habit.

When dealing with her daughter, Gu Yanci is very strict in terms of food, clothing, housing and transportation. Lele is not allowed to buy clothes that look beautiful but are actually very poor quality, and Lele is not allowed to eat junk food frequently.

However, he is very loose in his studies. Since Lele decided to take the path of dancing, his study of Lele only requires him to be able to pass the line of an art student.

The same is true in many other ways, as long as Lele acts coquettishly towards him, he will basically respond to any request.

Li Mianmian felt that if he continued to get used to it like this, his daughter would be taken care of by him sooner or later, so he had no choice but to play the role of "strict father" ruthlessly, saying that things that were not allowed were not allowed, no matter how much her daughter acted coquettishly and cried.

Even so, the relationship between her daughter and her is still very good, and it has not been affected in the slightest. It should be the credit of Gu Yanci's coordination.

Li Mianmian couldn't feel it when there were only two of them together before, but now she realizes that this man is really smooth in handling things, otherwise he wouldn't be able to easily manage such a big company.

Lele has some talent in dancing, and was admitted to the Capital Academy of Dance at the age of 15.

Later, a director asked her to make a movie, but after thinking about it, she refused.

Li Mianmian jokingly asked: "You make a lot of money making movies, why did you refuse?"

"I just want to dance in my life." Lele said, "I want to dance until I can't dance anymore."

At the age of 16, Lele won the gold medal in the most authoritative dance competition in China.

The video of her competition was posted on the Internet. Because of her superior appearance, she also became popular very quickly. Many agencies and directors came to her door, wanting her to act. to die.

Li Mianmian was a little emotional, and said to Gu Yanci: "She really looks like me."

After a pause, she laughed again: "It's actually like you."

Gu Yanci: "Huh?"

"You're also quite stubborn." Li Mianmian said, "You also like to be horny."

"I don't know what I am." Gu Yanci said, "I am what my wife says."

Li Mianmian: "...·"

This man really became more obedient as he lived.

After graduating from university, Lele continued to study
After that, he worked as a dancer and didn't go home all year round.

Li Mianmian felt that her daughter might also need her own private space, so she planned to vacate the house she was currently living in and leave her to live alone, while she and Gu Yanci moved to a villa in the suburbs.

In fact, she has wanted to move for a long time, and she has always lived here for her daughter's study.

The pace of life in the city was too fast, Li Mianmian wanted to change to a place that was a little more comfortable, so she bought a villa with Gu Yanci early, and when she was free, she wanted to plant some flowers in the backyard.

When preparing to move, Li Mianmian was packing her old things in the study, and accidentally found the diary written in high school.

Opening it, there was still a love letter from her to Gu Yanci inside.

She couldn't remember what she had written before, and when she read it one by one, there was a letter that was very different. Although the paper had started to turn yellow, it looked a little newer than the others.

Because the letter was not intended to be handed over to anyone else, all the envelopes were blank. Li Mianmian felt curious, leaned on the bookcase, and opened the letter to read——
"Dear Mumu:"

Li Mianmian was taken aback.

Looking at the handwriting, it turned out to be a letter written by Gu Yanci to her!She looked down at the lower right corner again, the time was many years ago, after calculation, it should be when they were just married.

Li Mianmian continued to look down-
"Today we went to get the certificate.

I don't know when you will see this letter, but you will see it anyway, so there is no rush, after all, we still have a whole life.

In fact, I have wanted to write this letter for a long time. I wanted to write it the day I knew you had written a love letter to me.I have not been able to pick up a pen because I wanted to find a more memorable time, and today is just right.

When I was conceiving in my mind, I had so many things I wanted to tell you, but when I actually started writing, I didn't know where to start.

Let's start with... the evening when I first met you.

I remember that the wind was blowing very comfortably that day, and you came up from the bottom of the stairs, looking like a very timid girl.I thought, for such a soft little girl, the family must love her very much.But why does she look so pitiful, like an abandoned kitten.

Then you gave me a cake, I felt very happy.Since no one has asked me to eat cake in ages, I lied to them that I don't like sweets and they believed it.

Mumu, brother can never lie to you.

You will never be afraid of brother's cruel words, and you can also pierce all my disguises most accurately.

So I never have to pretend in front of you, so no matter when I was a child or now, I am the most relaxed in front of you.

It seems to be a bit messy.

Well, I'm in a mess right now.

I want to say, if I do it all over again, my brother will definitely be reluctant to leave you for half a year.My brother will definitely watch my little Mumu grow up, will not let her be bullied in any way, and will definitely rush out and beat up other little boys when they confess their love to her.

If you do it all over again, brother will definitely not have the heart to let you fall in love secretly.

It's too bitter, how can I be willing to let my Mu Mu suffer this kind of pain?
I'm such a jerk.

I remember when you asked me when I started to like you, I didn't answer it because I didn't know.

Compared with liking, my initial emotion for you may be more dependent.

In fact, you don’t know that in my brother’s old mobile phone, I also wrote a lot of text messages that I wanted to send to you, but in the end I didn’t send them or save them, and I deleted them.

I have met many people since I was a child, and I have some friends, but there is no one I can confide in.

So I put what I wanted to say into a text message and then delete it, as if I said it to you.

In fact, I didn't want to talk to you at that time, after all, you were still young at that time, and I didn't dare to tell you too many things.But you are like a symbol, just looking at you makes me feel at ease.

It's absurd to say that, during those six months, every time I saw the young saplings that had just sprouted, I felt my mood improved.

As if Mumu is still by my brother's side, as long as I am with you, I can temporarily forget all the troubles in life.

Mumu grew up very well afterwards, and was no longer like the poor kitten before.

It is no longer my brother's kitten.So I dare not think.

How dare I be so selfish and drag you into my world? You finally stood under the sun.


Well, as you can see, I ended up being a bit selfish.

I still occasionally feel unreal.Who would have thought that I could really have you.Alas, I really don't like writing letters very much.
Far away, and I just want to hug you now.

So I won't say anything extra, we still have a lot of time in the future.

In addition, the peach blossoms have bloomed recently, and you said that you want to go to see them, so I bought two tickets to see the peach blossoms, I hope you like it.

Mumu, you must always be with your brother.I love you to death.

——Gu Yanci
After refolding the letter paper, Li Mianmian realized that she had shed tears at some point.

She was originally very strong, but every time she faced Gu Yanci, she would cry easily.

After carefully tidying up these letters, Li Mianmian turned to the last page of the diary.

She had meant to clip the letter here, but she glanced at a few lines on the last page that she had never seen before.

Still in Gu Yanci's handwriting one by one
[I walked barefoot through the thorn bushes, refining a hard shell all over my body.

Then peel off the shell and embrace you with tender arms. 】

I have been honed in the wind and frost, becoming hard and indifferent.But I will come back to you after all.

I became tender and weak again.

I like my weakness in front of you.Just as you depend on me.
End of text--
 Our story of Gu Yanci and Mianmian ends here, and tomorrow we will start the story of Gu Yanci's good brother Yan Shinan.

  There may be some differences with the previous story.But it's also a whole story.

(End of this chapter)

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