She was completely wet in the sea of ​​fire and was not harmed at all, her skin was tight and slightly red.

"Could it be that if you don't reach the Western Region, you will be randomly transferred all the time? Is this the serial talisman of the Thousand Miles Talisman? It is said that the Demon Realm is overseas in the Southern Region, so the Thousand Miles Talisman cannot be used. However, with the teleportation distance of the Thousand Miles Talisman, you can leave the Demon Realm through multiple transfers. …”

"On the other hand, I have been to the Demon Realm many times, and have regarded that desolate place as my own secret space."

"A few words about Demon Lord... really made me drift."

Tian San also rushed into the house to save people. At this time, half of the support beam at the door was burned from top to bottom. Niu Er collapsed after entering, and Tian San was forced to pour water from the wooden basin at the door.


The roar of the flames as the heat and cold alternated, along with the sound of the two Tian Niu communicating, reached the ears of the girl in green.

The corners of Jiang Su's mouth raised slightly, with a sneer.

Niu Er was a farmer. He was burned a few times and didn't take it seriously. He endured the pain and ran to the side of a strange girl in the house.

He grabbed the girl's hand and ran out without saying a word.

The farmer who was leading Jiang Su to escape from the fire suddenly broke out in cold sweat when he stepped out of the fire door. He wiped his forehead in confusion.

"It's weird, it's so hot, why am I still sweating?"

"What cold sweat?" Tian San poured water on the two of them at the door. Beside him were a dozen villagers who were putting out the fire.

At this time, the fire gradually subsided from the noisy state, and most of the Wang family's small house was burned down. The pillars were turned into blackened charcoal, broken wood was spread on the ground, and there were black marks under the feet of the busy farmers.

Jiang Suyuan's cassock was soaked in sea water and became soaked all over.After staying in the fire house for a long time, the baked clothes were hot and even her skin was burned. The burning pain stimulated her nerves.

"Pain...haha, interesting."

As a monk, she has a recovery power that is far better than that of a mortal. She has already recovered from the burn before it gradually turns red and swollen. The next second she will be burned by the still hot robe, and the pain will come, and then it will start again. recover.

Go round and round, go round and round.

To solve this cycle, she only needs to make a decision. This robe can be affected by water and fire but cannot be damaged by it. The pain caused by burns is more like a recreational game for her.

"Little girl, are you okay? Are you injured? The fire was very fierce when I came into the house to find you. I saw that there was nothing around you, so you probably weren't burned."

Niu Er let go of his hand, took the wooden basin from Tian San's hand, and splashed water on himself roughly, from head to toe. The water made a swishing sound, and some of it spurted onto Jiang Su's clothes, alternating between hot and cold. , "Zila——"

He is a mortal, and if he is accidentally touched by the flames, he will be scalded and burned. The exposed skin on his body now feels hot.

Jiang Su guessed this person's situation and without replying, he directly reached out to the storage bag hanging on his waist.

The mortals who happened to look around were surprised to see the girl take out three glass bottles from the flat, empty green embroidered money bag around her waist.

The glass bottle is completely black in color, reflecting bright spots of light under the mixture of moonlight and firelight at night.

They immediately opened their mouths and stared in surprise at the three exquisitely crafted vials, which were like treasures.

The next moment, Tian San seemed to wake up, and immediately pulled his partner Niu Er to kneel down, slamming his knees on the ground, and hitting his head one after another on the black and gray earth.

"Greetings to the Immortal Lord! Greetings to the Immortal Lord! Greetings to the Immortal Lord from the ordinary people!!!"

"The ordinary people have eyes but cannot recognize Mount Tai. They don't know that the Immortal Lord appears, and the ordinary people kowtow to the Immortal Lord and apologize."

The originally noisy crowd suddenly fell silent at this moment. The next moment they all knelt down, imitating Tian San's movements, and kowtowed to Jiang Su almost in unison.

Jiang Su "...".

"I just want to give out a medicine..." The scene in front of her was no stranger to her. Except for the inner and outer cities of Zhongdu, it was common for the people in other places to react to the monks by kowtow and kneel down.

There is a big gap between the common people. The living environment is superior. There are many wealthy people in the area, and they have more opportunities to contact monks.In the small village like this, almost no monks come.

Surrounded by mountains and rivers, life is ordinary, there are no monsters and evil beasts to cause trouble, and there is no chance of the great road in life.

They live in the mountains and never leave their villages for the rest of their lives. For several generations, if one person has met a monk, it is his greatest talent for drunken conversation. The way he talks about immortals to ordinary people is enough to make people enviable. Gorgeous.

Monks... they are so high up. They should live among the clouds, far away from the world. How can they live in the world of mortals?

Niu Er was stunned on the spot, and Tian San, who was quick to respond, grabbed his arm and knelt down on the ground.

He looked at the girl in green clothes in front of him. Her skin was as bright and flawless as a piece of fine mutton-fat jade in the moonlight.

With his eyes closed, he is very much like the Bodhisattva enshrined in his own niche.

He raised his head and murmured to himself: "Immortal Lord..."

Jiang Su doesn't have the habit of just enjoying being worshiped by others. She doesn't care about fame or whether others praise her in the sky.

She just felt... this was annoying.

A group of people stand in front of you, talking about you and praising you without listening. It is disgusting to mention this kind of thing.

What do they know? She is just a Nascent Soul, so what kind of immortal king is she?
If you don’t become an ascended immortal, you won’t be able to break through the void.She is just a domesticated brat trapped in a spiritual space.

She threw the glass bottle in her hand in front of Niu Ertian San, and the two of them subconsciously caught two bottles and one bottle respectively.

"Immortal Lord..." Tian San took the glass bottle, his eyes were shining brightly, and he was stumbling when he spoke. He was worried and asked bravely:
"This, this, this... what is this?"

Jiang Su had a straight face and casually replied: "Medicine for burns."

Tian San quickly took a deep breath and said nervously: " this elixir?!!"

Jiang Su was silent.

Niu Er's eyes also shone, he caught two bottles.

Seeing that Xianjun didn't reply, Tian San seemed to suddenly think of something, and then asked: "Is Xianjun a descendant of the Wang family?"

Jiang Su: "???"

She said coldly: "No."

Upon hearing the denial from the girl in green, Tian San hurriedly kowtowed a few times and begged for mercy: "It was the common people who misunderstood and did not know the purpose of the immortal king's trip, so he led his people to put out the fire in the Wang family's house."

"This happened because the previous children of the Wang family were taken away by an immortal king. Not long after, the Wang family became ill and passed away one after another. We were afraid that this child would become an immortal king. When we returned home, we found that the family members all died early and blamed us, so we guarded Wang’s courtyard.”

"I thought you, Immortal Lord, were the child you were back then, and you were so offensive with your words..."

His voice became smaller and smaller, falling to the ground like a mosquito. His head also hit the ground, and his body was trembling and he did not dare to get up.


"It turns out that monks were born here. It is a blessed place... However, there are tens of thousands of monks in the world of cultivation. Although the four realms are large, the probability of spiritual orifices opening is not different in each place."

"Just luck."

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