Lonely non-good minister

Chapter 159 Recommending Huo Ying to investigate the case

"News came from Leping that Song Yuan didn't allow cattle and sheep to go up the mountain during the flood, and personally accounted for all the losses. Judging from his appearance, he doesn't plan to repair the dikes and ditches in Leping. This is to force the wealthy gentry to give up their cultivated land. " Song Shi's tone was calm and subdued, the bamboo curtain was blown by the wind, and the golden sunlight hit the side of his face, illuminating his fair and quiet face.

The prince helped the handkerchief on his forehead, and said lazily, "He wants to make a big splash in Leping so much, so let him get his wish. You have to taste some sweetness before you get carried away."

"Yes." Song Shi replied: "My son has already rejected the things sent this year on behalf of my father."

The prince sighed wearily: "Well, it's fine if you refuse. Since some people don't understand the rules and tear the fig leaf away, then everyone should not be easy. Whether he is killed or cut, it is not up to us to bear it. Let them hate it." That brat who ruined his fortune."

Song Shi nodded, and then retreated silently.

The people who interrogated Zushige for three consecutive days did not pry out any news related to the East Palace. Although King Zhongshan was furious, he had no choice but to present the existing confession to Emperor Taikang.

In the Taihua Palace, the Crown Prince brought Song Shi, and the King of Zhongshan took Song Chun. The four of them were silent, and no one dared to speak first.

Emperor Taikang had already heard Song Chun read the content of the confession, he leaned sideways on the dragon chair, closed his eyes and asked in a deep voice: "Just two officials in the Zoushi Pavilion can tamper with Leping memorials for money. There are quite a few."

They were still silent, and they all knew that Emperor Taikang knew the truth, but if he didn't say anything, naturally there was no reason to admit it voluntarily.

Emperor Taikang slightly raised his eyelids to look at King Zhongshan, scolding him in his heart that he is useless, such a good opportunity has been given to him, he was stunned because he didn't get the prince's handle, and looking at the prince again, he seemed submissive, but There are really many ways to make people desperate.

"There are tens of thousands of cattle and sheep in Leping, but in previous years it was falsely reported as two thousand. Whenever the imperial court confiscated, it was always based on the number of two thousand. These people stole things, not to mention, and they are still standing on fertile land to delay our grain production in Great Wei. It’s really a crime that cannot be punished, how do you think it should be dealt with?”

The crown prince and King Zhongshan looked at each other, both intending to let the other party speak first.

"My lord, what do you think?" Emperor Taikang didn't bother to watch them practice Tai Chi, so he called them by name and asked.

The king of Zhongshan hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, this matter must be investigated strictly. I am afraid that there are not a few people who have been able to hide it from the court for so many years. The Leping incident has troubled Wei for many years. The emperor has tried so many ways to solve this problem. None of the ministers pointed out that Leping's news was false, which is really strange, either money blocked the mouths of these people, or the corpse was a vegetarian meal, and they did not fulfill their responsibility to share their worries."

"My sons and ministers seconded the proposal." The prince immediately understood that King Zhongshan wanted to take this opportunity to eradicate dissidents, so he stood up without haste: "The rich gentry in Leping are so confident, there must be a backer in the court, otherwise they would not be so big Courageous, dare to treat the imperial government's decree of withdrawing livestock and farming as nothing."

Hearing that the prince's meaning was the same as his own, King Zhongshan's thoughts immediately turned around many times, and he immediately understood that the prince must know about his dealings with the people behind the Leping Fushen, and he guessed that he stepped into someone who deliberately prepared for him. He got the benefit of shutting up, so that he would not expose Le Ping's affairs.

For a while, King Zhongshan was so angry and annoyed that he wanted to kill those duplicitous villains on the spot.

Emperor Taikang was very surprised when the two of them were able to agree, but he was a seasoned person after all. He immediately guessed that the two of them had their own agendas, but he still deliberately asked: "Then do you have any candidates to recommend?" Investigate the case thoroughly?"

As soon as these words came out, they immediately understood that this was a trap, and fell silent for a while.

Such self-explanatory cover is too childish and superficial.

"Your Majesty." It was Song Chun who stood up: "I recommend Huo Ying, Lieutenant of Leping County, to thoroughly investigate this matter."

Hearing Huo Ying's name, the crown prince and the King of Zhongshan both felt cold in their hearts. Who is not good to recommend?

"Huo Ying?" Emperor Taikang was very satisfied with this recommendation, and he had exactly the same intention.

Song Chun followed his will and said: "Huo Ying enforced the law impartially, never favoritism, and this matter has something to do with Leping, it's perfect for him to conduct a thorough investigation as Leping county lieutenant."

"Indeed." Emperor Taikang agreed with his statement: "What do you two mean?"

After being named, the crown prince and King Zhongshan immediately replied respectfully: "Let the emperor decide."

Still self-aware, Emperor Taikang didn't bother to bother with them, and ordered Huo Yingche to investigate the case of Leping rich gentry bribing imperial officials, and to give him the same rights as a court lieutenant during the investigation.

Coming out of Taihua Hall, King Zhongshan was a little unhappy: "Huo Ying came to investigate, isn't it to find out everyone's old background? In this way, there will be many people offended."

"Father asks himself, if he ascends the throne in the future, will he reuse these people?" This question choked King Zhongshan, and Song Chun continued: "These people are moths. Judging from the prince's reaction, the father should also know They did it on purpose to show their favor to you. If so, there will be no shame. We don't have a deep relationship with them. Even if we are found out, it's not a big deal, but the prince won't be able to get away so easily, Huo Ying Come to investigate this case, as long as there are clues, he can make the prince have nowhere to go."

After weighing it carefully, King Zhongshan agreed with his statement that if there is no destruction, it is a good thing to remove these people earlier.

When the official document of the imperial court appointing Huo Ying to investigate the case was sent to Leping, Song Yuan also received a letter from Song Chun. Song Chun informed her of the tampering of Leping memorials by Zou Shige, and reminded her that the situation in Leping might change, and the other party could not be kept safe. In order to numb her, she would obey her will, reminding her to be careful repeatedly in her heart.

Holding the letter, Song Yuan also realized that he had torn off a lot of people's fig leaf, and he was afraid that there would only be a lot of people who hated him.

Looks like trouble is ahead.

"Hey, why are these clothes rotten?" Wei Yan, who helped her pack her bags, lifted a piece of clothes: "Did it be sent by mistake?"

Song Yuan looked over, and saw the torn sleeves and the torn holes in the clothes at a glance. She was also taken aback, and went to turn all the clothes out. There were two torn clothes, and the others were a little thicker. Torn, was poured with ink, stained a mess.

Song Yuan became worried: "Mother is being targeted."

"Who would target the side concubine?" Wei Yan was puzzled, Xiao Shen was gentle and beautiful, she was polite to everyone, and never criticized anyone. The servants in the mansion liked her very much, and there was King Zhongshan Beloved, and a capable son like Song Yuan, with the protection of the princess, no one should bully her in the back house.

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