Lonely non-good minister

Chapter 493 Sir, please go on your way

Yan Yan came to Beijing with Song Fu three months ago. When the new emperor ascended the throne, all the foreign royal family had to come to Beijing to have an audience, so Song Fu brought her along.

Previously, Song Fu sent all the main craftsmen who made firearms to Jingzhao in order to show his loyalty. From that time, the Situ Mansion had already started to select a suitable location to start building a firearms workshop. However, Yan Yan did not follow him at that time. Yuan was worried about changes in Jingzhao, so she stayed with Zhou Ye. Now that the construction of the firearms workshop was nearing completion and the furnaces could be started soon, it was not appropriate for her to continue to stay in the northwest.

The power of firearms is already well known, so Song Yuan was very generous in making firearms and allocated a lot of money to develop firearms. As one of the main craftsmen responsible for the construction of firearms, she often went to the palace to report to Song Yuan on the progress of firearm manufacturing. .

Although she was wearing Mr. Yan's identity, Mu Wantang could still tell who she was as a woman. Knowing that Song Yuan treated her differently, Mu Wantang was ready to accept the newcomer.

When she learned that Yan Yan had come to see him, she left wisely.

Within a few days, the Tingwei Mansion received a murder case submitted from all levels of the county. In order to seek immortality, thirteen people listened to the wizard's advice and burned themselves to death.

At a critical moment when both the government and the public are trying to deal with the great witch Zhiyan, this case is undoubtedly a trigger.

In the morning, the ministers launched an attack, using this case as a basis, and detailed the various causes and consequences of witchcraft that harmed the country. Even the small cases that were usually buried in the county government were uncovered and used as evidence. , all asking Song Yuan to severely punish the great witch Zhiyan.

But Song Yuan did not make any statement and still did not mention it. This made the ministers puzzled. After the court, several ministers went to Taihua Palace together, wanting to remonstrate with death. Fortunately, Song Yuan had already anticipated this and stopped him at the palace gate.

That night, Song Yuan was still waiting to review the memorial in Taihua Palace. Mu Wantang brought supper, and all the palace servants who were waiting around him were sent outside. The empty palace was very quiet.

The great witch Zhiyan appeared quietly and turned to look behind the screen. He noticed that there was someone there.

Xu Yingrong, who was hiding behind the screen, held her breath nervously when she saw him turning to stare at her. Her instinctive fear pleased the great witch Zhiyan. He didn't pay attention to people like Xu Yingrong at all, and just stood quietly. In front of Long Ben, he looked at Song Yuan who was concentrating on reviewing the memorial. After looking for a long time and making sure that Song Yuan had noticed him, he slowly spoke.

"I have become a street rat now, but the emperor has not taken care of me for a long time. I am really flattered."

Song Yuan stopped writing and looked at him: "Because of the late emperor's favor and trust, witchcraft was so prosperous in the Wei Dynasty. How can those who act under the banner of Mr. are all upright people? In my opinion, Mr. It’s just that the person was implicated, so there’s no need to blame Mr.

"Your Majesty, do you really mean what you said?" The great witch Zhiyan leaned forward and looked at her, his eyes under the mask were full of smiles: "I am simple-minded, but I will take it seriously."

Song Yuan's eyes were sincere: "The truth is very simple. Sir, it's just a crime of cherishing the treasure. Besides, even if I had never dealt with Mr. Cooking, I think his life would not be easy now. I feel a little ashamed of him. You and I will make a decision. The contract has not been fulfilled so far, not to mention that the husband has been imprisoned."

"The situation is not good now, and there is no rush at this moment. As long as the emperor keeps the contract in his heart, it will be fine." The great witch Zhiyan sat down, rubbed his eyes a little tiredly, leaned on the back of the chair, and felt the pain on his body. The state gradually relaxed.

He noticed every word behind the screen. Xu Yingrong was so nervous that he felt ridiculous and puzzled. He didn't understand why a thoughtful person like Song Yuan would try to let Xu Yingrong control him. .

Song Yuan picked up his pen again and asked casually: "However, sir, you still need to put more restraints on those who repeatedly stir up trouble among the people. If you want witchcraft to flourish in the Wei Dynasty, you cannot let these people run wild, otherwise it will be ruined." If you do too many things that endanger the people of the imperial court, no matter how hard I try to suppress you, the ministers will not agree to it."

"It's because I'm not restrained. Don't worry, Your Majesty. I will clean up the house on my own." The great witch Zhiyan looked at her. Under the candlelight, Song Yuan's expression was serious and relaxed, and his peaceful attitude made people unable to be wary. Song Yuan put the reviewed memorial aside and took a new one. She looked at it carefully and read all the words in the memorial in her mind. The great witch Zhiyan could easily know what she was thinking.

But he didn't say anything, just looked at Song Yuan quietly.

When they first met, he knew that she was a smart girl. Over the years, watching her work hard and climb up to a high position, he became more and more sure that he had not chosen the wrong person in the first place. However, after meeting her frequently, his appreciation for Song Yuan had already increased. No longer simple.

However, he knew very well that a woman like Song Yuan could not be captured by a man's promises and lies. She was very powerful in her own right, and the presence of a man might become a stumbling block for her. She would never do anything like this. Confused.

Therefore, even though he knew that Song Yuan had murderous intentions towards him, the great witch Zhiyan still admired her. It was really hard not to be moved by a woman who was willing to risk everything to die with him.

"I have a question. When Sir helped me for the first time, he said he was asked by someone to recall me when I was possessed by a ghost." Song Yuan mentioned the past: "I wonder who asked Sir?"

The great witch Zhiyan's state became more and more relaxed, and he laughed softly: "I don't know who it is, but I just had a dream. The person in the dream asked again and again. It just happened that Liang He came to find me at that time. I thought it was a coincidence, so I agreed. Come down."

"The person in the dream?" Song Yuan became interested: "Is it so mysterious?"

The great witch Zhiyan smiled and nodded, but said nothing.

Song Yuan looked at him seriously, and it wasn't until Xu Yingrong walked out from behind the screen with a numb expression that the curious look on her face was taken away, replaced by indifference.

"Sir?" Song Yuan called out, but the great witch Zhiyan still sat back in a relaxed state.

Xu Yingrong stepped forward and took off his mask, revealing a face as handsome as an immortal. This was the first time Song Yuan saw his true face. His youthful appearance did not match the temperament brought by the passage of time. , put together, handsome and weird.

"Sir, can the contract be cancelled?" Song Yuan walked up to him.

The great witch Zhiyan shook his head with a smile: "Once the contract is made, there is no possibility of going back on it."

"So, I must die, right?"

The great witch Zhiyan still shook his head: "That's not the case. As long as I die voluntarily, the emperor will not suffer backlash."

Song Yuan's eyes lit up: "Really? Then sir, please get on your way immediately."

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