Chapter 51

Chapter 25 Yun Menglu
After dealing with the dividends and making arrangements for the delivery orders, Chu Yunmeng went to the wine koji workshop he cooperated with and added orders for making rice vinegar and rice wine.

When the other party is free, she will hand over the pre-processed glutinous rice to the craftsmen in the workshop, let them ferment, and take care of the follow-up process.

This will not only reduce your burden, but also avoid leakage.

The recipe is controlled by herself, this is a habit she learned from the dream world, otherwise everything about her may be stolen by others.

At the same time, she went to the carpenter's workshop again.In addition to increasing the number of custom-made cages, she also brought drawings and asked carpenters to help her make kitchen utensils such as gutters, bamboo colanders, and wooden soup spoons.

She is not worried about leaking the secret at all, not to mention that it is useless if the blueprint is leaked, even if the real thing is in someone else's hands, she has never seen how she uses it, and she can't find a clue.

Besides, the spread of these things is at best a convenience for colleagues, and it will not cause a fatal blow to oneself.

What's more, the carpenter's workshop has already been bought by himself, so it has an extra layer of insurance.

Then there is the vegetable garden.

In the small vegetable garden of Yunmengju, mint, wild yam, wild bean pods and other rare wild vegetables transplanted from the wild have expanded their planting scale and are growing vigorously.

In the small darkroom in the small vegetable garden, the mushrooms cultivated by myself are also growing day by day, which is more than enough to meet the daily needs of Yunmengju.With the continuous improvement of methods, the types of mushrooms are also becoming more and more abundant.

In the large vegetable garden next to Yunmeng Mountain, dogwood is growing in full bloom; newly transplanted wild vegetables such as Huozi, shepherd's purse, and wild amaranth are also growing wildly.

Under the influence of the increasingly warm weather, the newly sprinkled soybean planting and rice seeds broke out of their shells and sprouted.It can be foreseen that there will be patches of rice bushes and bean bushes here in the future.

And in the cellar of Yunmengju, the cellar full of ice cubes is still radiating a chilly air. Chu Yunmeng can already imagine how much business opportunities these ice will bring to Yunmengju in midsummer.

In the storage room, jars of sealed rice vinegar, rice wine, bean paste, and cups of soy sauce will describe the ups and downs of Yunmeng Residence in the future.

Rice vinegar has been used in Yunmengju's dishes for several days, and soy sauce is almost ready.

As Yunmengju's reputation grew, the details of the day of the competition between Yunmengju and Deyuelou were also magnified and disseminated.

When the first cup of soy sauce was used in the dishes of Yunmengju, the cooking method similar to stir-frying has become popular in restaurants in Yingdu.

Although the taste is a bit different from Yunmengju, but there are already many diners who are short of cash and have turned into regular diners of other restaurants.

Chu Yunmeng didn't care about it.

She knew that no matter how similar other restaurants were, they didn't use oil to fry, and the taste of the food was not a little bit bad. The real foodie would not be kidnapped.

What's more, after working for so long, she is indeed tired.

She is indeed easily moved by little things related to food.

For example, the smiles of every diner who enters and leaves Yunmengju, and their compliments on the dishes of Yunmengju.

But when Ah Tian told herself that the girl in colorful clothes had come to provoke her again and said harsh words, she was shaken.

There is no distinction between high and low food, regardless of national boundaries, let alone good or evil.This was the philosophy she had always adhered to.

Cooking for the common folks and getting a little satisfaction in the warm daily life made her feel very fulfilled.

When she saw people all over the city queuing up to eat a bite of Yunmengju's food, and when she was delighted to eat Yunmengju's food, she even had the idea that it would be good to live like this forever.

But in the face of absolute power, no matter how good you are in your own field, no matter how large the scale is, it will be nothing.

The word-of-mouth of ordinary people can become a channel for publicity, but if you indulge in it blindly, the raging waves of the shopping mall will smash you to pieces, and you will die without a place to bury you.

And this turmoil may come from competitors, and more likely from powerful people.

So next, her first thing to do is not to rush to make Yunmengju bigger, or to make the whole city like it, but to find a thick thigh for Yunmengju to ensure that once the huge waves hit the sky, she and Yunmengju was safe and sound.

She used to think that this thigh would be Chengyin Quxiao, but now it is far from enough.

But to attract higher-level dignitaries, the style must be higher.

Chu Yunmeng closed her eyes and made a painful decision.

After the first cup of soy sauce was put into use, more people came to Yunmengju.

Soon, all the dishes in Yunmengjuli were updated, adding soy sauce.

However, the diners found that the food in Yunmengju was much more expensive, not ordinary.The cost of one meal today is equivalent to five meals in the past.

Although they felt that the food was better than before, many people were still angry at the extra money and went to Yunmengju to protest.

Unexpectedly, Chu Yunmeng simply announced another rule that made people even more dumbfounded: from now on, except for regular diners who have paid a deposit, Yunmengju diners will only receive 16 diners a day, and the No. Qianjin is not welcome.

Feelings mean "don't eat if you think it's too expensive"?The diners were even more angry, but they dared not speak out.In the future, if you have money, you may have nothing to eat, but you can't offend this aunt!

Amidst the scolding, Yunmengju was once again crowded with people, and its reputation resounded throughout Yingdu.

Among the diners who came, it was no longer just the civilians and wealthy households in Yingdu, but more Gongqing families became fans of Yunmengju.

Master Yin of Yingducheng not only paid a deposit to become a regular diner, but also introduced many colleagues to come here.

Song Tutou from Chengyin's Mansion came to Yunmeng Residence every day, and he was the first one to come every time.

Many people also asked why the new dishes such as Yunlu Mushroom Soup are so delicious. Chu Yunmeng did not hide any secrets, and said bluntly: "Because Yunmengju's exclusive and secret Yunmengju was added—"

For a while, Yun Menglu became a hot topic among Yingdu Restaurant and diners.

Chu Yunmeng clearly felt that there were more people prying around Yunmengju, and the greedy voices of those people came to his ears along with their greedy eyes—take Yunmenglu, and crush Yunmengju to death.

She told Wugu that she must be more careful when entering and leaving the cellar in the future, so as not to be taken advantage of by someone with a heart.But with all precautions, Yun Menglu still leaked out.

The news was brought by Song Catcher.

"Deyuelou has held two special banquets recently, and invited rich households and people with status in the city to try something new. Although the food at the banquet is still a bit inferior to Yunmengju's, you can taste Yunmeng's taste once you taste it. The taste of dew. Deyuelou said to the outside world that it has a new secret sauce, and it is a taste for the elderly in the city."

Song Butou finished speaking in one breath without panting.

Chu Yunmeng was very depressed. After operating for so long, he managed to gain the reputation of Yunmengju step by step, and welcomed more and more high-end users. Deyuelou's trick of stealing the sky and changing the sky cut off his target diners. Huh!Then when will she find her cause and live clearly? !
check!Thoroughly investigate and eliminate rats!Chu Yunmeng roared inwardly.

She thinks that she is very careful in buying soybeans, and buys them in bulk together with asparagus, sunflower and other vegetables, and also claims that they are used to make bean hoofs. It is impossible for others to know the raw materials of Yun Menglu, let alone Knowing the production method, the so-called recipe leakage is absolutely impossible.

Unless someone has the same fate as her, but she firmly believes that such a coincidence is unlikely.Problems can only arise with people.

Wugu almost brewed Yunmenglu with himself. If the recipe really leaked, it could only be him.

Although she didn't want to believe it, Chu Yunmeng didn't dare to rule it out easily. After all, she didn't know much about Wugu. When she saw Lie Xinxi, she couldn't help but hug her when she saw the good seedlings. Who could confirm what he really thought?Would he be willing to stay in this strange and small Yunmengju, or would he want to go to a big restaurant like Deyue Tower?

As for Ayue and Atian, one often stays in the back kitchen and may be close to Yun Menglu; the other is in charge of the vegetable orchard, he has seen the process of drying soybeans and brewing, and he can also spy a little bit.

Since there are all suspects, let's wait and see.

(End of this chapter)

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