Chapter 107 Collapse
It has been a long time since Mihe has not been connected to the mental power network of Ω star.

The distance between the earth and Omega star is more than hundreds of millions of light years. When jumping here, Mihe once thought that he would get lost in the black hole of space.

This is a star field far more distant and older than what they knew.

When I first came here, I was able to contact the ten elders through the spiritual power network, which was already a blessing in misfortune.

But since her mental body had a problem, the last bit of luck was taken away.

Staying alone on a strange planet, facing a completely unfamiliar ethnic group, you have to conceal your identity, you have to integrate into society, you have to force yourself to be calm every day, and you have to face all kinds of loss of life.

From unfamiliarity to habit.

Mi He thought he had adapted, but he really became indifferent.

But taking the initiative to hurt an innocent human being, and even almost killing that human being when the other party had goodwill towards her, became the last straw that crushed Mihe.

She didn't really grow much.

The so-called habit is probably just her desire to complete the task and the obsession of continuing the race, temporarily suppressing the fatal flaw in the gene.

Like a frog boiled in warm water, it is going to perish in ignorance.

Mihe's conscious body sank into the spiritual sea in the collapse.

No lights representing the spiritual power of the ten elders lit up, and in a dark blue and deep field, only Mihe existed in this seemingly endless wilderness.

On the edge of this nothingness, the dark blue is cracked with fine lines.

Her spiritual world is collapsing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Mi He knew very well that this was a sign that she was heading towards death step by step.

Her collapse was never just because of hurting Feng Jinyi alone, but from the moment she arrived on Earth, what she saw and heard, even three meals a day, was a kind of accumulation of pressure for her.

Human beings are a race that lives in killing and dying.

They eat the flesh of animals and wear the fur of animals. They regard themselves as the primates of all things and stand at the top of the food chain with their wisdom and hands.

From the character's point of view, this is a kind of natural selection and a reasonable cycle.

But Mihe's position and genes are destined to make her unable to pass the simulation and become a pure human being.

Therefore, every moment of living on the earth has become a process of her stress accumulation.

She was like a silk thread that was constantly being held tightly. After taking the initiative to attack Feng Jinyi, she finally... broke.

Mihe's consciousness curled up in the center of the spiritual sea.

What she saw was the cracks in the collapse of the spiritual sea, and what she heard was the sound of the shattering of the spiritual sea.

She is waiting to die.

Although her consciousness sank into the spiritual sea, Mi He could probably imagine what her body would look like at this time.

When she was still on Omega, she had seen many clansmen who had mental breakdowns.

They were placed in a completely ironic cocoon room. The cocoon room should not be too big, because the Omega people will feel fear and loneliness because of the emptiness, and the cocoon room should not be too small, because they would feel depressed and suffocated because of the cramped space. ; They have no entertainment, because art is full of ups and downs, perhaps a piece of sad music can be a sharp weapon to cut their throats;
The dead leaves swept away by the wild wind, the water stains evaporated by the sun, the rocks polished by the years...

All of these things may cause the Omega people to empathize and give up hope.

Sensitive people are mostly difficult to be optimistic.

Therefore, the entire group of Omega people are hopeless pessimists.

More and more clansmen are placed in the cocoon house, and fewer and fewer clansmen can live outside. This is not a complementary, but a purely vicious circle.

There is nothing to love in the life in the cocoon room, and the people outside the cocoon room are hurt by things.

The gene fusion project is already the last struggle of the Omega people.

If it fails, this once brilliant race will turn into a speck of dust in the galaxy.

Just like Mihe now.

Even if he curled up in his own spiritual sea, he still couldn't feel a sense of security, and he was still walking on the road of turning into dust.

Her half-disabled mental body cried silently in the depths of her consciousness.

Mihe felt a sense of relief when the dust had settled.

It shouldn't.

But she couldn't control it.

If a genetic defect is also considered a type of genetic disease, then Mi He knew that she was already terminally ill.

Mi He knows that Wei Zhaolin has been guarding her.

The task target she chose looks indifferent, but sometimes clumsy and sincere. When she is overwhelmed, she will read a book to her upright, wipe the blood on her body gently, and put her face on her face. Come up to warm her cold hands.

Her quest target is a nice human male.

—The bad is her.

She comes with deceit, everything she says and everything she does is to get the job done.

He was sincere to her, but she could only repay him with deceit.

This is also part of the reason for crushing Mihe.

Mi He curled himself up a little tighter.

Her hand was held by Wei Zhaolin, but her conscious body was still lonely and cold.

At this moment, Mi He suddenly began to reflect on why she resisted Wei Zhaolin.

Is there a possibility... This resistance has never had anything to do with Wei Zhaolin.

Just because of her self-loathing?

When Wei Zhaolin was indifferent and alienated, Mihe felt that there was nothing wrong with it. She yearned for such a personality and genetic traits, so she completed the task with peace of mind.

But when Wei Zhaolin treated her well, she began to feel panicked.

Because of cheating.

Because there is no way to give equivalent sincerity.

This touched on her genetic weakness.

Mihe has never been so clearly aware of his ridiculousness.

She seems to be... sorry for everyone, and can't please anyone.

I don't know if it's because of the psychological self-exile, Mihe's mental state collapsed more and more quickly.

The cracks visible to the naked eye are getting longer and bigger, and fragments representing the spiritual barrier fall down and sink into the blue sea.

If this goes on like this, she probably won't even be able to maintain the mental hint of forging her identity.


Soon, Wei Zhaolin will find out that she is a complete liar.

Will he...will shake off her hand in disgust at the end?

In the room, Wei Zhaolin, who was holding Mihe's hand, suddenly became terrified.

He got up quickly, reached out to pinch Mi He's chin, and looked into her empty eyes.

Of course, Wei Zhaolin couldn't see her spiritual sea, but he could detect that Mihe's energy was rapidly weakening.

At the current rate of decline, let alone three days later, Mi He might not be able to support him to take her on the sailing ship!

The last way of life reserved was suddenly cut off, and Wei Zhaolin felt a rare sense of loss.

After finally adjusting her mood, Tang Wenlan pushed open the door and said, "Zhaolin, Xiaohe's condition is not right. Your father and I still think we should take her to the hospital for a checkup. You..."

"Get out." Wei Zhaolin didn't raise his head, he just supported Mi He to sit up, lowered his head to rest on her forehead, his expression was focused, his eyes were desperate and determined.

Tang Wenlan was stunned: "Zhaolin, you are..."

"I let you go out, don't you understand?"

Tang Wenlan noticed his eyes, and her heart tightened suddenly.

——Is this really her son?
(End of this chapter)

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