After being forced to study, I am super god

Chapter 109 I finally found the right candidate!

Chapter 109 I finally found the right candidate!

Lin Xiaonuo turned his head and looked at Qiao Yue, suddenly lowered his voice, and whispered in a voice that only two people could hear: "I will change the coach as soon as possible."

One second, Qiao Yue was still hoping that he could get out of the swamp as soon as possible. The next second, she was caught off guard and told that the other party had already done so. The corners of her lips curled up and she quietly gave him a thumbs up.

Lin Xiaonuo laughed dumbly.


The exam is over, come to an end.

Qiao Yue, who should have been relaxed, received a call from Li Mingzhu reasonably and unexpectedly after she became popular due to the screening of "Warmth".

After the call was connected, Li Mingzhu got straight to the point and got to the point.

"I have a play here, and you happen to have a role. I think you are good. If your studies are not too hard, you can consider getting in touch."

Li Mingzhu is an experienced actor.

She usually picks roles very carefully, and attaches great importance to scripts and characters.

A person of her status has already achieved fame and fortune, so when choosing scripts, she will take special care of feathers.

Qiao Yue didn't even need to read the script herself to know that the script chosen by Li Mingzhu must be very good.

She said without thinking, "Okay! I just want to give myself a vacation to adjust my condition. I can join the group at any time."

The selection time for the national training team is at the end of March, which is basically one month after the start of the next semester.

Qiao Yue also planned to loosen the tension she had been feeling.

After all, life requires relaxation.

"Let's do this. After your final exam is over, come directly to audition. If the director confirms you, you will join the team as soon as possible. The filming can be completed during this winter vacation."

I have to say that Li Mingzhu has considered everything comprehensively.

Qiao Yue is a student and cannot take too much leave, so it is best to finish filming during the winter vacation.

"Thank you, Teacher Li." Qiao Yue was very grateful.

Next, go back to school and go to and from get out of class normally.

Time flew by so fast, and once I started studying, it was like a fleeting moment, and soon it was time for the final exam.

After the exams, it’s time for winter vacation.

Qiao Yue has also made rapid progress in physics during this period, and she has thoroughly mastered high school physics.The only thing left is to find an Olympiad teacher to lead the team, and she can enter the Physics Olympiad in July.

As for other subjects that she takes classes on weekdays, she can achieve perfect scores in every subject under the supervision of the system.

As soon as the final exam was over, Lu Lu and Qiao Mingyu drove to school to pick up Qiao Yue.

As soon as she got in the car, Lu Lu told Qiao Yue about the relevant situation of the crew: "How is it? Teacher Li just sent you the script yesterday, did you have time to prepare it?"

Qiao Yue was confident: "Don't worry."

Of course Lu Lu trusted her daughter 100%. She stopped continuing the topic and changed the topic: "It is said that the director has a bad temper."

When Lu Lu mentioned Director Lin, her tone was filled with regret.

Previously, a marketing account broke the news that he and Chen Ying had an argument on the set and even punched each other, causing chaos.

Since then, rumors about Director Lin's temper have been rampant.

"You should be more careful and don't offend him for no reason." She was confident in her daughter's emotional intelligence, but she was afraid of just what might happen. She didn't know what she was thinking. She carefully warned: "If he makes trouble unreasonably, you You’re welcome!”

Qiao Yue chuckled: "Mom, you taught me the principle of three people becoming a tiger."

Qiao Mingyu joked and agreed.

Lu Lu:!
Well, she couldn't argue with that.

Along the way, Lu Lu and Qiao Mingyu carefully explained various precautions. Although Qiao Yue knew it already, she still felt warm in her heart because of their concern.

After squinting for a while, I woke up and went to the set.

Qiao Yue went directly to the audition.

The role Li Mingzhu recommended to her was a 13-year-old girl in a police movie.

A crazed gangster murdered the entire family's orphan.

Qiao Yue began to prepare the emotions of the character as soon as she got off the car. After entering the door, she saw Director Lin waiting for her with a grumpy look on her face. She pretended not to see anything, introduced herself in a neither humble nor overbearing manner, and then said bluntly: : "Let's get started."

Director Lam is a Hong Kong director who is good at making police and gangster action movies.

As an old-timer, he not only has high demands on himself, but also has higher demands on his works.Therefore, it is really not easy to find a young actor who is capable and suitable for the role.

If it hadn't been for Li Mingzhu's recommendation, he might not have considered Qiao Yue even if "Warmth" Zhu Yu was in front.

Because the role played by Qiao Yue in "Warmth" is too clean.

It was completely two extremes from what he needed.

"Start directly? Don't need to adjust the state?" Along with the astonishment, Director Lin's irritability due to staff errors caused by many ngs was slightly relieved.

He thought, no matter whether it was suitable or not, at least the attitude was positive.

"Yeah." "Scene [-], Scene [-]. You go through the lines first. Do you want me to tell you about the play first?"

This honor is still for Li Mingzhu's sake.

Who told Qiao Yue to act completely out of character and refused, "No need." In the field she is good at, she is the uncrowned king, not to mention she is only a small role.

Director Lin: "..." It's rare to be rejected as a good person, so I feel very complicated.

He said no more and waved his hand: "Let's get started."

As soon as the words fell, Qiao Yue immediately entered the state.

Her eyes were full of vigilance, and occasionally panic was fleeting.

If one second she was still a beautiful female high school student, the next second, with the change in her eyes, her impression was completely different.

Qiao Yue's back was stiff and her lips moved. She wanted to say something, but she couldn't.

Suddenly, as if she felt the vicious gaze of a poisonous snake, she turned back suddenly and her pupils suddenly shrank.

When she found that there was nothing behind her, she suddenly looked at the camera.

Qiao Yue's voice trembled: "Uncle Li, is it... is it... you?"

Director Lin was shocked!
Qiao Yue's eyes were exactly the feeling he was looking for. They were so graphic and very immersive.

He was just in a trance for a moment, then came back to his senses and immediately answered: "It's me. Don't be afraid, Xinxin, come to Uncle Li."

In order not to hinder Qiao Yue's performance, Director Lin subconsciously took the lines.

Qiao Yue's face was pale, and her tense back did not relax because of these words. Instead, she took a step back more vigilantly.

As if trapped in an illusion from which she could not escape, she was hesitant and in pain.

Director Lin: "Xinxin? Xinxin, don't be afraid! It's safe here."

Just after he finished speaking, Qiao Yue let out a sharp scream as if she was being stimulated, and then began to bite her fingers crazily, the fear in her eyes becoming even more intense.

"You're lying to me! You're trying to trick me out! You're trying to kill me!"

"Do not kill me!"

"Do not kill me!"

"No! I want to escape, I want to get out of here..."

Qiao Yue quickly became involved.

At this moment, she was the Xinxin who witnessed the tragic death of her entire family.

She couldn't trust anyone and would often hear the murderer's voice in her ears.

Just now...she heard those words again.

The murderer said to her: "Don't be afraid! Come out quickly! I am safe here..."

At this moment, she collapsed.

She had nowhere to hide.

It seemed that no matter where she went, there would be a pair of eyes staring at her.

She is just a prey being hunted by the hunter, and the hunting never ends...


Director Lin shouted, with a look of satisfaction on his face. As for his irritable mood, he had already dissipated under Qiao Yue's unrealistic performance.

Who would have thought that in just a few minutes, Qiao Yue could arouse his emotions. Just a few lines, combined with her eyes and movements, directly aroused emotional resonance.

Very contagious.

"Clap! Clap! Clap!"

Director Lin finally followed his heart and applauded Qiao Yue with a smile.

"Little girl! Not bad! This role belongs to you!"

At first, he was still a little unsure whether Qiao Yue could win this role.

Most actors with good acting skills are highly paid and don't bother to do supporting roles. As for actors with untapped talents...where are there so many talented actors? !

But after the audition just now, Director Lin was overjoyed!

There are few talented actors, but he was lucky enough to find one!

Although Xinxin is only a supporting role, she is a key character, and every scene is a classic.

Director Lin has been having a headache for this role for a long time, and now he finally found the right candidate!

"Qiao Yue, right? Work hard!"

Director Lin rarely looked kind and friendly to Qiao Yue.

"You are so young and have this kind of strength. Your achievements in the future will be limitless!"

(End of this chapter)

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