After being forced to study, I am super god

Chapter 121 Where is Qiao Yue?Where has she gone?

At night, the twinkling stars and the shining lights of thousands of houses complement each other. At this time, Su Rou, the traffic flower, has become more popular after a long absence.

There had been no news for a long time, and her sudden appearance sparked the enthusiasm of fans. In a short time, the number of comments and likes exceeded [-].

Su Rou V: Between filming [Picture 1] @青祥.

The picture is a profile photo of Sister Hong taken during Su Rou's filming break, which fits the copy very well.

Su Rou's face was given a soft glow by the light of the screen. Her eyes were fixed and she was watching the drama intently.

What I was watching was "The Power of Man", and the person on the screen was none other than Qiao Yue.

"Family members, who knows? I just opened Weibo and saw my wife posting on Weibo. Hey, my wife Roubao and I are following the same TV!"

"My wife is so beautiful! Wait, my wife seems to have had her hair cut. Her beautiful long hair before was cut short this time. Is it because she was filming a drama about the Republic of China? But my wife with short hair is still so beautiful!"

"It seems so. I heard that my wife asked for the haircut. The director put the short-haired student days until the end."

"Didn't anyone notice? It's Qiao Yue on the screen, and my wife even liked Qiao Yue directly. The relationship between the two of them seems to be very good!"

Fans commented wildly. As the details were revealed, many fans lamented that Su Rou had become more dedicated. Of course, they also mentioned Qiao Yue on the screen.

A few fans are very curious about the private relationship between Qiao Yue and Su Rou.

So I went to Qiao Yue and the crew's Weibo and started looking for details about the relationship between the two people like a magnifying glass. In the end, of course, there was no progress.

While Qiao Yue was studying, Lu Lu sent a Weibo screenshot.

"You have a good relationship with Su Rou?"

Qiao Yue:?
"We just filmed together and we didn't even speak a few words."

This is true because the roles of the two do not overlap at all.

After Lu Lu heard this, she just felt puzzled, "Then why is she helping you promote it?"

Before Qiao Yue had time to click on the picture, her mother's voice came. She clicked on the picture in confusion. When she looked carefully, she saw that it was really the picture.

Not to mention Su Rou's slippery or inadvertent behavior, generally the Weibo posts of celebrities are operated and maintained by dedicated personnel, and the details of Weibo pictures need to be controlled to avoid inappropriate advertisements and hints.

What's more, Su Rou's Weibo post also specifically targeted Qiao Yue.

Qiao Yue hung up the call and thought of Su Rou's WeChat message, so she sent her a message directly.

Qiao Yue: Thank you, Sister Rou.

Su Rou quickly replied, "You're welcome."

Qiao Yue thought about her words and was about to ask her what was going on in that Weibo post, but Su Rou replied again.

Su Rou: Don’t pay too much attention, I just want to thank you for inspiring me.

Qiao Yue:? ? ?

no!She really has never done this!
The memory value has been steadily improving recently, and there is no such thing as intermittent forgetting!

Qiao Yue was confused.

Just when Qiao Yue was racking her brains to recall whether she really had this memory, Su Rou's long voice came.

"You don't have to think about when you helped me, I just know it from the bottom of my heart."

Qiao Yue:?
"By the way, I came across a good script. Do you want to try it?"

She didn't even wait for Qiao Yue to answer whether she wanted it or not before she sent over all the characters and information about the relevant characters.

Qiao Yue:? ! ! !

This lady is really resolute.

Although Qiao Yue is not familiar with Su Rou, she does know her somewhat under the influence of the crew. Su Rou has a straightforward personality and is quite decisive and capable. She should not be petty towards herself.

Without much thought, Qiao Yue clicked on the information.

Just one glance and your eyes will light up!
This is a suspense drama with two heroines focusing on criminal psychology.

One of the heroines has already been decided, and she is Yang Ruiyu, a popular child star who has been popular since childhood.Because it is a drama with two heroines, the other character corresponding to the heroine, the heroine who is suspected of serial murders, has not been found.

The main reason is because Yang Ruiyu's acting skills are so good that not many young girls can take on her role.

Among these people, either their image is inappropriate or their schedule conflicts.

The director had a bald head and was unwilling to give in.

Su Rou also plays the role of the third female lead in this suspense drama and is a member of the crime-solving team.

I heard that the director was worried that there was no suitable actor, so after comprehensive consideration, he recommended Qiao Yue.

Although the director was not optimistic about Qiao Yue, considering her excellent performance in "The Power of Man" and Su Rou's reputation, he agreed to audition.

"I am willing."

Qiao Yue quickly browsed it and agreed immediately. She really wanted to try a role like a pervert. Compared with "Warmth" and "The World", it would test her acting skills more.

Once she passes the test, the types of scripts for her to choose from will expand a lot.

"Even though I'm still in school, I don't know if I can get it right."

Su Rou didn't take it seriously, "We haven't made any preparations yet. Everything can be discussed. If you are willing, I will make an appointment to try out the show."

After Qiao Yue finished chatting with Su Rou, she was not affected at all and continued reading.
Su Rou's Weibo brought a lot of traffic to Qiao Yue, which was really the icing on the cake.

Of course, the Internet has no memory, and this episode was quickly lost in time.

Because of the rigorous plot logic and the fact that most of the actors are veteran actors with superb acting skills, "The World of Power" stands out among a group of silly and sweet dramas that are brainless or sweet.

The TV series ran for nearly a month.

During this period, Wan Xing led the crew members on several variety shows, and also accepted two interview programs. Whether they were starring or supporting roles, they were actively engaged in business.

Only Qiao Yue is missing.

Fans didn't pay much attention at first, thinking that maybe she would appear unexpectedly on a certain show.

But after all the popular variety shows and interviews were aired, and the drama was over, Qiao Yue still didn't show up.

Where is Qiao Yue?Where has she gone?
Some of Qiao Yue's fan groups were noisy.

"By the way, could Qiao Yue have committed something? Has he been soft-blocked?"

"It seems so! It's strange, she has never participated in variety shows, and there is no information at all! It is possible that she has been soft-banned! Does anyone know the inside information?"

"Pfft, where is Qiao Yue? She's not worthy of a soft ban, okay?"

Soft banning means that the official did not notify, but actually expressed its attitude towards boycotting bad artists through a series of actions.

Artists are often banned from appearing if they have serious moral or ideological problems.

Seeing the public opinion intensifying, the black fans were ready to take action. Lu Lu, who noticed this situation, secretly sent a message to Qiao Yue in her busy schedule.

Lu Lu: The drama is over, please quickly post on Weibo to reveal the current situation. , but Heizi is going to start spreading rumors again.

Spread a rumor and break a leg.

If you don't stand up and explain at this time, the sunspots will become more and more crazy later and form a mob effect.

By then, even if Qiao Yue comes out to explain again, I'm afraid she won't be able to explain clearly.Qiao Yue, who is preparing for the first phase of the national team’s training activities:?

The first phase of the IMO Mathematical Olympiad National Training Team’s training camp was held in Jinyun City, Linhe Province.

This is the first time that Linhe Province has hosted the highest-level event of a mathematics competition for middle school students. 60 domestic mathematics talents and coaches gathered together to witness the opening ceremony of the day in Jinyun.

Qiao Yue followed Tian Guangyi and rushed to Jinyun City without stopping. She had just made arrangements at the hotel and was attending the opening ceremony. Where could she attend to the variety show?
Besides, Qiao Yue had already had the idea of ​​not appearing in any variety shows before.

Even if she could go, she didn't want to go.

However, Lu Lu was right to remind her.

So, she quickly posted on Weibo.

Qiao Yue V: I was participating in the competition. I popped a bubble to show that I was not missing [Picture 1]
The accompanying picture is a photo of the Jinyun TV host standing in front of the big screen at the opening ceremony.

The opening ceremony of the first phase of the national training team training was written on the screen.

As soon as this Weibo was posted, fans immediately went crazy.

"I'll go! Did I read that correctly? National training team training? What kind of event is this? The picture is not complete! Family members, does anyone know?"

"I'm from Jinyun! I know this! It's held in our city. It's said to be a national Olympic training team. It seems that only the top 60 in the National Olympiad in Mathematics are eligible to participate! Damn it! So, is Qiao Yue among the top [-] in the country? ?”

Because of this picture, fans began to search the Internet for information related to Qiao Yue and the Mathematical Olympiad.

Fans were shocked when they saw that Qiao Yue was ranked No. 1 in the preliminary, semi-finals and finals of the National Mathematical Olympiad.

"However, I am uneducated, so I can go all over the world with just one word. Who the hell dares to believe that Qiao Yue is actually No. 1 in the Olympiad! It's so terrifying."

"Mom asked me why I knelt down to look at Qiao Yue. Answer: I worship the god of learning!"

"Laughing! Who said Qiao Yue was soft-banned? She has obviously entered the national team, and may even represent the country in international competitions! Are the faces of some of the slanderers swollen now?"

The fans' status did not affect Qiao Yue.

Whether it's a bloody storm or a sunny day on the Internet, if you turn off your mobile phone, everything will return to nothingness.

Qiao Yue has no time to pay attention to these now, but instead takes the questions seriously.

While she was studying and receiving coaching from the national team coach, Tian Guangyi received a call from the Mathematical Olympiad Committee.

"Tian Guangyi, are you willing to return to the national team as a coach?"

A clear voice came from the mobile phone, and Tian Guangyi was stunned.

Mathematics is a rigorous subject. Tian Guangyi needs to thoroughly study all the Olympiad questions he has seen before he can explain it clearly to his students.

No matter how far the students can go or how talented they are, he has to be ahead of them every time.Not only do you need to prepare lessons in advance, but you also need to study the competition books yourself.The cardboard boxes piled next to Tian Guangyi's desk are filled with test questions and competition books for different levels of competitions. When accumulated, they fill the corner and are as tall as a person.

Every test paper placed there and every question on every page are filled with his ideas and problem-solving methods, and he left dense notes.

Only Tian Guangyi himself knows how long he has persisted in the Mathematical Olympiad.

When Tian Guangyi left the national team and lost the title of "gold medal coach" before, he felt disappointed and painful.

He didn't even know if he could make a comeback.

But Qiao Yue changed him.

Mencius said: "To obtain the world's talented people and educate them is the three joys."

Qiao Yue went from a student with no Mathematical Olympiad foundation to the national team step by step.He was deeply inspired by this energetic and comeback.

I don’t know when his previous trauma was healed.

Perhaps, what he has always wanted is the process of cultivating talents for the country, rather than gaining fame or fortune.

After hanging up the phone from the Mathematical Olympiad Committee, Tian Guangyi walked into the training team.

It was time for Qiao Yue to take a break and took a glass of water to drink.

When she came out of the large conference room, she saw Tian Guangyi, and she walked over to say hello to him.

Tian Guangyi's eyes were shining, "Qiao Yue, I can return to the national team. The national team just called and invited me back."

The corners of Qiao Yue's mouth slightly raised, happy for Tian Guangyi.

"Congratulations! Teacher Tian! I knew your dream would come true."

Tian Guangyi nodded, emotions flashing in his eyes.

"Thanks to you for this."

Qiao Yue waved her hand and shook her head, "No! Teacher Tian. Instead, I should thank you. You took me all the way here."

Tian Guangyi sighed.

They are actually a win-win.They gave each other a chance and made each other successful.

Qiao Yue stood at the door with a water glass in her hand. She took a sip.

"In the future, we can also go international. Represent the country and compete with other countries!"

After saying this, the tutor of the training team was about to start class again. Seeing other people entering the classroom, Qiao Yue hurriedly turned back to the classroom.

Before leaving, she seemed to remember something, turned around and said with a smile: "Teacher Tian, ​​I have always believed that you will be fine with or without me."

"Because those who chase the light should not be let down."

Those who are dark, dirty, and shameful only deserve to survive in the corners.

Xiangyang's innocence will one day be worthy of being stepped into the light and attracting the attention of thousands of people.
During the training period, in addition to tutoring on various topics, a new round of topic selection began.

After all, the purpose of the training camp is to select six representatives before the international competition every year.

In the end, we still have to select the top six.

Qiao Yue has always been the focus of attention.

Every question she does must be carefully evaluated by the teacher who created the question and the coach of the national team.

The math questions in the training camp were tricky and weird, but they were still within the scope.

Of course Qiao Yue still performed very well.

"She did the questions too fast." The teacher who set the questions couldn't help but sigh, "I had to think about this set of questions for a long time, but she did it so quickly, as if she knew the correct answer in her head at any time."

"Otherwise, how could she be number one in the country? In my opinion! Number one in the country must be at this level!"

The coaches of the national team are selected from outstanding mathematics teachers in each province.

They have no other purpose than to select top mathematicians who are emotionally stable, determined and powerful for the country.

Qiao Yue was excellent in all aspects. She answered the questions flawlessly and answered questions quickly and accurately every time, leaving the others far behind.

"If nothing else happens, Qiao Yue will be the first choice representative!"

The first phase of training is still going on, and Qiao Yue’s lessons are still very heavy.

On this day, she saw someone who surprised her, Xu Han, at the door of the classroom.

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