Chapter 123 Good talent
This is the first time that the spirit measuring stone shines.

Li Ruoxi opened his eyes wide, and saw that the light changed from red at the beginning to red, yellow, and green.

When the light stabilized, nearly 70% to 80% of the entire stone plate was filled with light, and the minimum spiritual root value was above 70%, which is not bad.

Yun Lu said: "It's the three spiritual roots of fire, earth and wood. Congratulations. Are you willing to become a disciple of my sect?"

The child whose spiritual root was detected looked to be five or six years old, with dirty skin, and it was impossible to tell whether it was a boy or a girl.

"Yes", the child nodded desperately, then grabbed two handfuls of snacks, swallowed, looked away with difficulty, and asked, "I can share these delicious treats with my brothers and sisters." ?"

There are many brothers and sisters who are hungry in the back.

Only then did she notice that the child in front of her was a little boy.


What a caring child, this wave is not bad.

She watched him run to the back of the line, divided the snacks, ran back again, did not take any more snacks, and stood obediently behind the group of children who passed the test.

Yun Lu told him that he was in good spirits, and that he could handle a little hunger for a while, so she didn't ask him to get some snacks.

She can't let the children behind think that this kindness is just a casual thing.

The aptitude test continued, and with him he made a good start, and then six children with spiritual roots were detected one after another, with good and bad spiritual roots.

The best ones are the three spiritual roots of gold, fire and earth, and the spiritual root value is above 80%.

The other fire and wood double spiritual root, the spiritual root value is 60% to 70%, which is not bad.

There are two with medium aptitude, one is four spiritual roots, and the spiritual root value is 50% to 60%.The other is a single spiritual root, and the value of the spiritual root is only about 40%, so the aptitude can only be regarded as medium.

The remaining two are five spiritual roots, one with a spiritual root value of 20% to 70%, and the other with a spiritual root value of 30 to 40%. Because the lowest spiritual root value does not exceed 30%, the qualifications are a bit low.

Whether the spiritual root aptitude is good or bad depends not on the "highest value", but on the "lowest value".

It's a pity for the five spiritual roots whose spiritual root value is between 20% and 70%, but for the spiritual root of the attribute with the lowest root value, if the root value is raised a little bit, the future path of cultivation will be much easier.

These six plus the ones detected at the beginning, a total of seven children have spiritual roots.

There are even more children who have been found to be talented in body training, there are a hundred or so of them.

Nearly a thousand children participated in the test, and the probability of having spiritual root qualifications was a bit high, while those with body training talents were a little bit lower.

But I can understand it when I think about it. There are many poor children here, and their health is not good, so some children originally had the talent for physical training, but they were gradually delayed.

In addition, some of the children here are "destroyed" and exiled here, just like Zhao Tianyou before, maybe they have been tested at home to have spiritual root aptitude, so they didn't join the sect, it was only because of an accident later. Trapped here.

For example, the child who detected a single spirit root originally belonged to the elixir garden at home, but his father failed to fight for power and was kicked out, and he encountered an accident on the road, so he ended up here.

"It's almost time, we'll go back to the sect tonight." Yunlu was very satisfied with them, and just about to take out the food she had prepared for them, when a child rushed out and begged:

"Sister Fairy, can you wait a little longer, Brother Yuan and Sister Yuan haven't come back yet."

As soon as the child opened his mouth, a large group rushed out with a clatter, talking to each other.

"Master Fairy, Brother Yuan and Sister Yuan and the others have gone out hunting and are a little far away, but they will definitely be back tonight."

"Sister Zhao, you can do me a favor, and wait for them."

"My God, we beg you..."

As they spoke, the group of children knelt down.

Yun Lu's sleeves were pulled, and she turned around to find that it was Li Ruoxi. Looking behind her, all the newly recruited disciples also knelt down.

When she saw it, she was both angry and funny, and said angrily, "Did I say I'm leaving now? Kneel whatever you want, get up!"

She vomited and roared, and the children were afraid that she would be really angry, so they all got up again, but the desire to pray in their eyes became stronger.

Seeing that they were all up, Yunlu was quite obedient, and said calmly, "Try not to do this kind of moral kidnapping in the future. If you encounter someone with a bad temper, you can't bear the consequences."

The younger ones here don't understand what it means, but the older ones understand it, nodding repeatedly, and then feeling scared for a while.

Seeing that they were all concerned, Yunlu took out the rice balls and fried pork strips that she had prepared earlier and put them on the table: "If you are hungry, come and get food yourself, everyone has it."


I don't know who, at first let out a cheer, and then all the children cheered, and gathered around the table one by one.

While taking the food out, Yun Lu asked Zhao Tianyou and Li Ruoxi to maintain order.

"Everyone has it, line up carefully, come and get it one by one..."

The children here were so happy that they thought it was Chinese New Year, and in the forest on the other side, Yuan Ping and Yuan An, who received the lame sound transmission paper crane, were rushing back.

Immortals have come here to accept apprentices, and they don't know if it's true or not. They have to go back and have a look quickly, so as not to encounter liars.

When they ran all the way back, they could smell the aroma of food from a distance, and when they got closer, they found that all the children were eating.

No, could these things have been poisoned?

Seeing that a child was about to eat the rice ball in his hand, Yuan An, who was closest to him, immediately stopped him, tasted a little, and made sure that there was no bad smell of medicine in it, so he relaxed a little.

Seeing his sister nodding at him, Yuan Ping knew that the food was all right.

Perhaps, today there are really immortals who come to recruit disciples, but they are too sensitive?
Then their reckless actions just now must have been seen by the immortals.

Realizing this, Yuan Ping immediately pulled his sister Yuan An, knelt on the ground and kowtowed, and said loudly: "I am a god, I didn't mean to offend everyone, please forgive me."

Yun Lu, who had noticed these two people a long time ago, saw that they were so cautious and was observing them, but she saw them kneel down suddenly, and said "forgive me" or something.

"It's okay, get up."

Yun Lu used her spiritual power to amplify her voice, and when she saw that they stood up obediently, she said, "You guys come here first to test your aptitude."

She doesn't like Fan who pretends to be big, so she just speaks out when she has a job, and she doesn't want to let them wait to be a deterrent first.

Seeing that the immortal was not angry, Yuan Ping and Yuan An walked forward cautiously.

As they walked, they observed the children here, and saw that they were still eating happily, and they were not timid because the fairy spoke, so they were relieved.

It seems that the immortal who came this time should be a good one.

 Thank you Moonlight Fairy for your reward~

(End of this chapter)

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