Use foreign lands to conquer the whole of Europe

Chapter 125 124: [Forgotten Garden] There is a metamorphosis

The door to Suzanne's house was locked from the inside.Relying on the only remaining memory, Anji successfully opened the door and poked her head out quietly.

Although she thinks that the saying that "going out at night will be infected by evil breath" is just superstition, but in this unworldly foreign land, she still has to be cautious.

Take a tentative step, without any strange feeling.

Anji breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, walked out of the door, and closed the door with a sound so soft that it was almost inaudible.

Hopefully no one will find her out of bed tonight.

Angie took a few steps out cautiously and looked around.

At this moment, the bright moonlight became the only light source.They pass through the woods near the wooden house, and they are cast mottled on the ground, only allowing people to see the terrain clearly.

After thinking for a while, she walked towards the trail leading to the village.The dark shadows of the tall trees on both sides shrouded the place, swaying slightly in the warm summer night wind and making soft rustling noises, making this already narrow path look extremely gloomy.

Anji walked cautiously on the road, but always felt as if she was "being watched by something".

Walking at a natural pace, suddenly, she stopped abruptly and turned her head to look behind her.

No one was there.The range of vision is only those trees that are thick enough for a person.

Angie couldn't help frowning.If someone is really hiding behind these trees, it is indeed difficult for her to find him in the low visibility and complex environment.

Anji looked at the woods behind him for a long time, and was about to turn his head when suddenly a hand covered his mouth.

Her heart skipped a beat, and she immediately heard a somewhat familiar male voice from behind:
"Master, is that you?"

This familiar title made Anji excited immediately. He tore off the hand and turned to look at the person behind him:
"Are you Elijah?"

With the moonlight in the forest, she finally saw the other person's appearance clearly - an ordinary young man in his 20s, with short brown hair with some natural curls.

But most importantly, this man was the night watchman she had seen in the church during the day, Leo.

And just when she finished speaking, Leo had an unusually bright smile on his face:

"Master~ I was the first to find you, right? I saw your performance in church this morning, and I knew it was you—"

"Hey, stop," Anji quickly interrupted his excited to speak too fast to ask for credit, and always felt that the scene seemed familiar, "to put it another way, here... what are you doing??!"

In Angie's small exclamation, Leo has already raised her with both hands, and excitedly circled in place:
"Master, look at me, I can even pick you up and spin you around now, haha, it's amazing!"

"You fucking put me down! Don't go crazy here!"

Anji tried hard to keep his voice down, cursing angrily while feeling his lower body flying outward due to centrifugal force.

But actually, she wasn't really angry—because she knew exactly why Elijah was so excited.

A sword suddenly has a body of its own, so it is natural to be excited to heaven.

It might be better to say that Elijah's reaction during the day was too natural.Not only did he calmly and skillfully use the church's strange rituals in front of so many people, he coaxed Elena while helping her treat her wounds, even when he recognized Angie, his expression didn't change much.

This guy, the city is quite deep.

As these thoughts flashed by, Anji's eyes suddenly showed a little disdain.

Elijah froze slightly, then put down Angie, and said aggrievedly:

"Master, you are not still angry, are you..."

"How could it be? Of course I won't be angry with a sword that can misidentify its owner." Anji said flatly.

Seeing that Angie was still brooding over that matter, Elijah couldn't help shrinking his neck, and his expression became even more aggrieved: "Master...don't easily believe what that strange woman said, she—"

"She can call you by your name, so she recognizes you," Anji interrupted him without any emotion, staring at the other person's face indifferently, "I didn't believe her easily, and you should be very clear—do you think you are The process of me being the master is already full of mysteries, and there are many things that you can’t explain clearly, how can you convince me?”

Elijah silently looked down at the ground, with guilt on his face.

But soon, he heard Angie's calm voice again:
"...But let's put these things aside for now. I don't plan to pursue you. Anyway, your master will only be me from now on, understand?"

Elijah looked at the little girl in front of him in surprise.Seeing this somewhat strange girl with his familiar gentle smile made him feel relieved immediately, and responded with a smile:
"Well, I understand, I don't dare to be thrown into the furnace by you."

Anji twitched the corners of his mouth, snorted a sneer, but his eyes were very gentle: "Find a place that is convenient for chatting, you should be more familiar with this place than me?"

"Yes, Master!"


In the south of the village, in an abandoned wooden house.

Elijah led Angie all the way, and successfully bypassed the night watchmen holding lights, and came here.

According to him, when night watchmen patrol at night, they will not only perform "sacred rituals" and prayers before going out, but also carry holy lamps with them to ensure that they will not be polluted by evil breath.

While saying this, Elijah also showed Angie the holy lamp he was carrying.It was a glass-covered device with a candle inside and a metal handle on top, resembling an oil lamp.

His light was also on, but because he wanted to sneak over to find Angie, he blew it out during his patrol.

Angie nodded thoughtfully.

Now, it was just the two of them in this dark room.In order to ensure safety, they closed all the doors and windows, and then Angie took Elijah to the innermost corner of the room in the dark, wanting to sit down and chat slowly.

But before she had time to sit down, Elijah took the first step to sit down, pulled Angel over and sat on her lap, and said in an extremely flattering tone:

"Master, just sit on me~ the floor is dirty."

After a brief moment of stupefaction, Anji curled her lips in disgust: "Be normal, you are a human being now, don't act like a perverted lolicon—what are you doing?"

At this moment, Angie, who was sitting on Elijah's lap, was already tightly hugged by him, and then he heard the other party's strange laughter:

"Hey hey hey... the little master is also very cute... fragrant..."

Angie exploded instantly, and punched Elijah in the face unbearably: "I want you to be normal, you are deaf! Why can you say such a standard perverted speech?!"

"Ai, ai, ai, ai, ai, master, please keep your voice down, so that you can be spotted easily—what is a perverted lolicon?"

"I can't stand you like this!" Angie said angrily, trying to grab Elijah's hand that was holding her, but found that the other party still refused to let go, so she directly angrily said, "Let me go! Are you trying to heat me to death in summer?"

"Master, am I not your favorite sword? Didn't you still hug me to sleep before? Why are you so against me now?"

Elijah's pretended whimpering made Angie's skin crawl.She could only struggle while punching Elijah a few more times: "Don't use the body of an adult male to do this kind of trick! It's strange, don't you know?"

"But master, don't you realize that I usually tie vines around your waist, and it feels similar to hugging you now?"

Elijah was still trying to get away with it, and even though he had punched Angie a few times, he still didn't let her go: "We finally met again, I don't feel at ease if I don't hug you for a while..."

"Heh, when did you still have this quirk, why didn't I know?" Angie said in a strange tone, and pinched him fiercely, "Let go, if you don't let go, I really want to get serious!"

"Hiss, pain, pain, please be gentle!"

Just when they maintained this state of stalemate, the old wooden door suddenly opened slowly.

The two stood up abruptly and looked at the door vigilantly. At the same time, Elijah had already protected Angie behind him.

Now Elijah is an adult, not only is his combat ability far superior to Angie, but he also has a serious status as a night watchman of the church. It is justifiable to act at night-although it would be suspicious to be alone with a little girl in such a remote wooden house.

The pale moonlight spilled into the room through the opening of the door. As the door was fully opened, the figures of the people outside were gradually seen by Angie and Elijah inside the room.

It was a blond boy who Angie had never seen before, about seventeen or eighteen years old.

At this moment, he was looking at the two people in the room with somewhat weird eyes, while Angie and Elijah were also staring at him with vigilant and hostile eyes.

Just when Elijah wanted to ask the other party's intentions, the boy finally spoke slowly:
"Angie, is that you?"

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