Use foreign lands to conquer the whole of Europe

Chapter 177 Chapter 176: [Forgotten Garden] Tug-of-war Big chapter

Chapter 177 Chapter 176: [Forgotten Garden] Tug-of-war (2) - Big Chapter

At this moment, the severe headache was still tormenting Elijah.

But after seeing Karima rushing towards Angie, he immediately suppressed these pains and activated his ability again to stop Karima.

Two vines emerged from the ground at the same time.They were very fast, but they still didn't have time to trap the blurry figure, they just paused for a second, and then the opponent broke through the line of defense from the side.

But this is already the limit range of Elijah's ability to generate vines - if you want to stop Karima, you can only approach her faster than her!

Thinking of this, he quickly directed the vines around him again, throwing himself in the direction of Karima.

At the moment when he was about to take off into the air, a more severe headache directly interrupted Elijah's consciousness.The vine that was about to throw him lost control on the spot, and simply threw him not far ahead.

With a muffled sound of flesh and blood colliding, Elijah directly hit the vine in front of him.At this moment, the mixed physical and mental pain stimulated his nerves twice as much, which made him feel as if he had been severely beaten with a stick, and his whole body was so painful that he was stunned.

An inexplicable sleepiness began to spread from the back of my mind.Elijah's consciousness gradually became blurred, but amidst the falling gusts and the terrifying sense of weightlessness, he was still vaguely aware that he was in a crisis, and unconsciously formed a vine below, allowing it to cushion the support. Live by yourself.

The moment the vines were formed, those already extremely strong headaches surged again.It's just that this surge of pain made Elijah wake up a little bit, but before he could catch his breath, he suddenly received warnings from several vines——

What irresistible force is rapidly destroying those vines!
The number of warnings is increasing rapidly, this is some kind of widespread anomaly that is spreading.With a strong sense of crisis, Elijah tried his best to cheer up, commanded the vines under him to lift himself up into the air and quickly scanned his surroundings.

Countless black water is slowly pouring here from all directions.They gradually covered the remaining land, and they were also rapidly corroding the huge red vines... and the red light on the vines couldn't have any effect on the black water!
"Damn it... what's going on with the black water!"

Holding his painfully painful head, Elijah cursed weakly, and his already anxious mood became even more flustered.

Although he will soon be swallowed by the black water like those vines, but in his opinion, these things are not important——

Now he can't stop Karima.

The monster was completely out of range of his attack, but he was bothered by these goddamn headaches and couldn't get close and chase him.

Once the black water comes to Karima's feet, her speed can be increased again, and now, this monster is almost in front of Angie!
This was the third time Elijah had been so flustered since he could remember.He was so anxious that he got angry, but he didn't know what to do. Charles' urgent call continued to be heard in his ears:

"Mr. Elijah, Uri—"

"It's so noisy! Shut up!!"

Elijah interrupted him violently, covered his ears and continued to think, trying to find any way to break the situation——

Perhaps he could let the vines throw him at Karima before he lost consciousness in pain?
This seemed the most viable option at the moment...Charles was too underweight for the task.

But at this moment, Charles' more urgent and louder shout passed through his hands covering his ears and interrupted his thoughts again:

"Throw me over!! I'm going to guard Angie!"



From the moment the battle started, Cesar had been directing the remaining Black Water to come here.

It's just that those black waters were blown too far away by that energy wave, and after "losing their souls", these stagnant waters also became more sluggish, and they didn't come near them until now.

But judging from the results, these black waters perfectly stopped the pursuit of those two people, which was not in vain.

The red vines behind them were disappearing quickly, and the shouting voices of the two "people staying on the vines" also vaguely reached Cesar's ears—their voices were extremely anxious, and they must have panicked To the extreme, there will be internal strife soon, right?

Thinking of this, Cesar's mood became more and more carefree.He likes to see the way human beings struggle to survive but can't ask for it - these hateful obstructers should die in pain while screaming.

While Cesar was leisurely watching the play, Karima focused all her attention on running.

This body with only left leg and left arm is difficult to maintain balance. Relying on the thin threads at the wound on the right, she tried to maintain the movement of running forward, but this movement seemed extremely funny and deformed, it was simply Wobbling from side to side like a toddler duck, there is no trace of decency at all.

But the current Karima has no room to care about "decency".Her eyes were fixed on the chaotic golden and black light in front of her all the time, and the impatience in her heart was already so strong that it was about to pop out of her eyes.

In the center of the chaotic and dazzling light, Angie's changes were coming to an end.

Her figure has basically been fixed, she is much taller than before, her skin is healing rapidly, and countless slender and shiny black hairs are growing on the top of her head, and there is even a "something" slowly growing out of those black hairs .

But the scariest thing was the flickering shadows floating around her.

The moment she saw those shadows, Karima immediately felt a strong heart palpitation.

She quickly looked away, and the palpitations subsided immediately, which made her feel relieved——

At least, the girl showed no signs of waking up.

She still closed her eyes, sitting there quietly, and the terrifying coercion and chaotic energy emanating from her were rapidly fading away, which also allowed Karima to "maintain a clear consciousness" and approach each other easily... …

This is the so-called "lucky", right?

But just as this thought ran through her mind, Cesar's frightened voice suddenly sounded in Karima's consciousness: No!Those energies are not fading!They were collapsing into the girl - she was about to finish absorbing that sun! !
That bit of luck immediately turned into doubled panic. At this moment, Karima's pace, which should have been unable to speed up any more, abruptly accelerated a bit.She closed her eyes tightly, and ran towards Angie with all hands and feet, and the dark blood was sprinkled all the way.

The body was constantly cracking during the excessive running, and the thin wires that aided in balance also felt severe pain... But Karima still closed her eyes, not daring to look ahead—she was afraid that her sight would disturb her. That girl is even more afraid of those "shadows" that disturb her.

At this moment, an unusually loud shout suddenly came from high in the sky behind:
"Throw me over!! I'm going to guard Angie!"

It's Charles!

He didn't get any response to his yelling, but in the next second, the vine tied around his waist twisted violently, throwing the unarmed boy from a high altitude in front of Karima!
This image was transmitted directly to Karima's consciousness by Cesar.At this moment, Cesar's head made of black water was looking backwards, keeping an eye on Charles' movements, while Karima just kept running forward, ignoring the commotion behind her at all—

This human being who has no wings and cannot fly cannot pose any threat to them.

But for some reason, Cesar always had some concerns in his heart——Charles, who was approaching them from the air, looked extremely resolute, and he didn't seem to be simply coming to die.

But as if in response to his concerns, Charles' twisted and deformed right arm actually moved.

He seemed to be gnashing his teeth in pain, but with difficulty he swung that arm into the air aside, and squeezed his palm hard——

A delicate long sword shining with brilliant light suddenly appeared in his palm!

The sword had a dazzling light like a jewel, and his whole body exuded an unusually strong sense of oppression, and the moment the sword appeared, his deformed hand gradually returned to normal, and the air around him also began to distort and deform .

Six long swords of different shapes appeared from the distorted air masses at the same time.They drilled out one after another as if "piercing through the space", spun rapidly under Cesar's shocked gaze, and rushed towards Charles like a storm!
"Come on!!!" In the center of the storm, Charles shouted loudly, although his expression looked a bit painful, but those sword blades glowing with cold light illuminated his unusually firm eyes, " My name is Charles Castel, and I am the knight who is about to kill you—false priests and tyrannical monsters, and the time has come to settle your sins!"


At this moment, Cesar and Karima exclaimed at the same time.Under the rapidly approaching terrifying momentum and sense of oppression, they didn't have time to think about it, and quickly dodged to the side, but at this moment, the "can't fly" Charles suddenly accelerated and swooped down from the sky. Down, and also changed direction with them!

But in an instant, those sharp long swords whistling came behind them.Amid the screams of Karima and Cesar, the six sharp long swords directly broke through the thin lines around Karima, piercing deeply into various parts of her body.

Left arm, left calf, right shoulder, right thigh... These remaining limbs were precisely "nailed to the ground" by these swords, and the remaining two swords were directly nailed to her body and neck. Kalima couldn't get out of her bondage at all, and could only scream and let more threads gushes out of her body, trying to draw these damned swords.

But the strength of these swords is extremely strong.They resisted those thin threads as if they had their own consciousness, and they were in a stalemate. While Karima was screaming and struggling, Charles returned to the sky again with the sword in his hand— —

He really can't fly, but this sword can fly!
"Hey, I'm sorry~" Charles overlooked the pair of monsters struggling below, and smiled brightly, "I didn't even think I would come up—because if you get close to you, you will be caught by those thin threads, right? It hurts and hurts." -"

"Go to hell, stinky brat!!"

Karima and Cesar roared extremely angrily.Under Charles' horrified gaze, their dilapidated bodies suddenly shriveled up, and at the same time, countless thin lines and white mist also sprang up from those wounds, and then those thin lines formed a suspected "human form". plant something.

"Hehehe... die, go die!!"

Accompanied by that suddenly intensified roar, the surrounding fog quickly thickened, and those dark lines were instantly covered by the white fog, completely disappearing from Charles' vision.

For a moment, countless thoughts flashed through Charles' mind.He can also choose to pull out all the swords stuck in her body now, and command them to "blindly stab" each other in the thick fog...

But in this way, Karima can also return to that body again to kill the carbine.The speed of that body was much faster than that of this "real body"—that is to say, he couldn't get all those swords back for the time being, and could only pull out one or two at most.

Thinking of this, Charles immediately understood the situation.He cautiously flew a little higher again, and in the sky, Charles could clearly see that the fog was slowly moving towards Angie, and it would take at least half a minute to reach Angie.

So, Charles immediately decided to save Elijah first—the vine under him was sinking rapidly, and in two or three seconds, he would fall into the black water and be swallowed alive by those black water!

"Eria!! Hold the sword!!"

Charles shouted anxiously. At the same time, a long sword stained with blood broke through the white mist below and went straight to Elijah.

It was the sword originally stabbed in Karima's body. It came to Elijah's side, and the moment Elijah grabbed it, it quickly flew into the sky and headed in the direction of Charles.

White mist, black water...these most deadly things are rushing towards this last "pure land".During this race against time, Charles did not immediately fly to Angie, but was led not far ahead by the sword in his hand.

There, Lauren, Andrea and Etherine were still lying on the ground.They still haven't regained consciousness, but the magic circle has long since disappeared, and the black water is about to come to them...?
Wait--why does it seem that someone is missing? ! !
At this moment, Charles's eyes turned black, and he felt that he had never been so busy in his life: his companions were about to be swallowed by black water, and at this critical moment, there was suddenly one less person; Angie was also in danger, and he had to risk taking her away , or take the risk of killing Karima in the white mist!

But those "black gold lights" around Angie are not easy to mess with at first glance (especially the former), and his swords are about to disappear-this is just a "one-hit" big move, Can't wait too long!
He didn't have time to think about it, so he decided to rush to the three people who were about to be swallowed by the black water first, and while dragging them to a safer place, he hurriedly looked at Anji, but at this moment he accidentally saw the person who was The familiar figure staggering forward——

That's Sean!The boy who was supposed to be on the ground stood up at some point, and even staggered in front of Anji!

"Sean!! What are you doing!!"

Elijah's roar exploded from the air not far away, and he obviously noticed Sean's abnormality, but Sean walked directly into the golden and black field beside Angie as if he hadn't heard it at all. In the chaotic light!
There was a violent sizzling sound, and under the astonished gaze of Elijah and Charles, Sean's body quickly swelled to twice his size, almost bursting on the spot!
But immediately after, his body quickly collapsed back, then skyrocketed and collapsed again.

In just two or three seconds, these two diametrically opposite phenomena repeatedly occurred on Sean, as if two forces in different directions were pulling his body, making him jump repeatedly between death and survival.

Charles and Elijah were shocked by this bizarre and horrifying scene.But during this period, Charles was still commanding the swords in their hands, trying to make himself or Elijah fly to Angie's side in a hurry to prevent Sean from doing more outrageous things, and at the same time, he and Elijah anxiously Shouting, trying to wake Angie up:
"Angie/Master, wake up!!!"

But everything seemed to be too late - Angie showed no sign of waking up, and Sean still didn't stop.

Even though his body was undergoing such terrible changes, he didn't make any sound, nor did he open his eyes. He staggered forward like sleepwalking, and came to Anji.

Then, he suddenly fell to his knees, opened his inhuman arms, and hugged Angie tightly like an old friend who had been gone for a long time.

At this moment, Angie suddenly opened his eyes.

She woke up from a long dream, and the shadowy shadows around her also woke up together with her, and opened their eyes at the same time!
Those phantoms turned out to be five eyes as slender as feathers.They are nearly two meters long, floating lightly beside Anji, dark and deep, with dazzling golden pupils in the middle, forming an unusually strong contrast with the pitch black.

It's just that these dazzling golden pupils are filled with ferocious bloodshot eyes.They squinted their eyes slightly like dozing beasts, and in the next second, these five eyes suddenly looked at the thick fog that was rushing here, and the bloodshot golden pupils suddenly widened!

Accompanied by a buzzing sound, several dazzling golden spears descended from the sky.

They made a crisp sound of tinkling, piercing straight into the white mist, evaporating the invisible mist, and at the same time, the middlemost light spear also pierced straight into the two spears on the top of the head. The linear creature of the ball made it emit two extremely tragic screams on the spot:

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah--!"

But in an instant, half of the body made of thin threads was directly evaporated.When the surrounding fog had dissipated, its figure appeared extremely clearly in the eyes of everyone, and the few golden spears inserted into the ground near her just happened to completely surround it, like a cage that imprisoned the once The witch who is rampant in this foreign land!

Immediately afterwards, another crisp sound fell from the sky.It was a slender golden light spear, but this time, it did not strike at Karima straight, but at a position "slightly off", which made the two of them scream again. The remaining half of the body also shrank to less than a quarter of its original size.

The successive heavy blows made them extremely weak.The thin threads flowing with red light also drooped down, prostrate on the ground.

However, they, who were in severe pain, accidentally ignored the few outermost thin lines.

Accompanied by a violent sizzling sound, those thin lines gently "rubbed" past the light spear next to it.They evaporated instantly again, and the screams of Karima and Cesar sounded again, mixing with these hissing sounds.

Faced with these incomprehensible and unreasonable golden lights, Karima and Cesar were both helpless and desperate.Even though they have two personalities and two heads, they can't think of any way, they can only shrink their bodies tightly into a ball, and move to the center of this small cage carefully, trembling with fear He stared at the ferocious eyes that were looking at him angrily not far away, trembling.

It's just that the follow-up tragedy of the former king failed to attract anyone's attention - Elijah and Charles' eyes had already moved away from there.

Now, both of them are looking at the long-haired girl with jet-black horns in shock, while the girl is focusing all her attention on the one who is kneeling in front of her and hugging her tightly. On "something"!
"This... who is this???"

 A huge ~~ big chapter of more than 5000 words, you should feel that this chapter is very long, right?

  It's just that this article may expose the fact that my writing is very slow, because I don't have much time to consider and revise.

  But you have all seen it now, and you probably have already felt this point~ You should... you shouldn't care about it! ! (guilty qwq
  Hey, let's change this chapter to here first! !It's a really good feeling to be rewarded after all the hard work~
(End of this chapter)

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