Use foreign lands to conquer the whole of Europe

206: "The Spell of Power"

"So... the best way is for me to lend you enough supplies so that you can return to the Oberyn Empire as soon as possible?"

After some discussion, Charles quickly came to this conclusion, and Lauren and Andrea nodded in agreement.

After what happened yesterday, Lauren's attitude had improved a lot. In addition, he was indeed "relying on others and in urgent need of help", so he stopped putting on airs and made a solemn promise to Charles:

"I, Laurentius Mikhailovich Troshovsky, eldest son of Count Mikhail, hereby pledge that I will absolutely return all items lent to me by Charles Castel . Once I return to our Oberlin Empire, I will send someone to Willi as soon as possible to return the gift - not only will I return the property of the same value, but I will also attach other gifts to express my gratitude."

After hearing this long series of words, Charles was also a little stunned.

He was not familiar with the Oberlin Empire, nor did he know Count Mikhail... But even so, he immediately clarified the situation, looked at Lauren with a wry smile and said:

"Oh, no wonder you are so arrogant. It turns out you are the earl's son. Okay, okay, I was going to help you prepare things for your return on a 'personal basis', that is, some daily necessities and food, but I don't It’s worth it, don’t make the scene so serious.”

"No," Laurent refused righteously, "I can't lose the face of my family. Forget about other things, I have to be clear about money. The same goes for borrowing money from friends."

However, Charles's attitude was also very firm: "Oh, no! I didn't lend these to you, I gave them to you. You don't need to pay them back! It's fate that we met each other, so don't be polite!"

"No! We already owe enough favors, how can we take your things for nothing?"

Lauren had a straight face and refused to give in, and Andrea also joined Lauren's side at this time.

She tried to persuade Charles to accept their return gift with a 2 to 1 numerical advantage, and also specially added the title of the next heir of her "Violetta" family, just like Lauren, and promised Charles again.

On the other side, Iselin quietly came to Angie's side, pulled Angie's clothes, pointed to Lauren and Andrea, and exclaimed in a low voice:

"Anji, what the hell are those two guys chanting? Such a long list, is it a spell?"

"Well, that's the spell of power - these two guys are obviously just for some food, but they actually made it more formal than Sean's oath."

Anji told Yiselin seriously, watching her nod in confusion, not understanding at all.

But... Lauren's long list of names is exactly Maozi's naming pattern, right?Is the Oberyn Empire really in Russia?

However, just as she was thinking about this, she was slapped heavily on the shoulder. She turned around and saw Sean with a dissatisfied look on his face:

"What does it mean to be more formal than my oath?"

Facing the client who had just been teased by him, Anji felt a little guilty.

She subconsciously blinked repeatedly, thinking about how to explain (fool), but at this moment, she saw Yilan not far away from the corner of her eye. She suddenly smiled brightly, waved to the blond boy and shouted:
"Elan, Sean said he wanted to chat with you!"

At this moment, Elan was worried that Charles was talking about business and had no time to talk to him.As soon as he heard Anji's words, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he ran two steps towards her and Sean excitedly. However, at this moment, he saw Sean turning around and leaving in a hurry, and shouted on the spot:

"Hey Sean! Don't leave, I'll be here soon! Why are you getting stronger so fast before you follow me!"

Seeing that Yilan was still thinking about "Sean doubled in strength", Anji covered her mouth and snickered, then turned around and shouted at the backs of Sean and Yilan as they ran away:
"Don't run too far! We'll be leaving soon!"

Without replying, Sean hurriedly made an "ok" gesture, and then concentrated on avoiding Elayne's pursuit, running dexterously around the tent with him.

On the other side, Charles and Lauren have also discussed the results.As if he had been persuaded by them, he rubbed his head helplessly, then waved to Anji and said:

"Angie, they said that they will also give you Glosk a gift in return."

"What's going on? Do you think I can't die fast enough??"

Noticing that this return gift was for "Glosk", Anji couldn't help but complain, feeling mentally and physically exhausted.

The return gift from Lauren and Andrea was definitely because of her.However, if they want to send something into Glosk, they must send someone to pass through the barrier, and there is no way to bypass Slade, so the gift becomes a gift to Glosk in name only, but it will be sent after the gift is given. It's just to mention her things for a reason and add some "glory" to her.

But... Originally, the affair between her and Charles might not have been able to be hidden from Slade. If coupled with the "return gift from the wealthy daughter and young master of the Oberlin Empire", wouldn't this really become her secret? Are there cliques and preparations for rebellion outside, and are there solid proofs? ?
Damn it, if you can, just bypass Slade and give her a return gift in private!If you can't get around it, don't give it away. Forcibly send it to Glossk to add to the treasury, just to put some money on Anji's face. What kind of trouble is this? !She really doesn’t need this kind of diplomatic glory! !
Angie's words were so outspoken that Andrea and Lauren couldn't help but laugh.

They looked at each other, and then Andrea came over, took Angie's hand, and said with a warm smile:

"Oh, don't worry. Your lord will definitely be very satisfied when he sees the gift we gave him - it is a good treasure? Even if you have money, you can't buy it!"

It's obvious that Andrea is very good at political communication. Even if Angie doesn't say it explicitly, she knows what Angie is worried about.

But...maybe these gifts can make up for the treasures I lost?Thinking about it this way, it’s really not bad?
With this in mind, Angie reluctantly nodded, secretly hoping that their return gift would really make Slade happy.

Seeing that the matter had risen to the "diplomatic level", Charles could no longer bear it. He sighed heavily on the spot and announced decisively:
"Okay! Don't be polite! Since you are going to make such a big show, then I will simply let Yilan take you back! Anyway, with Egg here, you can fly back to Oberlin in a week at most!"

"Huh?? Going to Oberlin?"

Upon hearing her and Egger's names, Elan immediately stopped chasing Sean, turned to look at Charles on the spot, and screamed in surprise.

"What's wrong? You should know how to get there, right? Do you have any opinions?"

Seeing Charles's serious expression, Elan suddenly lost her confidence and whispered dejectedly;
"I know, I know... I'm just an errand boy. Egg, I'm going to have to work hard for you from now on."

Iger turned to look at him and called out crisply, while Lauren and Andrea did not raise any further objections and solemnly thanked Charles.

After everything was arranged, Charles walked up to Angie, patted her shoulder with one hand, and smiled softly at her: "Okay, let's take you home first. We'll talk to you when we get you back to Glosk." Go pick up Fisk with Elayne.”

Hearing his words, Angie nodded and said "thank you" sheepishly.

Although this place is only a few hundred meters away from Glossk, she was tricked by Renee, and she doesn't know when she will appear again, and Elena may not be able to pass the barrier smoothly, and Yiselin has to let him When Willie was taken back by force... No matter how he thought about it, Charles "had to send her back."

It's just that this way, she won't have the chance to say goodbye to Fisk properly, which is indeed a pity.But more than this trivial matter, she hoped that Fisk could stay on the empty island for a while longer, and not come to the flower field for her and make her feel uncomfortable...

The reason why Charles arranged the order in this way must also be based on this consideration.I don’t know what the reason is for this little guy’s problem of “losing strength as soon as he leaves the sky island”?Can Elan's family solve this problem?
Without time to think about it, Anji called Sean and Iselin over and told them that they were ready to go. At the same time, she also cleaned up the remaining garbage around with everyone and threw it into Elan's treasure box.

Such a beautiful flower field, even if it was formed by a curse, she didn't want garbage to ruin this beauty.

After doing this, they officially set off and embarked on the road back to Glosk.

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