Chapter 66: Chapter 66
This time, Angie's road back was extremely smooth, but he crossed some "cursed puddles" on the road and experienced another illusion.

But this illusion made her feel extremely bright, as if she suddenly learned that she didn't have to go to work today on a certain weekday morning, and then fell asleep beautifully.

If you want to ask why, it's because - in the illusion, she fought with a certain arrogant senior who wanted to save face, and she won the fight.

It's just getting darker.At this moment, Anji doesn't have any means of lighting, so he has to leave the forest quickly.

The cool evening wind blows gently from the side.She brushed the broken hair from her forehead behind her ears, glanced at the surrounding scenery, determined her position through the setting sun, and then continued to run north.


An hour later, the girl who was traveling in the dark finally arrived at Bruce Village.

She first went to get out the horse she was fostering at the villager's house, and then under the guidance of the enthusiastic villager, she came to the "hut where the knights live temporarily".

"Dong dong dong."

Angie politely restrained her strength and knocked on the door three times.

Not long after, the somewhat old wooden door creaked open a crack.Through the crack of the door, she saw Pedra behind the door, and Rabin standing behind him.

Angie greeted them happily:

"Senior Pedra~! Leader~! I'm back!"

After a short pause, Pedra slammed the door aside and shouted involuntarily:
"Angie! Are you okay!"

Nervously, he looked up and down the girl in front of him, and found that she was just looking at him with a smile and didn't seem to be hurt, so he breathed a sigh of relief and asked, "Hadford didn't do anything to you, did he?" ?”

"I didn't do anything~" Angie walked into the room with a smile, and waved to Rabin enthusiastically. Seeing that there was no outsider here, he continued, "It's just that the gift that suddenly appeared in my pocket was taken away by him. ..."

Her words made Rabin and Pedra stunned in place, and then exclaimed one after the other:


Seeing the strong reaction of the two, Anji smiled embarrassedly: "Hehe~ I'm sorry... After all, I can't beat him at all, so I can only hand over the things obediently... To be honest, I am still being beaten by Hades... After Fu threatened, I realized that the round egg was a gift..."

Saying so, she winked at Rabin again.

Rabin was slightly taken aback.Although he didn't quite know what Anji meant, he could roughly guess that there should be something tricky hidden in what she said.

After thinking about it, Rabin decided to help her and ask her later.

He pretended to sigh deeply, and then walked up to Pedra, who was a little worried, and patted him on the shoulder: "Forget it, there is no way to do it. No matter what you say, it's good that nothing happened."

Pedra ignored Rabin in a rare way, and looked at Angie with suspicion:
"Gifts are not the kind of things that can be picked up from the side of the road. Angie, tell the truth—where did this thing come from?"

"However, it did suddenly appear in my pocket... Just when Captain Rabin and I returned to the hall..."

Angie looked at Pedra aggrievedly, and his tone seemed very weak, which made the middle-aged knight a little confused.

Instinct told him that the child in front of him was not lying, but this matter was so bizarre that he couldn't bypass his reason and believe Anji...

When Pedra was tangled, Rabin stood up again to smooth things over: "Okay, okay, don't think so much. It's good that this little girl can survive. Even we don't understand the gift, how can we still do it?" To make things difficult for her?"

Pedra didn't answer, just stared at Angie closely.

And Anji just looked down at the ground, pursed his mouth, and looked completely inexplicable and pitiful.

This made Pedra feel unbearable.He sighed helplessly, gave up the idea of ​​continuing to ask, and said in a low voice: "Oh, Lord Slade has clearly ordered that Hadford not be allowed to take away the gift..."

Sensing that Pedra's attitude has softened, Rabin hurriedly strikes while the iron is hot, and persuades him with kind words:

"Okay, okay! It's a good thing that Angie can come back safely! Lord Slade, let me talk about it!"

At this time, Anji, who stood aside with his head down and "in a low mood", began to quietly look at the situation in the house.

Her gaze flicked over a slightly familiar sack, and finally settled on Arnold lying on the ground covered in blood, and asked in a low voice, "Is Arnold okay?"

Hearing this sentence, Pedra turned his head to look at Angie, struggled for a while, and then replied:
"There is nothing serious about the body, but the bleeding is a bit serious. It is estimated that it will take two or three days to lie down to recover."

As he said this, he looked at Arnold who was unconscious again, and sighed softly: "I don't know why the strange land of Gelan Village is so complicated. In less than five days, I went from a fourth-level strange land This kind of thing is unheard of...Anji, haven't you been affected?"

"Ahaha... Actually, I have been affected... It's just that the symptoms are relatively mild."

Angie scratched her head with a smile, and replied with some embarrassment.

Pedra looked at her with a strange look, but Rabin's hearty laughter came from his ears: "Haha! It seems that the future of Gloskland is still very promising~ Pedra, you just stay Come down and take care of Arnold, I will return to Kent with Angie. After all, Lord Slade can't be kept waiting for too long!"

Then he turned his head to look at Rabin, nodded slightly, and said "um", and then looked at Anji again, looking hesitant to speak.

Seeing this situation, Anji asked directly:
"Senior Pedra, do you have any questions?"

"It's nothing... I just want to ask, Hadford, did he say anything to you?"

He seemed very hesitant, and his voice was hesitant, as if he was a little embarrassed to ask the "girl he questioned just now" such a personal matter.

"No, he just left in a hurry after snatching away the gift. I don't understand why."

Angie spoke nonsense naturally, with a slight turmoil in her heart.It seems that Pedra still cares about the "evil" in his eyes, but he is reluctant to mention Hadford's matter because of face.

For Angie's slightly sloppy answer, Pedra still had doubts, but he didn't ask too much.

After all, he was a little confused about Hadford's character and temper, and what Rabin said made sense—as long as he was fine.

Although there are many mysteries about this girl, she is just a newcomer after all, so naturally she can't be too embarrassing.
While Pedra repeatedly "pulled himself" deep in his heart, Angie quickly counted the time in his mind.

This time it took about a day and a half in the Silent Forest and Grand Village, and it didn't take five days to return to Kent from Bruce.Based on the seven-day time limit of the small bone helmet, there is still some leeway.

In this way, there is no need to rush back to the castle.She originally planned to have a few more conversations with these two old seniors, and by the way, she could sort out the affairs of this period of time.

It was mainly what happened to Pedra that made Angie more curious-after all, when Rabin was with her in the church underground, Pedra and Arnold were still in the church.

Judging from their exaggerated fighting traces, it should not be just because of "domestic violence", it is very likely that something else happened.Moreover, how were the bodies of the two of them retrieved?

These valuable "next book" experiences may serve as a reference for her in future expeditions.

Angie expressed her thoughts, and warmly invited the two seniors to talk to her about the things she didn't know.


The night is fading.

At this time, the three of them were sitting in the room together against the wall.

Under Angie's curious eyes, Pedra had no choice but to recount the experiences that had been told to Rabin in advance.

He first briefly mentioned his search on the second floor of the church.

All the rooms in the corridor on the second floor are almost identical, except that there are some simple furniture and a small bookshelf.The books on the shelves were all religious, with the exception of one—a strange manuscript called Blood and Soul.

As he spoke, he took out the inconspicuous yellowed book from his arms.

Although Angie was very curious, he just picked it up and glanced at it, then put it aside temporarily and listened to Pedra continue to narrate his story:

"Because the rooms in the cloister on the second floor are all arranged in this way, I just flipped through the books briefly to make sure there was nothing else in my hands, and walked to the third floor of the church with Arnold. But the rest of the It's starting to get a little weird..."

"In the first room on the third floor, there are some wooden tables and chairs, but the surfaces of those things are covered with scratches, as if someone deliberately played a prank. But even so, the room looks clean , I could see everything at a glance. I found that there were no clues here, so I quickly came to the second room..."

"There are still some wooden furniture here, but it looks very messy - the wood has been torn into pieces and scattered on the ground, like a scene that has been ravaged by some kind of wild beast. The third room is bigger than the previous room. While it was even more chaotic, there were some blood stains on the wall..."

Angie couldn't help frowning.This sounds like the opening plot of some kind of suspenseful horror movie, but the time when the story is told is still dark, which seems particularly "appropriate".

Pedra paused for a while, collected his thoughts, and then continued: "In the fourth room, there are more bloodstains. Not only are there large spattered bloodstains and brutal scratches on the walls, but even the ceiling It also splashed a little bit, and the ground was also bumpy, which looked a bit tragic. But I already had some expectations in my heart, so I didn't linger much, and went directly to the next room..."

"But in the fifth room," he swallowed, his expression becoming complicated, "some human limbs began to appear... Those stumps and broken arms looked so scary that I didn't want to go in at all, just stood I glanced at the door. Smelling the strong smell of blood, Arnold also leaned over to take a look, and was immediately taken aback. But if there is a smell of blood, it means-"

"The blood is relatively fresh, right?" Angie couldn't help but pick up the words, "In a closed room, the smell will evaporate a little slower... Before you enter these rooms, are they all closed doors? ?”

"Yes... However, almost anything can happen in a foreign land, so there is no need to pay attention to 'logic'."

Pedra sighed: "Every time I leave, I will close those doors again, so that I can feel a little bit more at ease... What's even more strange is that the strong stench that makes people want to vomit , the moment we close the door, it will completely disappear, leaving nothing behind - of course, this only means that we can't smell any strange smells in the corridor. Once the door is opened again, those smells are still will come rushing..."

As he said this, he glanced at Rabin and Angie again, and found that their expressions were quite calm.

Rabin had heard about it long before, so it was normal.

It's just Angie... She seemed to be quite calm, but she didn't know when she started to hug a big lump covered with green vines, and she could vaguely see a red carved sword handle and an eye protruding from it. It seems to be the weird weapon she used earlier...

And that bright red eye happened to be facing Pedra, blinking non-stop.

One person and one sword, just winking at him together.

Under Pedra's complicated gaze, Anji calmly held the sword in his arms, and said calmly:

"You continue."

 Pedra’s line is more exciting than Angie’s.
  Anyway, I think this book was put in the suspense category for a while back then, hehe~
  But the main content is not these, it will not be particularly scary, please rest assured~
  (The next chapter is almost finished, and I feel that my productivity seems to have improved. I won’t change the title this time!)


  Thanks for [the mouse clicked on me] [Niu Xing Tian Tian] [Lin'er Xiao Ding Dang] [The Quiet Tree Flying with the Wind] for a dozen recommendation tickets~
  Thanks to [An Daiwang] [Xiao Xu, please stay excellent] [Shark Baohua] [Book Friends XXX8178] [Book Friends XXX5420] [Book Friends XXX5749] [Book Friends XXX2725] for the recommendation tickets~

(End of this chapter)

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