Chapter 144 Black Bat King, The Power of Vibration

The floating city of Inhumans - Attilan.

In this huge floating city with an area of ​​about 30000 square kilometers, there are about [-] Inhumans living in total.

Among the members of these alien races, some have some kind of natural superpowers.

Superpowers originate deep in the genes of members of the Inhuman race.

However, only after being activated by a magical substance called Terrigen Mist.

Only members of the Inhuman race can accurately grasp their own abilities and become extraordinary existences.

From a certain point of view, this is similar to the ability awakening of mutants.

The two are often used as a comparison, but the upper limit of mutants' abilities is still much higher than that of Inhumans.

Because, among the mutants, there are countless Omega-level powerhouses, not to mention that there are bug-level multiverse powerhouses like Phoenix among them.

Therefore, the status of the Inhuman race seems a bit embarrassing, at a moderate level.

Whether it is strong or weak, it is fortunate that there are no other intelligent life forms on the moon.

Otherwise, I am afraid that the Inhumans will not be able to stay on the moon.

However, although the power of the Inhuman Race is not too strong, its internal structure is also strictly hierarchical.

Because of the large number of members with superpowers, the Inhuman Race has divided into several different classes with clear barriers according to the strength of the individual.

Inhuman members who cannot awaken super powers are the most common civilian class, responsible for mining, production, construction and other work.

And members of the Inhuman race who can awaken superpowers can directly become nobles regardless of their abilities, and they will have no worries about food and clothing from then on.

As for the most powerful Inhuman class, it is the royal family among the Inhumans.

Members of the royal family can control the fate of all Inhuman members and adjust the development trajectory of Inhuman at any time.

Thousands of years ago, it was the Inhuman King at the time who made the final decision to move.

Transformed Attilan into a floating city, and migrated from the earth to the back of the moon to reproduce.

No one knew why the King of the Inhuman Race made such an astonishing decision, but at that time, no member of the Inhuman Race dared to question it.

Even during the migration process, the number of members of the Inhuman Race has dropped sharply, all the members of the Inhuman Race are still faithfully carrying out the orders of the original King of the Inhuman Race.

From this, it can be seen how great authority the King of the Inhuman Race has among all the members of the Inhuman Race.

It is almost the same supreme majesty!
And the king of the Inhuman Race of this generation is an existence named Black Bolt King.

Black Bolt, whose real name is Blackcad Burtgang, has the ability to create onomatopoeia through sound.

The destructive power of pseudosonic waves is extremely amazing, and different from ordinary sound waves, pseudosonic waves are a special energy form covered with sonic waves.

It does not require any transmission medium and can be disseminated.

Therefore, pseudosonic waves can be transmitted even in a vacuum environment, and this feature completely surpasses the energy of sound waves.

Moreover, the speed of the pseudosonic wave is not comparable to that of the sound wave. It can easily exceed the speed of sound. Even in the vast and boundless space of the universe, the pseudosonic wave is an extremely terrifying weapon.

Back then, when Black Bolt King hadn't fully mastered his abilities, he used a one-syllable onomatopoeic wave to blast his parents into molecular-level minced meat.

It is by virtue of such a terrifying ability that Black Bolt can become the king of this generation of Inhumans.

It made Black Bolt the most powerful Inhuman ever.



At this time, at the very center of Attilan stood an extremely luxurious palace.

This palace is where the Inhuman royal family lives.

It was built thousands of years ago with a lot of manpower and material resources, symbolizing the authority of the Inhuman royal family.

And in today's Inhuman Palace, a large group of powerful Inhuman members are gathering, and it seems that some kind of meeting is being held.

A total of five members participated in this meeting.

Among them are Black Bolt King, as well as Black Bolt King's wife Medusa, and Black Bolt King's younger brother Maximus.

Apart from the core members of these three royal families, there are two powerful Inhumans.

At this moment, the five of them gathered together to discuss the outsiders on the back of the moon.

In fact, as early as the first interstellar navigation ship of Tianjie Industry arrived at the back of the moon, and began to establish a lunar base in the ringed mountains on the back of the moon.

The members of the royal family of the Inhuman Race have already sensed the arrival of outsiders.

But because the royal family members of the Inhuman Race had not reached a consensus at that time, the constant meetings and discussions naturally took a lot of time.

Did not come up with the corresponding treatment plan at the first time.

It wasn't until the appearance of the second interstellar navigation ship that the royal family members of the Inhuman race really panicked.

Immediately, one of the members of the royal family was dispatched in a hurry to contact the mysterious force that built a base on the back of the moon.

As for the rest of the royal family members, they are gathered here at this moment.

Watch developments closely.

In a hall where everyone gathered, a huge screen was showing changes in the picture.

The picture on the screen turned out to be the distant view of the moon base.

After thousands of years of recuperation, the Inhuman race has also developed a good level of technology.

These include this means of long-distance information transmission, as well as special clothing that allows members of the Inhuman race to move freely on the surface of the moon.

Now appearing on the outskirts of the Tianjie Industrial Moon Base are two figures with huge differences.

A figure is a woman in a yellow robe with a slender figure.

Another figure turned out to be a huge dog!
I saw that this dog was as big as an adult polar bear.

Standing next to the woman in the yellow robe, she has completely overwhelmed her.

In fact, this dog is also a member of the Inhuman race.

His name is Tetanus, and he was originally a normal Inhuman, but after awakening his ability, he had a sudden change in appearance.

As for the tetanus ability, it can lead people to teleport.

As for the identity of the woman in the yellow robe is also very special, she is the cousin of Black Bat King, her name is Crystal, and her ability is to manipulate natural elements!

When Crystal and Tetanus arrived at the moon base, they also directly revealed their identities.

Then, after waiting for a few minutes, the gate of the moon base was opened directly.

Crystal and Tetanus entered the gate, and were soon brought to Peter by Anya, who was in charge of receiving them.

"Nice meeting, beautiful Miss Crystal, you can call me Baiteman!"

Peter greeted in a calm voice that couldn't fathom any emotion.

Crystal frowned, never expecting that what she saw was such an unknown person in silver-white armor.

"Hello, Mr. Batterman, I am here on behalf of the Inhuman Race!"

"Oh? Inhuman race? Can't imagine that there is a branch of human beings on the back of the moon? It's really an interesting discovery."

Crystal's face was slightly cold.

"We have nothing to do with humans, and we don't want to! Inhumans have lived on the moon for thousands of years, and we don't want to be disturbed by you humans!"

"So, please leave the moon and take all your equipment with you in the shortest possible time!"

Peter's fingers tapped lightly on the handle of the metal chair.

After thinking for a moment, he gave a very strong answer.

"I'm sorry, the moon is not the private property of your Inhumans, and Celestial Industries also has the right to mine the moon."

"It's just that I can assure you that our Celestial Industry will not take the initiative to disturb your development, and you'd better not do it!"

"Otherwise, I'm not sure if there will be a war!"

"Are... are you threatening us?"

Crystal's complexion changed drastically.

"Actually, you guys threatened us first!"

Peter waved his palm, indicating that he would close the door to see off the guests.

"Okay, let's stop today's talk! Miss Crystal, please take my words back!"

"Looking forward to our next meeting, I hope it will still be a way of meeting with restraint."


Peter at this time, after sending away the two Inhuman messengers.

He was also sitting in a dark room, lost in thought.

Peter was thinking about how to face the Inhumans.

Now, after getting in touch with the messengers of the Inhumans, Peter also roughly clarified that the Inhumans in this dimensional universe should have the same plot as the Inhumans in the MCU universe.

This is very good news for Peter.

Because, Peter has some knowledge about the plot of [Inhumans].

He knew very well that although the royal family members of the Inhuman Race seemed to be very united, they were actually undercurrents.

As the younger brother of Black Bolt King, Maximus had already wanted to seize the throne from his elder brother.

Because Maximus hated his elder brother, he killed his biological parents with superpowers that he couldn't control skillfully.

So Maximus has been holding back for so many years, constantly buying people's hearts, and gradually controlling a very powerful force.

And all this was done without telling the rest of the royal family.

Maximus only waits for the right opportunity to present itself, and will immediately stage a coup.

Kill or imprison his brother.

Don't think that Black Bolt King has a very powerful superpower, but as long as he can seal his mouth before he reacts.

Then even Maximus, who doesn't have any superpowers, can easily kill the strongest Inhuman race ever with guns and weapons.

Therefore, it can also be seen from this that the guys of the Inhuman race have huge ability defects.

It's like a baby holding a gun. Although it can kill an adult with a single shot, as long as the gun is taken away, the baby will no longer pose any threat to the adult.

This is also the core reason why the Inhumans cannot develop. There are huge flaws in their ability system, and the shortcomings are too obvious.

Moreover, Peter was not too worried about the power of Black Bolt.

From a certain point of view, the vibrating gold body that Peter is controlling at this time happens to be the nemesis of Black Bolt King.

Because Black Bolt King's onomatopoeic ability, in essence, belongs to the power of vibration.

The characteristic of vibration gold, a super metal, is energy absorption.

Vibrating gold's energy absorption is not only aimed at the kinetic energy generated by general physical attacks, but also includes the kinetic energy generated by vibrations.

Therefore, as long as Peter can make good use of the characteristics of the vibrating gold body, he can absorb the onomatopoeia of Black Bolt King without loss.

Then, treat him with his own way!
Let Black Bolt also try the horror of onomatopoeia.

Of course, this is just Peter's preliminary idea.

Whether it can be realized or not, Peter still needs to conduct further tests.

Today's Peter is using his spare time to test the energy-absorbing effect of vibrating gold.



When Crystal returned to Attilan's Inhuman Palace with Peter's words.

Immediately caused an uproar.

Because Peter's attitude seemed extremely tough, and there was no room for maneuver at all.

Although all Peter asks for is their respective development in peace.

However, for the Inhumans who have lived on the back of the moon for thousands of years, this is tantamount to having an extra outsider on their own territory.

Who knows how fast and strong this outsider will develop?
If this outsider is not eliminated, Black Bolt King, as the king of the Inhuman race, may not even be able to sleep soundly!

Moreover, there are still people who want to take the opportunity to mess up the situation!
"Brother! You have to do it yourself to let those nasty invaders know how powerful our Inhumans are!"

Maximus was trying his best to encourage his brother at this time.

I want Black Bolt to fight those guys from Earth.

Because this is a golden opportunity for Maximus.

As long as Black Bolt leads the powerful Inhumans to fight against the forces of the earth.

Then he, the younger brother of the Black Bolt King, can reap the benefits of the fisherman.

At that time, no matter whether he wins or loses, Black Bolt King will suffer certain injuries, and the strong Inhumans under his hands will definitely suffer damage.

At that time, it will be Maximus' chance to seize power!
Just as the small calculation in Maximus's heart was pounding loudly, Black Bolt King, who hadn't reacted yet, was already bewitched by his younger brother.

Before I knew it, I started to perform according to the script planned by my younger brother.

"Maximus is right, the dignity of the Inhumans cannot be trampled on!"

"As the king of the Inhumans, I will personally prove the strength of the Inhumans!"

Black Bolt stood up from the throne, and said these words in a weird tone that deliberately maintained absolute calm.

Immediately, several strong aliens in the hall stood up and applauded excitedly.

Feeling extremely excited about the decision made by his king.

Only Medusa, who existed as a queen, felt a faint sense of uneasiness emerge at this moment.

Is it really a good thing to start a war so casually?

In the end, driven by the strong uneasiness in her heart, Medusa couldn't help but said:
"The opponent is a force from the earth. Is it inappropriate for us to choose to act rashly without knowing the details?"

"I think it would be better to choose to do it after obtaining enough information?"

"Anyway, the other party is not in a hurry to make a move. The initiative is still on our side. We can make good use of this!"

(End of this chapter)

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