Daqin: When I return from sea, I will offer you a map of the world

Chapter 189 The official was shocked, Zhao Si was promoted again

Chapter 189 Hundreds of officials were amazed, Zhao Si was promoted again
The Great Qin ruled the world, and his martial arts must have surpassed every king in the past.

As for Wenzhi... In fact, objectively speaking, in addition to building Qin Shihuang's Mausoleum and Afang Palace and other selfish desires, Shi Huangdi did a lot of infrastructure construction during his reign.

These are also the merits of Wenzhi, but these are deliberately ignored by those who care.

drive stop...

Li Si began to gather all the accompanying officials. During the grand tour, everything was kept simple.

Moreover, the content of the court meeting is mainly papermaking and printing, not those cumbersome etiquette.

And Zhao Si took advantage of the preparation time to continue practicing engraving and printing.

The first batch of paper sent over was not a lot, but it was definitely enough for practice.

After a tedious pass, the officials were summoned to an open place in the mountains.

Left Prime Minister Li Si was the leader, son Hu Hai formed his own faction, Zhao Gao, Meng Yi, Shu Sun Tong, Cheng Miao and even all the officials stood on their own.

The officials were astonished. Generally speaking, on the way, the first emperor was driving and driving to work, and if he wanted to order officials, he would send them privately. Except for special circumstances, he would not stop.

Even if a court meeting is to be held, in most cases the court meeting will not be held until the convoy stops at the palace.

Today's incident happened suddenly, it can be said that it was completely unprepared, but when the court meeting was held, no matter whether it was good or bad, there must be a big event, and everyone guessed in their hearts.

Accompanied by Zhao Gao, the first emperor came out, and all the officials saluted.

Although the occasion is relatively simple, etiquette is indispensable.

After looking around at all the officials, Shi Huang didn't play tricks and spoke directly.

"Order Minister Zhao Si to enter!"

Zhao Si prepared for a long time, holding a stack of papers, and behind him came the various tools needed for carrying and printing.

All kinds of guys have things going on, and the officials couldn't figure out what was going on for a while.

Seeing that Zhao Si had already entered, and knowing that Zhao Si was ready, the first emperor said: "The important matter of the country is to govern the country with martial arts and literature. The fate of the Qin Dynasty will send three kinds of immortal food, and there will be a bumper crop of grains. Now it will send kindness and virtue, and there is the art of papermaking." , the art of printing, convenient writing, the cost is several times lower than bamboo slips, no need to copy and seal, and it can be printed into a book in an instant, and there is no need to worry about reading in the world. Every household has a Qin law, which is just around the corner. Compared with the past , more than a hundred times more convenient. Zhao Shilang!"

"Chen is here!"

The monarchs and ministers asked and answered, and the ministers suddenly realized that they have something to do with Zhao Si. This kid is close to His Majesty, so it's no wonder that the big guy who is going to hold a court meeting doesn't know about it.

Why?Why do you say again?
The eyes of the audience all focused on Zhao Si following the opening of the first emperor's mouth, and it was nothing but the case.

"And here, publish a copy of the Qin Law!" The First Emperor said.

Without any hesitation, Zhao Si sent craftsman Lichen to make preparations and print it himself.

All the ministers watched curiously as a group of people fiddled with these things.

Paper?Um?Paper isn't that long either.

In the pre-Qin period, paper was just an alias for fine silk, not that there was no concept of paper in the pre-Qin period.

What is that copper plate for?

Write Qin Law?
I didn't bring a pen either...

Everyone looked for a long time but couldn't find the brush.

Zhao Si has already printed it several times, not to mention re-practicing several times during the preparation period.

Now it can be regarded as being familiar with it, and this time it is printed on white paper.

After all, it is a court meeting, in addition to practicality, it also needs to be high-end and upscale.

After the copper plate was printed and removed, the officials exclaimed.

I saw that the densely packed handwriting had already been printed on the paper with each stroke.

Officials are not fools, and the principle of engraving and printing is also very simple, which is the same as that of seals. The officials are surprised that it can be done so conveniently.

How many words is this densely packed sheet of paper?
At least a few hundred words?It usually takes less than half an hour just to transcribe it on the bamboo slips.

Now, it only takes a moment!
The officials are still surprised, Zhao Si is still printing.

Excluding the preparatory work, it only takes about 10 minutes from the start of printing to the printing of a piece of Qin Law, and this time will continue to decrease with proficiency.

After the printing was finished, waiting for the ink to dry, Zhao Si took out the cutter and cut it neatly into each page by himself.

Then the craftsman drilled holes for it with braided wire and fixed it into a book.

After tightening, a paper Qin Law was born in this era.

"Your Majesty, it's done!"

Zhao Si held Qin Lv high, feeling inexplicably emotional in his heart.

This is the first real paper book in this era. If it can be preserved for future generations, it will be a priceless treasure!
This kind of thing was born in my own hands!
The sense of honor of history rushes to the face, looking at future generations, this is a milestone in the development of civilization.

Zhao Gao took the book and passed it on to the officials!

Although Li Si had read it, as the head of the hundred officials, the process still had to go through.

Afterwards, headed by Li Si, it was circulated downwards,
"A piece of Qin law was printed in an instant, and the handwriting is still so clear?" Feng Jie sighed.

And Cheng Miao, who created the official script and was trained by the first emperor as the next important minister, also expressed his admiration.

"This method is very good. Usually, a piece of Qin law needs to be hugged and weighs dozens of catties. Now there is only one book left in my hand!"

The focus of the ministers is nothing more than clarity, weight and printing speed, and the hand-transcribed bamboo slips are almost completely beaten.

Shu Suntong has already read it, and he is still immersed in his emotions. Confucius is very particular about teaching without discrimination. Confucianism is considered the most down-to-earth knowledge in this era. Shu Suntong really thought about it a lot.

The shock brought about by this technological reform will not happen overnight.

Assuming that I am the Sangong, I will make it popular in the world... Thinking about it, Shu Suntong suddenly realized something and hurried out.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty, with such a sharp weapon, your Majesty's achievements in civil governance are far superior to those of the past, unprecedented in history!"

Shusun Tong knows how to be flexible. Confucianism has become more and more prosperous from the Warring States period to the establishment of the Qin Dynasty. Chunyu Yue is a bit drifting... looking for a dead end.

Chunyuyue's death is not important, what is important is that Chunyuyue's struggle was completely lost.

It is precisely because of this that Uncle Sun Tong realized what Confucianism needed to become a prominent school in the true sense.

Baiguan was preempted by Shu Suntong.

Although what Shu Suntong said was a bit exaggerated, but when you think about it seriously, it is a fact. What can't be boasted about the genuine contribution?
There are good flatterers who are even more outrageous than what Shusun Tong said, and their words are beautiful, and those who say that there is no one before or after the first emperor, even wish to write a poem for the first emperor on the spot.

And those who are not flattering have objectively evaluated the advantages of these two things.

All of a sudden, the crowd was full of people, people, they all like to listen to good words, just don't indulge in it and ignore the reality, you and I praised each other, and the first emperor also put some smiles on his face.

"Those who manage the matter will be promoted to five ranks of nobles, and Zhao Si, the servant, will be promoted to two ranks of nobles. Ten houses, thirty servants, thirty maids, one hundred hectares of land, one hundred gold rewards..."

When the first emperor opened his mouth, there was a series of rewards.

Zhao Si's title has only been promoted by two ranks, not many, the main reason is that Zhao Si gave the credit to the craftsmen.

Now Zhao Si's title has been promoted from Youshu Changrong, and he is currently at the thirteenth rank, only seven ranks away from the peak of the twenty rank.

However, although the title was less due to the division of merit, the remaining rewards were very generous to the First Emperor.

House, give it!
Money, give it!
Fields, given!
Slave, give it!
Girl, give it!
And there are a lot of rewards, in addition to this, there are also various rewards of silk and satin clothing, shoes, swords and ritual utensils...

Just the various rewards given to Zhao Si are enough to write a small composition, the rewards are not unreasonable, but there is no way, who called him Zhao Si?

"Sir! Thank you Your Majesty!"

Zhao Si thanked her sincerely.

The first emperor is really generous. To be honest, everything in Zhao Si’s family is rewarded by the first emperor. Zhao Si himself has no idea of ​​buying property, nor does he want to manage property. frugal.

Now Zhao Si himself is not easy to estimate his family property. Compared with the big nobles, the gap is definitely not small, but this is already something that he never dared to think about in his previous life.

The officials were not surprised by Zhao Si's award, after all it was already known that Zhao Si was the closest courtier of the First Emperor.

In the past, this position may have been debated. Some said it was Meng Yi, some said it was Zhao Gao, and some said it was Li Si.

Now that the controversy is gone, no one can compare to Zhao Si in terms of favor.

I didn't see that Zhao Si, as a Lang Guan, didn't even work in the Lang Zhong Ling's office, and his office was in the palace!
However, even though they knew that papermaking and printing were worthy of such rewards, the ministers still had no lack of envy or even jealousy.

After all, to be honest, Zhao Si seems to have no real achievements so far.

What is actual work?Military merit is real merit, and governing the region is real merit. Zhao Si now seems to be more due to luck. The officials are in awe, not in awe of Zhao Si, a careless guy, but in awe of Zhao Si's holy family.

"Yiga will be the Shaofu, and we will do our best to produce and print Qin Law!"

Papermaking and printing techniques have been researched, but the production has to be handed over to General Zuo Shaofu, who specializes in this.

The first mass-produced and printed books were only Qin Lu.

In the future, other books will definitely be published on a large scale, but it will not be clear which books will be printed in a short time.

This thing is indispensable for a passionate battle among various schools of thought. Who would not want to publish the official promotion of what they have learned?Emperor Shihuang would definitely not spoil the scenery with this kind of wrangling.

And it’s useless to talk about it. Not many engraving blocks have been made now. The invention is an invention. But mass production requires training craftsmen, organizing production lines, and publishing Qin Law. Zibaijia went to compete for the second round.

After some rewards, the first emperor ordered a banquet to celebrate with all civil and military officials.

There are also various song and dance performances during the banquet to celebrate.

There were many ministers who greeted Zhao Si with familiar faces during the banquet, and Zhao Si responded one by one regardless of whether they were familiar with each other.

many people……

Zhao Si was able to realize that with the development of papermaking and printing techniques, there was a certain bonus to his status.

(End of this chapter)

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