Daqin: When I return from sea, I will offer you a map of the world

Chapter 220 Li Si's Evaluation of Zhao Si

Chapter 220 Li Si's Evaluation of Zhao Si
Li Si suddenly jumped out of the bullock cart with a teasing smile on his face.

Surprised or not?Is it surprising?Are you happy?
Zhang Cang was speechless. Although Li Si had killed Han Fei, his power aspirations and King Qin's ambition made Zhang Cang flee in fear, but objectively speaking, Li Si had never treated Zhang Cang badly.

It was also recommended by Li Si that Zhang Cang was able to serve as the censor of Qin State as soon as he left his teacher.

It was Zhang Cang's fault to leave without saying goodbye.

While Zhang Cang covered his face in shame, he couldn't stop peeking between his fingers, wanting to see if anyone else was present and if he had a chance to sneak away.

From an optimistic point of view, I am younger than Li Si, and I am physically strong. Although I am pampered and fat on weekdays, Zhang Cang thinks it is possible to knock down the little old man Li Si and run away.

But soon, Zhang Cang lost his optimism.

"Zhang Yushi is safe here..."

Dunwei, the old silver coin, leaned Shi Shiran under the big tree that Zhang Cang had just helped.

They are all acquaintances, they are all familiar...

"I don't know what such a big battle, it turned out that Li Xiang and Dun Shangqing came in person..." Zhang Cang let out a sigh as he put down his palm helplessly.

"How many people are there?" Zhang Cang could only give up the idea of ​​running away.

Dunwei appeared here in person, this guy is used to doing dark things, there must be more than Dunwei and Li Si here.

"Let's all come out..." Dunwei waved his hand, and dozens of figures gathered in the scattered crowd.

"It's just to capture a little Zhang Cang, as for such a big battle..." Zhang Cang looked at Li Si with a helpless expression on his face.

"Cang, you're wrong. I didn't come here to arrest you. I just came here to join in the fun. In fact, I didn't think you would hide in your hometown..." Li Si shook his head.

"more than……"

"There are people guarding all the main roads and trails in the city gate." Dunwei, a perennially cold-faced man, also showed a smile.

There were 1 question marks in Zhang Cang's mind.

"Then who made such a big commotion?" Zhang Cang was puzzled.

"You'll find out soon..." Li Si put it off.

Really fast.

The three of them didn't wait long, only to see a heroic general in golden armor coming out of the city gate with a team of cavalry.

Zhang Cang didn't know who General Jin Jia was, but he knew Chen Ping who was detained.

"Sir..." Chen Ping looked at Zhang Cang who was stuck in the same place, and said with a little embarrassment.

"I didn't ask you to cover up for me, why did you get arrested too?" Zhang Cang was puzzled.

"He is exactly what Zhao Si needs." Li Si sighed.

"Chen Ping, I heard about your deeds when I passed by Yangwu." Zhao Si got off his horse and looked at Chen Ping with a smile.


"Please get in the car... This kid is used to being picky, and he is used to it." Li Si said with a smile.

Chen Ping is also the target of Zhao Si's arrest. Zhao Si prevaricates himself because he has heard interesting things about Chen Ping and thinks that Chen Ping is also a rare talent.

Li Si was noncommittal at first, Zhang Cang was a talent Li Si recognized, but Chen Ping?What the hell?never heard of that.

Does Zhao Si really think of himself as a bole?Do you think that if you grab someone casually, you will be a Maxima?
Have you heard about Chen Ping's deeds?What deeds?Isn't it because the elder brother worked so hard to support him to study around the world?Isn't it because Uncle Chen angrily divorced his wife after his sister-in-law humiliated him?
What kind of homework is short, just listen to gossip and think that the other party is Wang Zuozhi?

There are too many scholars studying in the world, who hasn't gossip?
Of course, Li Si didn't think so now.

Because Zhang Cang and Chen Ping knew each other, and it was obvious that they had a good relationship.

There is a huge difference in family background between the two, and it must be because Chen Ping has one thing that is on the same level as Zhang Cang that they can get along on an equal footing.

Undoubtedly, it is knowledge.

Moreover, although Li Si never liked to judge people by their appearance, he had to admit that Chen Ping's appearance was very outstanding. He was tall and solemn, and he was rich and powerful just from his appearance.

This also shows that Uncle Chen really raised Chen Ping well.

"Why does Li Xiang make things difficult for me? I made a mistake, do you want to ask His Majesty to forgive my mistakes?" Zhang Cang still tried hard to persuade Li Si.

He ran away when he disagreed with each other, and he ran away for more than ten years.

To be honest, Zhang Cang was a little embarrassed to face Li Si now. As for this kind of behavior, I am afraid that Emperor Shi Huang would not be able to accept it.

Could it be that the senior brother just wanted to take him back for questioning?

Yes, up to now, Zhang Cang doesn't think Zhao Si is the mastermind.

"I have been on the run for more than ten years, and my fault is too great. Even if His Majesty forgives my fault for this kind of thing because of you, it is inevitable that I will be angry with you in my heart. Why are you bothering?" Zhang Cang hoped in a deep voice. Li Si was able to let himself go.

"Cang, you are wrong. It is not I who asked His Majesty to forgive your fault, but him." Li Si pointed to Zhao Si who was driving.

I saw that Zhao Si had already taken off his golden armor, and was having fun while driving.

"He is just a servant, and being close to the king cannot change His Majesty's likes and dislikes."

Zhao Si, Zhang Cang heard from Chen Ping that what Zhao Si is most willing to do now is to get close to a king.

This can fool most people, but it cannot fool Zhang Cang.

He was a censor, and Zhao Si was not the only person close to the king.

The former Li Xin, the current Meng Yi, and Zhao Gao, aren't they all close to Wang Qian?
But the likes and dislikes of the first emperor cannot be changed, and it is precisely because of this that no one can shake his will.

Is the so-called closeness before the king around the first emperor really close?Zhang Cang thought otherwise, he just regarded the officials as beasts, and the so-called closeness before the king was just a beast that he loved more.

Can Zhao Si persuade the first emperor to completely forgive his sins, and make the first emperor really let go of the past?
Zhang Cang thinks, no, there is no difference between Zhao Si and Zhao Gaomengyi and his ilk.

"No... this kid's situation is a bit special." Li Si shook his head.

He understood Zhang Cang's thoughts. When Zhang Cang was young, he appealed to the first emperor but was not accepted. He complained angrily to Li Si in private.

In fact, he is a king who is determined to go his own way to the extreme. No one can stop the first emperor from rushing all the way to destroy the Great Qin.

At that time, Li Si, who had become a tool man, still agreed in his heart whether he said it or not.

Zhang Cang's description is too fitting, how can there be any real close people around the first emperor?
It is impossible for a king who has experienced such ups and downs in his growth to be intimate with his courtiers.

The misery and fear of childhood, the betrayal of the mother who depended on each other, the betrayal of the brother, the backstabbing of the best friend, and even the hesitation of the father when he became the heir...

The human nature shown by the first emperor was just what he wanted to show the world, civil and military officials.

His heart is equal and resists getting close to anyone.

But Zhao Si... is different...

Li Si is not afraid of Zhao Gao, nor Meng Yi, they are also close to the king, why can't they be arrogant and domineering?

Because both of them have their own secrets in their hearts, and they are both smart people.

The most important thing is that Li Si knows that in the deepest part of his heart, there is no essential difference between them and himself, a tool man.

In other words, all the civil and military officials in the court were nothing more than tools to realize the political ambitions of the first emperor.

But he was only afraid of Zhao Si, he needed to care about all Zhao Si's casual thoughts.

Because he could feel that there was an essential difference between the first emperor's treatment of Zhao Si and his treatment of civil and military officials.

This kind of difference can't be felt by ordinary people, but Li Si can clearly distinguish it.

Therefore, he can tell Zhang Cang.

As long as Zhao Si is willing, the first emperor can really be because of Zhao Si.And let go of all grievances and don't pursue Zhang Cang for any crimes, or even pretend that nothing happened.

Zhang Cang heard it with great awe, the two had exchanged political opinions long ago, and they both came from the same school, Zhang Cang could hear Li Si's metaphor.

"This boy is now driving for the king. The speed of driving depends on this boy's will." Li Si shook his head, speaking with envy.

"How is this son?" Zhang Cang asked in a deep voice with a serious face.

"Yu Guo has a long-term plan, and his practice is lacking, but he is eager to learn and has a long-term vision. I can't match it." Li Si gave a serious evaluation.

"Oh, that's right... this son is also good at knowing people. Earlier, he caught two people between the ridges of the field. Although they both came from humble backgrounds, in my opinion, they both have talents of two thousand stones. Today, they caught two more people. Needless to say, I know your ability, that Chen Ping, who can be invincible with you in a humble body, is probably also a person with outstanding talents?" Li Si asked.

"In terms of learning, I can no longer tell him whether he is superior or inferior. I am afraid that I will not be able to compare with him in future achievements." Zhang Cang was silent for a moment and gave an affirmative answer.

"So this kid Zhao Si is right again. Since his talent is not inferior to yours, then he is Wang Zuozhi." Li Si nodded, feeling a little worried.

This kid Zhao Si is really sure at first glance, right?

What do you think?So many talents can be pulled out by just walking around?
"Brother thinks too highly of me..." Zhang Cang humbled himself, thought for a moment and wanted to ask something, but felt that it was inappropriate, but also felt that it was inappropriate not to ask, and finally hesitating again and again, he still asked.

"The tree is beautiful in the forest, the wind will destroy it, Zhao Si's favor is too great..."

Li Si looked at Zhang Cang.

"You want to ask, why can I tolerate him..."

Li Si was not surprised that Zhang Cang asked this question.

"Because of me, I found my home and what I should do." Li Si answered Zhang Cang's question seriously.

If he wanted to become a saint and proclaim himself a son, Zhao Si, the middleman, was indispensable.

Li Si knew better than everyone else that only Zhao Si could truly influence the first emperor's decision-making.

It is also because of this that Zhao Si's help is indispensable on his way to becoming a son.

Zhang Cang is silent...

He didn't think Li Si was telling the truth. Could a person's character be easily changed just because he found a goal?

No, I'm afraid it's because of the conflict between goals and personalities. Zhao Si has something that Li Si has to fight for, or even has to form a united front with Zhao Si, right?

Xunzi said that nature is inherently evil, and Zhang Cang also believes that nothing can really change human nature.

He believes that human nature will only be covered up...

(Damn it, can there only be two updates today!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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