Daqin: When I return from sea, I will offer you a map of the world

Chapter 230: Gao Yang's Alcoholic Li Eats It!

Chapter 230: Gao Yang's Alcoholic Li Eats It!
Under the leadership of the first emperor, Zhao Si had the first friendly exchange with the farmers of this era.

"Since you can increase the yield of grain through artificial irrigation, pest control, fertilization and other methods, have you ever thought that you can also artificially increase the yield of grain seeds?" Zhao Si smiled and talked eloquently.

"When a person breeds offspring, most of the offspring look similar to their parents. There are certain diseases that the offspring will inherit from them. You must have heard of it." Zhao Si said with a smile.

Tian Qi nodded and said, "I heard something."

Genetic disease.

"Yes, these resemblances to parents are inherited. For example, if a person's father has single eyelids and his mother's eyelids are also single, then there is a high probability that a child with double eyelids will not be born." Zhao Si smiled. one time.

"I call double eyelids a dominant gene, and single eyelids a recessive gene." Zhao Si wrote the word "obvious and hidden" on the ground.

Double eyelid and double eyelid, double eyelid and single eyelid, single eyelid and single eyelid.

The obvious and hidden are arranged and combined with each other, and finally the eyelid performance results that may be bred are obtained.

"So, according to this arrangement, a child with single eyelids may be born with double eyelids and double eyelids, but a child with double eyelids cannot be born with single eyelids and single eyelids." Tian Qi was thoughtful.

"But why is it only hidden and double visible?" Tian Qi asked again.

"And..." Tian Qi frowned.

"I've seen two children with single eyelids born with double eyelids, it's not impossible." Tian Qi said seriously.

"Hmm...how can we see you again?" Zhao Si, who was still talking about heredity, was like a scorpion. When Tian Qi opened his mouth, he could smell melon, and couldn't help but want to eat melon.

Unfortunately, Tian Qi was very tight-lipped and didn't mean to reveal other people's private information. Zhao Sigua didn't eat it, and it took a lot of effort to talk to Tian Qi about what is a dominant gene and what is a recessive gene.

"So, you think plants and people are the same." Tian Qi asked.

"Exactly, the reproduction of plants is not planted on the ground to bear fruit. People need to mate to give birth to offspring, and the same is true for most plants." Zhao Si smiled and began to teach Tian Qi the method of pollination of popular plants.

Self-pollination, cross-pollination…

"Peas are self-pollinating, and self-pollination is more stable than cross-pollination."

Pea is a strictly self-pollinated and cleistopollinated plant, so the offspring obtained in the natural state are all purebred hybridization experiments and the results are reliable.

The most important thing is that the different traits of pea are obviously different and easy to distinguish, such as tall stems and short stems, and there is no third height between the two.

This is very convenient for experimenters to observe and study, especially in this era of relatively backward scientific research methods.

"You specialize in farming crops, you will know it once you do this kind of experiment." Zhao Si said.

Tian Qiwen said solemnly: "I only heard that people reproduce through union, but I never thought that the same is true among plants, and there are male and female. Today, I have benefited a lot!"

After finishing speaking, Tian Qi got up and held the disciple's gift to show, Zhao Si hurriedly declined: "You are a world-renowned scholar, but I just happen to be close to His Majesty, so I cannot accept this great gift!"

The little old man Tian Qi did not accept Zhao Si's refusal, but finished the ceremony seriously.

"There is no distinction between high and low status in the farm family, and there is no difference between everyone. You can teach me knowledge that I don't know, so you are my teacher." After Tian Qi saluted stubbornly, he knelt down and asked.

"Then according to this theory, the high-yield grains that were born before were also grown in this way?"

Zhao Si nodded, of course it couldn't be said to be his golden finger.

Tian Qi understood and didn't ask any more questions.

Even if he asked Zhao Si, he probably wouldn't say this kind of cultivation method involving national origin.

Although Zhao Si had already explained the reason for the high grain yield, Tian Qi still felt it was weird instinctively, but because of the new knowledge, Tian Qi didn't think too much, just wanted to re-verify Zhao Si's reason. Pea experiment.

Zhao Si gave Tian Xin a handful of pea seeds by the way, these things finally had a reasonable explanation, and he would not be too ostentatious in the future.

People, if they can believe in science, they will definitely not be idle and have nothing to believe in metaphysics.

In the following days, the driver continued to move forward...

Tian Xin started the pea experiment.

From time to time, I asked Zhao Si privately about some doubts about the experiment. Zhao Si explained what he knew, and did not hide his secrets. If he didn't know, he and Tian Xin recorded it.

And Zhang Cang and Chen Ping also joined Li Si's subordinates following Chen Sheng and Wu Guang's steps, helping Li Si handle paperwork and official duties.

In the middle, the group building was carried out many times in private, affirming the purpose of uniting and surrounding Zhao Si.

The first emperor's drive did not encounter any accidents again, and the journey was very smooth, without any major twists and turns.

Every time a place passes by, Dunwei will also send people under the black ice platform to spy on the local ecological situation.

There are more and more names on the relocation order, and these are the objects that need to be relocated after the investigation of the Black Ice Platform.

After traveling for a long time, I finally arrived at Chenliu County...

When Zhao Si is free, he always checks for omissions and fills in vacancies, thinking about other talents that he has forgotten.

Although after Zhang Cang's explanation, Zhao Si is no longer a Menggu person, and he also knows that the Qiangui Order is led by Li Si, but everyone has been arrested and everything has started, and Zhao Si also intends to finish it as much as possible.

As a time traveler, how could he not have the idea of ​​collecting celebrities?
When passing by Chen Liu, Zhao Si finally remembered a bad luck.

Gaoyang drinker eats it!
Li Shiqi can also be regarded as a hero in the early Han Dynasty...

It's a pity that he didn't catch up with the establishment of the Han Dynasty, so he was cooked and killed in a tripod by King Qi.

In today's Great Qin, there is no gunpowder, and Li Shiqi has not emerged, but is quietly working as a doorman in Gaoyang.

Since he is a member of the Daqin civil servant system, things are much easier to handle, and Zhao Si doesn't need to arrest people with great fanfare.

Straightforwardly, in the name of the lackeys of the first emperor's close ministers, he wrote a transfer statement and submitted it to the sheriff of Chenliu County, asking the sheriff to assist him in being transferred to the servants of Chenliu County to follow him.

The sheriff of Chenliu County was in a daze when he received the document.

Who is Zhao Si?

That was a close minister of the first emperor, who was most favored by the first emperor.

It's hard to say whether this kind of person can have a good relationship, but they must not be offended. The tragedy that happened in Dongjun is vivid.

The governor of Chenliu didn't dare to be negligent, although he didn't know why Zhao Si asked him to be transferred to a small gatekeeper, but he did it immediately.

He didn't want to get close to Zhao Si, but he wanted to get rid of Zhao Si as soon as possible.

Zhao Si's reputation in the Great Qin Dynasty Hall was not bad, and Zhao Si's letter writing alone was not asking for bribes, so the governor of Chenliu naturally had nothing to do with it.

Although he didn't know who Li Shiqi was, Daqin's civil servant system was still very reliable. It didn't take long for Chenliu County Magistrate to find Li Shiqi.

Li Shiqi, a native of Yongqiu County, is now serving as a gatekeeper in Yongqiu County. Chen Kui's prefect naturally delegated the order to Yongqiu County, and asked the magistrate of Yongqiu County to cooperate with Zhao Si to complete the small task of dealing with Li Shiqi. The transfer of door officials.

"Zhao Si? A close minister of the First Emperor?"

At Li Shiqi's house, looking at the magistrate of Yongqiu County who came to him, Li Shiqi lay on his side on the bed, drank it all in one gulp, and let out a sneer.

(End of this chapter)

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