Daqin: When I return from sea, I will offer you a map of the world

Chapter 237 Zhao Si Gets Angry for the First Time

Chapter 237 Zhao Si Gets Angry For The First Time

"So, where is the coal mine?" Zhao Si smiled.

To find out where the coal mines are, you need to find out what coal is called in this era.

Looking back at the books he had read, Zhao Si didn't seem to involve such anecdotes, so he could only ask his disciples for advice.

"A black, flammable stone?" Zhang Cang frowned and pondered for a moment.

"It is said that Emperor Shun once used black stones to burn pottery, presumably this is what the lord said?" Zhang Cang thought for a while.

Chen Sheng and Wu Guang didn't know what to ask, and Chen Ping didn't know, but Li Shiqi thought for a while and took out a black accessory from his arms.

"What the lord said should be Shi Nie."

Zhao Si took the accessories from Li Shiqi and took a closer look. They were made of coal ore.

"It's this thing, it's this thing!" Zhao Si was overjoyed.

"The lord wants to spend the winter by burning stone nirvana? But the smell of stone nirvana is pungent, the smoke is also very heavy, and there is fire poison. Many people have no firewood to spend the winter by burning stone nirvana, but they often die because of the fire poison. Death, over time, fewer and fewer people use Shi Nie." Li Shiqi explained the history of using Shi Nie to Zhao Si.

"That's the poisonous gas produced by the burning of Shi Nirvana, just pay attention to the air circulation!" Zhao Si smiled.

"What is the price of stone nirvana?"

"It's worthless. This thing can't be sold at a high price." Li Shiqi said.

In this era, high-end households use charcoal, ordinary households use firewood, and the third one is all kinds of weeds, weeds, dead wood, etc...

As for Shi Nirvana, due to the uneven quality, insufficient combustion, strong smoke, and pungent smell, and this era does not understand the deadly principle of Shi Nirvana, the combination of various factors has led to the fact that although Shi Nirvana has been used, it has been delayed. Not yet promoted.

Zhao Si was overjoyed upon hearing this.

In the next few days, after Zhao Si gave a report to the first emperor, he wore his own golden armor and led a hundred soldiers to conduct field inspections in Shanyang.

Zhao Si discovered that there are not a few people who use Shi Nirvana in the land of Shanyang.

There is no way, a large amount of firewood is used to supply the fleet of the first emperor, except for the real rich family, it is impossible to get through this winter without Shi Nie.

Not only that, but Zhao Si also discovered that the stone nirvana used by the people in the land of Shanyang burns more transparently, and the smoke is not very large, which shows that the purity of the coal is relatively high, which is a good thing.

Zhao Si visited back and forth, and every time he went, he would call the local villager Lizheng and ask them to tell the villagers that when using Shi Nie, the windows must be opened for ventilation, and the dilapidated houses without windows should open the door for ventilation. In short, we must pay attention to the air flow and avoid poisoned by carbon monoxide.


With little success……

They stubbornly think that it is fire poison, just like the miasma raging in South Vietnam, but in fact, a large part of it is caused by not drinking plain water.

Many people are still unwilling to do things that modern people take for granted, things that are reasonable and not troublesome at all, let alone ancient times.

"It seems that if Shi Nirvana is widely used, corresponding laws must be enacted, and windows must be strictly required to be ventilated. In the land of South Vietnam, laws should be enacted. Drinking raw water is not allowed, and boiled water must be drunk." Zhao Si pondered.

Do you really think that these good habits are rooted in the history of Zhu Xia?
In fact, most of them were enforced by the great man.

If history is allowed to develop slowly, under the threat of life safety, corresponding habits will naturally be formed after hundreds of years or thousands of years, but it is too slow, Zhao Si wrote these down, just Shi Nie burning and opening windows to ventilate And the ban on drinking raw water in the miasma-filled land of Nanyue can save many people from dying in Daqin.

Anyway, the laws and regulations of the Qin Dynasty are complicated, and there are more than one laws and regulations related to people's livelihood, and there is no problem if there are two more.

During the following visits, Zhao Si successfully found the coal mine in Shanyang.

It can't be called a coal mine anymore, it can only be called a coal mountain.

How about saying that Shanxi is rich in coal bosses?

There are really many rich coal mines in this place. Businessmen who come to Shanxi to do business for various reasons have only one final destination, and that is to become unpretentious coal bosses.

Zhao Si watched from a distance, and saw a lot of people coming here sporadically with baskets on their backs.

There is no way, the heavy snow came too early, and it happened that Emperor Shi Huang’s car stopped here. In order to meet the supply of firewood for Shi Huang’s motorcade, the Shanyang county magistrate could only issue a ban on logging. Fleet use.

There were tens of thousands of people in the caravan accompanied by the first emperor, not to mention cutting down firewood, even the government had to cut down a tree in front of their own house to supply to the first emperor.

Obviously, the team of more than 1 people has brought great supply pressure to Sunyang.

Although Li Si was already coordinating the solution and trying his best not to disturb the local people's livelihood in Shanyang, the road was blocked by heavy snow and the transfer of supplies was obviously not so fast.

People can only pick up stones to keep warm in winter.

Zhao Si looked around and saw that some people were even in ragged clothes, some were wearing single clothes, and some were even barefoot. The heavy corvee and taxes of the Qin Dynasty left the people with no money left, and he could feel the hardships of the people.

"Hmm...do the wealthy households also come to pick up stones for the winter?" Zhao Si keenly noticed that there were not only ordinary people, but also a group of more than a dozen knights riding horses.

He didn't carry a weapon, but he walked back and forth with a wooden staff in his hand. Every time he passed by, the people would talk to him.

The battle of Zhao Si and his party was still very big. While Zhao Si was looking at them again, a dozen knights also spotted Zhao Si, and seeing hundreds of fully armed cavalry and a golden armored general at the head, Subconsciously, he went to the hidden place, and avoided it if he was far away. Zhao Si frowned when he realized the problem and immediately gave the order.

"Catch them all, if there is any resistance, kill them on the spot!"

"In addition, you go and invite some common people who pick up stone nirvana, pay attention, please, don't be violent!"

Zhao Si gave the order, and hundreds of knights moved in response. The dozen or so knights on the opposite side obviously sensed that something was wrong, and subconsciously wanted to speed up and leave.

It's a pity...their horses are not as fast as the Qin army's elite war horses, not to mention that they don't have a three-piece horse suit.

In a short while, more than a dozen knights were knocked off their horses by the Qin army, and all of them were captured alive.

This commotion caused obvious commotion among the people present. A large number of people fled after hearing the news, and some of them knelt on the spot because of their legs and feet. Several cavalrymen invited a few more people to come here In front of Zhao Si.

Zhao Si looked and saw an old man in unlined clothing, trembling, and a young man, barefoot, with frostbite on his hands and face.

There are also a few shirtless men who are fine, and there is even sweat on their foreheads.

However, no matter how old or young they were, when they came to Zhao Si, they all knelt tremblingly at the first moment.

Kneeling together with them were a dozen or so knights who were captured alive.

"Do not be afraid……"

Zhao Si wanted to help them up, but when they were lifted up, they let go of their hands and then knelt down. They were too scared to have physical contact with him, so Zhao Si had no choice but to squat beside them and talk to them.

"I saw them talking to you, who are they? What are they doing here?"

"The one who picked up... the flint stone..." The young man raised his eyes, noticed the fierce eyes staring at him from one side, and quickly stopped talking.

Where did they come to pick up flint stones?Obviously they are running dogs of the Zheng family, seeing that the people have to pick up stone nirvana to make a living, so they came to take the opportunity to collect mountain fees.

But he didn't dare to say...he couldn't afford to offend the Zheng family.


As soon as the young man finished speaking, Zhao Si had already stood up with his sword, a human head fell to the ground, scarlet blood spattered on Zhao Si's face.

"Did I show you?"

Zhao Si stared intently at the dozen or so knights, seeing that the moment of life and death was in front of him, a group of knights did not dare to move rashly, and honestly threw themselves on the ground.

Zhao Si casually threw the sword to the accompanying soldiers, took off the bloody helmet and squatted down again and asked, "Don't be afraid, tell me what they are here for."

"Tax... tax... Flint tax."

"Collecting taxes? Are they from the government?" Zhao Si was taken aback for a moment.

"No... no, they are from the Zheng family." The boy's trembling voice was full of tears.

After saying this, he probably won't survive.

"It's not from the government?" Zhao Si smiled and walked in front of a dozen knights.

"Let me think about it, how should I be punished for privately collecting taxes?"

"It seems to be, clan execution?"

Zhao Si said every word, and the bodies of a dozen knights began to tremble uncontrollably.

"Kill them all here!"

Zhao Si gave orders, the sound of drawing swords suddenly sounded, and the heads of a dozen knights fell to the ground.

"I hate this kind of person the most in my life!" The Zheng family violated Zhao Si's bottom line by collecting coal mining tax while the people had no firewood to burn.

"Enter Shanyang County with a soldier, and find out where the Zheng family is!"

"Don't miss a single person!"

The Qin Dynasty strictly stipulated that all military activities involving more than 50 people must be personally approved by the first emperor.

Unfortunately, as long as Zhao Si went out, at least one hundred soldiers would accompany him to protect Zhao Si's safety, so every time Zhao Si went out, Emperor Shi Huang had to go through procedures for approval.

This also happened to be convenient for Zhao Si. If he really waited to go back and report to the First Emperor, or to notify the Shanyang County Government, the Zheng family would probably have already run away.

This place is far away from Guanzhong, and Zhao Si does not have much hope for the administrative execution here.


All the soldiers listened to the order. Strictly speaking, this was Zhao Si's law enforcement beyond his authority, but who ordered Zhao Si?Anyway, Zhao Si has this power, and Zhao Si can resist if there is a problem later, so what is there to worry about?

"Eggs have to be shaken to turn yellow, and earthworms dug out of the ground have to be split in half vertically!" Zhao Si couldn't help but think about it.

For this kind of people who make a lot of money, Zhao Si thinks that it is not too much to use a hundred and a thousand tortures on them.

All the soldiers listened to the order and set off, leaving only Zhao Si and sighed at the Guizhou heads lying on the ground.

"No wonder the ancient superior government came down to inspect and it was a disaster for the local..."

"Even if Emperor Shi Huang didn't intend to do so, even if Li Si tried his best to reconcile, he still brought an extremely serious burden to Shanyang..."

"Fortunately, we have found a large-scale rich mine, and then we can get honeycomb out of the way, which can solve most of the problems... If Emperor Shihuang can set an example and let the convoy use it, it will greatly accelerate the speed of the widespread use of coal."

"The only question is whether the First Emperor is willing or not."

After all, compared with charcoal, coal does feel very cheap, and it is somewhat unworthy of the status of the first emperor, so it is understandable for the first emperor to refuse.

"Anyway, let me suggest..."

The first emperor was not such an unkind emperor. If he knew it and moved it with emotion and reasoned it, the first emperor would probably agree.

(no more)
(End of this chapter)

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