Chapter 262 Zhao Gao fell into darkness!
In the bedroom, Emperor Shi Huang made a decision, but it was slightly different from history.

"Meng Yi led people to return to Shanyang on behalf of the first emperor to pray for the first emperor!"

"Zhao Si led people to go to Kuaiji County to pray for the first emperor on behalf of the first emperor!"

This is the final decision of the first emperor. Today, he can only be treated as a living horse doctor. Now the first emperor is often in a coma, and the time he seems to be awake is getting less and less in a day.

"Your Majesty, I do not agree with this resolution!" Zhao Si chose to reject the Emperor Shi Huang who forcibly opened his eyes.

The First Emperor didn't speak, but just quietly looked at Zhao Si and waited for Zhao Si to give an explanation.

There is nothing to say, Zhao Si's mind is completely confused now, he doesn't even know why Emperor Shihuang made this decision.

In the original history, it was a mixture of various coincidences that Zhao Gao and Hu Hai were able to correct the edict and usurp the throne.

As the first emperor's loyal minister, Meng Yi was in charge of Lang Zhongling, the first emperor's travel route and the safety of the guards. The entire convoy of the Grand Tour was basically under Meng Yi's control.

Objectively speaking, during Meng Yi's tour of the world during the first emperor's tour, Li Si, the left minister, could not get involved in matters concerning the march of the convoy.

If there is no accident, even if the first emperor died halfway, with Meng Yi at his side, a hundred Zhao Gao and Hu Hai would not be able to cause any trouble.

The problem lies here. When Emperor Shihuang was seriously ill and dying, he made a weird decision.

Order Meng Yi and his men to leave the convoy and return to pray for the first emperor.

It was precisely because of this decision that the team broke away from Meng Yi's control. After Meng Yi left, only Zhao Gao, Li Si and Hu Hai were left with the right to speak in the team.

A series of coincidences and timing lead to the story of the change in the sand dunes, the usurping of the throne by Zhao Gao and Hu Hai.

From any point of view, it was unwise for Emperor Shihuang to make such a decision at that time.

But now, history has changed.

The main person in charge of the team was still Meng Yi, but Zhao Si left the field not long ago in person, fighting for the rights of the first emperor's personal bodyguards, food and safety services.

If the original script of history is still followed, even if Meng Yi leaves the convoy, with Zhao Si holding the authority to serve closely, it can be guaranteed that there will be no accidents.

However, the first emperor made such a decision by accident.

Let Meng Yi, the leader of the motorcade, go back to Shanyang to pray for the first emperor, and let Zhao Si, the person in charge, go to Kuaiji to pray for the mountains, rivers and rivers.

This is very strange... The two personal managers were all ordered to leave the convoy by Emperor Shihuang at this critical moment.

Isn't this an opportunity for Zhao Gao, Hu Hai and Li Si to take advantage of?
For what reason did the First Emperor make such a move?Zhao Si couldn't figure it out at all.

The first emperor was unlikely to be able to make such a move.

Zhao Si had 1 reasons to reject the first emperor's decision. Although Li Si had already made a change, he might not be in cahoots with Zhao Gao and Hu Hai as in history, but in Zhao Si's heart, the only person he could trust was himself.

However, Zhao Si didn't know how to reject Emperor Shihuang, but he knew that he couldn't leave!
Zhao Si is still not sure whether his aura of uncut jade has expired, but he doesn't want to bet that if the first emperor can survive until now, is it because the aura of uncut jade is still functioning?
What if after I left, I lost the maintenance of the halo of uncut jade, and the first emperor died suddenly?
Not to mention, once I leave with Meng Yi, history will probably repeat itself as usual, everything I have lost the chance to change, and everything I have done will be in vain.

Zhao Si didn't know what to say, so he could only kneel heavily in front of Shi Huang's bed and speak seriously.

"Your Majesty, I'm not going anywhere!"

Some strange feelings arose in Shi Huang's heart, and he looked at Zhao Si, only to find that this boy who had always been heartless had a very firm gaze at this moment.

"It is enough for Meng Shangqing to pray for His Majesty, and I will stay here and not go anywhere until His Majesty is in good health!" Zhao Si said seriously.

The first emperor seemed tolerant, but in fact he was authoritarian.

He has always been used to deciding everything by himself, and even the things that are debated in the court, in fact, most of the first emperors have already made a decision, and it is nothing more than throwing it out for the ministers to debate, with a sense of participation.

His plans and decisions will never be changed by anyone.

Faced with Zhao Si's refusal, according to common sense, Emperor Shihuang would accept it and ignore it as usual.

But at this moment, the first emperor looked at Zhao Si's firm eyes, and always had an illusion.

If he still decides to let Zhao Si leave the convoy, there is a high probability that this kid will hold the pillar and not let go, the kind that no one can tear it off.

This made Shi Huangdi feel strange.

He could clearly feel that Zhao Si was not out of other reasons, he was simply worried about himself.

"Why?" After all, Emperor Shi Huang did not reject Zhao Si, but issued a weak inquiry.

"Except for me, I can't trust anyone." Zhao Si said seriously.

Emperor Shihuang wanted to laugh a little, this kid would give himself money, but Emperor Shihuang could feel that Zhao Si was not talking empty words, he really couldn't believe anyone.

Even Meng Yi, Li Si, Zhao Gao, Hu Hai, and everyone in the team.

It was very strange that Emperor Shihuang felt Zhao Si's admiration for him inexplicably.

There is always an illusion that this kid regards himself as an elder relative, even in a trance, the first emperor saw the shadow of Fusu from Zhao Si.

In some things, the same stubborn ass, there is no room for stubbornness.

The difference is that Fusu often makes the father and son incompatible because of this, while Zhao Si is thicker-skinned, he doesn't know how to make swords drawn, and is used to using various shameless methods to achieve his goals.

Oh yes, there are some differences.

Fusu is his direct bloodline and descendant, but Zhao Si is not, he is just a boy who returned from overseas.

A trace of unknown emotion flashed in Shi Huang's eyes for no reason, and he just waved his hand.

"That's it!"

After finishing speaking, Shi Huangfu turned his body sideways and closed his eyes again, without looking at Zhao Si again.

Zhao Si finally got a satisfactory answer, and finally a big stone landed in his heart.

In any case, as long as I am here, there is still a chance for everything to change.

He only hoped that the halo of uncut jade could give some strength to make Shihuang survive this catastrophe.

The wheel of history has turned to the most critical juncture, but Zhao Si feels powerless at this moment.

Apart from the halo of uncut jade, the First Emperor's body has nothing to do. After all, there are no medical instruments or advanced medical methods in this era.

He can only try his best to do what he can do well.

In the following time, Zhao Si really guarded everyone and anyone, including Li Si, like a thief.

If he didn't have any need every day, he would definitely stay in the first emperor's bedroom to do business day and night, and even if he slept, he would simply sit at the door of the bedroom and doze off without taking a step outside.

As long as Zhao Gao is around, Zhao Si will watch Zhao Gao's every move like a wolf guard.

He has made all preparations, once everything is irreversible, he will first behead Zhao Gao's dog's head before talking about the follow-up.

Eliminating this unstable factor is the best solution to prevent the death of Qin II.

Still thinking about trying to usurp the throne?Zhao Si will not give Zhao Gao any chance.

It was nightfall again, Zhao Gao sat quietly in front of the table, the whole room was empty, all the lights were extinguished, and he could not see his fingers in the dark room.

"Zhao Si!"

Zhao Gao murmured slightly, uttering Zhao Si's name.

He is not a fool, Zhao Si's hostility and malice towards Zhao Gao has almost completely covered up, Zhao Gao can certainly feel it.

Every time Zhao Si is in the same room, Zhao Si's eyes almost never leave Zhao Gao's body, which makes Zhao Gao always feel like a light is on his back.

He could even feel Zhao Si's undisguised killing intent.

Zhao Gao asked himself that he had never offended Zhao Si, and he didn't know where Zhao Si's hostility and killing intent towards him came from.

The two people in the middle also looked at each other, Zhao Si didn't hide it at all, and there was no escape or dodge in their eyes, they just stared directly at Zhao Gao.

It's kind of scary, to be honest.

Zhao Gao felt that Zhao Si was going crazy, not only himself, but almost everyone who entered and exited the room of the First Emperor had to be scrutinized by him.

Even Li Si, who had a good relationship with Zhao Si, was no exception.

Zhao Gao was also there when Zhao Si refused to leave the convoy, and Zhao Si didn't shy away from anyone when he spoke, so it fell into Zhao Gao's ears so plainly.

No one can trust me except me!

Just kidding, Zhao Gao doesn't even know where Zhao Si got the confidence to say such a thing, which is equivalent to openly questioning the loyalty of everyone present.

But now Zhao Si has proved what he said with practical actions.

This made Zhao Gao feel a bit difficult...

Because he really is one of the untrustworthy ones.

Up to now, seeing that Fusu's return to the country has become a certainty, the first emperor has almost explicitly asked himself to resign on his own initiative.

Zhao Gao knew that his situation was at stake.

Because of this, Zhao Gao thought he had to do something, and because of this, some slightly disrespectful ideas began to pop up in his mind.

It would be great if the first emperor could die before Fusu returned to the country, then he would have room to manipulate.

He even thought about taking the initiative to help the first emperor die, but this bold idea only appeared in his mind for a moment.

He can't do it!

But now, nothing is said!
The first emperor suddenly fell ill and drove the moored sand dunes!

Bedridden, even the recognized miracle doctor Xia Wuqiu is helpless!

Even had to use unconventional methods to pray to heaven and earth to continue the life of the first emperor.

Obviously, the first emperor's life is hanging by a thread!
This made the crazy thoughts in Zhao Gao's mind soar like weeds!

(End of this chapter)

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