Daqin: When I return from sea, I will offer you a map of the world

Chapter 487: Promotion of punctuation marks, "Nature and Science" is popular in Guanzhong!

Chapter 487: Promotion of punctuation marks, "Nature and Science" is popular in Guanzhong!

The next day, morning...

The three ministers and nine ministers reported on government affairs as usual, and several specially approved ministers and doctors attended the meeting with excitement as accompanying persons.

The First Emperor’s daily comments and inquiries...

After everything was over, Zhao Si started promoting books at the highest-level meeting of the Qin Empire.

"Recently, scholars from the Craftsmanship Bureau wrote a book called "Science and Nature". I read some of it. It talks about science. It is simple and easy to understand. It is quite novel. It studies the principles of everything in the world. In order to study things and gain knowledge, we also used a novel sentence segmentation method, and printed some of them in a separate journal so that the ministers can take a look and make comments." Zhao Si said.

The palace attendants on the side came up with books in their hands and handed them out one by one.

Upon hearing this, the ministers took the books and began to read...

After all, His Highness Taisun is the one who is making the sales pitch in person. He has to pretend to be interested whether he is interested or not. He has to read it even if he doesn’t want to see it. Otherwise, wouldn’t it be a problem if he later comments on it?

Of course, this is a "sentence work" with nearly 100,000 words. Due to the factors of the times, the number of words in books of this era is generally less. Laozi's "Tao Te Ching" has a total of just over 5,000 words, and it can have more than 10,000 words. It can be called a long novel, with 100,000 words. Judging from the number of words alone, it can certainly be regarded as a masterpiece.

The three ministers and nine ministers are not idlers. They all still have matters to attend to, so naturally they cannot watch it on the spot.

So I just took a quick look at it, and after about two moments of touching it, Li Sidang spoke first.

"Although the wording is a bit crude, it is more simple and easy to understand. It does not stop at the surface of things, but pursues the truth behind it to prove the truth. The method of sentence segmentation is also quite novel and practical. In this way, You no longer have to worry about misinterpreting sentences or misunderstandings. It is indeed very different from previous articles and has a different flavor. However, this article has a slightly longer number of words, so it is difficult for me to comment in detail in just a short while."

Zhao Si smiled and nodded.

As expected of Li Si, give me face...

In fact, in terms of the choice of words and sentences and the purpose of the article, the so-called "Science and Nature" is really lost to too many books of this era.

Simple and easy-to-understand colloquial vernacular means that the writing is not refined enough and the language is too crude. This writing style has to be said to be a challenge to this era.

As Li Si is the Third Duke, if he speaks in person to set the scene, the others will naturally not be blind to the situation.

Talking about Potian is nothing more than a book. If His Highness Taisun finds it interesting, then it is interesting. A few compliments will not affect the government affairs.

Feng Quji followed closely and started to praise.

Afterwards, Jiu Qing also expressed his opinion.

Then came a group of doctors and doctors...

Because Li Si and Feng Quji made the final decision, the overall comments were mostly praising, a small number were neutral and equivocal, and a few were critical.

"I don't know much about other sciences, so I won't comment on it. However, the characters used in this sentence are quite useful in my opinion. In this way, I don't have to worry about communication difficulties, and it is difficult to understand people's thoughts through words. I plan to use Officials previously promoted this method of sentence segmentation, and even promoted it to hundreds of schools of thought and students all over the world. What do you think?" asked the First Emperor.

"Your Majesty, your Majesty!" Li Sidang spoke first!

Of course Li Si agrees with this!

The hyphenation of words and sentences certainly improves effective communication between superiors and subordinates.

As the head of a hundred officials, Li Si naturally had to raise his hands in approval.

Taboos have been the prerogative of emperors since ancient times. The First Emperor thought it was okay, and Li Si certainly couldn't object. This would only make it easier to hold people accountable.

Agreeing is not a big deal, but opposing is a problem. Therefore, the three ministers raised their hands in approval.

In fact, when they reach this point, of course they hope that communication between the upper and lower levels will be more effective.

On the above, regarding the First Emperor, they also hope that the highest instructions issued by the First Emperor can be more clearly distinguished.

Therefore, as the leaders of various departments, they naturally hope to have more powerful control over the subordinate officials in their departments to strengthen their rights.

Passed unanimously...

The implementation of Zhuzi Bai Jia Tian Xia Shi will be delayed for the time being, but it is foreseeable that the administrative department of Da Qin will fully master the application of character segmentation.

Because of the strong communication between Daqin's administrative departments, Zhao Si estimates that it won't be long before modern punctuation marks will be quickly circulated and applied.

As knowledge and skills necessary for officialdom, all schools of thought will spontaneously adapt to them.

Learn martial arts and sell them to the emperor's family...

In this era, most people are still studying to be officials. Since you want to be an official, it is impossible not to master this skill. Zhao Si did not block this skill, and even specially promoted it. It is not too difficult, so there is no reason not to learn it.

Therefore, under the guidance of the upper levels, it will not take long for it to be circulated and applied among students all over the world.

"You still have business to attend to, and I don't want to delay the government affairs. These books can be given as gifts to you. If you find them interesting, you can read them for entertainment in your free time." Zhao Si smiled and signaled. After the show, I said goodbye to the First Emperor and then came to the Craftsman Bureau full of sexy ideas.

"Your Highness, wouldn't it be bad to promote it like this?"

After Zhao Si finished talking about his propaganda idea, a group of scientific researchers were skeptical and expressed their opinions carefully.

What (His Majesty read it and agreed with it, and actually used the method in the court and promoted it to the world!) (After reading it, Right Prime Minister Li Si was shocked and said that it is simple and easy to understand, unique, contains the truth, and is the same as the previous ones) The articles of various schools of thought are completely different!) (A truth that an eight-year-old child can learn after reading it)

This kind of propaganda method is really too advanced for this era.

The most important thing is that this is the name of the First Emperor and the names of the Three Gongs and Nine Qings.

This is the actual controller of the Great Qin Empire. As a member of the administrative staff, they still have a deep sense of awe in their hearts.

"What are you afraid of? It's not a lie!" Zhao Si raised his eyebrows.

"Although I can make the decision among officials and implement it with my own hands, I can't make the decision outside the court. If I don't promote it like this, how can I increase sales?

Besides, even if something went wrong, it was Gu's idea. Who doesn't know that the Craftsmanship Bureau was an organization brought about by Gu?

Is it possible that Li Xiang will still find Gu Gu to hold him accountable?

Besides, don’t you hope to sell more? "Zhao Si asked with a smile.

No matter what, this is writing a book and establishing a theory!

How could you not want to? You know, they are all people who left their names on it.

Most of the big guys will look down on this type of book writing, and even if they ask for their signatures, they may not like it.

But... who are these people from the Craftsman Bureau?

They have been beaten up by many academic punishments. The Mohist school is based on ideas, not skills. If it were not for the appearance of Zhao Si, they would not be ranked high within the Mohist school in terms of status.

Traffic can be good or bad!

Those who are obsessed with gold and jade naturally look down on junk traffic.

But for ordinary people, as long as they become popular, no matter through any means, it is enough.

Zhao Si, who has experienced the information explosion, knows very well what traffic means. After becoming famous, Tietie stops talking and starts to make sense to you.

In terms of the academic environment, in this era, science is ultimately at a huge disadvantage, even with Zhao Si's help.

If there is no external pressure, those in power will most likely not care about the so-called scientific progress.

For them, if they could live in peace and stability for a long time, they would rather die on the throne.

Therefore, we can only use this method to cultivate a soil for the birth of science and accelerate their growth.

As long as the base is large enough, you will definitely gain enough fans. This is enough!

After intense discussion, the craftsmanship bureau finally approved Zhao Si’s propaganda method.

"What about pricing? What are your plans?"

"Just make ends meet..." Zhuo said dumbly.

"Whatever you can sell is whatever you want, even if you don't make money, that's what everyone wants."

Zhao Si smiled and nodded: "It also means being lonely."

So after unanimous discussion and decision, the final price was set at five thousand Qin and a half liang.

Yes, five thousand Qin and a half Liang!

a book!

expensive! Very expensive!

However, compared to the average price of books in this era, it is almost equivalent to giving it away for free.

This is the fact. Knowledge has always been expensive, especially in the Qin Dynasty, which was still in a knowledge blockade. A book, a classic, or even a family heirloom!

The reason why the price of Jiangsu Bureau is so low is because Jiangsu Bureau does not make any money, it is responsible for its own profits and losses, and generates electricity for love.

At the same time, as the R&D department of Daqin, the Craftsmanship Bureau has also mastered Daqin's most advanced papermaking technology and printing technology.

Only by combining the two can the low price of five thousand Qin and a half liang be determined.

Five guan of money is not cheap, but obviously, literacy is not something that the general class can deal with. For some intellectuals, five guan of money to buy an unread book, even an erotic palace, is not considered cheap. Lost money.

Therefore, with the strong support of the scholars from the Craftsmanship Bureau who had written books that were known all over the world, fame drove them to work overtime and rush to publish.

Because the First Emperor required the court officials to master the characters of sentence fragmentation, the Shaofu was also involved in the initial production and printing. The main purpose was to print and supply the officials. As for the engraving, of course, it was provided by the Craftsman Bureau.

With the support of Jiang Shaofu, the largest industrial department in the country, almost every court official in Xianyang had a copy in one month, and it became popular in Xianyang in an instant.

Soon, officials and other government workers also began to purchase it, because "Science and Nature" was not forbidden knowledge. On the contrary, it had Zhao Si's strong support, and the engravings were also ready-made. The future Shaofu will also have it after he completes his official mission. The thought of making a quick buck.

Therefore, it will be sold as a Shaofu at a price of thirty guan after the supply to the officials is completed.


Being ruined by the craftsmanship bureau...

The craftsmanship bureau has advanced technology, but the output is definitely not as good as the general's, but the price is too low...

Five thousand dollars!

Even if it is small profits but quick turnover, even if the master's office has greatly reduced the cost of clustered production, it will not make much profit.

Therefore, Shaozuo Shaofu quickly announced the suspension of sales and expressed serious condemnation of the craftsmanship bureau.

Playing with hammers, craftsmanship is just not making money...

In fact, Zhao Si had no intention of entering the high-end market from the beginning.

The gap between five guan and thirty guan is really huge!

Because of the price difference, sales volume will naturally increase a lot.

And Zhao Si, all he wants is pure sales volume!

This is publicity, not business!

Because of the low price and the explosive promotional terms provided by Zhao Si, "Science and Nature" set off a storm and discussion in Guanzhong very soon.

Because it is written in vernacular with the addition of sentence fragments, it is easy to read and not as inscrutable as traditional articles. Therefore, anyone who is literate can participate in this discussion.

In addition, because the price is low enough and enough people have obtained it, it is not a precious thing, so there is naturally no shortage of people copying and borrowing it.

Top-notch articles like "The Analects of Confucius" and "Five Worms" are academic papers. They are the art of settling down and making a living. If they are not top-notch friendships, they will naturally refuse to borrow them.

But "Science and Nature" is just a miscellaneous book, and it is really cheap, so anyone who has a little friendship with it is willing to borrow it.

As a result, the amount of communication has once again been greatly improved.

Of course, this also led to a rapid decline in reputation...

After all, it is a low-end market, so it is natural that it has a poor reputation.

However, because it does not involve academic disputes or court affairs, although it is regarded as a miscellaneous book, it is more popular and easy to understand, has something to say, and everyone is curious.

Therefore, replication of the small experiment recorded in "Science and Nature" soon began.

"There really is a reflection!" Some students exclaimed!

"Rainbow! It's really possible to reproduce iridescence manually!"

"Using this pulley set really saves effort. If it can be used in city construction, wouldn't it be more effective with half the effort?"

This is a bit equivalent to cold knowledge popularization...

For the scholars of this era, it is not really a high-end thing, but it is a trend.

A novel trend of exploration...

Of course, there are naturally some people who really have the idea of ​​​​investigating the truth behind things.

A scholar was watching "Science and Nature" under a tree, writing and drawing on the ground, and using the knowledge in the book to calculate the area of ​​his own farmland.

With a bang, a loquat fell on his head, causing him to let out a cry of pain.

He picked up the loquat depressedly, gritted his teeth, peeled it off and put it in his mouth. Then he looked up at the fruit on the tree and suddenly fell into deep thought.

"Loquat, why did it fall from the tree?"

This is just a simple microcosm. He is naturally not Newton, but it is undeniable that many people have developed a thirst for knowledge about everything in the world.

The more I know, the more questions I have.


It’s not about chasing fame and fortune, it’s not about the world, it’s just about the curiosity and truth in your heart!

The most intuitive manifestation is that the level of inquiries and discussions about the Craftsman Bureau has been increasing, and many scholars have expressed their willingness to join the Craftsman Bureau.

And this is what Zhao Si wants to see!

(I’m just one chapter away from making up for my brother’s cuteness tomorrow. I have something to do today.)

(End of this chapter)

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