Chapter 156 Give up.【Two in One Chapter】

"Brother Hao?"

"Zhao Jia? Hongyang Community!?"

At this time, Wang Chao, who was tired all day, frowned after dialing the phone, and said suspiciously.

But after a moment of stunned, he came back to his senses.

Anyway, he was right to hit wherever Xu Hao pointed out!

"Okay, Brother Hao, I understand, let's go!"

Wang Chao hung up the phone and looked at the policeman in the driver's seat.

"Officer Zhang, where is Hongyang Community!?"

There is no navigation these days, so finding a place is purely by asking the locals.

If Officer Zhang didn't know, it would be troublesome. Now those young residents around look at the police like they look at the plague god. If they ask for directions, they will probably give them the opposite route.

Fortunately, Police Officer Zhang is a native of Hongyang and knows where Hongyang Community is.

"Sit tight!"

Without hesitation, Officer Zhang snuffed out the cigarette butt from his mouth, expressing confidence on his weathered face.

He slammed the steering wheel with both hands.

Slam on the accelerator with the sole of your foot!

The police car flicked and drifted, and the roar of the engine sounded.

The next moment, Wang Chao felt a push back.

To be honest, Wang Chao now knows what is "Fengchi Thunderbolt, xx Motorcycle".

This experienced policeman is experienced, and he also has experience in driving!
Hongyang Community was only three kilometers away from them, and it took Police Officer Zhang less than 10 minutes to drive there quickly.


Screeching brakes sounded, a dark tire track was drawn across the street, and the smell of burnt rubber filled the air.

"TMD, this roadblock!?"

Officer Zhang pushed open the car door and frowned as he looked at the roadblock in front of him.

He looked up at the building not far away.

That's building b, and room 114 is there!
"Move him away!"

Wang Chao didn't hesitate, he had been with Xu Hao for a long time, and he knew what 'time is life'!
After getting out of the car, the two worked together to remove the roadblock.

The roadblock disappeared, and without hesitation, the two got into the car decisively.

"Outsiders, enter the community to register." I don't know when, a burst of light suddenly sounded from the security booth.

security guard! ?
"Now the police suspect that someone inside is involved in a criminal case, don't let us waste time!"

Officer Zhang frowned, looked at the younger security guard, and said anxiously.

It takes a lot of time to get off at this level and drive there.
"Is there a search warrant?"

The young security guard said, "Show me the search warrant."

search warrant?
"The situation is urgent, the incident happened suddenly, and there is no search warrant."

An ominous premonition welled up in Officer Zhang's heart.

"Hurry up and open the railing!"

"I'm sorry, but if you don't register and don't issue a search warrant, it's very difficult for me."

The young security guard said, "As the saying goes, when a person is on the job, he must be responsible for his job. I am"

"Hey hey!"


Before the nonsense was finished, the police car in front of him instantly turned into a manic beast.

"I owe your mother!"

Officer Zhang gritted his teeth, his eyes were bloodshot, he stepped on the accelerator, and without any hesitation, he drove the car directly into the community.

He could see that this b was deliberately blocking him!

Just like those people interviewed before, I didn’t know what to ask, or I deliberately gave some wrong information.


You're completely insane, to support a murderer spiritually!


The railing was broken, and the loud sound woke up the nearby sleeping residents. One after another, the lights were turned on, and a figure on the window sill appeared in their eyes.


"hurry up!"

The two of them didn't even turn off the accelerator, got out of the car, took a look around, and rushed directly into the door of Building B.


After finding the house number, Wang Chao put his ear on the crack of the door.

Unfortunately, no movement was heard.

"Smash the door!"

Hearing this, Officer Zhang didn't hesitate, picked up the fire extinguisher next to him and threw it at the door lock.

Fortunately, this door is not strong, and the living standard of the entire community is not high, and the quality of the door is poor.

Slamming it with all the strength in his body, the door lock in front of him was quickly deformed.

After a while, the door in front of him broke open.

"Don't move, cop!"

Officer Zhang held a baton, bent over and entered in an attacking posture.

"What about people!?"

Wang Chao followed closely behind, then frowned and expressed doubts.


Officer Zhang glanced at the blood stains on the ground, without hesitation, he immediately ran to the toilet.

The door of the toilet was not locked, and the door handle was stained with blood. When he tried to pull it, he maintained a vigilant posture, and when he pulled hard, the door in front of him immediately opened!

What came into my eyes was a woman in pajamas, with her hands tied, lying unconscious in the bathtub soaked in red blood.

Police officer Zhang picked her up, and he caught a glimpse of red from the corner of his eye.

"Wrist cut!?"

There was a 'thud' in his heart, and he quickly checked the life status of the other party.

"Alive." Officer Zhang breathed a sigh of relief.

"Rusty knives, shit!"

Wang Chao's pupils narrowed, looking at the feces on the wound on the victim's body, and the blood-stained, rusty knife next to it, his scalp felt numb for a while.

But before he could react, there was a sudden noise in his ear.


A small voice came into the ears of the two of them.

Like a conditioned reflex, Wang Chao rushed to the window and looked outside.

A black shadow flashed past his eyes, and there were still two fresh footprints left on the protrusion outside the window.

"Grass, want to run!?"

Wang Chao gritted his teeth. Now this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Without hesitation, he jumped out of the window right after him.

"Brother Zhang, take someone to the hospital!"

Before leaving, Wang Chao dropped these words.

Slit wrists in water and smeared feces on exposed wounds
Can't wait for the ambulance to come!

Officer Zhang didn't hesitate, immediately hugged the man and walked towards the stairs.

He directly used the rope to untie the victim's hands, let the victim lie flat on the police car, and he didn't even fasten the seat belt.
Sit in the driver's seat and step on the accelerator!

But not long after, a scene that made him collapse appeared before his eyes.

I saw that the roadblock that he and Wang Chao had removed was re-paved at the intersection again at some point!

"I'm fuckin'!"

Police officer Zhang's eyes were red, and he pointed his head at the bewildered security guard.

"Officer, I don't know. Just now a few people came down from Building A and blocked this. I really don't know."

The security guard looked at the bloody man on the back seat, his legs went limp from fright.

Officer Zhang was silent, panting heavily, and swiftly placed the victim on the side of the road.

Then, he sat in the driver's seat, kicked the accelerator, and the police car drove forward!


With this collision, the roadblock in front of him was immediately knocked to both sides of the road.

Officer Zhang panted heavily, and put Zhao Jia in the back seat again.

"It's over for you!"

Before leaving, he stared at the security guard in front of him, and squeezed out these words through his teeth.

In the next second, regardless of the legs and the most trembling security guard,

He stepped on the accelerator, and the car rushed towards the hospital at the fastest speed!

The murderer ran away.

Facing this kind of person who is familiar with the local terrain, Wang Chao tried his best to catch him, but he couldn't catch him.

As for the victims.
Rescue was ineffective and he died.

The fatal wound was not a wound infection, nor a knife wound, but
Excessive bleeding!

There was a lot of bleeding from the wrist cut, although most of the wounds would heal before death, but the murderer put Zhao Jia in the water, and the wound never healed.
The blood keeps flowing!
"5 minutes!"

"He'll be alive five minutes earlier!"

"Five minutes earlier, she wouldn't have died."

In the criminal investigation brigade, Officer Zhang looked at the corpse on the bed at this time, his face was very ugly, his lips squirmed, and his eye sockets began to turn red.

"Just 5 minutes away!"

Before he carried him into the car, he made a proper bandage for the victim. Relying on this bandage, she managed to persist until she entered the hospital.

But it is a pity that he insisted on going to the hospital. When he was sent to the hospital, he had less air intake and more air output. Not long after he was carried into the emergency room, he was declared to have lost blood and died.

Before the blood bag could be used, it had already become a cold corpse.
"Fuck, it's only 5 minutes away!"

Officer Zhang's voice was suddenly high, and he couldn't accept it.

"Why, why!?"

He looked up at Chu Qiao and began to question her.

"Why, we are catching the murderer, but why do these people stop us!?"

"We're right, what the hell are they thinking!?"

"Roadblocks, security guards, even asking a question are aimed at us, but we are"

"Arresting people for them!"

Looking at Zhang Sheng who was feeling a little out of control, Chu Qiao sighed, and patted Zhang Sheng's shoulder.

"calm down."

"How can I be calm!"

Zhang Sheng raised his hand, his arms were bulging with veins, and his face was flushed.

"It's only 5 minutes away!"

"If there is one less roadblock, if there is one less fucking, she shouldn't be lying here!"

"She was right behind me. The blood kept flowing. She died a little bit, really a little bit. I had no choice but to drive, but I was still only five minutes away!"

"Have you seen the files? Have you seen the files!?"

"A university teacher, [-]% of his life savings was anonymously funded by those who couldn't afford to go to school, but he died because of malicious speculation by the parents of a person who failed the college entrance examination!"

"She's dead."

"This kind of person is dead!"

The people in the office didn't speak. They looked at the cold corpse covered with a white cloth and felt mixed emotions in their hearts.

"Lao Zhang's family conditions are not very good."

Chu Qiao shook her head and explained to Xu Hao.

"He was very thrifty. He went to school by picking up trash. Later, he accepted the help of an anonymous person to concentrate on his studies. It was also because of this person that he chose to become a policeman after graduation."

"Now he has also become that anonymous person, and he has donated half of his savings."

Xu Hao didn't know what to say.

He looked at Zhang Sheng, whose eyes were red and he blamed himself, Xu Hao could only pat him on the shoulder to show comfort.

Benefactor, self, kindred spirit.
Seeing Zhao Jia, Zhang Sheng probably also thought of his benefactor and his own future.

Turning his gaze to Zhao Jia who had no vital signs, Xu Hao sighed.

A teacher who was trembling and trained a lot of talents, and even donated nearly half of his savings to benefit others without asking for anything in return, died because of Internet public opinion
Xu Hao thought of a vocabulary, an online vocabulary for later generations.

'Internet violence! '

Because of this dead person, most people are far more wronged than Dou E!

"Sorry, I had some emotional problems just now."

Zhang Sheng calmed down, and suddenly spoke after a while.

"I am going out."

After saying that, he didn't care whether Chu Qiao and the others approved or not, and walked out on his own.

Chu Qiao winked at the people around, and two people who understood followed immediately.

Sometimes, being calm is far scarier than being out of control!
This means that this person has figured out something. For example, in some suicide incidents, most people suddenly figured it out, and then they were extremely calm. They finished what they had to do before they died, and committed suicide without any hesitation.

There is a high probability that Zhang Sheng will not commit suicide, but if he finds the young people above him
It's still possible.

After all, what happened yesterday is not something ordinary people can hold back!
First, he was not cooperative, then he was betrayed by the netizens, and then because of the obstruction of the netizens, Zhao Jia was only 5 minutes away from death
"Who are those people who moved the stone blocks?"

Xu Hao moved his eyes to Chu Qiao and said in a deep voice.

Security guards are not the ones who move the barricades.

He is the kind of person who will use his best efforts to embarrass others as long as he has a little bit of power in his hands!
There is no trace of paying attention to 'Dragon City Heroes' in his computer, and he really just wants to embarrass the police.

But Zhao Jia can't die in vain!
She could have lived, but she died!

"I'm looking for them one by one!"

Chu Qiao sneered, Building A, according to the security guard's clues, they are looking for someone one by one.

As long as these people cannot be found one day, the security guards will not be able to get out of the Criminal Investigation Brigade for one day!

They wouldn't let this kind of guy who could be said to be the murderer's accomplice.

Far worse than those who maliciously stuck in the ambulance road!
"They can't run!"

Xu Hao nodded. When doing something, one must be prepared to bear the consequences.

The other party indirectly killed a person, which cannot be explained by saying "I didn't know it was so serious" and "I was wrong".

There is a high probability that a criminal sentence will be imposed!

"Okay, time is of the essence, the murderer hasn't been arrested yet, hurry up now and investigate the case!"

Liu Chang clapped his hands to bring everyone's 'souls' back.


A group of people answered one after another, then walked out of the door silently and walked towards the office.

Seeing this, Liu Chang shook his head and sighed.

My heart is broken!
"What are you waiting for?"

Xu Hao walked to Wang Chao's side. The kid hadn't said a word since he came back.

It's like being stupid!
"Brother Hao, tell me, who are the police protecting?"

Looking at the corpse and thinking about his day's itinerary, he couldn't help but say.

For a day, he followed Officer Zhang, who was wearing a police uniform, and watched the other party being ridiculed, seeing the other party being uncooperative, all kinds of yin and yang, and he felt uncomfortable.

"The police want to protect them, but they say they don't need police protection!"

Wang Chao was also a little excited. He was the second policeman to go to the hospital, and he knew how hard it was to feel anxious waiting for others.

"Otherwise, let's stop checking."

Stop checking.
Xu Hao sighed, sat next to him, and patted his shoulder.

"Chaozi, don't think too much, what the police protect is order, an order that keeps everyone safe!"

"Those netizens are part of order, but they are not order itself. It doesn't matter whether they need order or not, but some people need order!"

"Chaozi, think about it, your parents, Shen Min, and your uncle Wang Zhong."

"If there is no order, what do you think will happen to them?"

"If the police forget it this time, then someone will follow suit in the future, and the police will 'forget it', and then countless people will use this method to satisfy their desires. Tell me, who else in this society will be spared?"

"Children? Do you think they can be spared? Or, do you think a beast, a murderous beast, can let younger people go?"

Wang Chao was silent, he fell into deep thought, thinking about this sentence.

The massacre of the "out of control" case in Liuzhou Province can still be vividly remembered!
Children are not spared.
Seeing this, Xu Hao patted him on the shoulder again.

"If you feel uncomfortable, treat those people as idiots, scold them more, despise them from the commanding heights in your heart, and laugh at them for believing that the murderers who disrupt order can protect them, not the police who maintain order."

"You treat them as mentally handicapped, what do you think?"

As a fool, as mentally handicapped? ? ?

Wang Chao was taken aback, looking at Xu Hao, a little speechless.

This is what a policeman can say! ?

Seeing him stunned, Xu Hao said with disgust:

"Look at your stupidity, just say, okay!"


"Brother Hao, I see, those people outside are idiots and mentally handicapped, we are not serving them!"

"I know I can't fucking get up!"

Xu Hao kicked Wang Chao's ass cursingly.

"You want the second Zhao Jia to die!?"

"No, no, no, no!" Wang Chao shook his head like a rattle.

"Then hurry to the office!"


(End of this chapter)

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