Chapter 158 Anger, anger!anger! !anger! ! ! [Two-in-one ask for a monthly pass! 】

How many police officers are there in Sanmaotun?

According to preliminary estimates, there are at least 40 people stuck here!

In this case, the murderer can run past the police car on only two legs?

Can't run!
You know, there are more than four-legged police cars here, there are also two-wheeled traffic police!

"Targets are shifting rapidly and are currently in."

"Reference object, No. [-] Best Supermarket!"

Xu Hao took out the walkie-talkie and said while chasing him.

After saying that, he was about to put down the walkie-talkie in his hand, but the moment he put it down, Xu Hao froze slightly.

Under the blessing of the Falcon's Eye, in the field of vision affected by the movement state, the opponent's body is blurred.
There is a bag!

This bag is very familiar!
Xu Hao's face changed, and without any hesitation, he put the walkie-talkie to his mouth again.

"Attention all teams, all teams please pay attention!"

"The target appeared in Sanmao Village, and the opponent has it."


That's right, it's a hostage!
At this time, Xu Hao saw clearly that the thing tied to his body by the murderer was the hostage!

It was the hostage who threatened the police in the original video!

This is a girl, about the age of kindergarten, wrapped in a sack, only revealing the back of her head with long hair floating.

She didn't cry out, she didn't turn her head, she didn't move under the jolt, as if
It's a doll!
But Xu Hao knows that this is not a doll, this is indeed a person!

The effect of the Falcon's Eye, although in this turbulent state, the effect is not very good, but it is still simple to determine whether the opponent is human.

The hostages were wrapped in sacks, wrapped in strips of cloth, and tied to the victims.

Xu Hao slowed down, keeping a safe distance between the two.

This distance will neither make the other party anxious nor let the murderer out of Xu Hao's field of vision.

Wait for the police car!
As long as the police car comes, cooperate with the drone and the traffic police, the other party can't escape!
Xu Hao settled down and continued to chase.

He wanted to chase him in a police car, but if he chased him by car, he would lose him as soon as he turned into an alley, so it was far better to chase him on foot.

But fortunately, there are colleagues here!
But after almost 10 minutes.
The nearby colleagues still haven't appeared in Xu Hao's eyes!

Just as he frowned and began to guess, a voice suddenly came from the walkie-talkie hanging on his chest.

"The report reports that a group was in a traffic accident on the way to support, was rear-ended by a rear car, and then hit the front car. Currently, a group of members are entangled."

"The three groups report the status. The police car is currently broken down and has caused a traffic jam. After a preliminary inspection, it was tampered with by outsiders. There are traces of sugar on the fuel tank. The three of them are currently running to"

"Report, the drone was shot down by an unknown object"

"Five groups are blocked and are taking a detour. They will arrive in 10 minutes."

The first sound was like a bird taking the lead in the forest, leading to a series of 'report' sounds.

Xu Hao's face was a little ugly, and the hand holding the walkie-talkie showed faint veins.

Fuel tanks that were rear-ended, tampered with by outsiders, and drones were shot down.
Xu Hao already knew who the opponent was!
Not surprisingly, this police operation was posted online with 100% transparency!

With tens of millions of popularity, you can definitely guess the origin and tail of this plan!

They are calling.
They are mobilizing!
To be honest, Xu Hao was a little angry. These people really think that the police are all good-tempered and soft persimmons that can be pinched casually! ?
Don't bother them now, it's because you can't let public opinion expand!

But all the grudges are kept in my heart.

After solving the case, one counts as the other, and they all wait for the court's liquidation! ! !

How happy you are dancing now, how miserable you will be crying in the future! ! !

But these premise, can still solve the case
Right now, the murderer in front of him is running away!

"No, I can't waste any more!"

Xu Hao gritted his teeth and started to speed up.

"These people have been brainwashed!"

"This guy is too ostentatious. After more than ten minutes, many people must have seen him. Maybe there is already information on the Internet!"

What happens when there is information online?

Will fall into the point where the fuel tank is thrown white sugar!

It means that the current location of the murderer is exposed to the eyes of millions of people!

They and the police have exactly the same information about the murderer, but their methods of dealing with him are completely different!
That is to say, Xu Hao was contacting the police to arrest people, and they guessed that they were contacting people on the Internet to save people!

Otherwise, all these broken things by the police will appear all at once?

Obviously organized and premeditated!

Xu Hao's heart sank, and the psychology master started to activate.

The next moment, a plan came to mind!
"At the entrance of Shengjia B&B, at the fork in the road!"

Xu Hao took out the walkie-talkie and whispered a few words.

He put down the walkie-talkie in his hand, looked at the murderer in front of him who kept turning his head to observe his movements, and took advantage of the gap between his turns, immediately dropped the police cap and coat on his body!
The next moment, he was no longer obvious, hidden among passers-by.

When this ordinary-looking murderer turned his head next time, he froze for an instant.

In his eyes, the policeman who was chasing him desperately disappeared before his eyes!

people! ?
A sense of panic welled up in the murderer's heart.

He looked around hurriedly, his brows were furrowed, and his heart was beating wildly.

But the more he couldn't see Xu Hao, the more anxious he became, and the more he wanted to find his trace.

1 minutes, 2 minutes, 3 minutes
Time passed, but the figure still did not appear!

An invisible pressure squeezed him, making it difficult for him to breathe.

He didn't feel that he had thrown off the opponent, he was still aware of his own speed.

If not, why did it disappear?
Waiting for him up front?Still waiting to catch him! ?
Can you run by yourself?Could the opponent have set up an ambush in front?

Just when countless thoughts appeared in his mind, the vision in his eyes suddenly spun.

A black figure suddenly rushed from behind him, and a second before his body's center of gravity lost balance, there were several sounds squeezed out from between his teeth.

"Get down, policeman!"

"Don't move!"

"Hands behind your back!!!"

Several panting police officers suddenly shouted.

They received the notification just now and came as fast as they could. Although they didn't know why this person stopped in place, they still used their last strength to forcefully suppress the murderer on the ground!
Zhao Rui (the murderer) wanted to struggle, but he couldn't even twist, the strength in his body pressed him tightly!
In an instant, his eyes were bloodshot, his eye sockets turned red instantly, and he gritted his teeth tightly.

He is unwilling!
He is really not reconciled, he has just done something meaningful, realized his own value, and gained everyone's approval.
But now all that is going to go away!
With his arrest, all will disappear!
Xu Hao appeared, and when he saw that the other party was under control, he walked out of a crowd. This place could not only observe Zhao Rui's movements, but also prevent the other party from escaping.

Looking at the murderer on the ground who was panting heavily and staring at him, Xu Hao sneered.

This dog finally caught him!


Just as Xu Hao opened his mouth, he wanted to say something, but the next moment, the sixth sense sent an urgent sense of threat to his brain!
The forehead seems to have a brain being pierced by needles!
Every cell in the body is reminding him

A voice sounded, it was

"Dodge, dodge!"

Xu Hao subconsciously picked up a policeman who was closest to him, and dodged to the side.

The next moment, a ferocious 'monster' exuding a berserk aura suddenly turned a corner from another lane and rushed towards it!

The two policemen who were squatting on the ground wanted to run, but unfortunately, their bodies were struggling and they had no strength to move.

This steel monster continued to magnify in the eyes of the two, and in the next second...

Two policemen in police uniforms flew against the wind like a kite with a broken string!

Two streaks of blood appeared in the air, and then fell to the ground, and several pools of blood were sprinkled on the road.
The policeman who was hit was like a puddle of mud, lifeless on the ground, not moving for a while, and red blood flowed from his forehead!
As for Zhao Rui, there was nothing unusual!

The pickup truck didn't hit him, and the higher ground of the car allowed him to pass the collision very safely while lying on the ground!


Through the window of the car, a man wearing a mask appeared, and there was a very excited voice in his words.

"Heroes, get in the car!"

His voice was shaking with excitement!

Zhao Rui was taken aback for a moment, but the next moment, his eyes lit up, and without hesitation, he immediately got up from the ground.

He stood up, held the truck body, turned over and jumped onto the truck body in a vertical jump!
It all happened so suddenly!
Only two or three seconds!

From the joy of being caught, to the police being hit, to the door opening, it almost just happened in the blink of an eye!

Xu Hao's eyes instantly turned red.

Without thinking too much, he knew who the man driving in front of him was.

"Cao Nima, leave it to me!"

Xu Hao and another policeman strode forward, one left and one right, trying to pull them down.

But unfortunately, as soon as they made a move, the pickup in front of them immediately turned the steering wheel and rushed towards the two of them!
Xu Hao originally wanted to move to the sides, but then shot while the opponent turned the steering wheel and paused.

But the pickup in front of him didn't show any signs of stopping!

Leading people, rushing directly to the sidewalk, twisting left and right, after stabilizing the shape of the car, changing speed directly, and rushing straight forward.

Xu Hao clenched his fists, walked forward, and stopped after a few steps.

He clenched his fists and looked at the pickup truck that gradually shrunk to the size of an ant in front of him.

Xu Hao didn't speak, he turned his head, and without a moment's hesitation, he immediately checked the wounds of the two policemen who were still bleeding on the ground.

He took a deep breath, suppressed the burning anger in his heart, took out his mobile phone, and dialed 120.

"At the entrance of Longcheng Shengjia Hotel, hurry up"

After hanging up the phone, Xu Hao seemed to have exhausted his last breath, and began to use the knowledge he had learned in the police school to tear off the clean part of the shirt, wrap up the other's wound, and start to stop the bleeding.

Moments later, pull it all out, pull out the walkie-talkie.

He was facing the walkie-talkie with a blank expression on his face, and his flat eyes scanned the terrified road around his eyes.

After a while, he put his lips together and said:



"Coordinates: To the east of Shengjia B&B, I want to catch up nearby. Go try it."

Noon, 12:30, in the Second People's Hospital.



In the quiet and empty corridor, there were a few slightly dense footsteps.

As the footsteps gradually became clearer and amplified in the ear, suddenly, the footsteps stopped abruptly.

A voice that forcibly suppressed the anger sounded.

"How's it going!?"

Liu Chang ran to Xu Hao's side, looked up at the emergency room with red lights on, and spoke to Xu Hao again.

"Can't die."

Xu Hao opened his eyes, glanced at Liu Chang, his face was very calm, and his tone was very indifferent.

"It's fine if you can't die, it's fine if you can't die." Liu Chang breathed a sigh of relief.

"What about the others?" Chu Qiao couldn't hold back anymore, the one inside was his brother for several years.

"I don't know." Xu Hao replied.

"I don't know!?" Chu Qiao was taken aback.

"Do you think I'm a doctor?"

Xu Hao's mood fluctuated a little, but in the end it was calm.

He took a deep breath, suppressed the anger in his heart, looked at Chu Qiao, and said calmly:
"Look at the results of the operation."

"The speed of the car was not fast. I hit my shoulder first and lost the force. I couldn't die, but my head was hit on the ground by the impact. I bled and lost consciousness. I don't know exactly what happened."

This is both good news and bad news.

It’s okay, it’s okay, life is fine, even if there are any sequelae in the follow-up, it’s fine, at least you’re still alive, and the follow-up life will be supported by the police force
What a fart!

"Too crazy!"

After waiting quietly for a while, Chu Qiao suddenly cursed.


"The whole fuck is reversed!"

"How many times is this!?"

"The second time! This is the second time! The second time because of them, let the murderer run away from under the nose."

The captain at the side sat on the public iron chair, raised his head, covered his face with his palms, and spoke without seeing his expression clearly.

"Second time."

"It's also the second time because of their obstruction, he bleeds."

Zhao Jia is dead
Two cops got hit!
"Who gave them the courage!!!"

Wang Chao couldn't bear it anymore, he shouted angrily in a low voice.

"Brother Hao, do they really think that they just acted as heroes in a flash of their heads?"

"Did they think that just posting a few posts and following the trend to provide the murderer with a few pieces of information is not a crime?"

"Did they think that they were majestic and honorable?"

"TMD, do they think they are heroes!?"

A few voices were lowered, for fear of affecting the doctor's operation, but the shouts filled with anger echoed at the door.

Call the murderer to tip off, monitor the police's actions, and pretend that the murderer wants to deliberately distract them.

Even blatantly attacking the police and taking away the murderer who has been caught
This can already be said to be the accomplice of the murderer!

No, or rather, there is no accomplice in this case, only one murderer.
The murderer is not alone, but
Tens of millions of netizens!

Zhao Rui is just a knife, and the real murderer is a ghost hidden on the Internet!
There are tens of millions of netizens!
"Captain Liu, withdraw people."

Xu Hao said suddenly, causing Liu Chang to clenched his fists.

"You also think that we have to forget it!?" Liu Chang said unwillingly.

They are capable!

Twice, the two plans were all successfully implemented, and they were only run away by the other party because of the influence of netizens!

But this at least verified that their thinking was correct, and their plan was correct!

"Captain Liu, do you remember what I said about the plan before?"

Xu Hao, who was sitting on the chair, answered the wrong question, but let Liu Chang understand what he meant.

Liu Chang was taken aback, "You mean to say"

Xu Hao borrowed a cigarette from Chu Qiao that he hadn't touched since he crossed, and put it in his nostril to smell it without lighting it.

There is a default unspoken rule in hospitals across the country, that is, smoking outside the door of the emergency room is uncontrolled.
The unique smell of nicotine from cigarettes suppressed Xu Hao's constantly churning emotions.

Xu Hao moved his eyes and looked at Liu Chang.




What are you satisfied with?
A lose-lose front!
"Take action."

(End of this chapter)

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