In the detention center, the suspect is myself

Chapter 179 The 'Stereotype' of Ordinary People's Behavior 】

Chapter 179 The 'stereotype' of ordinary people's behavior 】

Sun Wang, a migrant worker, originally lived in a one-story house, but because a film and television base was going to be built nearby, and Zhao wanted to create the characteristics of Zhaodu.

So I got a little subsidy and built a two-story building.

He is simple, smart, but not sinister. In the eyes of others, he is considered a very good father.

Sun Huo, the eldest son, is 19 years old. Ordinary people's evaluation of him is very ordinary. Generally speaking, he is a transparent person and an ordinary person.

As for Sun Yan, that would be a big deal.

Although he and Sun Huo are twins and the same age, their brains are much better than their elder brother's.

Sun Huo graduated from high school and did not enter university, but Sun Yan has been graduating from various key schools with excellent grades, and has a great talent for acting. After the college entrance examination, he went to Nanshan University. The actor side.

Also known as 'other people's children'.

He is excellent in every way, treats people kindly, and has no enemies.

In short, the two brothers are very different.

"Anything else?"

Xu Hao frowned. Although there were many clues, they were not very useful. They could almost be described as a running account.


Wang Teng shook his head. They only know that the case is murder, but they don't know the specific direction.

"People in the brigade didn't dare to divide the direction of solving the case. At present, they only summarize a few points."

"One, apart from Sun Huo and Sun Yan, the victims are all in their 50s."

"Second, the victims have all lived in this place for a long time."

"Three, the other six deceased had a very good relationship with Sun Wang's family. They were the ones who watched Sun Huo and Sun Wang grow up."

All the victims are related to Sun Huo and Sun Yan.

Xu Hao's frown deepened.

If he was the murderer, he would have killed the family of the murderer, but the neighbor
How could he kill his neighbors! ?
I don't know who my neighbor is, and my neighbor hasn't offended me, and I don't know if my neighbor has a good relationship with my target. How can I kill my neighbor?
Isn't this superfluous! ?

Xu Hao pondered for a moment, then said, "The dead people have many things in common, that is to say, the murderer is killing these people consciously!"

"The perpetrator wants something from the victim, or it is these people who are blocking themselves from getting what they want."

"As for the fire, he kills two birds with one stone. It can not only get rid of these people, but also allow him to get what he wants!"

In the final analysis, it is the murderer's purpose!

Fire, this must have something to do with his purpose, but what exactly does he want! ?

The fire can kill neighbors and the target with a high probability of death. Even if he is alive, he will be in a coma, even his face will be disfigured, and he will suffer serious sequelae just like Sun Yan.

competitor! ?
Suddenly, these four words came to Xu Hao's mind.

Sun Yan is an actor, and the entertainment industry in this era has not been corrupted by capital, all actors need to compete!
The capital of competition is strength, that is, acting skills and various skills!
If it is said that Sun Yan's strength is so strong that no one can compete with him, and then his competitors feel resentful and come to kill him, this logic is feasible.

What's the matter with the neighbors! ?

Although the neighbors were familiar with the victim and the two brothers, they were not family members of the two brothers in the final analysis. The blood relationship was not deep, so why did they kill them! ?
Xu Hao didn't understand, but it didn't prevent him from letting go of even the slightest guess.

"A month before Sun Yan was injured, did you participate in any competition?"

Wang Teng nodded. They investigated this point, but the trial has not yet started.

"Yes, Sun Yan competed for a young actor before, it seems to be for some job."

"The competitor will come to the brigade tomorrow. If you want to check, you can check it tomorrow."

Xu Hao nodded. He is also at a loss about this case.

After eating, he brought another lunch box for Chaozi, then walked aside, sat on a chair and began to meditate.

In this case, the feeling that is lingering in my head has already appeared!
Fire, Sun Huo and Sun Yan, neighbors, and the murderer who didn't hurt Sun Wang.

No matter how you look at it, it violates harmony.

The murderer didn't kill Sun Yan's father, but his neighbors. What kind of twisted thinking can he do?

But what if the murderer's mind is not distorted! ?
For example, if the murderer is a normal person, has some kind of feelings for Sun Wang, and has a reason to kill his neighbor, and the fire can help him accomplish his goal
In this case, although the neighbor is relatively innocent, it can be explained clearly!
If this is the logic, it is necessary to find out what kind of emotion the murderer has towards Sun Wang.

What is the purpose of his murder and the reason for making the fire!
After thinking for a long time, the problem came back again.

It is similar to the guess at noon, but it has been verified a little bit, and supplemented, and a little logic chain has been improved.

"Brother Hao, is there a place for me tomorrow?"

After Wang Chao ate three lunch boxes, he raised his head and said to Xu Hao.

He always eats and doesn't work, and he gets a bonus if he solves a case, which makes him a little embarrassed.

"Yes, go to bed early today, and go to the scene after the interrogation tomorrow!"

Xu Hao nodded. The scene was cleaned up by the police, but it was limited to cleaning up small impurities, such as dust and small-scale burning garbage.

Large furniture, etc., still need Wang Chao to help clean up.


Wang Chao nodded, and then took another box lunch with peace of mind.

Although the child can eat, the child never saves his energy and works very hard!
Here, Xu Hao thought for a long time, and finally shook his head, put away his thoughts, and walked to the room of the detention center.

The logic of the current thinking is correct, and the doubts are also correct.

But when Xu Hao was thinking about those conjectures, he always felt a sense of awkwardness.

just like.
Guess wrong!
Yep, that's how it feels.

Just like 1+1=2, the data on the panel shows that it is =2, but intuition and thinking are resisting, thinking that it is not 2, but 3 or 1.

It's a weird feeling, but there's nothing you can do about it.

All the clues so far pointed to the murderer being the kind of person he thought.

If they don't check, the police can only stand in a daze. It's very likely that they will do nothing, but it's better than not checking!

Xu Hao lay down on the bed after washing, and fell asleep unconsciously.

As for Wang Chao, he also washed up after eating.

Zhao is from the south, not the north, and the food is relatively delicate and small, so he ate four servings, which was about the same as the two servings in the north, and he didn't feel full.

While the food is relatively small, the bed is huge.

The beds in the detention center take up half of the room and can sleep four people without being crowded.

After a while, two even breathing sounds sounded.

The next day, Xu Hao got up early in the morning.

At 06:30, there were already many people in the Criminal Investigation Brigade, and even people from the Municipal Bureau came down!

After a day yesterday, the case has been completely settled. This is not an accident, but someone is deliberately murdering!

"Officer Zhang Shaozhang, right? Hello."

Xu Hao, who had just washed his face, shook the hand of the policeman in front of him.

The third-level police inspector, Zhang Shao, is 36 years old, and he can be regarded as a person who has made a lot of achievements.

"I have admired my name for a long time, I have admired my name for a long time."

When Zhang Shao saw Xu Hao, the corner of his mouth twitched. He had heard of Xu Hao's name, but he didn't care.

I was wondering where the next unlucky urban area would be, but I didn't expect it to be my hometown
"Time is running out, go and see the suspects first."

Xu Hao ignored this sight and waited for Wang Teng to take the lead to censor people.

They chatted last night, and Sun Yan once participated in a competitive role competition.

The competition is not big, but if it has special meaning to some people, it is not impossible to cause arson and murder.

"The other party has just arrived, and he is in the interrogation room. You should investigate on your own. I will go to the scene to do the work first."

Wang Teng sighed, then left with his people and walked towards the scene.

Seven dead and two injured, if this case were any worse, it would be someone from the provincial government.

He was still under a lot of pressure. After all, Zhao Du was not a big place, and it was the first time he encountered a case of this level, so he personally led the team to the scene.

Xu Hao and Zhang Shao turned left and right, and found the suspect who was under temporary guard.

"Go ahead, let me observe."

Xu Hao thought for a moment and let Zhang Shao go in first.

This is a habit, using eagle eyes to capture details in the third perspective, and then combining them with a master of psychology can quickly analyze the opponent's mind.

Zhang Shao didn't have ink marks either, he opened the door and walked in.

There is more than one suspect, there are also several other interrogation rooms, and there are still a few who have not rushed to the brigade.

But their reaction was quite uniform.

Xu Hao watched these people silently.

Shortness of breath, erratic eyes, frequent blinking, clenched hands into fists, stuttering when speaking, slightly trembling voice
This is the killer's reaction!
But this is also the reaction of ordinary people.

There is an old saying in the Yanhuang Kingdom, "If you don't do anything wrong, you won't be afraid of ghosts knocking on your door."

In fact, just listen to this sentence. Whether you do something wrong or not has nothing to do with whether you are afraid of ghosts knocking on your door.

Facing the police, facing the police who represent the law and majesty, and they are not low-ranking police officers, personally come to interrogate themselves, everyone will be nervous!

This is a manifestation of guilty conscience!
But a guilty conscience does not mean that you have done something wrong, but it is precisely because you do not know whether you have done something wrong that leads to a guilty conscience.

It's just a normal psychological phenomenon.

On the contrary, those who are normal, have questions and answers in the face of interrogation, have a quick mind, and have clear logic, but there is a problem.

This kind of person either knows what the police are looking for, or has extremely strong psychological quality, knowing that the police's business has absolutely nothing to do with him!

Therefore, if you really committed a crime, it is better to pretend to be a little guilty, but at a loss.

In about 10 minutes, Zhang Shao led his people to finish the review.

"Captain Zhang, have you told them about the victim?" Xu Hao asked.

"No, I still know this rule. Only ask what you need to ask, and don't ask about the victim, so as to prevent the other party from becoming vigilant." Zhang Shao said.

This can be regarded as a criminal investigation interrogation method, which only asks questions around the case, but does not ask the core.

Only after the suspects have been narrowed down will there be direct interrogations.

Xu Hao nodded, then glanced at the panic-stricken suspect, hesitated for a moment, and entered.

He didn't take any notes. After entering, he sat on a chair and calmly looked at the suspect in front of him.

Only said one sentence.

"Sun Yan woke up, woke up from a coma."

The person in front of him was taken aback for a moment, his brows were furrowed, and there was a trace of confusion in his eyes.

not him.

Xu Hao crossed him off from the list of suspects in his heart.

What is he asking?
Ask the subconscious mind!
In this case, the questioner will have two reactions, one is to react subconsciously, and the other is to be expressionless.

The former, people who have nothing to do with the case, will be at a loss, not knowing what the police are asking and who Sun Yan is; Words made a stress response.

If it is expressionless.
Then there are only two options, one is not paying attention, but in this scene, how could the attention not be on the police! ?
If the attention is on the police, it can only be
Be prepared in advance!
After a while, Xu Hao regretfully walked out of several interrogation rooms.

"Well, is there a murderer among them?"

Zhang Shao gave some instructions to his team, and then waited for Xu Hao.

"What about you? Do you think so?" Xu Hao didn't rush to answer.

"Intuition tells me no, but the clues prevent some of them from proving their innocence." Zhang Shao replied directly.

It's all normal people's reactions, and it doesn't show the 'stereotype' reaction of normal people facing the police.

"I'm about the same size as you."

Xu Hao said that he was indeed similar to the other party, but he had already denied that the other party was the murderer in his heart.

But since these people are denied, the murderer
Who will it be! ?

Difficult to handle, the case became weird again.

All the victims have gentle personalities, high emotional intelligence, and have never had any conflicts with others
But he was purposefully killed by the same person!
What does he want?Why kill these people?
No one offends anyone in the neighborhood, the only somewhat logical contest for competing roles, and there's no murderer in it.
The victim's family had no money, and the murderer didn't come for money.

If you kill them, you will not be famous, and some of them will only be reviled, and there will be a probability of being traced by the police.

Not for money, not for sex, not for fame
The murderer didn't even try the three things, and even said that he might not have had conflicts with these people yet!
So what does he want?
What do you want to do?
Why do this?
It can't be said that the murderer is mentally ill, he killed for no reason!

"Tsk, this case is a bit difficult to solve."

Wang Chao muttered to the side, he has participated in many cases, and he has more experience than some criminal investigations, so there is no pressure to keep up with Xu Hao's thinking.

But the more I keep up, the more weird this case becomes!

After all, in homicide, no matter why you kill, there is always a reason for it!

But the murderer in this case had no reason
This is comparable to the type of case that criminal investigators least want to encounter!

what type?
Mental illness kills!
Killing for no reason, without any warning, and running away after killing, there is no way to investigate. In contrast, the police want to investigate that kind of sophisticated case.

Xu Hao has a headache. Now he wants to find out the murderer's purpose.

But every time he thinks of something, some clues will always jump out and tell him that his guess is wrong.

Thinking of the end, he was also helpless.

It is very useful to deduce the film version of the character design, but it also needs to have clues!

"Chaozi, it's time for you to exert your strength."

Xu Hao sighed and pulled himself together, with a serious expression on his face.

"As the saying goes, feed for a thousand days, use it for a while, and I will use you later!"

Wang Chao nodded and returned a positive expression, and later he will prove that his meal is not free.

After a group of people simply sorted out the logic of the plan, they launched their own actions.

Zhang Shao needs to sort out the documents and clues.

And Xu Hao and Wang Chao.
Go straight to the scene of the crime that has been dealt with!

 Let's get some monthly tickets (buttocks up)

(End of this chapter)

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