Chapter 58 Three Investigation Directions!Victims are taken care of! ?

People-pleasing personality can be found everywhere in the society, especially when the employees of the company face their superiors, they can feel it in detail.

But this can only be said to be pleasing, it is an initiative, and it is not a pleasing personality.

And the pleasing personality does not need to actively think, and will subconsciously go down to please anyone in a low voice.

And someone like Zhang Miao can make everyone like him.
You know, things have two sides. When a mirror is broken, some people will feel novelty looking at the countless selves in the fragments, and some people will feel angry. The same thing cannot satisfy everyone!
Unless the other party is careful enough to think about how to please everyone!

Zhang Miao is.

For this kind of person, it is even more difficult to obtain his real information.

"From now on, all the evaluations of the victim's surroundings about him will only be included, and there is no need to think about it. It is useless and worthless."

Xu Hao sighed, all the social information of this personality is deliberately fabricated.

The police's painstaking research is in vain!
Xu Hao's expression suddenly changed, and he looked at Liu Liu seriously.

"Strengthen the progress of the investigation of Zhang Miao's background!"

The formation of anyone's personality requires certain factors to be born.

The most intuitive explanation is Wang Yangming's unity of knowledge and action!

Any decision you make in the face of any choice now is affected by what you have done before. For example, if you fall into a pit now, you will be careful when you walk later.

In the same way, the flattering personality and smiling depression are not congenital!

After giving birth, Xu Hao must know what happened between the blank personality and the flattering personality.

Only when he knew what led to the formation of this personality, could he know what Zhang Miao was thinking in his heart.

Only when you know what you think, can you know the fundamental 'personality' of the other party!
Only by knowing the character design can we combine the clues to guess the murderer and his grievances.

He wanted to push aside the layers of protection that Zhang Miao had set up for himself, and face the real side of the other party directly!
"Okay, is there any more?"

Liu Liu quickly wrote it down and asked again.

Images flashed through Xu Hao's mind.

Simple daily notation, relatively frugal
If Xu Hao remembered correctly, when the deceased was fished out, he was not frugally dressed.

Although the clothes of this brand are not popular these days, none of the clothes sold offline are cheap!

Especially that pile of jewelry, it doesn't add up to be cheap.

Also, he is handsome and has many girls pursuing him, but he didn't even fall in love
After uniting the money, Xu Hao pondered for a moment, then said:

"Check Zhang Miao's source of funds and increase efforts in this area. I guess Zhang Miao doesn't even have a bank card, but he has money to buy expensive clothes, which is suspicious."

"Also, who was the person who asked him out the day before the crime, was it the murderer, or was it just a friend."

Those who can ask the deceased out and make the other party happy are most likely committed by acquaintances.

If they were acquaintances, the scope of the police search would be larger. After all, the relationship with everyone he knew was similar, and it was impossible to distinguish who could be called an "acquaintance" in Zhang Miao's mind.

"Is it possible to be adopted?"

A police officer suddenly spoke. He saw that everyone was focusing on him, and quickly explained:
"He has no money, looks good, and knows how to please people. Those rich women should like this kind of people, right?"

I don't know what kind of Xu Hao the rich woman likes, but she definitely likes someone who can see and be able to do it!
Combined with the fact that the murderer smashed Zhang Miao's second brother, Xu Hao felt that the other party should be capable.

"It's possible."

Xu Hao nodded.

"But the probability is not high."

"First, before the rich woman starts to take care of someone, there will be a lot of records of going to the clubhouse to play a fool. Even if it is the first time to take care of Zhang Miao, she is simply coveting Zhang Miao's body. If she doesn't give her affection like this, Zhang Miao will not be here. After receiving the call, he showed a happy expression."

"Secondly, if Zhang Miao is willing to be adopted and doesn't like him, then he is greedy for money. If he wants money, he will not wear expensive and beautiful clothes on his body, but sell misery to win sympathy for money!"

The rich wives who keep a pretty face are not much better looking, and they are bloated in the middle of their age.

If there is no money, it is estimated that beggars are too lazy to take a look, let alone fall in love with each other.

"Of course, it is not ruled out that the victim's taste is unique and heavy." Xu Hao added.

Liu Liu suddenly caught a key point, and he shivered.

"Wait, wear your best clothes to meet and feel happy."

"Is there a possibility that the victim is indeed in love!?"

"This love partner, including but not limited to, is the other party rich?"

People have a sense of superiority, dignity and face.

When a man and a woman first fall in love, both parties will try their best to show themselves. They have to check their appearance, conversation, or clothing before going to meet each other!

Some people even take a shower before going, no matter what time it is.

If it is said that the other party is not a nurturing relationship, but has a rich family and bought some clothes after falling in love with the deceased, then the explanation is indeed clear.

"It's hard to check!"

Xu Hao grinned, smacked his tongue and said:

"It's too difficult for a pleasing personality to distinguish his feelings for others. In the eyes of outsiders, Zhang Miao may treat the people he likes exactly the same as he treats ordinary friends!"

"Since the roommate didn't mention it, there is a high probability that they don't know if they have a girlfriend. We can't find any information even with the broken Internet."

"That is to say, as long as the opponent doesn't jump out and explode himself, we can't do anything about him!"

As soon as these words came out, several people present were silent for an instant.

Pleasant personality.
Isn't it tiring to live like this! ?

Treating everyone with enthusiasm, trying to find ways to make others laugh, how sensitive this spirit is.
Xu Hao felt that if Zhang Miao was so ill, if no one could see his illness and alleviate it, even if the murder accident did not happen, there would be a high probability that he would choose to commit suicide soon.

Countless people commit suicide because of depression!
To be honest, Liu Liu and the others are okay, after all, they haven't encountered such a victim in several years.

If 20 years later, the era when almost everyone has a somewhat distorted personality
To be honest, if there is no Sky Eye system, Xu Hao feels that the criminal police 20 years from now will probably have to work overtime until his own mother can't recognize him.

Can't finish!
The case never ends! ! !

Several people walked and thought about the situation of the case.

There is a lot of chatter, and there are all kinds of messy information. After dozens of sentences, they cannot form a complete chain of suspicion.

Liu Liu cast his eyes on Xu Hao.

He really doesn't know anything about mental illness. These days, he handles cases based on experience, but how can they have any experience with mental illness!

tnnd, it is outrageous for the victim to hide key information!

No, the victim didn't hide the information at all, but all the information is false!

Even if it is true, the police don't dare to believe it blindly, they can only verify it one by one, but with so much information, how long will it take to find out?
Therefore, the current situation has also been created. There are dozens of false information, and no one knows which one is true. They all conflict with each other and cannot constitute a reasonable and useful clue at all.

The information is false, dare to send it if you dare to use it
Xu Hao pondered for a moment, now he is not sure which information disclosed by the victim is true.

But since it is not certain, then
"Since you are not sure, then temporarily discard this information!"

Xu Hao spoke suddenly, his brows were locked.

"Now, everyone, forget all the previous information about the victim's surface! Remember the key, the proven substantive clues and the victim's own core!"

"We rethink the case itself!"

"What is the murderer's purpose!?"

"Why is he going to kill a person who has a flattering personality and will never offend others!?"

"Why, what good would it do him?"

 Live in Bengbu, the king spent [-] oceans to buy a skin, and it’s fine if it’s blown by a fancy hammer. I took a look at the book review area

  Why do people still say that the novels written in my novels are better than the novels I wrote?

  Is it in the river?It's unreasonable

  qaq qaq
(End of this chapter)

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