Chapter 160
It is quite cold in autumn.

The beauty of Wanshan is red and the forests are all dyed has passed, and the busy autumn harvest has also come to an end.

The weather was a little dull, and the dark clouds covered the sky, and there was no end in sight.

On both sides of the road, the originally lush leaves have become sparse. When the cold wind blows, there will be overwhelmed withered yellow leaves whirling and falling down.

The howling north wind blows across the side of the fast horse, bringing a little bit of coolness.

"Boundless falling trees are rustling down."

Gu Dan looked around with a little emotion.

Along the way, what I saw along the way was not a good scene.

Of course, the big moon at this time is not a good year.

Even the official road looks deserted, and even weeds are spreading, let alone the outside.

The perennial uprisings and conquests have continuously emptied the only remaining nutrients in this country. I occasionally saw some people on the road, and when I saw them, I would avoid them like snakes and scorpions, and I didn't dare to come forward to talk to them.

People who dare to run around alone in this season are not easy to deal with.

The real fools probably died a few years ago.

Xun Ke followed Gu Dan, also riding a steed, and said sadly: "When I first came to the imperial capital, there were still several villages here, and there were endless caravans on the official roads. .It's only been a few years, and there are no people living there."

Although the official road has the word "official" in its name, ordinary people are actually allowed to go, including caravans.

However, when an official travels urgently on the official road or transports food and banknotes, ordinary people must immediately avoid it, otherwise they will be punished, and the caravan needs to spend extra money to pass.

Whether the officialdom is prosperous or not can also roughly see the operation status of a country.

Now that the two of them have come to the land of Yuzhou, their luck is not bad. The good news is that they have not met any unsightly bandits or thugs who robbed their houses.

The bad news is that there are very few people, and occasionally they are like frightened birds, running faster than rabbits.

The two of them didn't spend too much time on chores, and the horseshoes were windy along the way. Although it was not a night and day trip, the speed was not slow.

"The imperial court and the Bailian sect have been fighting in Yuzhou for several years, so naturally there won't be any beautiful scenes of people living and working in full swing. It's good enough to see people."

Although Gu Danwei had traveled far before, he had already expected everything he could see.

A scholar can know the affairs of the world without going out.

He has the channels of Mo Qiu and Lin Xiaoyi to understand the outside world, and of course he can know more than ordinary people.

For example, he knew very clearly that Da Yue's finances could not be supported as early as a few years ago, and even the wealthy households in the imperial capital were implicated and unable to escape under repeated drinking of poison to quench their thirst.

A liquidation was initiated from top to bottom, and the rope around the neck was slowly tightened from bottom to top.

"How can this be changed?"

Xun Ke was silent for a long time, and finally asked: "Since Mr. Gu has decided to go out, has he already made up his mind?"

"Uproot and rebuild."

Gu Dan said almost ruthlessly: "A country is like an open space, and the royal family is the tallest tree among them. Next to the tree are lower officials and bureaucrats. The people living in that open space Weeds, rich households, tyrants, and aristocratic families are vines, vines can climb trees to grow, and everyone shares the grace and rain to grow.

But there is only so much nutrition in an open space, and whoever grabs more will inevitably have less.When all the nutrients are almost consumed, and even the weeds start to wither and turn yellow, other big trees will take the opportunity to take root and snatch the few remaining nutrients. That is the invasion of foreign enemies.

Now the tree of the royal family is getting old, and hundreds of bureaucrats have invaded too much territory that should belong to weeds, not to mention letting weeds find opportunities to become vines, or even become a big tree.Up to now, even the nutrients of the weeds themselves have been almost exhausted, which is why there have been successive uprisings. "

Gu Dan's voice was extremely cold, and he continued: "The boundless fallen trees are rustling, only those big trees that have intercepted the nutrients fall completely, and return the things that originally belonged to the world, then everything will have a chance to stop - this is very simple reason."

He chose to simplify complicated things, did not say anything about profound theories and difficult knowledge, and only had calmness in calmness.

Of course, the operation of a country is far from being as simple as he said, but when the perspective rises to the overall situation, the root cause of all this can be attributed to one problem.

Some people get too much, some people get too little, some people can't get it and even pay it backwards.

Those who get more are unwilling to spit it out, those who get less are dissatisfied, and those who don’t get or even pay back have no way out. Then it’s time for another dynasty change.

Xun Ke thought for a while, and then asked: "But how can we ensure that all this will not happen? Even if it is the same nutrient, the big tree is destined to absorb it faster than the vines and weeds."

"This is the reality, and it is a problem that needs to be considered and faced by generations of outstanding people. How to distribute everything that exists in this land as fairly as possible, and give weeds space to become vines and even pillars. Let the original Big trees will not take advantage of their own advantages to seize too much space and nutrients that belong to weeds.”

Gu Dan said in a low voice.

This question itself is also one of the reasons why he struggled with it for a long time.

Sooner or later, a country will decline due to various reasons, but for normal people, this long timeline will last their lifetime, but when all these are turned into numbers—that is, hundreds of Years, the spiral rises, and it goes round and round, and the cycle goes back and forth.

It's just that people are not grass and trees, who can be ruthless.

Seeing everything collapse with his own eyes, and even his friends set off to join in it, Gu Dan was also touched, it is impossible to really treat everything as a number.

But he just has more knowledge than people of this era, and he can't solve the final problem, let alone take an unimagined path. He can only bring the broken world back on track as soon as possible. Let future generations do it.

Conquering the world is easy, all you need is force.

But it is difficult to defend the world!
He wasn't going to be a nanny, that's why he brought Xun Ke with him on this trip.

This child has his own thinking and a heart that is safe for the world.

He can help end the troubled times, but it is absolutely impossible for him to do everything by himself, and he has no interest in the position of emperor.

Trying to mention Xun Ke as much as possible is one of Gu Dan's choices.

Xun Ke fell silent.

After a long time, Xun Ke suddenly said: "Mr. Gu, do you think the Mohist's Ten Principles of Mohism will not work?"

The ten righteousness of the Mohist school: general love, non-aggression, respect for the virtuous, respect for the same, non-life, non-joy, festival burial, festival use, enlightenment of ghosts, and heavenly aspirations.

This is the good way of governing the world chosen by Mo Qiu, and it is also the idea pursued by the Mohists. They believe that as long as they follow these ten principles, the world will be better. In fact, Mohists have always been doing this.

But inside and outside the words, Gu Dan has never talked about the philosophy of Mohism, and the direction of guidance is mostly reconciliation and distribution, rather than directly cutting through the mess, or directly bringing up Mo Qiu's theory, in one step.

"Brother Mo's ideas are of course very good things."

Gu Dan hesitated for a moment, and then said: "But you should be able to understand that it is impossible for any country to develop according to such a set of theories, or in other words, the ultimate goal of this set of theories is the world of great harmony. The most basic requirement of the goal is to have no selfishness.

Not to mention all kinds of more detailed and unreasonable requirements later.Brother Mo's ideas can be regarded as the end point of a country's ultimate goal, but no country can directly use this set of theories.If you want to accomplish something, you must understand that there is a gap between ideals and reality, and you cannot directly use the theory that goes straight to the end to deal with imperfect real conditions.

We can always find many reasons for the collapse of a country, such as the hardship of the people, lack of personal morality, and excessive corruption. But when these things are specific to the facts, it is a game and choice again and again.

For example, Emperor Zongming wanted to build the Longevity Immortal Palace purely for his own selfish desires.But because he is the emperor, no one can really restrict him. Can there be a system that can restrict the emperor's rights?At least not completely do whatever they want?Just this incident, and the things involved behind it, are enough to make people think about it.

Not to mention how once the emperor's power is really dispersed, how will all parties check and balance, how to make the power in the hands of the ministers insurmountable, and then create a situation of excessive corruption. These things will affect the whole body. "

Gu Dan doesn't talk too much about the details, because the details are endless.

He started from the overall situation and pointed to Xun Ke, without focusing on one particular place.

As for Mo Qiu's theory, his attitude is: I appreciate it, but it cannot be used.

Xun Ke looked at Gu Dan in astonishment. He never thought that Mr. Gu still had so many thoughts hidden in his mind, but Gu Dan never talked about such matters in the past.

Inside and outside the words, Gu Dan pointed out the direction and outline for him, but the deeper details and context required him to carefully control.

The good news is that he doesn't really agree with Mo Shi's ten righteousness of Mohism, which is done in one step. The bad news is that he is still too young to think clearly enough about these issues.

But he was also lucky.

Now there is an ink master in front of him to shield him from the wind and rain, and now Mr. Gu is willing to go out of the mountain again, so he will bring him by his side to give some advice.

He still has a lot of room for growth and a long future.

The fast horse galloped, leaving all words in the wind.

After walking another distance, Xun Ke suddenly said: "Mr. Gu, not far from here is the village where I lived before. Can you go and have a look?"

"of course can."

Gu Dan nodded slightly.

It has been more than six years since Xun Ke entered the imperial capital, and it is quite normal to miss his hometown.

Not long after, led by Xun Ke, the two came to a village.

Scattered looks very empty, there is no human habitation, even the fertile fields in front of the door are overgrown with weeds - this place is very close to the battle place between the White Lotus Sect and the imperial court, the people living here either join the White Lotus Sect, or have to Being pulled by the temple to be a strong man, even if you want to farm the land safely, it is impossible, and you will be robbed before the grain is harvested.

Even if it is fertile soil, weeds can only be allowed to grow and become dead ground.

Walking into the village, everything is extremely quiet, and even the chirping of birds is almost inaudible.

Xun Ke's eyes swept back and forth between the familiar houses in the past, and the expression on his face seemed to be frozen.

Yuzhou is not easy.

This place has experienced floods, droughts, and was hit by the night star, not to mention, it is still one of the main battlefields of Da Yue.

His former neighbors have already made their own way of life.

There are even knee-high weeds growing in the yards of several families, and there are still traces of fire embers in front of the demolished doors-someone should have passed by and burned the doors as firewood.

Dilapidated walls and overgrown weeds, the mud and wooden houses could not withstand the wind and rain for too long.

Everything shows that no one has lived here for a long, long time.

Xun Ke had expected it in his heart, but when he saw all this with his own eyes, his eyes couldn't help but become a little brighter.

He walked forward in silence and came to a rather large courtyard.

Vaguely, one could see a plaque hanging with hemp rope dangling in the yard. On the plaque, the word "Qiu Ye" could barely be read. When the wind blew, the plaque gently knocked on the wall, making a hoarse and unwilling sound. groans.

"This was originally a private school. Children from all over the world would come to our village to study and read. Although it is dilapidated now, every time we went to the village meeting, our place was very lively.

People who buy things will come here to occupy a good position when it is still dark. Adults bring their children to buy things here. The smell of all kinds of cheap food is everywhere. When there are so many people, it takes a lot of effort to turn around. some.At that time, the most distressing thing was the shoes, there were too many people, and the new shoes I just put on were walking in the crowd, and I almost couldn’t wear them.”

Xun Ke walked on the fallen leaves on the ground with a very soft voice, as if immersed in a peaceful dream.

There is rain falling from the sky.

The dark clouds that had been brewing for a long time finally began to show their power.

The icy cold rain fell on the person, and it was an indescribable chill.

One autumn rain and one cold, winter is coming again.

Gu Dan walked to his side, reached out and patted Xun Ke on the shoulder.

"It will be fine."

He said.

Xun Ke nodded in a daze.

The two came to Xun Ke's former home together. After so many years, the objects in the home were naturally long gone. Fortunately, the house has not been destroyed to the point that it is completely uninhabitable.

Gu Dan simply strangled all the weeds in the yard with his true energy, while Xun Ke went into the house to tidy up for a while, and found the table where he had eaten before, but the chairs were gone.

The two took out dry food, sat casually under the eaves and watched the pattering rain fall from the sky, and occasionally the withered and yellow leaves of the trees were heavily pressed down by the rain.

The boundless fallen trees are rustling, but these withered and yellow leaves can also be turned into nutrients for the coming spring.

In the silence, amidst the rain, Gu Dan's eyes suddenly stopped.

There was a figure like a lonely ghost walking slowly in the rainy village with almost stiff footsteps.

Here, there are still living people.

 The author would like to apologize to everyone, the update in the last few days is too stretched.When the plot is all coming to an end, the author’s state is a bit wrong, and I feel dissatisfied no matter how I write it. This feeling of torture is hard to put into words. I’m really sorry, and I will work hard to update when this state passes.

(End of this chapter)

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