Chapter 182 Don't Seek One Life, Fight For Eternity
The mighty flow of people kept running towards the front.

There are a lot of people with families, but there are so many people, but there is no sense of noise. A slightly weird silence spreads among them, and silence is the majority.

Zeguo Jiangshan entered the war map, Shengmin He Jile Qiaosu.

When a war breaks out, regardless of victory or defeat, it will always be the common people who suffer and suffer.

Swords and swords are affecting their lives all the time, and the homes they depend on for their livelihood cannot rest. No matter how beautiful the sea is, it has nothing to do with a drop of water or a little sand in it.

For every unknown soldier who dies on the battlefield, it represents the grief of a family.

That's part of the war.

Fortunately, there are people in this world who can see this.

Mo Qiudu paced at the end of the crowd, beside him, several Mohists followed.

Yangzhou fell, and Mo Qiu chose to lead the people to retreat to Yuzhou.

Yuzhou has many plains and is more difficult to defend than Yangzhou, but this is also a last resort.

When it's time to retire, retreating first can still retain some of the people, and won't directly wipe out the family's wealth.

Logically speaking, if you continue to hold on in Yangzhou, you might not be able to hold on for a few more months.

But what about after?

Waiting until the spring is warm and the flowers are blooming, will the war be introduced to Yuzhou?
It's better to take advantage of the autumn harvest just after the winter, and take the people back to Yuzhou first, so that they can still cultivate in the coming year.

"Before the cold winter comes, we must seize the time to properly resettle the people. If there is food for the autumn harvest, there will be no problem in the coming year. We must resettle them well before the cold winter."

Mo Qiu said to the Mohists beside him.

In this era, food is a big problem, but winter is also a big problem.

In the twelfth lunar month of winter, killing is invisible.

In some poor families, each person may only have one cotton-padded jacket. When it is cold winter, the whole family can only lie in bed and endure hardships. Whoever wants to go out wears cotton-padded jackets.

And the poorer ones are probably gone, they were all frozen to death.

"Don't worry, the giant. The news that we are coming has spread. The people of the imperial court just defeated the White Lotus Sect and are in urgent need of self-cultivation. When they heard the news that we were coming, they retreated first. Yuzhou is very big, and the White Lotus Sect fought with the temple. In recent years, the number of Bailibai land is not unusual, but it can be used to resettle the people."

Immediately, a Mohist took over.


Mo Qiu nodded, but there was no joy on his rather dark face.

The situation is bad and getting worse.

After Yuzhou, it is the capital of the emperor.

Of course Mo Qiu had no feelings for the Great Moon Royal Family, otherwise he would not have killed Emperor Zong Ming in the first place.

The problem is, once the Great Moon royal family perishes, it will clearly tell the world that the Great Moon has perished.

Subjugation represents an order that can barely be maintained without any constraints.

Everything before is invalid, and there are no shackles on the body—this is true for anyone, and no one can represent the majesty of a country to punish others.

Public order and good customs will become a fantasy, and fists will become the only truth. After all, the country is destroyed, who should listen to?Why should I listen to you?

Before the new country has occupied most of the country and won the hearts of the people, it is never a good thing to destroy a country.

The Great Moon royal family is not important at all, what is important is that after the news of the subjugation of the country spreads, how many people will take the opportunity to stir up trouble, become kings and overlords, and dream of their own spring and autumn dreams?
The country that was barely a fist is about to fall apart, and even fight each other to the point of life and death, just to climb to the Dragon Pavilion.

The foreign enemies have not been eliminated. It is not a good choice to kill the Dayue royal family at this time. It is not that the royal family should not die, but that they cannot be abolished in one step so quickly. prestige, or the fear of national law.

What really worries Mo Qiu is not the few careerists, but the tragic situation after the order has completely collapsed.

This was the fundamental reason why he killed Emperor Zong Ming, but did not continue to directly kill the Da Yue royal family.

Surrounded by foreign enemies, if the inside is exposed everywhere, coupled with the fact that there is no master in the world and order returns to zero, it may be an even more miserable situation.

Many things cannot be done for a moment, and the consequences must be carefully considered.

But soon there will be no choice. He has always seen these problems very clearly.


An ink man ran over quickly, holding an apple that had lost a lot of moisture in his hand, which was dry.

"A fruit farmer asked me to give it to you."

The younger Mohist held up a dry apple, leaned forward and said.

"Don't take things from the common people."

Mo Qiu glanced at it, then shook his head slightly, "One stitch and one thread is hard to come by, and half a thread of permanent memory is hard to come by. You can return this thing, you can't take it back."

"The fruit grower said, if you hadn't brought people to help defend the city, all the harvests would have been designated and gone. I wanted to thank you in person, but you are too busy to make trouble. The best fruit that was originally hidden has dried up. "

The young Mozi licked the corner of his mouth, "It's not that I want to take it, but he insisted on asking me to bring it to you. If you don't take it, he will definitely not eat it."

Mo Qiu thought for a while, took the wrinkled red apple from his disciple's hand, stretched out a hand to search his body a few times, and finally found some copper plates.

"I will accept the things, but I have to give these few copper coins to others. To be clear, Mohists have their rules, and even giants should abide by them. I already know his intentions. If there is no refusal, he should not refuse." Mo Qiu said.

The younger Mo Zhe was stunned, took the copper plate from his hand, and ran away like flying.

It didn't take too long, and the inkman turned back again.

"The giant, he accepted it."

"Ah That's good."

At this time, Mo Qiu looked at the red apple that was missing a lot of water in his big hand, which was about the size of a baby's fist. He opened his mouth and took a bite, then handed it to the Mozhe beside him, "Come on, try it all." Bar."

The rest of the Mohist didn't refuse either, and after taking a bite, they passed it to the next person. When the apple was handed to the younger Mohist again, he didn't open his mouth to bite down.

"what happened?"

Mo Qiu asked.

"Giant. I don't understand."

He looked at the apple in his hand and scratched his head, "We defended the city for them and saved countless people. It is not too much to say that thousands of families live in Buddha, why are you not willing to accept even an apple they gave you? Instead, you have to spend your own money? Isn’t it right for us to grab and grab everything?”

"You're not right."

Mo Qiu immediately shook his head and said, "We are not guarding the city for them. Don't put yourself in the position of saving anyone. We are not gods, Buddhas, immortals, or puppets. We don't need to be worshiped by the people, let alone incense. The Mohists act only for the morality of the world, which is the ten righteousness of the Mohist school.

Those who follow the ten righteousness should agree with it; those who violate the ten righteousness should oppose it.Among the ten righteousness, has there ever been a saying that you want to take things from people without giving money?And where does what should come from? "


The young Mohist lowered his head, not knowing how to answer.

Mo Qiu smiled.

More than six years have passed, and there are very few Mohists who followed him in the army to kill Liu Xuanqi, the commander-in-chief of Daqing.

But the number of Mohists has not decreased too much.

There are still a steady stream of people joining in again, but compared to the past teaching by precept and example, it is always inconvenient to guide disciples in the defense of the city.

Now that I have a rare moment of free time, I might as well talk about it.

"The world is made up of one individual, and countless individuals gather to form a collective. In the collective, because of the different things that individuals are good at, the division of labor is different, but in the final analysis, it is nothing more than an individual. No matter where you are No matter where you are or where you are, one person is not more noble than the other, nor is he lower than the other. You should not treat those who are temporarily unable to make changes as inferiors with a superior attitude, which is against ink the author's original intention."

Mo Qiu said: "You and I should keep this in mind and remind ourselves all the time. If one day, anyone takes everything that is supported by others as a matter of course, then the world will collapse again."

"Then, as you said, isn't the emperor no different from ordinary people?" The young Mohist asked in surprise.

"What's the difference?"

Mo Qiu asked, "Could it be possible that the emperor has two ears, two eyes, one nose, and one mouth?"


The young man frowned, feeling that this was very problematic, but he didn't know how to refute it.

"Do you want to say that the emperor's honor can decide the life and death of tens of thousands of people with one word, and make hundreds of people enjoy glory and wealth with one thought. How can he be the same as the toiling old peasants in the folk?"

Mo Qiu saw his doubts, so he spoke out for him.

"That's right!"

"That's an extension of what I said before. There is no fundamental difference between people. Everyone gathers their own rights and strengths together to form a country. Everyone It is a part of the country. And the emperor is nothing more than a person who temporarily guides this force.

But you must understand that this power does not belong to the emperor, but to thousands of people all over the world.If they are willing, the emperor can exercise this right—that is, the so-called popular will.What is in line with the interests of the vast majority of people in the world is public order and good customs.If someone exercises this right arbitrarily, he will be spurned by thousands of people, and it will be the time of the country's subjugation.

We Mohists say that we must promote the benefits of the world and eliminate the harm of the world.It is necessary to figure out what is beneficial and what is harmful.Take the most out of the benefits and take the least out of the harms.No matter how small the harm is, we should fight for no matter how small the benefits are, because we are part of the world, and our changes will bring about new changes. "

Mo Qiu said very seriously.

These words seem a little esoteric, but they are not difficult to understand.

The young Mohist thought for a while, and suddenly realized: "It's so, so it is!"

Only at this time did he understand what it means to promote the benefits of the world and eliminate the harm of the world.

Behind this slogan lies the basic principles that the ink writers have always followed.

Mo Qiu nodded, and continued: "Many people refer to Mohist as a chivalrous man, but I actually don't agree with this title. What is a chivalrous man? What does a chivalrous man do? What should he do? How?

A Xia is a person who transcends the law and maintains public order and good customs.

That is to say, people who uphold justice, wash away grievances, and obey the will of the people without lawlessness. I really don't like it. "


Speaking of this, the eyes of the young Mohist couldn't help but become a little weird. Is there anyone in this world who can be more "lawless" than the giant?

There is no country whose laws say that citizens can kill the emperor in public!
As a person who kills the emperor, isn't it the greatest way to cross the law and challenge authority?It seems reasonable to be called a knight!
"Mohists and chivalrous men are not the same. Mohists take the ten righteousness of Mohism as their foundation. Those who follow the ten righteousness should agree with it; those who violate the ten righteousness should oppose it. But chivalrous men are different. They use public order and good customs to act chivalrously. Do you know where the difference is?" Mo Qiu asked.


The young Mohist scratched his head and had the illusion that he was suddenly being checked by the teacher in a private school—the point is that he still couldn't answer.

Mo Qiu didn't make things difficult for him, and said very seriously and firmly: "Because the public order and good customs will change, but the ten principles of the Mohist school will not."

As soon as this remark came out, all the Mohists looked sideways.

I felt the giant's incomparable belief and determination to move forward.

"What is public order and good customs in the age of blood and blood? Even now, you can see places with different customs everywhere. Public order and good customs that are extremely prosperous in one place may appear outrageous in another.

That being the case, how can public order and good customs be used as a ruler to measure the world?

How can a knife be sharp and unstoppable when it is drawn with this ruler? "

Mo Qiu thought of what Gu Dan had said to him in the small courtyard of the Gu family.

A literati has a ruler, and a warrior has a sword.

A ruler should have a degree, and a knife should have a sheath.

The ten righteousness of Mohism are the ruler and knife, scale and sheath he prepared for the world.

Doesn't he know that the difficulty that Jianai and Feigong want to achieve is simply an endless road of no return from this point of view?
No, Mercury sees it better than anyone else.

It is precisely because the words of universal love and non-aggression are far away, but they point directly to the ultimate, so they are needed as a yardstick to measure the morality of the world.

This ruler is enough to measure all ages!

Public order and good customs can be changed, and laws and morals can also 'change with the passage of time', but Mohism's ten principles cannot.

Whether it's the big moon or the big day, thousands of years later, when in the brand-new country, some descendants see the ten righteousness of the Mohist again, they can still use the ten righteousness to use their swords!

I don't seek the change of one life, I strive for the hearts of all generations.

His country is not the moon, let alone the emperor, but the tens of thousands of people who live and live under the same sky.

"That's it, that's it!"

The young Mozi clapped his hands and laughed, feeling that the doubts in his heart had been cleared away, and many ignorant thoughts in the past became clear.

The giant is not the Mohist's, but the world's.

Who in the world can match such a mind? !

  There are also some rewards that cannot be seen in the background of the starting point. I am sorry that the author cannot thank you one by one. Thank you very much for your support. I will try my best to write it well, which is the best reward for your support.

  Thanks again, hugs!
(End of this chapter)

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