Hanging pot to help the world, I just want to live forever

Chapter 387: One spring and autumn, one round of chapters

The donkey walked forward slowly and leisurely.

They walked through Yuzhou and saw the overflowing granaries; they walked through Yangzhou and saw the prosperous market; they finally reached Yuzhou and saw the sky net in full bloom.

When the slowly moving donkey approached the border of Yuzhou, they had already completed half of the Xia Dynasty.

"If we go further, it will no longer be the Xia Dynasty."

The merchant stopped the donkey.

Further ahead is Daqing.

A country that no longer deserves to be compared with the Xia Dynasty.

He had no interest in going over and taking a look.

It is not easy for a person to leave his name deeply imprinted on a country in his lifetime, so he should not be greedy for more.

"Da Qing"

Looking at the high mountains ahead, Gu Dan's eyes showed a little nostalgia.

He has been to Daqing, at least twice.

One time, when the Tai Hospital was in battle, he followed Xu Zhian to treat wounded soldiers.

The other time was after the Yuan River burst its banks.

Thinking about it now, it feels a bit far away.

"Speaking of which, haven't you ever wanted to go out?"

Gu Dan asked curiously.

Both the Mohist giant Qin Lisheng and the Confucian leader Xun Ke eventually left the Xia Dynasty, and they wanted to convey the moral order they upheld to all directions.

As the leader of Legalism who is now as prestigious as Mohism and Confucianism in the Xia Dynasty, Shang has never shown this attitude from beginning to end.

Although this is indeed the reason why Shang's own hard power cannot compare with the two great masters, especially Shouyuan, the ambition in the man's heart does not need to be affected by such things.


Who would have thought that Shang shook his head simply and said: "Legalism is different from Mohism and Confucianism. It is necessary to cultivate the ground deeply, otherwise the harm will outweigh the benefit. There is no way to just leave like Master Xun and others, leaving behind Just put down the concepts and morality.”

Mohism and Confucianism are like people holding torches, holding the torch high to give people hope and tell others to follow.

The Legalists are like the oil stains in the torch, which will make the flame more powerful and fierce, but they are not the ones holding the torch after all.

As the leader of Legalism, Shang knows this better and is more sober than anyone else.

"In today's world, there is neither Confucianism nor Mohism."

Shang said: "This is naturally good, but only mentioning the glory of human nature while avoiding the ugliness of human nature is not the way to go.

My talents and integrity cannot compare with Master Xun, and naturally I cannot compare with Mozi.But people like me can also do things that are inconvenient for them to do.

If someone holds the plow, someone must forge the sword. "

He forged an exceptionally sharp sword for the Xia Dynasty.

Injure yourself first to get rid of stubborn diseases.

The two of them were clearly chatting, but accidentally, they inevitably turned to business.

Shang is a man who has the world in his heart, but he only pretends to be the world.

Gu Dan thinks this is not good.

But the other party's lifespan is approaching, and after living like this, there is really no need to change.

"Now I really meet someone from the Mo family. Maybe it should be someone from the Mo family."

With sharp eyes, Gu Dan could see a man who clearly did not belong to the Xia Dynasty, but was wearing short brown cloth clothes, walking towards this side with a casual glance.

The man's skin was extremely dark, deeper than the dark yellow color caused by the scorching sun, as if he was born that way.

Although he wears short brown cloth clothes, you can tell at a glance just by looking at his appearance that he is definitely not from the Xia Dynasty, or even from the surrounding countries.

In addition, the man's waist was also tied with a piece of fur, dotted with scattered teeth of some kind of large beast.

In his hand was a sharp wooden spear with bright red blood stains on it, dark and bloody.

Even under his neck, there is a fang about the thickness of an ordinary person's thumb. If he were not wearing a short brown cloth, he would really look like a savage.

"Hello, do you need any help?"

The man spoke with an obviously unfamiliar Xia Dynasty accent as he greeted Gu Dan and Shang.

To be honest, with the way he looks and the clothes he wears that look very much like Mo Zhe, it is really difficult for anyone to feel close to him.

The ability that the Mo family had always retained in the Xia Dynasty to make people feel close and reliable disappeared when it was used on him.
As expected, this guy came here "smuggled". The current Xia Dynasty does not come just when he wants. He needs official approval.

It's just that the Xia Dynasty's manpower is also damaged now, so it's impossible to cover everything. But with this guy's appearance, if he goes deeper into Yuzhou, he will definitely be questioned by the government, and even reported by the people. At the most extreme, he will be sent away, and at most, he will be taken directly. Down.

But as the saying goes, people with good skills are bold. Don't say that the other person at least looks like a human being. Even if he doesn't look like a human being, Gu Dan has nothing to fear.

Seeing the man walking forward, Gu Dan asked, "What are you doing?"

"I am an ink master."

The man was holding a bloody wooden spear. Although his accent seemed to be deliberately catering to the Xia Dynasty, he looked very proud and said: "I came from the barbarians and wanted to see the Xia Dynasty that the giant said. I need help along the way." people."


Gu Dan became somewhat interested.


This is not called casually.

"Tell me carefully."

Gu Dan asked curiously: "How did you become a Mohist?"

"The giant came to our home and taught us how to be a human being."

The man was not as fierce as he looked, but when he spoke, he couldn't stop dancing, even dancing with the bloody wooden spear on his hand, which was really not a good habit.

But what he said is not difficult to understand.

Many years ago, the Mohist giant Qin Lisheng rushed to their place.

But let alone the Xia Dynasty, they were probably far behind Dai Viet. They didn't even have a court in the true sense, but existed in a tribal way.

Qin Lisheng collectively calls them "barbarians".

It means rough, cruel and unreasonable.

But since the Mohist is here, naturally he can't just sit back and watch.

In his words, it was: "The giant simply killed the tribal leader who was about to marry No. 30's five wives, and conveniently killed the priest who asked for six childhood virgins to be sacrificed to the river god. He took the Mohist family's The glow tells them how to be a human being.”

Man worships the strong and believes in the strong.

Although Qin Lisheng did not stay there for long, one action and one sermon were like opening the skylight to these barbarians.

And he is one of the few bold people in the tribe. In his own words, he is a "brave pioneer".

He started out when he was young and followed the footsteps of Mohists for nearly 50 years before finally reaching the Xia Dynasty, the birthplace of the Mohist family.

I want to see a bigger world outside the barbaric world.

"I see."

Gu Dan nodded lightly, "We don't need help, thank you for clarifying our doubts."

"You're welcome. Don't go that way anymore. There's a fight over there, and many people died."

He pointed in the direction of Daqing, and then walked away on his own, aiming for the location of the Xia Dynasty's imperial capital.

He really wanted to see it.

Although he looks somewhat different, the person in front of him does not have bad intentions.

It wasn't until he left that Shang Cai said helplessly: "Every year, Mohists and Confucian scholars from unknown countries come to the Xia Dynasty. The key is that it is almost impossible to distinguish the true from the false. After all, it is impossible to send people to really see it. .”

"How does Xia Chao deal with this kind of thing?"

Gu Dan asked. "It's not good to just drive people away. The people who can come here are more or less capable. To put it more seriously, they even represent the image and majesty of the Xia Dynasty outside."

Shang said: "So when the Mohists come, let the Mohists be responsible, and when the Confucian scholars come, let the Confucian people receive them. If you don't violate the laws and disciplines, then treat them like ordinary people first. If you violate the laws and disciplines, you have the intention to do it. , the crime will be increased by two levels. If it is done unintentionally, the crime will be increased by one level."

The business philosophy is simple.

In the Xia Dynasty, people from the Xia Dynasty were Ye.

Don't say that you admire people from Confucianism or Mohism and want to enjoy preferential treatment when you come here. Even if you admire the sage king Wang Mang, the Legalists will not tolerate you when you deserve punishment.

The so-called heavenly kingdom naturally requires barbarians to understand etiquette and rules.

Those who don’t understand need to know why the Heavenly Kingdom is the Heavenly Kingdom.

A strong country does not have to please outsiders.

Maintaining the dignity and honor of the country is not about giving preferential treatment to others - unless the other person is really talented, it is not impossible to give some cheap and close benefits.

But if you want to be superior to other countries, it depends on whether the connoisseurs control it or not.

Mohism and Confucianism were the face of the Xia Dynasty when going out, while Legalism was the inner face.


"It seems that Qin Lisheng and Xun Ke are doing very well, and so are you."

Gu Dan nodded slightly and agreed.

The Xia Dynasty could become famous far and wide, even affecting other countries. It goes without saying that the country is powerful, but this kind of power can only frighten surrounding countries.

What can really make the Xia Dynasty imprint itself in the distance and make people yearn for it must be its more superior places.

In this way, some people would work tirelessly to cross mountains and ridges, and travel through one country after another, just to witness the prosperity and prosperity of the Xia Dynasty with their own eyes.

A glimpse of the whole picture shows that the country that was once in turmoil has truly taken root in the earth and grown vigorously, even like a leafy tree. Just the shadow and shadow can protect one place and influence the whole place.

If we can do this, we have lived up to the blood and efforts of our predecessors.

This is inheritance.

"Having traveled half of Xia Dynasty, is there anything else you want to visit?"

Gu Dan asked.

Shang rarely looked a little confused.

This is really rare.

Gu Dan didn't urge him, he just waited there quietly.

After a long time, Shang slowly said: "There is indeed a place that I want to visit."

"Let's go then."

Gu Dan said quite simply.

"It's really troublesome, Mr. Gu."

"What are you talking about?"

A small mountain village.

To be more accurate, it should be a small mountain village that has been completely ruined.

Even in Yuzhou, it is an absolutely remote place.

The so-called backcountry is a compliment here. There are no traces of artificial carvings at all, and even the roads are blocked by overgrown weeds.

There are no homes here anymore, and even the old houses have collapsed.

Along the way, traveling through mountains and rivers, the donkey was often carried by Gu's load - only then did he realize what Shang meant when he said, "I'm sorry to trouble Mr. Gu."

Facts have proved that the Xia Dynasty also had inaccessible places.

Looking at this abandoned small village, the houses that had been knocked down by the earthquake were all tangled with vines, but it looked very natural.

Shang seemed very silent. He looked at the abandoned houses one after another in silence, stepping on the hard ground with his weak feet, walking and stopping.

Gu Dan followed him without disturbing him.

This place is probably where Shang was kidnapped by the Yazi.

Not a good memory by any means.

It also cast a deep and thick shadow on his childhood.

This shadow gradually gathered into the prototype of Legalism, which was then taught by Xun Ke and finally became the Legalism today.

Gu Dan did not speak, but Shang took the initiative and said, "The people here were moved away by the government. The life in the deep mountains and forests, the so-called paradise, is after all just an elusive dream.

The more primitive the ecology and environment are, the closer people will be to animals, without even seeing any difference. "

Shang spoke in a very calm tone.

Only in front of Mr. Gu can he have some desire to express himself.

If there is anyone who can understand what he did, it is undoubtedly the man who watched the Big Moon collapse and then erected the Xia Dynasty on the ruins of the Big Moon.

"That's why some people need to stand up. That's why Qin Lisheng, Xun Ke and others have to travel around the world to talk about morality.

The Xia Dynasty was very big, but when you really looked at the world, the Xia Dynasty seemed very small. "

Gu Dan said: "When you go abroad, your gender, appearance, bloodline, and family background. These external things can be similar or even completely different. But those who agree with the Xia Dynasty's philosophy and abide by the Xia Dynasty's philosophy can be called the people of the Xia Dynasty, and are true comrades. people."

"You are right."

Shang nodded and looked down the mountain.

It was getting late at this time, and the morning glow lit up the mountains and rivers. The lush trees swayed in the breeze, like countless ignited flames, spitting out tongues of fire.

A little spark of fire came up from the sky, and I dispersed in this world.

When the afterglow of the setting sun gradually fades, the bright moonlight takes over.

The mountains are dim and the moon is at its peak.

The moonlight tonight is not strong, but seems a bit cold.

The chill in the mountains was very strong at night, but it was hard for Shang not to look cold.

He sat on a piece of bluestone and stared blankly down the mountain at the way he came.

Even with the moonlight sweeping over them, the path still looked even dim and dark, surrounded by countless tiny branches, leaves and vines. I really don't know how they walked through that bumpy road.

"Mr. Gu?"

In the long silence, Shang suddenly spoke, and his cold eyebrows softened and were no longer sharp.


"Will the Xia Dynasty always exist?"

"How long has it been?"

Shang stopped talking.

He is a little greedy.

When I see the flames, I want to light a raging fire.

Feeling the coldness of the night, I wanted to make the flames burn hotter.

Those who have seen the light will always find it difficult to endure the darkness.

Looking further down the mountain, I saw fertile fields, fertile fields, and mountains and rivers.

Focusing on the sky again, the everlasting bright moon is still accompanying the creatures on the earth, generation after generation.

When a gust of wind blows across the sky and earth, leaves float down from the trees and never return.

Another spring and autumn, another reincarnation.

Where are the people who came to look at the moon? The scenery is vaguely like last year. (End of chapter)

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