Lord of Rot

Chapter 418 Unstoppable Debut

Chapter 418 Unstoppable Debut

Lisu Mama looked at the superhumans guarding the city wall. They were the last hope to defend the city, but the other party hadn't used their superhumans yet. If the enemy couldn't move, I would move first, and they had already fallen into a disadvantage.

She also doesn't think that extraordinary people can resist the siege of 3000 people. In war, one extraordinary person can fight 1 people, so 100 extraordinary people can definitely fight 10 people. There is no equivalent conversion, and the battle situation is always changing with.

Except for the equality of all beings after the blade cuts the throat, everything is unfair and unpredictable.

The mercenaries are like ants looking for sweetness and climbing on rotten berries. They are densely packed, and occasionally two will fall, but overall they have occupied the high ground, and no one can stop them from going up the ladder climbed.

In the distance, Viscount Matthew watched this scene with a smile.

He won!
After taking Mama City, there were three thousand mercenaries to help defend the city, and the Earl of Buffalo supported it. Even Baron Porcupine could not easily attack it. In fact, it is hard to say whether Porcupine dares to attack.

It would be great if we could take this opportunity to seriously injure the porcupine and kill a group of extraordinary people, so as to drive them out of the desert smoothly.

Viscount Matthew believed that Earl Buffalo thought the same way. The reason why the other party replied to him so quickly was that he was worried that the young baron from the East Gorge would go beyond certain actions and seize control of the desert.

Although the nobles of the East Gorge looked down on the barren desert, they couldn't deny that the nobles' desire to possess the land was pathological.

Then, it is better to borrow a knife to kill someone.

At least drive the opponent away from the desert.

They want to use force to teach the baron from East Gorge a lesson. This is not a place where outsiders can interfere. We have our own set of rules. If you don't abide by them, you will suffer a lot.

city ​​wall.

The first mercenary had already rushed up, then the second, and the third, instead of rushing to attack, they rushed forward holding their shields, trying to gain more footholds for their companions behind.

When more than a dozen mercenaries rushed to the city wall, the fighting began completely.

The Transcendents were forced to join the defense of the city. They easily cleaned up the soldiers who rushed up, but they were also hindered by too many people on the city wall.

The number of mercenaries on the walls is increasing.

Knives, swords, screams, and roars.

Lisu Mama is holding a one-handed sword. She has been training and fighting all year round, and her skills are good, but her weakness as a woman is also very obvious, that is, her strength is not enough for her to easily swing a two-handed sword.

With a "bang", her one-handed sword slashed on the breastplate of the mercenary in front of her, splashing a trace of sparks, and a white mark was forcibly left on the solid breastplate, but that was all, the mercenary The soldier looked at him with a grin, and raised the hatchet in his right hand.


A spear flew over and pierced through the mercenary's right eye socket, and the attack was naturally interrupted.

Lisu Mama glanced back subconsciously. It was a porcupine knight in iron armor. There were more than a dozen people away from him. How did he hit the spear so accurately?It's amazingly precise.

She reacted quickly, and now was not the time to sigh, but silently thanked the other party in her heart, and couldn't help but sigh that Baron Porcupine's knights were really powerful. .

When choosing an opponent to attack again, her attack method became a little more tricky.

Changed from slashing to stabbing, looking for the enemy's weak position, for example, when the opponent raised his arm and prepared to chop from top to bottom, she could use the sword to stab the opponent's unprotected armpit.

Then turned around and rushed into the opponent's arms, pulled out the machete at his waist and easily cut off his head.

Her sensitive figure is like a keen Panta female leopard, reaping the life of the enemy with difficulty... It is indeed difficult, because no matter how flexible she is, the only places where she can attack the enemy are the face, armpits, There are a few limited positions at the knee bend, and the neck that is only briefly exposed when looking up.

These positions are usually well protected. If it is not an exaggerated action, it will not be touched at all.

But the enemy can cause serious injuries by slashing at her at will, even without a weapon, and directly rams him with his strong body. The collision of a burly figure wrapped in iron armor is not something Lisu can bear.


Another successful sneak attack, she took out the lives of the mercenaries, but she also attracted enough dangerous eyes.

When people are jealous, beauty is just a piece of meat that looks easier to chop.

The shield was pushed over violently, and she couldn't resist being hit and backed up again and again, her feet thumping on the ground.

The heel suddenly emptied, Lisu was startled, and she took a quick glance to confirm her current situation.

At this moment, behind her was the edge of the city wall. Just now, several soldiers and mercenaries accidentally fell down during the fight, and their life and death were unknown.

The mercenary hiding behind the shield didn't intend to let her go, as long as she came over and bumped lightly, Lisu Mama would fall, fall to her death, or become disabled.


Suddenly there was an eagle howling in the sky, and then Lisu Mama found that the mercenary who was hiding behind the shield on the opposite side of her suddenly poked her head in horror and looked behind her, as if there was something particularly terrifying behind her.

A strong wind hit, and black shadows covered the top of her head.

The clothes rattled, and she shook her arms a few times and changed her figure, only to avoid the terrible result of falling off the city wall.

Immediately afterwards, she saw a pegasus with an eagle head and two wings flying past her scalp at low altitude.

It stretched out its front paws, grabbed the mercenary who was attacking it, dragged it into the sky, and let go of its paws after flying away from the walls of Mama City.


The mercenary screamed and fell to the ground. Everyone saw that scene, and the battle stopped.

They saw a strong pegasus, bigger than all the horses, as strong as a wall.

Riding on the back of the pegasus is a knight, wearing finely patterned plate armor, with shining lights all over his body, and holding a huge sword as exaggerated as a door in his right hand.

"Baron Li Qi!" Lisu Mama's eyes lit up, and she recognized who it was.

The arrival of the other party was a complete surprise.

She watched as Li Qi flew past the city wall on a gallant eagle, and the ladder leaning on the wall was cut off by the giant sword.

The soldiers who climbed up clattered down like ticks, disturbing the attack of the entire Mama City. They were vulnerable to Li Qi who was riding the Eagle Rocket.

The siege crisis of climbing the city wall was easily resolved in this way.

The eagle spread its wings and rushed to the sky.

Viscount Matthew in the distance shouted angrily: "Bowman, shoot it down!"

It is impossible for him to let the fruits of victory in his hands be taken away.

The dense rain of arrows bit the eagle's horseshoe and flew high into the sky, but none of the arrows could really catch it and peck it hard.

The wings flapped, the wind scattered the arrows, and they fell powerlessly to the ground.

The eagle hovered in the air for a moment, adjusted the angle, and then swooped down.

The figure riding on the eagle's back also lowered his height, lying on his stomach, so that the wind that hit him was a little bit smaller.

When it rushed to the height of the ground, the eagle spread its wings.

Crash la la la la——!
The mercenaries gathered densely and prepared to attack the city were like a pot of ants waiting to be executed. When a gust of wind hit, they had already started to sway.

Under the gust of wind blown by the wings, the collision of the eagle's iron claws, and the attack of the giant sword wielded by Li Qi, it was like a wave of wheat falling after the wind blows, unstoppable!

It is roughly estimated that there are at least two or three hundred mercenaries, who fell from the foot of the city wall where the eagle swooped down to the end of the team.

(End of this chapter)

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